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1、广东省直属单位机关英语比赛初赛口试题目The Preliminary Public Speaking (70%)Please deliver a prepared speech of no more than 4 minutes based on one of the topics below. Your performance will be evaluated on content of the speech, pronunciation and intonation, and manner. Question 1My Understanding of a Service-oriented

2、 Government简单通俗的说,我们的政府,是人民政府,她代表人民群众的根本利益。改革开放三十年和党的十八大以来,政府服务职能的日益完善。Simply say, our government is the peoples government , she represents the peoples interest. Since Thirty years of reform and opening up and the eighteen National Congress, the governments service function became more perfect.怎么样才

3、是一个服务型政府呢?我的理解有四点:What is a service-oriented government? I have four points:第一,服务型政府是以人为本的政府。政府的权力来自人民,必须接受人民的监督。其实,服务型政府从本质上更应该是一个“服务员”角色。在政府这艘大船的航程中,是人民的意志而不是政府的意志决定着航向。衡量政府一切工作的尺度,要看人民群众满不满意。First of all, service-oriented government is a people-oriented government. The power of the government com

4、es from the people, must accept supervision by the people. In fact, the service-oriented government should be more like a service . In the ships voyage, the will of the people not the government will decide a course. The measure of the work of government is how much the people are satisfied.第二,服务型政府

5、是透明政府。经历过非典等各类灾难事件后,人们发现,只有政务公开透明才能保障人民政府为人民服务。近年来,我国颁布了80多部法律、法规,对政府信息的公开做了规定。近年来许多事实表明,群众知情和政务公开有助于化解疑虑和处理危机。Secondly, service-oriented government is transparent-government. Experienced a SARS and other types of disasters, people found that, only the government being open and transparent in order

6、to security the Government of serving the people. In recent years, China has promulgated 80 laws, regulations, provided public access to government information. In recent years many facts show that, the masses informed and open government help to resolve doubts and handling of the crisis.第三,服务型政府是责任

7、政府。近几年,“引咎辞职”、“问责制”逐渐为人们所熟悉。比如2003年中石油开县天然气井喷事故,到2012年陕西延安重大车祸,有的被免职、有的引咎辞职。正所谓:政府的权力和责任始终是一对“孪生”兄弟。 Thirdly, the service-oriented government is a government with responsibility. In recent years, take the blame and resign, accountability are gradually familiar by people. Such as gas blowout accident

8、 in Kaixian, to 2012 Shaanxi Yanan major traffic accident, some were removed, some take the blame and resign. That is so-called: the governments power and responsibility is always a twin brothers.最后,服务型政府是法治政府。试想,如果一个政府不是按照人民意志和法律组建的,不能依照法律行使权力,不能保障人民权利和自由,就不能保证它对人民负责,就不能保证它的权力用来为人民服务,它也就不可能成为一个服务型政

9、府。Finally, the service-oriented government is a government under the rule of law. Just imagine, if a government is not in accordance with the will of the people and legal form, not exercising power in accordance with the law, not protecting peoples rights and freedom, there is no guarantee that it i

10、s accountable to the people, will not be able to guarantee its power to serve the people, it is not possible to become a service-oriented government.Question 2Peoples Equal Access to Basic Public Services“十二五”规划把推进基本公共服务均等化作为各级政府的一项重要任务,我认为,有个问题需要进一步研究。就是在这个过程中及早处理好公平与效率的关系问题。the 12th 5 year plan ma

11、de promoting the equalization of basic public services as an important task at all levels of the government, I think, there is a problem in need of further study. It is in this process as soon as possible to deal with the relationship between fairness and efficiency problem.回顾历史,均等化原则自产生之日就存在争议。有人认为

12、,在这种制度安排中,平等会被效率低下抵消,它在人们之间均等了资源,却减少了人们对富裕追求的动力。事实上,由于财政收入来源计算等技术问题,均等化在加拿大、德国等国家实施得并不顺利,甚至一些发达省份抱怨受到了欠发达省份的盘剥。Review the history, the principle of parity has dispute. Some people think that, in this system, equality will be inefficient offset, which equal resources among people, but reduces the pow

13、er of riches pursuit. In fact, due to technical problems in income calculation, equalization in Canada, Germany and other countries is not smooth, and even some developed provinces complained of exploitation by the less-developed provinces.另外,从计算方式上来说,即便是在加拿大这样的国家,计算各省的公共服务供给状况,也缺乏必要的方法和数据。人们主要是依据各省

14、的人均财政收入来确定均等化的,不过对此也有人提出异议,主张必须考虑各省的服务需求和服务成本。德国的经验也表明,很难在全国不同的区域建立完全相同的公共服务。In addition, from the calculate way, even in countries like Canada, public service supply calculation in the provinces, also lack of necessary methods and data. It is mainly based on per capita income to determine the equal

15、ization, but this also has the objection, that the service demand and service cost of the provinces must be considered. Germanys experience also shows that, it is difficult to establish exactly the same public services in the different regions.发达国家遇到的问题,将来我们也可能会遇到。这些经验和教训值得我们在推进基本公共服务均等化过程中深入思考和借鉴。减

16、轻政府在公共领域负担的和提高其服务效率的办法之一是吸引社会组织参与公共服务体系建设。这些都需要未雨绸缪。Developed countries encountered problems, and we will meet them in the future. These experiences and lessons worth thinking deeply in the process of promoting the equalization of basic public services and reference. Reduce the burden of government

