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1、24向日葵1汉英翻译(下)教案主讲:魏志成教授第4单元I 提示原文来源向日葵作者为中国当代作家冯亦代(1913-),原文选自张梦井、杜耀文编译,1999年,中国名家散文精译。青岛:青岛出版社。译文来源 译文1为张梦井、杜耀文译,选自张梦井、杜耀文编译,1999年,中国名家散文精译。青岛:青岛出版社。 译文2为温秀颍、刘士聪译,选自中国翻译2004年第2期。语体特征与翻译策略 篇章 向日葵是一篇感情十分沉郁的力作,原文载于1988年第一期散文。作者托物言志,于娓娓的叙述和细腻的描绘中,不动声色地倾诉了向日葵这幅名画赋予他的生命体验以及十年浩劫时期罹难的心境。读来令人心魄惨淡。 句式 句子结构有传

2、统意义上的散句、短句、小句,但是长句也相对突出,尤其是由多层定语构成的长定语和多向多层状语从句的使用是这篇文章的一大特色。 语义 词语以共核词为主,但也不乏书面用语或正式文体或文学性语汇,如 “谪放”、“褴褛”、“泯灭”等。文章在表达心情惨淡方面的描写语汇更是注重,如“怏怏”、“遗憾”、“哀愁”、“飘浮”、“衰败”、“起伏”、 “疏远”、“惨淡”、“无望”、“沉落”、“沉重”、“寂寞”、“落寞”、 “淡漠”、“空荡荡”、“孤零零”、“孤清”、“孤寂”、“孤凄” “凄凉”、 “楚楚可怜”等。 翻译策略 翻译理论研究是一个开放的系统,不同时期翻译理论研究的成果都可以为翻译操作提供不同的视角。譬如关

3、联翻译或翻译中的互文性问题就是一个。另外值得一提的是回译(back translation)。作为翻译技巧中的一种,回译指的是对译文进行再次翻译,把自己或别人的译文翻回原文。本语篇所涉及到的一些人名、地名、书名,甚至一些语汇、结构或句式都可以采取回译,因为它们都从英语翻译过来的。譬如人名“欧文斯通”应该回译为Irving Stone,而不是Owen Stone;书名生活的渴望应该回译为Lust for Life,而不是The Desire of Life ,等等。所以,从翻译策略上来讲,我们一方面要了解那些源于英语包括语汇、结构或句式在内的汉语表达,充分运用回译技巧。II 译法要点4.1句际关

4、系的梳理 4.2 突出中心语义 4.3英语的现代性:前置多层定语 4.4街名的译名4.5风格:用词倾向 4.6 创新:作前置定语的复合名词4.7 误译:地名 4.8回译:语汇4.9顺译:多向多层状语从句(III) 4.10关联词与关联语义4.11顺译:中置状语从句 4.12回译:人名 4.13回译:书名 4.14炼词 4.15创新:复合名词 III 原文与译文【原文】向日葵(I)看到国外报刊登载了久已不见的梵高名画向日葵,以三千九百万美元的高价,在伦敦拍卖成交,特别是又一次看到原画的照片,心中怏怏若有所失者久之;因为这是我所钟爱的画。当然我永远不会有可以收藏这幅画的家财,但这也禁不住我对它的喜



7、术上走出了自己的道路,虽然到死后很久, 才为人们所承认。我读了这本书,为他执着的生涯所感动,因此更宝贵他那画得含蓄多姿的向日葵。我似乎懂得了他的画为什么一半欢欣、一半寂寞的道理。【译文】译文1Sunflower(I)In the foreign press I read that Van Goghs famous painting “Sunflower”, which I have not seen for a long time, had been sold in London at a high price of 39 000 000 dollars. Especially when I

8、once more saw the picture of its original, I felt unhappy, as if I had just lost something from my heart. This is a favourite painting of mine but of course I would never have enough money to buy it. Despite I cant get it, Im still so very fond of it. Since it is owned by a private person now, I hav

9、e a feeling that this painting can no longer be enjoyed by the public. Although I will have no chance to appreciate this painting, I do think it is like a charming woman who has committed herself to a certain man. It is unavoidably a pitiful thing. I remember that I had a reproduction of this famous

10、 painting. It was also called “Sunflower” but sighly different. I bought it in Shanghai after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. One day while I was walking down Shanxi South Road, I saw a reproduction of Van Goghs famous painting in the window of a small bookstore run by a man of Belarus. Van Go

11、gh was an influential master in the development of modern painting since the 19th century. Although I had no knowledge of painting, I was fond of its tone of sharp contrasts. This bright painting contained pale sorrow and loneliness. The “Sunflower” was just one of a famous series. Among the seven p

12、aintings, four were stored in museums and one destroyed in Okohama, Japan during the Second World War. The “Sunflower” was one of the last two paintings kept in private hands. Therefore, I bought a fine reproduction of this famous painting for one quarter of my months salary.I was especially fond of

13、 the painting “Sunflower”, for the many yellow flowers were like bright pearls dazzling in my eyes. But placed in a flower vase against a yellow background, it manifested a dreary scene. It was as vacant as a finished banquet and only a candle was left burning, making us upset. Originally I enjoyed

14、the sunflower as it turned its face towards the morning sun, dripping with dew drops, so tender, so lovely. Now, I have framed this painting and hung it on the wall of the dining room in my flat. The wall was painted dark green and the brilliant yellow sunlight transformed the painting into an immen

15、se field. It looked exceptionally pleasant to the eye and gave a sense of loneliness as well. Every day sitting opposite this painting, I would enjoy this pleasure and feel its loneliness as well. Later I read Owen Stones The Desire of Life, a biography on Van Goghs short life. He only lived thirty-

