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1、小学英语完形填空练习题含答案【小学英语】完形填空练习题(含答案)一、完形填空1完形填空完形填空 Almost everyone 1 music. There are so many kinds of music to 2 and you are sure to find something very interesting. People can get different feelings from hearing music. Music can 3 you happy or sad. Thats why music is loved by all. Every country has i

2、ts own kind of music. Many people like the music of their country, but with the 4 of television and radio, people can learn about different kinds of music all over the world. People can enjoy foreign music.-There are great differences between the music of the east and that of 5 . But people from the

3、 east can understand the music of the west and people from the west can understand the music of the east. Because music is a language for everyone.1. A. hatesB. enjoysC. plays2. A. feelB. hearC. listen to3. A. makeB. playC. keep4. A. watchB. reportC. help5. A. ChinaB. the westC. the north【答案】 (1)B;(

4、2)C;(3)A;(4)C;(5)B; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:几乎每个人都喜欢音乐。A选项:憎恶;B选项:享受;C选项:玩耍。There are so many kinds of music tolisten to and you are sure to find something very interesting. 有很多种音乐可以听,你一定会找到一些有趣的事。可知,应该是喜欢音乐。故答案为:B。 (2)句意:有很多种音乐可以听,你一定会找到一些有趣的事。固定搭配listen to music,听音乐。故答案选:C。 (3)句意:音乐可以让你快乐或悲伤。固定搭配ma

5、ke sb. sth.让某人做某事。故答案选:A。 (4)句意:在电视和收音机的帮助下,人们可以学习世界各地不同种类的音乐。固定搭配with the help of.在.的帮助下。故答案选:C。 (5)句意:东方音乐和西方的音乐有很大的不同。 根据原文people from the east can understand the music of the west and people from the west can understand the music of the east.可知,the east和the west对应,故答案选:B。 【点评】考查完形填空。注意理解大意,以及题干、

6、选项的理解,然后再进行选择。2完形填空完形填空Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the programme(广播节目). Most(大多数) of the girls 1 boys like the programme. They 2 like Jim Green. Some of them often make phonecalls to him and thank him 3 his work. There are,lots of letters(信件)to him every day too. JimGreen 4 at 6: 00 every morn

7、ing. He has bread and aglass of milk 5 breakfast, He leaves home at 6: 30 andgets to his office at 7: 15. The programme 6 at 7:30. Heplays the new records(唱片)of the pop songs and modem(现代的)music for his listeners. At 8: 00 its time 7 the news. Jim finishes(结束)work at 10: 30. He goes home 8 car. He 9

8、 anewspaper and listens to music 10 supper. He thinks his life is veryinteresting. 1. A. andB. withC. but2. A. tooB. toC. also3. A. toB. forC. of4. A. gets offB. gets upC. gets on5. A. toB. withC. for6. A. beginsB. stopsC. start7. A. toB. forC. of8. A. byB. inC. on9. A. watchesB. readsC. sees10. A.

9、behindB. besideC. after【答案】(1)A;(2)C;(3)B;(4)B;(5)C;(6)A;(7)B;(8)A;(9)B;(10)C; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】这是一篇介绍Jim Green生活情况的短文。(1)句意:大多数的女孩.男孩喜欢这种节目。这里boys和girls并列,用and即可,with是介词,不表示并列,but表示意思转折,不合适。故答案为:A。(2)句意:他们.喜欢Jim Green。根据所给选项这里表示“也”,用在句中用also,too表示“也”用在句尾;to没有“也”的意思。故答案为:C。(3)句意:他们中的一些人给他打电话.他的工作来感谢

10、他。这里是短语thank sb for sth“因为某事而感谢某人”。故答案为:B。(4)句意:Jim Green每天早上6点.。 根据下句“早饭吃面包和牛奶”,可知这里是起床“gets up”。故答案为:B。(5)句意:他早餐吃面包和一杯牛奶。这里是短语for breakfast“作为早餐”。故答案为:C。(6)句意:节目在7点半.。根据下一句“他为他的听众们放流行音乐和现代音乐的新唱片。”可知这里开始“begin/start”,句子主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用动词的单三形式。A选项正确。故答案为:A。(7)句意:8点.新闻时间。这是句型its time for sth“是.时间”。用fo

11、r。故答案为:B。(8)句意:他.车回家。这里是短语by car“乘汽车”。故答案为:A。(9)句意:晚饭.他.报纸和听音乐。这里的短语“read newspaper”,句子主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用动词的单三形式,用reads,watches和sees不表示阅读。故答案为:B。(10)句意:句意:晚饭.他读报纸和听音乐。这里是短语after supper“晚饭后”,behind和beside表示位置,不和时间搭配。故答案为:C。【点评】这是考查综合能力的题目。要熟练掌握所学的语法和单词或短语的用法。3完形填空完形填空 We have a big playground in our sch

