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1、高考英语一轮复习Module6UnexplainedMysteriesoftheNaturalWorld外研版必修40622147Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World一积词汇见多识广课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1footprint n脚印;足迹 2creature n动物;生物3grey adj. 灰色的 4claw n. 爪 5nail n. (手、脚的)指甲;爪 6journal n. 杂志;学报;期刊7border n. 边境;国界 8volcanic adj. 火山的9evolve vi. 进化;演变 10emper

2、or n. 皇帝11sighting n. (珍奇动物等的)目击;发现(二)表达词汇写其形1attack vt. 袭击;攻击 2sharp adj. 锋利的;尖的3claim vt. 声称 4calm adj. 平静的5sceptical adj. 怀疑的;不相信的 6cover vt. 占地(多大面积)7reputation n. 名誉;名声 8positive adj. 正面的9generous adj. 有雅量的;大方的;心地高尚的(三)拓展词汇灵活用*1.frightening adj.吓人的frightened adj.害怕的frighten vt.使害怕fright n害怕*2.e

3、xist vi.存在existence n存在*3.mysterious adj.神秘的mystery n神秘的人(或事物);奥秘4.unlikely adj.不可能的(反义词)likely adj.可能的5.disappear vi.不见;消失(反义词)appear vi.出现6.destruction n毁坏destroy vt.毁坏;摧毁destructive adj.破坏性的7.unpredictable adj.变化莫测的(反义词)predictable adj.可预测的;不出所料的predict vt.预测;预言8.indicate vt.象征;暗示indication n象征;迹

4、象9.identity n身份;特性identify vt.辨别;确认*10.fortune n运气;命运;财富fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地用上面标注*的单词的正确形式填空1Some natural mysteries of the ancient times are still mysterious to people today.(mysterious)2To his fright,_the frightening scene frightened the other frightened children into crying.(fright

5、)3Fortunately,_he came to the new island safely. It is also fortunate for him to make his fortune here.(fortune)4There exists an old hospital at the corner, but no one knows when it came into existence.(exist)话题单词积累1depth/dep/ n 深(度); 深处2scare/ske/ v. 恐吓;受惊吓3awesome/s()m/ adj. 使人敬畏的;令人畏惧的4suck/sk/ v

6、. 吮吸5flee/fli/ v. 逃避;逃跑;逃离6powerful/pafl/ adj. 强有力的7spirit/spIrIt/ n. 精神8tail/teIl/ n. 尾巴9wild/waIld/ adj. 野生的10fur/f/ n. 毛皮11thick/Ik/ adj. 浓密的12track/trk/ n. 踪迹,足迹13length/le/ n. 长度14shoulder/ld/ n. 肩膀15evidence/evId()ns/ n. 证据16convinced/knvInst/ adj. 确信的,深信的17ancestor/nsest/ n. 祖先18solve/slv/ v.

7、 解决19survive/svaIv/ v. 幸存20unsolved/nslvd/ adj. 未解决的,未解答的21manlike/mnlaIk/ adj. 像人的22enormous/Inms/ adj. 巨大的23prove/pruv/ v. 证明24confirm/knfm/ vt. 确认25false/fls/ adj. 伪造的26firmly/fmli/ adv. 坚定地27current/kr()nt/ adj. 当前的28swallow/swl/ v. 吞下;咽下二积短语顿挫抑扬课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语*1.close_to接近;靠近 2.stick_out伸出3

8、.be_sceptical_about 对怀疑 4.be_related_to 与有关5.die_out 灭绝 6.go_for 选择;喜欢*7.due_to 由于;因造成*e_straight_to_the_point 谈正题;开门见山*9.cut_off 切断;使隔绝*10.throw_light_on/upon 阐明某事;帮助弄清楚(二)用上面标注*的短语完成下列句子1In the north of India, the population is booming due_to high birth rates.(2017江苏高考)2Id feel cut_off if I didnt

9、know what was happening in the world.3Although regular exercise is very important, its never a good idea to exercise too close_to bedtime.4Dont waste time! Lets come_straight_to_the_point.5Your statement doesnt throw_light_on/upon the subject.话题短语积累1(be) scared to death吓死了2dozens of 许多3run after 追逐4

10、belong to 属于5be linked to 与有联系6make ones way 前进7be similar to 与相似8search for 寻找9over the past several decades 在过去的几十年里10a great deal of 许多11take place 发生12a chain of 一串13in shape 在外形上14range from . to . 从到不等15be bound to 必然,一定要三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1动词不定式的完成式to have done例句He claims to have seen a round blac

11、k creature moving quickly through the water.仿写科学家们声称在攻克癌症方面取得了重大突破。Scientists claimed to_have_made_a_major_breakthrough in the fight against cancer.2There be结构的现在完成式例句There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century, although no one has seen one close up.仿写

12、从那时起,我们的国家发生了巨大的变化。There_have_been great changes in our country since then.3be unlikely to do sth.“不可能做某事”例句They say that the lowtemperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. 仿写史蒂芬霍金认为,地球可能不是唯一有生命进化的行星。Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is_unlikely_to_be the on

13、ly planet where life has developed gradually.4“beof名词”结构,表示主语的类属或属性例句Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols, too, but with fewer claws and of a different colour. 仿写一个和谐的家庭对于孩子的个人成长是有益的。A harmonious family is of_benefit_to a childs personal development.话题佳句背诵1The Yeti i

14、s said to be a large, hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being.据说雪人是体形很大、多毛的动物,像人一样直立行走。2If such creatures really exist, we might have the chance to see one with our own eyes.如果这样的动物确实存在的话,我们可能会有机会亲眼看到。3Well try to get as close as possible to the animals, even though they are dangerous, so that we can take some really good photographs.尽管这些动物很危险,我们将尽可能靠近它们以便我们能拍些很好的照片。4Bigfoot is described as a large apelike creature, 23 meter tall, weighing over 500 pounds and covered in a dark brown, or dark reddish hair. 大脚怪被描述为一个巨大的毛猿型生物,23米高,重量超过50

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