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1、ivegotanewbook课后反思:这一单元中,学生将要学习八个新单词,同时学生第一次接触到的新语言有:Ive got a new book.Have you got a book? 肯定回答:Yes,I have.否定回答:No,I havent. Has Sam got a sweater?Yes,he has./No,he hasnt.这么多的单词,这么多的语言,要求学生全部在一节课内掌握,显然不行,孩子学不会,就可能对英语学习失去信心。我这样来处理:动物和运动两个单词我当作语境词简单教过,不作为重点,把has got 的用法放到了下一节课来学习,本课只是让学生在语境中初步感知has

2、got 和have got 的区别,重点操练Ive got a new book.和Have you got a book? Yes, I have./No, I havent.语句,这样的设计是从学生的实际出发,重点突出,最大限度地降低了学习的难度,照顾了学困生。由于本课的内容较多,学生读起来有难度,因此我这样安排学生听磁带:第一次是初步感知课文,第二次听音跟读,读得好的地方pass,不好的地方教师领读,第三次学生跟着磁带一起读。教师不安排学生个体站起来读,这样做可以保护学生的积极性,又达到了听、读训练的目的。本课的难点是用“have got”进行描述和自如问答。考虑到本课的单词和语言较多,

3、如何降低难度,抓住重点呢?课前我让学生以小组为单位,四人分别穿上T恤衫、外套、连衣裙和毛衣,创设真实的语境,让学生结合真实语境来进行问答,有层次地操练单词和句子,学生首先会掌握自己身上穿着的衣物,再通过进一步的操练掌握更多的单词、句子,后面的传递游戏,学生在极大的动力感召下完成了巩固本课重点词句的练习。一、教学内容 Ivegotanewbook.Itsaboutanimals.Itsagoodbook.Haveyougotabooktoo,Daming?Yes,Ihave.Look,itsaboutsports.Itsanicebook.一、教学内容Ive got a new book. It

4、s about animals. Its a good book. Have you got a book too, Daming? Yes, I have. Look, its about sports. Its a nice book. Have you got a new book, Amy? No, I havent. Ive got a new dress and a new coat. Has Sam got a sweater? Yes, he has. Has Tom got a new sweater, too? No, he hasnt. look, Tom has got

5、 a blue T-shirt.animal动物, sport运动, dress连衣裙, coat外套, sweater毛衣, T-shirt T恤衫二、教学目的与要求1. 能听懂、会说本篇对话;2. 能运用会话中的句型进行扩展性的情景会话;3. 能听懂、会说新单词:animal, sport, dress, coat, sweater, T-shirt三、教学重点Have you got a? Has he/she got a?能运用以上句型进行扩展性的情景会话。四、教学手段运用多媒体辅助教学。五、教具准备单词卡片、实物钢笔、尺子、书和一本关于动物的书。六、教学步骤Greeting:How

6、are you?What day is today?Whats the weather like today?What do you do every day?Warm up:Lets chant: I I 就是我,I am, I have You you 就是你,you are, you have He he 就是他,he is , he has She she 就是她,she is , she hasStep1:T: Look, whats this?( 出示钢笔) Ss: Its a pen.T: Yes, its a pen. Its my pen. Ive got a pen.T:

7、Ive got a ruler.(出示尺子)T: Ive got a book.(出示书)Ask the Ss to say a sentence like this: Ive got a Step2:T: Ive got a new book. Its about animals. (出示一本关于动物的书)( PPT出示图片)Look and say: tiger, lion, monkey, rabbit-animals Basketball, table tennis, football, swimming-sportsLearn: Its a book about animals. I

8、ts a book about sports.Learn the new words: dress, coat, sweater, T-shirtStep3:1. T: Ive got a sweater. Have you got a sweater? Help the Ss to answer: Yes, I have. No, I havent.Then ask them: Have you got a? 2. T: Have you got a T- shirt? What color is it? Tom has got a T-shirt. Do you want to know

9、what color it is? Has he got a blue T-shirt? Listen to the tape and find the answer. Listen again and give the answer.3. Read the text and answer the two questions: Has Sam got a sweater? Has Tom got a sweater?Step4:Game:1. T shows them some pictures : dress, coat, sweater, T-shirt, book T chooses o