12、ool. We all like to 1 games 2 after school. Its Friday. We have only two classes 3 the afternoon .When school is 4 a lot of students go to the playground . Look ! The boys of Grade Two are 5 a basketball match. So me girl are 6 and shouting .Football is our favourite sport. Many teachers are also 7

13、football. Li Ming, Li Lei and Wei Fang are students of Grade One. They are 8 volleyball. Its six oclock. Its time 9 home. The students all leave the playground. 1. A. doB. makeC. playD. take2. A. thereB. hereC. at thereD. at here3. A. onB. inC. atD. with4. A. beginningB. finishC. allD. over5. A. hav

14、ingB. makingC. playingD. doing6. A. seeingB. lookingC. watchingD. meeting7. A. playingB. playing theC. playD. play the8. A. playingB. playing theC. playD. play the9. A. forB. to goC. goD. go to【答案】(1)C;(2)B;(3)B;(4)D;(5)A;(6)C;(7)A;(8)A;(9)B; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】这是一篇介绍周五孩子们在操场活动的短文。(1)句意: 我们都喜欢放学后.游戏。这

15、里是短语做游戏play games. 这是常用搭配,根据所给选项C选项正确。故答案为: C.(2)句意: 我们都喜欢放学后.游戏。这里是指在操场上, 用here这里代替,there意思是那里, there和here都不和介词搭配,都不合适。故答案为: B.(3)句意: .下午我们只有两节课。根据句意这里是固定短语in the afternoon在下午, 这是固定搭配。故答案为: B.(4)句意: 当学校.许多学生到操场上。A选项是: 开始,B选项是: 结束,C选项是: 所有的,D选项是: 结束。根据句子结构这里是短语be over结束,finish动词原形不和is搭配,beginning意思是

16、开始,不合适,all意思也不合适。故答案为: D.(5)句意: 看,2年级的男生在.篮球比赛。这是短语have a match举行.比赛,这是固定短语,用在现在进行时中have用having. 故答案为: A.(6)句意: 因此我们女孩们正在.和喊。根据句意应该是观看用watch, 这里是现在进行时用watching, 冠词比赛不用see, look等,meet遇见意思不正确。故答案为: C.(7)句意: 许多老师们也在.足球。根据句意和结构这是现在进行时句子,踢足球是短语play football, play用现在分词playing, 球类运动前不加冠词。故答案为: A.(8)句意: 他们在

17、.排球。根据句意和结构这是现在进行时句子,打排球是短语play volleyball. play用现在分词playing, 球类运动前不加冠词。故答案为: A.(9)句意: 是.时间了。根据句意这个句型有两个,一个是Its time for(名词,代词,动名词)或Its time to do sth。根据本句是to do sth. 根据所给选项只有B选项正确。故答案为: B.【点评】这是考查完型填空的题目。题目考查知识的综合利用,要掌握所学的知识。4完形填空完形填空 Jack is 1 good man . He 2 birthday cakes in a shop. His cakes ar

18、e great and the prices are not very high, so many people 3 his cakes . He makes friends with lots of 4 people. They all like him very much. One evening, he 5 to go home , but many of his old friends came in . Jack smiled to them ,“Im sorry. Its late today. Please 6 tomorrow .”One of them took out a

19、nice cake and 7 to him , “You 8 so many great cakes for 9 .This birthday cake is 10 you . Happy birthday , Jack !” 1. A. aB. anC. theD. 2. A. makeB. makesC. makingD. to make3. A. buysB. buyingC. buyD. to buy4. A. thisB. thatC. theirD. these5. A. wantedB. wantC. wantsD. to want6. A. comingB. comeC. c

20、omesD. came7. A. sayB. saysC. saidD. saying8. A. makeB. makesC. makingD. made9. A. ourB. usC. weD. she10. A. ofB. toC. atD. for【答案】(1)A;(2)B;(3)C;(4)D;(5)A;(6)B;(7)C;(8)A;(9)B;(10)D; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:杰克是好男人。a用于修饰辅音音素开头的单词,好的good是以辅音音素开头的单词,故答案为A(2)句意:他在一家商店生日蛋糕。本句是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语用三单形式,makes

21、制作,故答案为B.(3)句意:他的蛋糕很好,价格也不高,所以很多人他的蛋糕。根据前半句用一般现在时,后半句也用一般现在时,主语是复数,谓语用动词原形,buy买,故答案为C.(4)句意:他和很多人交朋友。people人们,是集合名词,用指示代词复数形式修饰,these这些,故答案为D.(5)句意:一天晚上,他回家,但他的许多老朋友都进来了。One evening一天晚上,是一般过去时的时间状语,谓语用动词的过去式,want-wanted想,故答案为A.(6)句意:杰克微笑着对他们说:“对不起。今天晚了。请明天。”本句是祈使句,构成动词原形+其它,come来,故答案为B.(7)句意:其中一个人拿出

22、一块漂亮的蛋糕,对他:,本句是用and连接时态要一致,前半句用一般过去时,后半句也用一般过去时,say说,过去式是said,故答案为C.(8)句意:你给了这么多好吃的蛋糕。本句是一般现在时,主语是第二人称,谓语用动词原形,make制作,故答案为A.(9)句意:你给制作了这么多好吃的蛋糕。for sb为某人,代词放在介词后面用代词的宾格形式,us我们,故答案为B.(10)句意:这个生日蛋糕是你。for sb为某人或指某物给某人,本句指给的意思,故答案为D.【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,选出恰当的选项填空,使短文完整。5完形填空完形填空。 This 1 my room.

