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1、尼采英文名句精选尼采英文名句1、人是一座桥梁,架在超人和禽兽之间。Man is a bridge, between Superman and beast.2、苍生啊,你们肃然倒地了吗?宇宙啊,你感悟到那创造者了吗?People ah, you touch down? Are you aware of the creator of the universe, O universe?3、出于爱所做的事情,总是发生在善恶的彼岸。What is done out of love always happens on the other side of good and evil.4、创造了这个有价值的世

2、界的是我们!The creation of this valuable world is us!5、我身上带着许多锈得最严重的钥匙,也知道如何用它们来开启最破旧的门。I have a lot of rusty keys on me, and I know how to use them to open the worst door.6、人类的生命,不能以时间长短来衡量,心中充满爱时,刹那即为永恒!Human life can not be measured by the length of time. When the heart is full of love, the moment is

3、eternal.7、我认为他们还不够洁净。他们将自己的水搅得混浊,好使其显得甚深。I dont think they are clean enough. They make their water muddy, so that they look very deep.8、孤独,因你无法爱自己。Loneliness, because you cant love yourself.9、人才出于贫寒家庭,莲花开在死水。Talent out of the poor family, the lotus flower in the dead.10、谁不把一天的三分之二留给自己,谁就是奴隶。Who does

4、 not leave 2/3 of the day to himself, who is the slave.11、贬低自己是为了刺痛自己的高傲,表现出愚钝是为了嘲弄自己的智慧。To degrade oneself is to prick his own arrogance, and to show that dull is to mockery of his own wisdom.12、那些没有消灭你的东西,会使你变得更强壮。Those things that do not destroy you will make you stronger.13、我时常问自己,是否这一生中,最痛苦的岁月也

5、正是最有使命感的时候。I often ask myself if the most painful time in this life is the most sense of mission.14、没有哪个胜利者信仰机遇。No winner believes in opportunity.15、每个诚实的人走路都会发出声音。Every honest man walks with a sound.16、谁的思想过于丰富,谁就宁愿把自己变愚。Who is too rich in thought, who would prefer to make a fool of himself.17、等我学会

6、了飞翔,便不需要推动就可从一处移到另一处。When I learn to fly, I can move from one place to another without driving.18、上帝已经死了,因为我的存在。God is dead, because of my existence.19、我生活在一个不属于我的时代里,所以我是悲伤的。I live in a time that does not belong to me, so I am sad.20、许多真理都是以笑话的形式讲出来。Many truths are told in the form of jokes.21、把一种语

7、言翻译成另一种语言,最难表达出来的是语言风格的速度。To translate one language into another language, the most difficult to express is the speed of language style.22、基督教徒胜过其他宗教的绝妙诀窍是一句话:它谈论爱。The wonderful trick of Christians to be better than other religions is a word: it talks about love.23、人最终喜爱的是自己的欲望,不是自己想要的东西!What people

8、 love ultimately is their own desires, not what they want.24、只有极少数人能保持独立:保持独立是强者的特权。Only a few people can remain independent: to be independent is the privilege of the strong.25、人们必须在心中怀着混乱,为了能够创造一个舞动的新星。People have to be in the heart of confusion in order to create a dance new star.26、即便你现在学习的东西看起来

9、毫无用处,它也会成为能好好生活的基础。Even if the things you are studying now look useless, it will also be the basis for a good life.27、智慧的增长可用痛苦的减少来精确衡量。The growth of wisdom can be measured accurately by the reduction of pain.28、是什么造就英雄?倘若能同时面对至深的痛苦和最大的希望。What makes a hero? If you can face the deep pain and the grea

10、test hope at the same time.29、什么是恶?凡是源于虚弱的东西都是恶。What is evil? Everything that comes from weakness is evil.30、逻辑使人平静,提供信任感。Logic makes people calm and provides a sense of trust.31、与恶龙缠斗过久,自身亦成为恶龙。凝视深渊过久,深渊将回以凝视。And the Dragon fought for a long time, also become the dragon. Stare at the abyss for a lo

11、ng time, and the abyss will return to the gaze.32、被妒嫉之火包围著的人,最后会像蝎子一样,把毒刺转过来刺自己。Be jealous of the fire surrounded by people, finally would like a scorpion sting, to turn their spines.33、当我们勇敢的时候,我们并不如此想,我们一点也不认为自己是勇敢的。When we are brave, we dont think so. We dont think we are brave at all.34、自从我厌倦了寻找

12、,便学会了找到。Since I was tired of looking for it, I learned to find it.35、银白的,轻捷地,像一条鱼,我的小舟驶向远方。White, light, like a fish, my boat to go far away.36、不能服从自己,便得受令他人。If you cant obey yourself, you have to be ordered.37、你们受够了自己,你们的拼命工作只是一种自我逃避罢了。You have had enough of yourself, and your hard work is just a s

13、elf evasion.38、伟人对我毫无意义,我只欣赏自己理想中的明星。Great men have no meaning to me. I only appreciate the stars in my ideal.39、切勿自我膨胀,否则,一根小刺便可以把你刺穿!Do not self expansion, otherwise, a small thorn can hurt you!40、出世理想生于生命意志之衰弱,因空无愿望而愿望空无。The ideal born of life is born of the decline of the will of life, the desir

