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1、职称英语理工A完形填空第十二篇(2012年新增)Free Statins With Fast Food Could Neutralize Heart Risk Fast food outlets could provide statin drugs free of 1 so that customers can reduce the heart disease dangers of fatty food, researchers at Imperial College London 2 in a newstudy Statins reduce the 3 of unhealthy ”LDL”

2、cholesterol in the blood. A wealth of trial data has proven them to be highly effective at lowering a persons heart attack 4 . In a paper published in the American Journal of Cardiology,Dr Darrel Francis and colleagues calculate that the reduction in heart attack risk offered by a statin is 5 to off

3、set the increase in heart attack risk from 6 a cheeseburger and drinking a milkshake Dr Francis,from the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London,who is the senior author of the study, said:”Statins dont cut out a11 of the 7 effects of cheeseburgers and French friesIts better to

4、avoid fatty food altogetherBut weve worked out that in terms of your 8 of having a heart attack. Taking a statin can reduce your risk to more or less the same 9 as a fast food meal increases it.”“Its ironic that people are free to take as many unhealthv condiments in fast food outlets as they 10 , b

5、ut statins, which are beneficial to heart health, have to be prescribed. It makes sense to make risk-reducing statins available just as easily as the unhealthy condiments that are l 1 free of chargeIt would cost less than 5 pence per 1 2 一not much different to a sachet of sugar.” Dr Francis said Whe

6、n people engage in risky behaviours like driving or smoking, theyre encouraged to take 13 that lower their risk, 1ike 14 a seatbelt or choosing cigarettes with filters. Taking a statin is a rational way of 1 5 some of the risks of eating a fatty meal词汇:statin/st tIn! n降胆固醇药物outlet/autlit/ n销售点choles

7、terol/ klestrl / n胆固醇offset /,fset/V. 抵消,补偿cheeseburger/ ti:z,b: / n芝士汉堡包milkshake! milkeik / n奶昔condiment /kndimnt! n 调味品sachet /stei / ii 小袋,小包rational / rnl / adj合理的注释:1. Fast food outlets could provide statin drugs: 句中的could 是一种委婉表达建议的用词,意为“可以”。2. Imperial College London: 帝国理工学院。该学院于1907 年由城市和行会

8、学校、皇家矿业学校以及皇家科学学院合并组成。学院于2007 年7月正式脱离伦敦大学成为一所独立大学。提供本科和研究生教育,共有四个学院,工程学院、医学院、自然科学院和生命科学院3. LDL cholesterol: 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇。LDL是low density lipoprotein(低密度脂蛋白)的缩写形式。4. a wealth of trial data: 大量的试验数据。a wealth of意为“大量的,许多”。5. American Journal of Cardiology: 美国心脏病学杂志6. French fries:炸薯条7.It makes sense.: mak

9、e sense 意为“说得通,合情合理”。8. a sachet of sugar: 一小袋糖。快餐店一般备有袋糖,供饮咖啡或热奶的顾客免费取用。练习:1A change B charge C chain D chance2A trust B decide Csuggest Dcalculate3Anumber Bamount Cvolume D product4Afrequency B treatment C diagnosis Drisk5A severe Benough C weak D active6A buying B preparing C eating D cooking7Aun

10、healthy Bstrong C different D doubtful8Aexamination Bsuffering C determination D possibility9A degree B dimension C angle D range10A use B hate C reject D like11A transported B provided C preserved Dconvened12Acook B patient Ccustomer Dvisitor1 3Ameasures Bcare Cadvantages D turns14A buying B wearin

11、g C cleaning D changing1 5A increasing Bfinding C lowering D taking答案与题解:1. B本文介绍说,吃汉堡包等快餐食品容易引发心脏病,而服用statin能降低心脏病发作的风险,一正一负正好抵消。statin 价格便宜,文章建议快餐店像免费供应调味品那样免费供应statin0 free of charge 是固定搭配,意为“免费”。选择charge 是对的。2. C 本题要选suggest ,因为其他三个选项在意思上都不合适。此外,本句主句的谓语动词用了could (provide) ,委婉地含有“建议”的意思。所以suggest