23、 It is a 2 nice room. The window 3 big and the walls 4 white. Near the window there is a red desk. It is for me. 5 the desk, there are some books and 6 pencil-box . 7 the back wall there are some pictures and 8 map of China. There is 9 bed. It is near the door. There is a chair behind the bed. There

24、 is a box and a pair of new shoes 10 the bed. 1. A. areB. amC. isD. be2. A. muchB. veryC. tooD. now3. A. isB. areC. amD. /4. A. areB. isC. beD. /5. A. OnB. onC. inD. under6. A. aB. twoC. someD. at7. A. inB. ForC. OnD. At8. A. /B. anC. aD. some9. A. anB. aC. notD. the10. A. inB. anC. underD. from【答案】

25、(1)C;(2)B;(3)A;(4)A;(5)A;(6)A;(7)C;(8)C;(9)B;(10)C; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:这我的房间。this是单数形式,后跟is,故答案为C。(2)句意:它是一个漂亮的房间。nice是形容词,前面用副词修饰,故答案为B。(3)句意:窗户大的。window是单数形式,后跟is,故答案为A。(4)句意:墙白色的。walls是复数形式,后跟are,故答案为A。(5)句意:桌子,有一些书。在桌子上介词用on,故答案为A。(6)句意:桌子上有一些书和铅笔。pencil-box是单数形式,前面用不定冠词a,故答案为A。(7)句意:后面的墙上有一

26、些画。在墙上介词用on,故答案为C。(8)句意:和中国地图。 map是单数可数名词,前面用不定冠词a,故答案为C。(9)句意:有床。bed是单数可数名词,前面用不定冠词a,故答案为B。(10)句意:有一个箱子和一双鞋在床根据选项是在床下,介词用under,故答案为C。【点评】考查完形填空,根据句意和选项意思选择答案,注意人称、数和时态。6完形填空阅读对话,选择正确的答案填空。 Sally: What are you 1 ?Linda: 2 . Do you have 3 plans?Sally: I hear there is a new film at Sunshine 4 at 7:00

27、tonight. Would you like 5 with me?Linda: Id love to. 6 are we going there?Sally: Its not far. Lets go 7 bike. OK?Linda: OK. 8 shall we meet?Sally: Lets meet at the cinema gate.Linda: 9 shall we meet?Sally: 10 6:30.Linda: See you then.Sally: See you.1. A. doB. doingC. to do2. A. NothingB. SomethingC.

28、 Anything3. A. someB. anyC. a4. A. BookstoreB. CinemaC. Restaurant5. A. goB. goingC. to go6. A. WhenB. WhereC. How7. A. byB. onC. in8. A. WhatB. WhereC. Who9. A. WhenB. WhereC. Which10. A. AtB. OnC. In【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)B;(4)B;(5)C;(6)C;(7)A;(8)B;(9)A;(10)A; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:你什么?A做,动词原形,没有be+动词

29、原形,这种结构,排除,B正在做,现在分词,由于现在进行时,be+doing,C做,动词不定式,不能做谓语,排除,故答案为B. (2)句意:。根据后句询问对方是否有什么计划,可知琳达没有计划,A没有什么,否定形式,B一些事情,肯定形式,C如何事情,由于疑问句或否定句,故答案为A. (3)句意:你有计划吗?本句是一般疑问句, plans是名词复数,A一些,由于肯定句,B一些,用于否定句或一般疑问句,C一个,后面接名词单数 ,故答案为B. (4)句意:我听说今晚7点阳光电影院有一部新电影。根据 film电影 ,在电影院看电影,A书店,B电影院,C饭店,故答案为B. (5)句意:你想和我一起吗?wou

30、ld like to do sth想要去做某事,此处用动词不定式,A去,动词原形,B去,现在分词,C去,动词不定式,故答案为C. (6)句意:我们去那里?根据 bike自行车,指方式 ,可知询问怎么样去那里,A什么时候,B在哪,C怎么样,故答案为C. (7)句意:我们骑自行车去。by+交通工具,固定搭配,故答案为A. (8)句意:我们见面?根据下文 the cinema gate 电影院大门,指地点,可知上文询问在哪见面,A什么,B在哪里,C谁,故答案为B. (9)句意: 我们将见面? 根据下文6:30 ,指时间,可知上文询问见面的时间,A什么时候,B在哪,C哪个,故答案为A. (10)句意:6点半。在具体时间前面用介词at在,故答案为A. 【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译对话,然后根据句意,选出恰当的单词填空,使对话完整。 7完形填空

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