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1、五个孩子和沙精牛津书虫中英文双版本简介 它是个“赛米德”(即沙精)。有一大孩子们在砾石坑中挖沙时发现了它。它已经几千岁了。当然了,沙精们可以帮人们实现他们的愿望愿望每天只能实现一个,而且当太阳落山时一切也就结束了。安西娅、西里尔、罗伯特和简觉得这棒极了。他们的小弟弟还太小,不会许愿,而且大部分时间都呆在家里;可其他几个盘算着要些激动人心的东西。 可那又是什么呢?变得漂亮,富有,还是能像鸟儿一样飞翔?有时候想出真正的好愿望很困难,可是脱口说出“但愿”却是很容易的,那时你就得到了并不真正想要的东西。这时沙精就不肯帮忙了。出了差错时它就生气地说:“为什么你不先想好了再说?” 而事情的确常出差错 伊迪

2、丝内斯比特1858年生于伦敦,1924年逝世。她一生从事写作,为儿童写了很多书。其中著名的有五个孩子和沙精、长生鸟与地毯及铁路上的孩子等。 1 Beautiful Children The house was about four kilometres from the station,but after only a minute or two the children began to ask, Are we nearly there?And every time they saw a house they said, Oh, is this it?But it never was. Th

3、en they came to the top of a hill, and there was a White house with a green garden and lots of fruit trees. Here we are!Mother said. Everyone hurried to get out of the carriage Robert,Anthea, Jane, Cyril, and Martha, the nursemaid, with the baby. But Mother did not hurry. The children ran round the

4、house and all through the garden to see what there was. But Mother stood and watched the driver while he carried the boxes into the house. The children loved the house. They knew immediately that they were going to be happy there. Mother did not like the house very much because it was old and there

5、were no cup-boards. But it was deep in the country and after two years in London the children thought that it was wonderful. If you live in London and your family is not rich, you get bored because you cannot go to shops and theatres ,and people say, Dont do this and Dont go there. In the country yo

6、u can go any-where and do anything. The white house was on the hill, with a wood behind it and a gravel-pit on one side . It was at the gravel-pit, a week later,that the children found a fairy. Well, that was what it called itself. But it was different from other fairies. It happened when Mother had

7、 to go and stay with Grand-mother,who was ill. Martha stayed with the children,of course. But the house was very quiet and empty. The children did not know what to do. Then Cyril said, Lets go to the gravel-pit. The gravel-pit was very large, with grass and wild flowers round the sides at the top. W

8、hen they got there, the children decided that they would go down into the pit to play in the sand. Lets dig a deep hole perhaps we can get all the way down to Australia,said Robert. The others agreed and they all began to dig hard in the sand. But it was a very hot day. Baby went to sleep and Robert

9、, Cyril, and Jane sat down to rest, but Anthea went on working on the hole. Suddenly she screamed. Cyril! Come here! Quick!Theres something alive!she cried. They all jumped up and hurried over to see what it was. Its got feet,Anthea said. And fur. Dont hurt it. I know this sounds stupid, but it said

10、 something. What did it say? asked Cyril. It said,“You leave me alone. ” The others just laughed, but the two boys began to move away more of the sand. Soon they could see that there really was something moving in the hole. Suddenly a hard little voice cried, Leave me alone! They all jumped back and

11、 no one spoke for a minute. Then Robert said, But we want to see you. Yes, I wish youd come out,Anthea said. Oh, well, if thats your wish,the voice said, and the sand began to fly about everywhere. Then something brown and furry and fat fell out into the hole. I think I was asleep,it said. The child

12、ren stood and looked at it. It really was very strange. It could move its eyes in and out on stalks, it had big ears and its body was fat and round and furry. Its legs and arms had soft fur all over them too, and it had hands and feet. What is it? asked Jane. Shall we take it home? The thing turned

13、its long eyes to look at her. Does she always say stupid things?it said. She doesnt mean it, Anthea said. Dont be afraid. We wont hurt you. The little thing was angry. Hurt me! it cried. Im not afraid of you! Oh, dont be angry,said Anthea kindly. Tell us who you are. We really dont know. You dont kn

14、ow?it said. Dont you know a Psammead when you see one? A Sammyadd? Whats that?Jane said . A sand-fairy, of course. Dont you know a sand-fairy when you see one? It looked very unhappy, and Jane said, Of course! I can see that youre a sand-fairy now. And Robert said,Well, I didnt know that you were a

15、Psammead, but I can see that you are something very wonder-ful. Please talk some more to us. The Psammead looked a little happier when it heard that,and it said,Well,you can talk to me ,if you want to. Per- haps Ill answer you and perhaps I wont. Now saysomething. At first the children could not thi

16、nk of anything to say,but then Robert asked, How long have you lived here? Oh,thousands of years, the Psammead answered. The children waited, but the Psammead was silent. Please tell us more, Robert said. Well, all right, then,the Psammead said. There were lots of us then, it went on. People sent th

17、eir children out to look for Psammeads,and when they found us,we gave them a wish. What happened to all the Psammeads, then? Robert asked. Well,if they get wet,they get ill and they usually die, and thats what happened. Most of them got wet and died. And Im not going to tell you another thing. Oh,ju

18、st one more question,please,said Robert. Do you give wishes now? Youve had one,said the Psammead. You wished to see me,and here I am. Oh, please. Just one more, Anthea cried. Well, all right, but be quick!Im tired of you! It is very difficult to think of a really good wish, in just a second or two.