12、 是个不二的选择。3.B 与降低unhealthy LDL cholesterol 搭配的一定是amount(量),而不可能是number(数字)、volume(体积)或product (乘积)。4.D从上下文判断,要降低(lower)的当然是risk。lower frequency(降低频率)、lowertreatment(降低治疗)或lower diagnosis (降低诊断)与上下文的意思都不匹配。5. B 本句表达的意思是:Dr Darrel Francis 在他的论文中说,经过计算,一粒statin 降低心脏病发作的风险足以抵消吃一个奶酪汉堡包和喝一杯奶昔所增加的患心脏病的风险。所以

13、本题的答案是enough。6. C 顾客不可能在快餐店里preparing cheeseburger 或cooking cheeseburger,而buyingcheeseburger不会增加心脏病风险。所以,只有eating cheeseburger 才合乎上下文的意思。7.A从上下文判断,被cut out(去除)的effects一定是unhealthy effects,所以,unhealthy是本题的答案。8.D本句中的in terms of 意为“就而言”,要与后半句“一正一负相互抵消”的意思相匹配,所以只能是“就患心脏病的可能性而言”。possibility 是答案。9. A本句的意思

14、与第五题的意思相同,即statin降低心脏病发作的风险与快餐增加的心脏病的风险在程度(degree)上大致相当。如果选择其他三个选项,意思变成了,“尺寸(dimension)上、角度(angle)上或范围(range)上大致相当”,就说不通了。1O.D 填词所在的句子的意思告诉我们,具有讽刺意味的一点是:顾客可以随心所欲地免费享用不健康的调味品。as one likes 是固定用法,意为“随某人所愿,随某人所喜欢”。所以,like 是答案。其余三个选项用在本句中都不合适。11.B transported (运输)、preserved (保存)或converted (转换)填人句子中,意思都不顺

15、。只有填入provided (提供)符合句意。provided 是答案。12.C 到快餐店去就餐的人当然是customer。13.A 为了降低开车和吸烟的风险,人们被鼓励要采取一些安全措施。作者借此说明为了降低食用快餐的风险,我们也要采取措施。根据这层意思,选择measures是正确的。takemeasure的意思是“采取措施”。其他三个选项都不合适:take care是“注意,小心”,takeadvantage 是“利用”,take turns 是“轮流,依次”。14.B 本题很明显要选wearing,因为上下文的意思是“系上安全带”。buying a seatbelt,cleaning a

16、 seatbelt和changing a seatbelt都与上下文的意思相去太远。15. C通篇文章都在阐述statin能降低患心脏病的风险。所以,lowering(降低)是答案。快餐加免费降胆固醇药物可以降低罹患心脏病的风险伦敦帝国理工学院的研究者们在一项新研究中建议,快餐店可以免费供应降胆固醇药物以此降低顾客食用油腻食品罹患心脏病的风险。降胆固醇药物能减少不健康的低密度脂蛋白胆固醇在血液中的含量。大量的试验数据已经证明,降胆固醇药能有效降低罹患心脏病的风险。在美国心脏病学杂志发表的一篇论文里,Darrel Francis博士和他的同事们估订,一粒降胆固醇药降低的罹患心脏病的风险,足以抵消


18、ancis博士说道。当人们从事诸如驾驶和吸烟等危险行为时,别人会鼓励他们系安全带或选择有过滤嘴的香烟以降低风险。服用降胆固醇药物是降低油腻食物引发的心脏病发作风险的理性做法。第14篇Sharks Perform a Service for Earths WatersIt is hard to get people to think of sharks as anything but a deadly enemy1. They are thought to1people frequently. But these fish2 perform a2service for earths waters

19、 and for human beings. Yet business and sport fishing3 are threatening their3Some sharks are at risk of disappearing from4Warm weather may influence both fish and shark activity. Many fish swim near coastal areas5their warm waters. Experts say sharks may follow the fish into the same areas,6people a

20、lso swim. In fact, most sharks do not purposely charge at or bite humans. They are thought to mistake a person7a sea animal, such as a seal or sea lion. That is why people should not swim in the ocean when the sun goes down or comes up. Those are the8when sharks are looking for food. Experts also sa

21、y that bright colors and shiny jewelrymay cause sharks to attack.A shark has an extremely good sense of smell4 It can find small amounts of substances in water, such as blood, body liquids and9produced by animals. These powerful10help sharks fred their food. Sharks eat fish, any11sharks, and plants

22、that live in the ocean.Medical researchers want to learn more about the sharks body defense, and immune12against disease. Researchers know that sharks13quickly from injuries. They study the shark in hopes of finding a way to fight human disease.Sharks are important for the worlds14They eat injured a

