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1、高中英语新高考英语作文写作构思全过程选词+结构高中英语新高考-英语作文:写作构思全过程(选词+结构)我会详细说明整篇作文从构思、用词、结尾的全部过程。我会具体说明在写下每一句话时我都是怎么思考和选词的,希望能够给大家带来启发,助大家高考一臂之力。(王鹏翔)以下面这道题目为例:请认真阅读下面有关我国在线音乐行业的柱状图及相关文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Honest souls intent on paying for the music they listened to used to have a hard time in China. In the era of comp

2、act discs, rare was the shop which did not sell counterfeits. The same held true when discs turned into downloads and online streams of songs: hardly any service charged money.Yet this is changing. Slowly, but surely, China is becoming a market where people pay for music. Over the past five years, d

3、igital-music revenues for the recording industry nearly quadrupled, to $195m; most of that amount comes from legal listening online (see chart). Music, in its digital form, has clearly taken off in China.Not everybody is paying: of the 600m Chinese who listen to music online only 20m have a paid sub

4、scription, which costs between 8 and 12 yuan a month. The rest tune in for nothing, but many do so on legal services, like QQ Music and KuGou. “Piracy is collapsing,” says Ed Peto of Outdustry, a firm in Beijing offering services to the music industry. 【写作内容】1. 用约30个单词概述柱状图和文字信息的主要内容;2. 简要论述我国在线音乐行业

5、的快速发展背后的原因(不少于2点);3. 对于我国在线音乐的健康发展,应该采取哪些措施。【写作要求】1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3. 不必写标题。第一步:审题,目标:提取关键句或关键词这道题目要求我们分析我国在线音乐的发展。通过阅读材料和图表要大致锁定两个关键点:1. 中国在线音乐的状况:The same held true when discs turned into downloads and online streams of songs: hardly any service charged money.Yet this is chan

6、ging. Slowly, but surely, China is becoming a market where people pay for music.注:如果是现象,基本要关注的是:什么在流行或变化,结果或评价是什么。2. 图表的趋势:Over the past five years, digital-music revenues for the recording industry has risen dramatically, to $195m.注:注意图表数据的变化,这里简单,就是直接升,中间也没有断层停止。第二步:合并和替换第一句:The obsession with “fr

7、ee” used to threaten Chinese music industry, but in recent years it has become a thing of the past.需要注意的词组:the obsession with对.的痴迷,追求become a thing of the past 成为过去,历史第二句:The past five years have witnessed a steady increase in online music revenues.需要注意的词组:witness a steady increase/rise/decline下面一步是

8、将两个概括过的信息点连在一起。The obsession with “free” used to threaten Chinese music industry, but in recent years it has become a thing of the past, as is witnessed by a steady increase in online music revenues.完成30词概括之后,下面就要开始重头戏了:主体段。主题句:Several factors are at play in the rapid growth of Chinese online music

9、industry.注意:考场作文每一段都要有主题句。这里at play是一个外刊常见表达,表示“起作用”。当然还有更多的表达方式,譬如give rise to, account for。第一个原因:1)智能手机的流行,使得在线听歌越来越便捷(科技类,基本都是和convenient紧扣)The rising popularity of smartphones in recent years makes it quite convenient to listen to music online just by a click of the mouse.举例论证:年轻人(在线听歌的主要人群)可以使用

10、支付宝,微信支付等便捷支付手段在完成网上付款。For example,various apps such as Alipay and WeChat Pay means has encouraged youngsters, in particular, to develop the habit of making purchases digitally.注意:encourage虽然不起眼,但确实极常用的。第二个原因:2)考虑到在线音乐市场的丰富商机,我国大互联网公司开始打击盗版(很多以前免费听的歌曲现在需要付费,就是打击盗版的举措)。Also, given the ample commercia

11、l opportunities in music, Chinas internet giants have taken the lead in fighting piracy.其中ample opportunities的意思为“丰富的机会;机遇”,internet giants意为“互联网巨头”。至此第二段观点论述结束,但接下来我们最好还是要写一个简短的总结句,这也是我经常采取的一个策略,即采用总分总结构,让文章结构更完整:All of these are evidence that digital music services are gaining wide currency.注意:其中b

12、e evidence that意为“证明了.是.的证据”,相当于prove that.。最后我们开始写第三段:(社会现象或问题基本从个人,政府等考虑)对于我国在线音乐的健康发展,政府应打击盗版,保护音乐人的知识产权:For Chinas digital music to survive and thrive in the future, the part played by governments in protecting the intellectual property of artists and song-writers, is crucial.survive and thrive意

13、为“存活并蓬勃发展”,是一个常见搭配。这里the part played by. is crucial是一个可以借鉴的句型,表示某人某事起着重要作用。下面写个人应该怎么做:向每个喜欢的乐手付费,尊重他们的劳动成果,促进音乐行业的收入和销量。In addition, by making small payments to their favorite singers, individuals help to generate sales and profit for the music industry.最后最好再加一句话总结:这样做,一个持续健康发展的在线音乐市场将得以蓬勃发展。In so d

14、oing, a sustainably healthy market for the digital music industry is expected to boom soon.这里的sustainably healthy意为“持续健康的”,in so doing意思是“这样做,在这种情况下”,相当于in doing so。至此全文结束,下面是文章完整版本:The obsession with “free” used to threaten Chinese music industry, but in recent years it has become a thing of the pa

15、st, as is witnessed by a steady increase in online music revenues.The rising popularity of smartphones in recent years makes it quite convenient to listen to music online just by a click of the mouse.For example,various apps such as Alipay and WeChat Pay has encouraged youngsters, in particular, to

16、develop the habit of making purchases digitally.Also, given the ample commercial opportunities in music, Chinas internet giants have begun to fight piracy. All of these are evidence that digital music services are gaining wide currency.For Chinas digital music to survive and thrive in the future, th

17、e part played by governments in protecting the intellectual property of artists and song-writers, is crucial. In addition, by making small payments to their favorite singers, individuals help to generate sales and profit for the music industry. In so doing, a sustainably healthy market for the digital music industry is expected to boom soon.

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