14、e to be empty because of the empty desire.41、道德有两种:有独立心而勇敢者曰贵族道德;谦逊而服从者曰奴隶道德。There are two kinds of morality: the independent heart and the brave man say the aristocratic morality; the modesty and the obedient say the slave morality.42、人是不容易被发现的,尤其最难被自己发现。People are not easy to be found, especially

15、the most difficult to be found by themselves.43、我们杀人不用愤怒,而用笑。We kill no anger, and laugh.44、如果一个人始终只是为人弟子,则他必然不会十分感激他的老师。If a man is always a disciple, he will certainly not be very grateful to his teacher.45、凡是不愿意看别人长处的人,总是一眼就看到别人不如自己之处。Anyone who does not want to see the strengths of others always

16、 sees others as not as good as their own.46、错误不是盲目,错误是懦弱。Mistakes are not blind, and mistakes are cowards.47、读书就是沿着作者的脚印去看沿途的风景。Reading is to follow the authors footprints to see the scenery along the way.48、假定我们需要真理,那为何不需要虚妄?不需要不确定性?甚至无知呢?If we need truth, why dont we need to be false? Do not need

17、uncertainty? Even ignorant?49、我可用一句短语包含一切体系,一个警句归纳所有存在。I can use a phrase to contain all the systems, and one of the sentences sum up all the existence.50、由于我的内在状态异常繁多,就具有风格的多种可能性。Because of the great variety of my internal state, I have a variety of possibilities of style.51、是金子,就不会闪闪发光。只有这最高贵的金属,才

18、具有柔和的光芒。Its gold, it doesnt flicker. Only the most noble metal has a soft light.52、然而,我是生活在自己的光里面,我不断啜吸进自我内心的火焰。However, I live in the light of my own, and I continue to sip into the flame of my inner heart.53、完全不谈自己是一种甚为高贵的虚伪。It is a very noble hypocrisy without talking about yourself.54、世上的滑稽大大多于悲

19、剧,人欢笑的频率大大高于震惊的频率。There are much more ridiculous than tragedies in the world, and the frequency of human laughter is much higher than the frequency of shock.55、假使有神,我怎能忍受我不是那神,所以没有神!If there is a God, how can I endure that I am not the God, so there is no God!56、惟有悲观净化而成的乐观,才是真正的乐观。Only the optimist

20、ic and pessimistic optimism is the real optimism.57、这些今日之人,他们不过是使我发笑的异乡人罢了。These people today are just a stranger who makes me laugh.58、克服一种感情的意志,最终只是另一种感情或另外若干种感情的意志。The will of overcoming one kind of emotion is only the will of another emotion or a number of other feelings.59、每一段不努力的时光,都是对生命的辜负。Ev

21、ery time that does not work hard is to live up to life.60、光明的彰显,源自对黑暗的理解。The display of light is derived from the understanding of the dark.61、在自己身上,克服这个时代。In our own body, to overcome this era.62、造就朋友的是同享乐,而非共患难。To make friends is to enjoy the same pleasure, not a common tribulation.63、聪明的人只要能掌握自己,

22、便什么也不会失去。A wise man will never lose anything as long as he can master himself.64、要提高别人,自己必须是崇高的。To improve others, you must be sublime.65、喜悦能让你强大;再高兴些,无论是多么微不足道的事,都要兴高采烈。Joy can make you strong; be more happy, no matter what trivial things, be happy.66、既然无法逃避,那就相爱吧。Since you cant escape, love it.67、

23、最大限度地享受生活意味着危险的生活。The maximum enjoyment of life means a dangerous life.68、不要抛弃你的爱和希望!Dont abandon your love and hope!69、所谓智慧,就是孤独者在人声鼎沸的市场上对自己的窃窃私语。The so-called wisdom, is lonely in the market on their own racket whispering.70、那杀不死我的,使我更坚强。It killed me, and made me stronger.71、当灵魂缺乏施与之心时,那就是退化的开始。W

24、hen the soul lacks the heart of giving, it is the beginning of the degeneration.72、不能听命于自己者,就要受命于他人。If you cant listen to yourself, you must be killed by others.73、一切决定性的东西都是从对抗中产生的。All decisive things are produced from confrontation.74、赞美者假装在回报,可是实际上,他要求得到更多的赠送!The praises pretended to be rewarded,

25、 but in fact, he asked for more gifts!75、强烈的希望是人生中比任何欢乐更大的兴奋剂。Strong hope is a greater stimulant in life than any joy.76、对待生命,你不妨大胆一点,因为我们始终要失去它。To treat life, you might as well be bold, because we have to lose it all the time.77、唯有戏子才能唤起群众巨大的兴奋。The only actor to arouse the masses great excitement.78、坚信比谎言更是真理的敌人。Believe that a lie is the enemy of truth.79、爱拥有一种欲望,渴望将人尽可能提高。Love has a desire to raise people as much as possible.80、一向最为禁制的总是真理。The truth is always the most forbidden.

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