17、in the public domain and improve its service efficiency way is to attract the participation of social organizations in the public service system construction. These all need to save.Question 3How to Increase Public Participation in Government Decision Making民众参与公共决策的过程,涉及几个方面:一是了解民意;二是让民众参与公共决策的制定过程

18、;三是吸引民众参与公共决策的修改过程。我认为,为人民服务的政府,决策就要首先了解民意。The process of public participation in governm decision-making, involved in several aspects: one is to understand the public opinion; the two is to allow people to participate in government decision-making process; three is to to attract people to participa

19、te in the process of government decision- modifing. I think, the government serving the people, we must first understand the public decision.在当今信息社会,通过网络社会了解民意,是非常便捷的手段,是公众参与政府决策的重要形式。一方面,网络民意能为党和政府的决策提供较为全面、真实、及时的原始信息,有利于提高决策的科学性;另一方面,网络民意能强化政府与公民的决策互动,增强决策的民主性。In todays information society, unders

20、tanding public opinion through social networks, is very convenient means, is an important form of public participation in government decision-making. On the one hand, the network of public opinion provide more comprehensive, true, timely original information for the decision of the party and governm

21、ent, to improve scientific decision-making; on the other hand, the network of public opinion can strengthen the interaction between government and citizen, strengthen democratic decision.在网络民意的作用下,政府决策模式逐步由单一的自上而下模式向双向的模式转变,更加注重吸纳自下而上的民意参与。同时网络还具有强大的民意“聚合”功能,正好弥补了公民个人人微言轻的不足,使得民众的利益诉求能最大限度地表达出来,最终进入

22、政治系统,形成决策议题。如山西“黑砖窑事件”之所以能提上政府议程并得到查处,主要得益于网络民意的干涉和推动。In the network public opinion function, government decision pattern gradually developed from a single top-down model to two-way model, pay more attention to absorb the bottom-up public participation. At the same time, the network also has a power

23、ful public opinion focus function, make up the shortage of the individual citizens, maximize the expression, finally into the political system. Such as Shanxi black brick kiln incident was put on the government agenda and get punished, mainly due to the network of public opinion and promoting interf

24、erence.当然,更重要的是党和政府也可以主动在网络社会中展开舆情调查和相关报道,可以深入社会各个阶层,告诉全体民众党和政府正在开展的工作,可能存在哪些问题,并围绕这一议题形成相对集中的讨论。在此基础上,引导民众知晓、认可政府的决策。这也是展示党和政府公开透明的决策、提高群众满意度的过程。Of course, more important is that the party and the government should be also active in the network society on public opinion survey and reports, can go d

25、eep into the society, to tell all the people that the party and the government is carrying out the work, may exist some problem, and become a concentrate discussion on this issue. This is the display of the party and the government transparent decision-making, witch can improve the masses satisfacti

26、on.Question 4How to Balance Efficiency and Fairness in Economic Development我认为应坚持效率优先兼顾公平。I think we should give priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness.效率优先指的是什么?兼顾公平是指什么内容?我的理解,效率用在经济学上就是劳动生产率。我国的劳动生产率高还是不高?实际情况是,虽然经济规模很大,但是效率低下。为什么有人现在反对效率优先,主要的问题把经济发展、经济增长当做效率优先来看待,因此认为现在只重经济增长

27、不注重社会公平。事实上,的增长不等于效率优先,我国现在是经济发展了,但是效率没有优先,各级政府只注重经济增长,而不注重效率优先。What is the priority of efficiency means? Fairness refers to what? I think, efficiency in economics is labor productivity. Chinas labor productivity is high or low? The reality is, although a large economic size, but low efficiency. Why

28、 some people are opposed to giving priority to efficiency, the main problem to treat economic growth as a priority to efficiency, so that they think now only heavy economic growth without paying attention to social justice. In fact, GDP growth is not equal to the priority of efficiency, China now ge

29、t the development of the economy, but the efficiency without priority, governments at all levels focus only on economic growth,but do not pay attention to the priority of efficiency.公平指的是什么?是社会公平。社会公平比分配公平范围广得多,社会公平是指社会权利平等,由于政府的设计和政策的制定而造成社会成员在资源利用上不公平,结果造成收入差距扩大,最主要的是垄断行业收入过高。行业收入差距扩大,城乡收入差异扩大,对于这

30、些社会不公平必须通过深化改革来解决而不是废除效率优先。What do fairness refers to? Is the social justice. Social justice has much more wide range than the fairness of the distribution, social justice refers to the social equality of rights, since the formulation design and policy of the government caused unfairness in the use

31、of resources, result in the widening income gap, the most important is a monopoly industry income is too high. Expanding of the income gap between different industry, urban-rural income disparity. These social injustice, must be resolved through deepening reform rather than the abolition of giving p

32、riority to efficiency.现在一些不公平现象,即便是将公平放在优先地位也解决不了,这个问题是再分配的问题。初次分配由市场来决定,再分配由政府来做。所以我认为要想解决分配不公不是兼顾效率优先,而是应当对政府进行改革,深化政府改革,转变政府职能,垄断行业市场化,舆论监督社会化,这才是解决当前分配不公的最根本的办法。Now some unfair phenomenon, even can not be solved by fair priority. The problem is redistribution. The first distribution determined by the market, redistribution to do by the government. So I think that to solve the unfair distribution of not considering efficiency priority, but should carry on the reform to the government, deepening the reform of government, the transformation of gove

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