19、Then Anthea remembered a wish of hers and Janes. She knew that the boys wouldnt like it, but it was better than nothing. I wish we were all very, very beautiful, she said. The Psammead pushed out its long eyes and got bigger and fatter, and the children waited. Then it said, Im sorry. I havent done

20、this for a long time. Ill try again,butl can only do one wish a day for you. Do you agree to that? Yes, oh yes!the children cried. But remember, the wish is only for a day,said the Psammead. When the sun goes down,everything goes back to what it was. The Psammead slowly got bigger, then suddenly wen

21、t small again. Thats all right!it said. At once it turned and went back into the sand at the bottom of the hole. The children stood there for a second, and then Anthea turned to speak to the others. But they were not there! She was looking at three strangers a girl with beautiful red hair and big bl

22、ue eyes, and two very good-looking boys. Suddenly she understood. They had their wish. The strangers were Robert and Cyril and Janebut now they were beautiful. Cyrils hair was golden now, and Roberts was black. I liked you better before!Robert cried angrily to his brother and sisters. Janes hair loo

23、ks like carrots, and Cyril looks really stupid with long golden hair. They went to find Baby, but he was just the same as he was before. Perhaps its because hes young. He cant have wishes. Well have to remember that next time,Anthea said,and she held out her arms to him. But Babys mouth turned down

24、at the corners and then he began to cry loudly. He did not know them! It took an hour to stop him crying and then, very tired and cross, they took him home. Martha, Babys nursemaid, was waiting at the front door. She took Baby from them quickly: Where are the others?she asked. And who are you? were

25、us,of course, Robert said. You dont know us be-cause were beautiful. And were very hungry,said Cyril,and we want our lunch, please. Go away!Martha screamed. Or Ill send for the police,and she closed the door in their faces. The children were very hungry by then, and they tried three times to get int

26、o the housebut Martha would not let them in. After a while they went and sat at the bottom of the garden to wait for the sun to go down. The wish will finish then, wont it?Jane said. But the others didnt answer because no one was really sure. It was a terrible afternoon. They had no lunch, no tea, a

27、nd they were tired, angry and afraid. Its true that they were all very beautiful,but thats not a lot of help when yours unhappy. In the end they fell asleep. It was nearly dark when they woke up. Anthea was the first to wake up and she looked at the others. They were no longer very beautiful. Everyt

28、hing was all right again. Happily, they all went back to the house. Of course, Martha was angry. Where have you been all day?she cried. It is not easy to explain a Psammead to an angry nursemaid,so the children didnt try. We met some beautiful children and we couldnt get away from them until it was

29、nearly dark,Anthea said. They were terrible, and we never want to see them again. And they never have. 1 漂亮的孩子 他们的新家距车站大约四公里远,而每过一两分钟孩子们就开口问:“我们快到了吗?”而且他们每看到一幢房子都说:“哦,是这个吗?”可总不是。接着他们来到一个山顶,那儿有一幢带有绿色的花园和很多果树的白房子。“我们到了!”母亲说。 大家急忙下车罗伯特、安西娅、简、西里尔,还有抱着婴孩的保姆马莎。可母亲不慌不忙。孩子们绕着房子跑,都穿过花园看看那里有什么。但是赶车人把箱子搬到房子里去时

30、妈妈站着看着他。 孩子们喜欢这房子。他们马上就明白在那儿他们会很快活的。母亲不太喜欢这房子,因为它很旧,也没有柜子。可是这房子位于真正意义上的乡间;在伦敦住了两年之后,孩子们认为这一点太好了。要是住在伦敦可你的家庭又不富有,你就会觉得厌倦,因为你不能去商店和剧场,人们还会说“不许干这个”、“不许去那儿”的。在乡下你想去哪儿就去哪儿,想干什么就干什么。 这白房子位于小山上,后边有一片树林,在一边还有一个砾石坑。就是在这个砾石坑里孩子们一周之后发现了一个精灵。晤,它是这样称呼自己的,但是它和别的精灵可不一样。 事情发生在母亲去探护祖母的时候,祖母病了。当然马莎留下来和孩子们在一起。可房子里静悄悄的

31、,空荡荡的。孩子们不知道做些什么好。过了一会儿,西里尔说:“咱们去砾石坑吧。” 砾石坑大极了,坑口四周长着青草和野花。孩子们到了那儿时,他们决定到坑里去玩沙子。 “咱们挖个深深的洞也许能一直挖到澳大利亚呢,”罗伯特说。 别的孩于同意了,他们就都起劲地挖起沙来。可天气很热。小弟弟睡觉去了,罗伯特、西里尔和简坐下来休息,可安西娅继续挖着洞。 突然她尖叫起来。“西里尔!到这儿来!快!有什么活的东西!”她叫道。 他们都跳起身来,急忙过去看是什么东西。 “它有脚,”安西亚说,“还有毛。别伤着它。我知道这话听起来有些蠢,可它说话了。” “它说什么?”西里尔问。 “它说:别来打搅我。” 别的孩子只是笑,可那两个男孩开始挖开更多的沙子。很快他们就能看见洞里真有个东西在动。 突然一个刺耳的、细小的声音喊道:“别打搅我!” 他们都

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