10、ne of the pictures. Ss(guess): Have you got a ? T : Yes, I have. / No, I havent.2. S1( a boy) chooses one of the pictures. T (guesses): Has he got a? Ss: Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt. S2( a girl)chooses one of the pictures. T (guesses): Has she got a? Ss: Yes, she has. / No, she hasnt.3. S1( a boy) c

11、hooses one of the pictures. Ss(guess): Has he got a? T: Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt. Then a boy.Step5: Show the word cards have got and has got Put the cards on the blackboard like this:I he have got has gotYou sheStep6: Lets chant: I I I , Ive got a book. You you you, Youve got a coat. He he he, He

12、 has got a T-shirt. She she she, She has got a sweater.Homework:Read the words and text.Ask and answer the questions: Have you got a ?教学目标:1、 学习语句:Ive got a new book.Have you got a new book?Yes, I have./No, I havent. Has Sam got a sweater?Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt. 2、 能口头运用Have you got a book? 这类语

13、句询问某人是否拥有某物,能用Yes, I have./No, I havent.这类语句回答。3、 识别单词:have got ,animal, dress, coat, sweater, has got ,T-shirt.教学重点: 1、 能口头运用Have you got a book? 这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物,能用Yes, I have./No, I havent.这类语句回答。2、 识别单词:have got ,animal, dress, coat, sweater, has got , T-shirt.教学难点:能口头运用Have you got a book? 这类语句询问

14、某人是否拥有某物,能用Yes, I have./No, I havent.这类语句回答。课前准备: Cai课件、单词卡片、衣服教学过程:Step 1 Warming-up(热身活动)1、 Greeting with the students.2、 Listen and sing the song “Rain, rain, go away”.(Cai课件)3、 Play the game “ 眼疾嘴快”。(Cai课件)Step 2 Presentation(呈现新知)1、 Look at the pictures and learn the new words.(Cai课件)2、 Look at

15、 the Cai课件.Listen and repeat. 3、 Play a game. Look at the word cards and say the words as quickly as they can. (Cai课件)4、 Hold up a book and say “ I have got a book.” Then take another thing and say “ I have got a .5、 Tell the students “Ive got I have got .”6、 Then ask the students : “ Have you got a

16、 ?” Help the students answer “ Yes, I have./No, I havent.”7、 Write the new sentences “ I have got a ” “ Have you got a ? Yes, I have./No, I havent.” “Has He/She got. a ?Yes, he/she has. /No, he/she hasnt. ”on the blackboard.Step 3 Practice (操练新知)1、 Look at the picture and listen to the tape. ( Cai 课

17、件)2、 Listen and match. ( Cai 课件)3、Let the students use their own objects to ask and answer in pairs. e.g: A: Ive got a pen.(using his pen)Have you got a pen ? B: Yes, I have./ No, I havent. 4、Play the game“Lucky Number”. ( Cai 课件)Divide the students two groups, Let them choose the number that they l

18、ike. Click the number, they will see the picture and sentences“I have got a ”.Read them loudly, they will get a stick. 5、Play the guessing game. “小红帽与大灰狼”。Practice “ Have you got a ?Yes, I have./No, I havent.” ( Cai 课件) 4、 Play the game “谁能猜出我心中所想”。Practice “Has He/She got. a ?Yes, he/she has. /No,

19、he/she hasnt. ” ( Cai 课件)Step 4 Productiona) Listen to the tape and do the exercises. ( Cai 课件) b) Look at the chant. Listen and sing the chant. ( Cai 课件) c) Look at the clothes pictures. Listen and repeat the words. ( Cai 课件) Step5 Summary(课堂小结)1、 口头运用Have you got a book? 这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物,能用Yes, I ha

20、ve./No, I havent.这类语句回答。2、识别单词:have got ,animal, dress, coat, sweater, has got , T-shirt.Step6 Homework(家庭作业) 1、Draw your favourite clothes. Colour it and say.2、Act out the dialogue in groups.3、向家人用英语介绍自己喜欢的物品。如:Ive got a new dress.并且第二天带到学校向老师和同学们介绍。 本节课学生将要学习四个新单词,同时学生第一次接触到的新语言有:Ive got a new boo

