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1、化学常用英语化学常用词汇汉英对照表作者:不详阅读:4263 次时间:2003-7-10来源:不详氨 ammonia 氨基酸 amino acid 铵盐 ammonium salt 饱和链烃 Saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon 苯 benzene 变性 denaturation 不饱和烃 unsaturated hydrocarbon 超导材料 superconductive material 臭氧 ozone 醇 alcohol 次氯酸钾 potassium hypochlorite 醋酸钠 sodium acetate 蛋白质 protein 氮族元素 nitro

2、gen group element 碘化钾 potassium iodide 碘化钠 sodium iodide 电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion 电解质 electrolyte 电离平衡 ionization equilibrium 电子云 electron cloud 淀粉 starch 淀粉碘化钾试纸 starch potassium iodide paper 二氧化氮 nitrogen dioxide 二氧化硅 silicon dioxide 二氧化硫 sulphur dioxide 二氧化锰 manganese dioxide 芳香烃 arene 放热反

3、应 exothermic reaction 非极性分子 non-polar molecule 非极性键 non-polar bond 肥皂 soap 分馏 fractional distillation 酚 phenol 复合材料 composite 干电池 dry cell 干馏 dry distillation 甘油 glycerol 高分子化合物 polymer 共价键 covalent bond 官能团 functional group 光化学烟雾 photochemical fog 过氧化氢 hydrogen peroxide 合成材料 synthetic material 合成纤维

4、 synthetic fiber 合成橡胶 synthetic rubber 核电荷数 nuclear charge number 核素 nuclide 化学电源 chemical power source 化学反应速率 chemical reaction rate 化学键 chemical bond 化学平衡 chemical equilibrium 还原剂 reducing agent 磺化反应 sulfonation reaction 霍尔槽Hull Cell极性分子 polar molecule 极性键 polar bond 加成反应 addition reaction 加聚反应 ad

5、dition polymerization 甲烷 methane 碱金属 alkali metal 碱石灰 soda lime 结构式 structural formula 聚合反应 po1ymerization 可逆反应 reversible reaction 空气污染指数 air pollution index 勒夏特列原理 Le Chateliers principle 离子反应 ionic reaction 离子方程式 ionic equation 离子键 ionic bond 锂电池 lithium cell 两性氢氧化物 amphoteric hydroxide 两性氧化物 amp

6、hoteric oxide 裂化 cracking 裂解 pyrolysis 硫氰化钾 potassium thiocyanate 硫酸钠 sodium sulphide 氯化铵 ammonium chloride 氯化钡 barium chloride 氯化钾 potassium chloride 氯化铝 aluminium chloride 氯化镁 magnesium chloride 氯化氢 hydrogen chloride 氯化铁 iron (III) chloride 氯水 chlorine water 麦芽糖 maltose 煤 coal 酶 enzyme 摩尔 mole 摩尔质

7、量 molar mass 品红 magenta或fuchsine 葡萄糖 glucose 气体摩尔体积 molar volume of gas 铅蓄电池 lead storage battery 强电解质 strong electrolyte 氢氟酸 hydrogen chloride 氢氧化铝 aluminium hydroxide 取代反应 substitution reaction 醛 aldehyde 炔烃 alkyne 燃料电池 fuel cell 弱电解质 weak electrolyte 石油 Petroleum 水解反应 hydrolysis reaction 四氯化碳 car

8、bon tetrachloride 塑料 plastic 塑料的降解 plastic degradation 塑料的老化 plastic ageing 酸碱中和滴定 acid-base neutralization titration 酸雨 acid rain 羧酸 carboxylic acid 碳酸钠 sodium carbonate 碳酸氢铵 ammonium bicarbonate 碳酸氢钠 sodium bicarbonate 糖类 carbohydrate 烃 hydrocarbon 烃的衍生物 derivative of hydrocarbon 烃基 hydrocarbonyl

9、同分异构体 isomer 同素异形体 allotrope 同位素 isotope 同系物 homo1og 涂料 coating 烷烃 alkane 物质的量 amount of substance 物质的量浓度 amount-of-substance concentration of B 烯烃 alkene 洗涤剂 detergent 纤维素 cellulose 相对分子质量 relative molecular mass 相对原子质量 relative atomic mass 消去反应 elimination reaction 硝化反应 nitratlon reaction 硝酸钡 bari

10、um nitrate 硝酸银 silver nitrate 溴的四氯化碳溶液 solution of bromine in carbon tetrachloride 溴化钠 sodium bromide 溴水 bromine water 溴水 bromine water 盐类的水解 hydrolysis of salts 盐析 salting-out 焰色反应 flame test 氧化剂 oxidizing agent 氧化铝 aluminium oxide 氧化铁 iron (III) oxide 乙醇 ethanol 乙醛 ethana1 乙炔 ethyne 乙酸 ethanoic ac

11、id 乙酸乙酯 ethyl acetate 乙烯 ethene 银镜反应 silver mirror reaction 硬脂酸 stearic acid 油脂 oils and fats 有机化合物 organic compound 元素周期表 periodic table of elements 元素周期律 periodic law of elements 原电池 primary battery 原子序数 atomic number 皂化反应 saponification 粘合剂 adhesive 蔗糖 sucrose 指示剂 Indicator 酯ester 酯化反应esterificat

12、ion 周期 period 族 group(主族:main group) 常用英文化学分子式、方程式及数学式的读法作者:赵乐等阅读:3709 次时间:2003-8-9来源:化学化工天地Na2SO4 Sodium sulphate; C-a-two-S-O-fourMg(OH)2 magnesium hydroxide; M-g-pause-O-H-pause-twice; M-g-in brackets twiceCa2(PO4)3 2H2O calcium phosphate two hydrate; C-a-two-pause-P-O four-pause- three times-dot