23、nd diseased fish. Their hunting activities mean that the numbers of other fish in ocean waters do not become too15This protects the plants and other forms of life that exist in the oceans.词汇:purposely adv.故意地,蓄意地 immune adj.免疫的charge v.(向)冲(过去) jewelry n.珠宝seal n. 海豹注释:1It is hard to get people tO t

24、hink of sharks as anything but a deadly enemy:要让人们相信鲨鱼不是(人类的)死敌不是一件容易的事。anything but意为“决不,远非”,如:His performance in London is anything but a success(她在伦敦的演出完全不成功。)2these fish:这些鱼(指鲨鱼)。fish单复数同形,如:0ne fish,two fish,many fish(见第二段第一句)。3sport fishin9:捕鱼运动。4sense of smell:嗅觉练习:1. A attack B meet C love D

25、 visit2. A terrible B eatable C valuable D possible3. A source B existence C friends D fish4. A Space B Sky C Land D Earth5. A because B since C because of D by reason that6. A whose B which C that D where7. A to B for C like D with8. A times B places C seas D oceans9. A sciences B mathematics C che

26、micals D physics10. A feelings B senses C touches D tastes11. A those B these C another D other12. A systems B processes C ideas D circles13. A recover B reform C return D rely14. A rivers B oceans C forests D mountains15. A weak B little C few D great答案与题解:1A本题应选择attack,因为第一句说到:人们认为鲨鱼是a deadly enem

27、y,也就是说鲨鱼会对人类造成伤害。第二句是对deadly enemy的具体说明。其他的三个选项meet,love,visit都不合适,love与上下文意思相反,meet和visit与上下文意思不符。2C空格2所在的句子由but连接,所以该句子表达的意思一定与第二句相反。第二句对鲨鱼的评价是负面的,填入空格2的词应该是正面的。四个选项中只有valuable符合这一条件,所以是答案。3B第三句说到鲨鱼有益于“waters and human beings”,第五句又说到鲨鱼濒临灭绝的危险。根据上下文的意思,threatening(威胁)到它们的应该是existence(生存)。其他的三个选项sou

28、rce,friends,fish都不合适,与上下文意思没有联系。4D如果鲨鱼消失,从什么地方消失呢?当然从earth(地球)上消失。从space(宇宙空间)、sky(天空)中消失,或从land(陆地)上消失,都有悖常理。5C四个选项的意思都是“因为“,但是从用法上分析,because、since和by reason that之后要接句子,because of之后接名词或名词短语。their warm waters是名词短语,所以要选用because of。6D“people also swim”明显是定语从句,其先行词是表示地点的名词area,所以要选关系副词where。7B从上下文判断,本句

29、的意思是:鲨鱼将人错认为是海洋动物。而“将错认为是”的英语表达是mistakefor,所以本题的答案是选项B。8A本段的意思是:鲨鱼并非故意袭击人类。人们认为,由于鲨鱼将人错认为是海狮等海洋动物,在饥饿时才袭击人类。日出和日落时,正是鲨鱼饥肠辘辘的时候,人们不应该出海游泳。空格8填入的词应该与时间有关,所以times是答案,而与地点有关的选项(places seas和oceans)与上下文意思脱节。9C本段第一、二句是说,鲨鱼的嗅觉特别灵敏,能嗅到海水中存在的极为微量的气味。作者举了三个物质:血、体液和化学品。空格9要填入表示物质的名词。四个选项中惟一表达物质的词是chemicals(化学品)

30、。所以chemicals是答案,而其它三个选项与学科有关,脱离了上下文的意思,不是本题的答案。10B在第一、二句意思的基础上,作者进一步说明,灵敏的嗅觉有助于鲨鱼找到食物。所以本题的答案是选项D的senses,因为feelings,touches和tastes都与smells无关。11D 本句的中心词是复数的sharks,another所修饰的名词一般是单数,所以不会是答案。these和those是表特指的代词,指代前面出现过的名词。由于前面没有先行词,所以也不可能是答案。剩下的other是答案,any other sharks的说法也合乎英语的用法。12A从上下文判断,医学研究人员想要更多了解的是“身体抗病system(系统)”,不会是“身体抗病idea(思想)”、“身体抗病工作(work)”或“身体抗病circle(周期)”。13A本段最后一句的意思是:医学研究人员研究鲨鱼的目的是为了找到一种人类抗病的方法。所以空格l3所在句子的意思应该是recover(quickly from

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