21、k.Have you got a book? 肯定回答:Yes,I have.否定回答:No,I havent. Has Sam got a sweater?Yes,he has./No,he hasnt. 这一单元中,学生将要学习的单词句型较多,一节课学完所有内容显然不行,孩子学不会,就可能对英语学习失去信心。我这样来处理:动物和运动两个单词我当作语境词简单教过,不作为重点,把has got 的用法放到了下一节课来学习,重点操练Ive got a new book.和Have you got a book? Yes, I have./No, I havent.语句,这样的设计是从学生的实际出

22、发,重点突出,最大限度地降低了学习的难度,保证了学习效率。上完本节课后我有以下几点感受: (1)通过谈话形式和chant,使学生进入学习角色,为学生创设了一个真实的情景,做到语用真实。 (2)本课的难点是用“have got”进行描述和自如问答。考虑到本课的单词和语言较多,如何降低难度,抓住重点呢? 词汇教学我能运用实物、图片、动作等直观法教学单词。教读时,配上相应的动作或表情,采用全身反应法,让学生动起来,融入动脑、动口、动手的英语学习中。之后,还设计了游戏,用于巩固单词。 能围绕教学重难点操练句型,在教授句型“Ive got”时,我引导学生用身边的物品造句,拓展了学生的思维能力。同时,学习

23、 “Have you got?” 这个句型时,我利用多媒体课件显示的物品进行Lets guessing这个活动练习新句型,开火车练习句型Ive got a . Have you got a ? (3)这节课中我还注重学生实际运用语言能力的培养,设计了多次的师生、生生问答的场景,让学生们能够将所学知识运用在实际生活中,达到“学以致用”的效果。 (4) 板书内容能围绕本课的教学目标,这有利于学生理解、吸收和记忆所学知识。 本节课也存在着一些不足,让每个学生都开口的想法并未完全实现,多数形式都是学生齐说,对于个别学生的操练较少,各个环节的过度不够自然,没能很好的调动学生学习的积极性。以后的教学中,要

24、注重操练的广泛性,有效性,同时我会更加积极探索、尝试设计学生喜欢而又有效的课堂教学活动,激发学生的学习热情,使我的学生在英语这个广阔的天地中高高翱翔!.Teaching objectives:1. words and phrases:have got animal sport dress coat sweater has got T-shirt2. Sentences:Ive got a book.Its about animals.Have you got a new book?Yes, I have. /No, I havent.3. Grammar:Using the first and

25、 third person singular and third person plural of regular and irregular verbs in the simple present tense. Teaching properties:Tape-recorder, Pictures. Some objects. Teaching procedures:Step1: Warming up:1) Sing a song: Old Mac Donald has a zoo.2) Free talk: Having a greeting with the Ss.Talk about

26、the objects around themselves.Step2: New concepts.Pick up a pen and say “Ive got a pen.”Walk around the classroom. Pick up other objects and say “Ive got a ” point out that “Ive got a ” Have the Ss respond by saying “Youre got a ”Point out that “Ive” is a contraction of “I have” and “ hes/shes” can

27、be a contraction of “he/she has” or “he/she is”. Ask some Ss to say sentences like this “Ive got a” then the T ask the Ss: “Have you got a ?” Help the Ss to answer: Yes, I have. /No, I havent.” Do more about it.You may show some books and introduce them to the Ss e.g. Holding English book and say “I

28、ts about English.” Ask someone to say like this. Have the Ss look at the pictures in SB Unit 1 Point to the book in the first pictures and say “Its about animals.” Point to the book in the second picture. Let the Ss say together. “Its about sports.”Listen to the tape and let the Ss point to the corr

29、ect pictures. Then read the dialogue sentence by sentence. Do SB Activity 3.Work in pairs. One asks one answer. Do AB Activity 1.Have the Ss look at the six pictures and say them out. Listen to the tape then tick or cross. Ask some Ss to say their answers.Step3.Games: 开火车。通过开火车的形式练习句型 “Ive got a boo

30、k .Have you got a book?”比比看哪组传得又快又准,获胜者加分。Step4. Homework:1) 听录音跟读课文,然后背诵课文。2) 与同伴一起练习“Ive got a” “Have you got a ?”句型。Designs:Module 9 PossessionsUnit 1 .Ive got a new bookIve got a (picture). Have you got a (picture)?He/she has got (picture). Yes, I have. /No, I havent.Ive got a new book说课稿我说课的内容是小学新标准英语三

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