13、-two-H two-OZn(NH3)42+ tetra-ammonium zinc complex cation give; yield; produce, form,become evolved as a gas; give off a gas is precipitated; gives X precipitate= reacts reversibly Cu, D in the precence of a copper as a catalyst on heating CO32- + Ca2+ = CaCO3 a carbonate anion with a valancy of two

14、 plus a calcium cation with a valancy of two produce a calcium carbonate precipitateR R primeR” R double prime, R second primeR1 R sub one100 C one hundred degrees Centigrade+ plus; positive- minus; negative multiplied by; times divided by plus or minus= is equal to; equals is identically equal to i

15、s approximately equal to( ) round brackets; parentheses square brackets bracesab a is much greater than ba b a is greater than or equal to ba b a varies directly as blognX logX to the base nthe cubic root of xthe nth root of xx2 x square, x squared, the square of xXn X to n factors; the nth power of

16、 x; x to the power nx -8 x to the minus eighth power x the absolute value of xthe mean value of Xthe sum of the terms indicated; summation ofD x or d x the increment of xdx differential xdy/dx the first derivative of y with respect to x integral infinity1/2 a half; one half2/3 two thirds5/123 five o

17、ver a hundred and twenty-threeeight and three over fourths; eight and three quarters0.01 O point O one; zero point zero one; nought point nought one6 % 6 percent3 3 per mille2 : 3 the ratio of two to threer=xd r equals x multiplied by d5 2=10 five times two equals tenx3/8=y2 x raised to the third po

18、wer divided by eight equals y squared(a+b-c d)/e=f a plus b minus c multiplied by d, all divided by e equals fy = (Wt-W)/x y equals W sub t minus W over x 上一篇:Common Chemical Prefix and Suffix下一篇:Ei 数据库文摘要求摘录2 NOMENCLATURE OF INORGANIC COMPOUNDSNaming elementsThe term element refers to a pure substa

19、nce with atoms all of a single kind. At present 107 chemical elements are known. For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of the English name consisting of one or two letters, for example:oxygen = O nitrogen = N magnesium = MgSome elements, which have been known for a long time, h

20、ave symbols based on their Latin names, for example:iron = Fe (ferrum) copper = Cu (cuprum) lead = Pb (Plumbum)A few elements have symbols based on the Latin name of one of their compounds, the elements themselves having been discovered only in relatively recent times1, for example:sodium = Na (natr

21、ium = sodium carbonate)potassium = K (kalium = potassium carbonate)A listing of some common elements may be found in Table 1.Table 1 Names of Some Common ElementsSymbolNameSymbolNameSymbolNameAgSilverCoCobaltNiNickelAlAluminiumCrChromiumOOxygenAsArsenicCuCopperPPhosphorusAugoldFFluorinePbLeadBboronF

22、eIronPdPalladiumBaBariumHHydrogenPtPlatinumBiBismuthHgMercurySSulfurBrBromineIIiodineSeSeleniumCCarbonKPotassiumSiSiliconCaCalciumMgMagnesiumSnTinCdCadmiumMnManganeseTiTitaniumCeCeriumNNitrogenUUraniumClChlorineNaSodiumZnZincNaming Metal Oxides, Bases and SaltsA compound is a combination of positive

23、 and negative ions in the proper ratio to give a balanced charge and the name of the compound follows from names of the ions, for example, NaCl, is sodium chloride; Al(OH)3 is aluminium hydroxide; FeBr2 is iron (II) bromide or ferrous bromide; Ca(OAc)2 is calcium acetate; Cr2(SO4)3 is chromium (III)

24、 sulphate or chromic sulphate, and so on. Table 3 gives some examples of the naming of metal compounds. The name of the negative ion will need to be obtained from Table 2.Table 2 Some Common Negative IonsNameSymbolNameSymbolNitrateNO3-NitriteNO2-CarbonateCO32-SulphiteSO32-SulphateSO42-PhosphitePO33-

25、PhosphatePO43-ArseniteAsO33-Hydrogen sulphateHSO4-Hydrogen sulphiteHSO3-Hydrogen carbonateHCO3-Hypo-chloriteClO-ArsenateAsO43-CyanideCN-IodateIO3-IodideI-ChlorateClO3-FluorideF-ChromateCrO4-ChlorideCl-DichromateCr2O72-BromideBr-PerchlorateClO4-SulphideS2-PermanganateMnO4-OxideO2-AcetateOAc-HydrideH-

26、OxalateC2O42-HydroxideOH-Table 3 Names of Some Metal Oxides, Bases and SaltsFormulaNameFeOiron(II) oxideferrous oxideFe2O3iron(III) oxideferric oxideSn(OH)2tin(II) hydroxideStannous hydroxideSn(OH)4tin(IV) hydroxidestannic hydroxideHg2SO4mercury(I) sulphateMercurous sulphateHgSO4mercury(II) sulphate

27、Mercuric sulphateNaClOsodium hypochloriteK2Cr2O7Potassium dichromateCu3(AsO4)2copper(II) arsenatecupric arsenateCr(OAc)3Chromium(III) acetateChromic acetate Negative ions, anions, may be monatomic or polyatomic. All monatomic anions have names ending with -ide. Two polyatomic anions which also have

28、names ending with -ide are the hydroxide ion, OH-, and the cyanide ion, CN-. Many polyatomic anions contain oxygen in addition to another element. The number of oxygen atoms in such oxyanions is denoted by the use of the suffixes -ite and -ate, meaning fewer and more oxygen atoms, respectively. In cases where it is necessary to denote more than two oxyanions of the same element, the prefixes hypo- and per-, meaning still fewer and still more oxygen atoms, respectively, may be used, for example, hypochlorite ClO

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