16、seven years, half of which were spent insanely in the exploration of the misery of colour, finally he ended his life in suicide. He was not good at making a living, but he paved his own way in art, though he was not recognized until long after his death. After reading this book, I was deeply moved b

17、y his inflexible life career and treasured his embodied and graceful painting ever more. I seemed to understand why there was a sense of half joy and half loneliness in his painting.译文2Sunflowers(I)When I learned from a foreign newspaper that Vincent van Goghs “Sunflowers”was auctioned off in London

18、 for 39 million U.S.dollars, especially when I again saw its photo that I had long missed seeing, I was kind of depressed, as if something were getting away from me, because it was the painting I doted on. I knew I could never be wealthy enough to afford it, but I cherished a great love for it. Now,

19、 having fallen into some private collection, it would not be available for the public to appreciate any more. What a pity! I had never had the good luck to see the original but, to me, a masterpiece is like a beauty and when the beauty is claimed by someone else you feel a pain of being deprived of

20、your access to her.I remember I once had a reproduction of the painting under the same title but its composition was slightly different. I bought it in Shanghai after the War of Resistance against Japan. One day, I was strolling along Shaanxi-nan Street when I cought sight of the painting in the win

21、dow of a small bookstore run by some Russian. It was a copy from the collection of van Goghs masterpieces. Vincent van Gogh was a master who has been a great influence on modern painting since the 19th century. I do not know much about art, but I enjoy the intense hues with a tinge of forlornness ag

22、ainst the brilliance in his paintings. “Sunflowers” is one of the seven masterpieces of a series, four of which were in museums, one damaged in Yokohama, Japan, during World War II and the one auctioned in London was one of the last two in private hands. I took the exquisite reproduction there and t

23、hen for a quarter of my salary of that month .I like his “Sunflowers” in particular, with its glorious blossoms glittering like pearls, but the blossoms, held in a vase placed against a yellow background, look lonesome and make you feel miserable, the way you feel when the feast is over and the gues

24、ts are gone but the lights and candles are still glimmering in the deserted hall. I enjoy the sight of sunflowers when in the morning they slowly turn to the sun, dripping with dew-pitiful but gorgeous. I put the painting in a frame and hung it on the wall of our dining room. The wall was painted da

25、rk green and the sunflowers in the painting, as if standing in an endless field bathed in bright sunshine, looked pleasing but solitary. Every day I sat in front of it, filled with joy and shrouded in loneliness. Later I came to know from Irving Stones Lust for Life, a biography of van Goghs short l

26、ife, that he lived for 37 years only but spent half of his lifetime trying crazily to find out about the mistery of colors until he ended up in death by suicide. Vincent van Gogh was not good at making a living, but he had carved a new path for himself in art, though the artist was not recognized ti

27、ll many years after his death . Having read this book, I was moved by his devotedness to art and loved his “Sunflowers” all the more for its gracefulness and suggestiveness. I seemed to understand why joyfulness and loneliness are inherently mixed in his works.IV 比较分析与译法(1)1看到国外报刊登载了久已不见的梵高名画向日葵,以三千

28、九百万美元的高价,在伦敦拍卖成交,2特别是又一次看到原画的照片,3心中怏怏若有所失者久之;4因为这是我所钟爱的画。5当然我永远不会有可以收藏这幅画的家财,6但这也禁不住我对它的喜欢。译文1 In the foreign press I read that Van Goghs famous painting “Sunflower”, which I have not seen for a long time, had been sold in London at a high price of 39 000 000 dollars. Especially when I once more saw

29、 the picture of its original, I felt unhappy, as if I had just lost something from my heart. This is a favourite painting of mine but of course I would never have enough money to buy it. Despite I cant get it, Im still so very fond of it. 译文2 When I learned from a foreign newspaper that Vincent van

30、Goghs “Sunflowers”was auctioned off in London for 39 million U.S.dollars, especially when I again saw its photo that I had long missed seeing, I was kind of depressed, as if something were getting away from me, because it was the painting I doted on. I knew I could never be wealthy enough to afford

31、it, but I cherished a great love for it.4.1句际关系的梳理 汉语的意合性要求翻译时特别注意句际关系的梳理,由于诸如连词之类的形态标记的缺乏,如果不注意从语义逻辑上仔细分析句际关系,翻译时就容易走样。原文是由两个句号句组成的语段,每个句号句都为复句,共为6个小句,按顺序标记为1-6,其中句际关系用来标记。如标记所示,第一个句号句为多重复句,3为主句,与12构成第一层句际关系(标记为),即12为3的时间状语从句;3与4构成第二层句际关系(标记为),即4为3的原因状语从句,-所以这个多重复句又是一个多向状语从句;而12又是一种并列关系(标记为)。 而56的句

32、际关系只有一层(标记为),即是:6为主句,5为前置的让步状语从句。如此看来,原文的句际关系是非常清楚的。相比之下,译文2的再现反映出了对原文准确的梳理,请看其句际关系的框架:When I learned from , especially when I again saw , I was kind of depressed, as if , because it was . I knew , but I cherished ;而译文1所采取的一些技巧,如分译、重组、增添等,都不如译文2顺译原文语序所传达的原文信息。 (2)如今归为私人所有,总有种今后不复再能为人们欣赏的遗憾。我虽无缘亲见此画,但我觉得名画有若美人,美人而有所属,不免是件憾事。译文1 Since it is owned by a private person now, I have a feeling that this pain

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