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本文(配套K12学习湖北省黄冈市学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题扫描版.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、配套K12学习湖北省黄冈市学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题扫描版湖北省黄冈市2017-2018学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题(扫描版)2018年春黄冈市高一期末考试英语参考答案及解析听力:1-20 CCABA BACBC ACBBC CBABA阅读理解A篇:2124 DBAA B篇:2528 DDBD C篇:2932 ADAC D篇:3335 DAC 七选五:3640 GECFA 完形填空:4145ACDBA 4650BCDAA 5155BBCAD 5660DAABC语法填空:61. have known 62. it 63. actually 64. published 65. reduces

2、 66. by 67. growth 68. that 69. teeth 70. better短文改错:Mobile payment is very popular in China, that has made peoples daily life more and more whichconvenience. Most people are used to pay by scanning QR codes. By mobile payment, we can pay convenient payingeasy wherever we go. You can buy breakfast o

3、n the street and pay by scanning with you smart easily yourphone. However, in the subway station, you scan with your smart phone buy your ticket. Mobile Moreover/Besides buy前添加to payment is popular to most Chinese people, allowing us to say goodbye to wallets and bank with/amongcards. So it has grea

4、tly been changed peoples lives in China. It seemed that China is really 删除been seemsleading in some ways and is also sweeping other nations. 书面表达: Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for reading my letter. As the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation is coming, Id like very much to be a volunte

5、er. All our citizens are looking forward to this special event. First of all, I will, with great passion, try my best to serve our honored guests from home and abroad politely. Besides, I have a rich knowledge about Chinese history and especially traditional culture, which enables me to spread our r

6、ich culture. Whats more, Im good at English and Chinese, which will play an important role in communication during the forum. To sum up, I believe I can be a qualified volunteer. I will try my best if Im accepted.Yours,Li Hua英语调考题参考听力及答案详解(Text l) M: Hey Mei! How are you getting to Xian next week? W

7、: Im not sure yet. I may take the train but, then again, I may take the bus. M: But the bus takes a long time. You could fly. Its not so expensive these days.(Text 2) M: Hey, Amy. Ive just got two tickets to see the opening ceremony. W: No wonder you are so excited. Shall we go to a restaurant to ce

8、lebrate? M: What a good idea! Lets go.(Text 3) W: Hi, Jenny. Would you be free this coming Saturday? Im planning to have a housewarming party and it would be very nice if you could come. M: Where have you moved to? W: At the top of the hill, very close to a Chinese restaurant. Here is a map and my n

9、umber. Just in case you get lost. (Text 4) M: Did you have a good weekend? W: Well. I wanted to go for a picnic but it rained too much. So I just stayed at home instead. I worked on Sunday morning and then played tennis with my husband.(Text 5) W: Excuse me. How do I get this ticket machine to work?

10、 M: First, put your money in. Then just press this button. W: Oh, its printed the ticket already. Thank you very much.(Text 6) W: Todd, I heard you are from San Francisco. How is the weather there? M: Well. The best time of the year is probably in September. It rains a lot from November to March nex

11、t year. W: So hows the living there? M: Its really expensive, because there are lots of really big, rich companies like Facebook, Google and Apple. They pay their employees a lot of money. Once you get the job at these companies, youre set. But it also means that the cost of living there has really

12、gone up .(Text 7)M: Jane, yesterday I got a call from the local police station to pick up Biggi. Shes had her purse and passport stolen. W: Poor Biggi. M: She told me that she found her bag was open at the bus station. She was sure the bag was fastened when she left a souvenir shop. So she searched

13、her bag and found her purse and passport were gone. She rushed back to the shop but they said nothing was there: She also looked around outside the shop, but again, couldnt find them. W: Did she have a lot of money in her purse? M: Not so much, but you know, her credit card and ID and so on. W: Has

14、she reported it to the German Embassy? M: Yes, she has. So all she can do now is just waiting for her passport to be reissued. Oh, poor Biggi.(Text 8) M: Concord College. How can I help you? W: Hello, would you put me through to Miss OShea? Its Alison Clarke calling. M: Im afraid she doesnt seem to

15、be available at the moment. Would you like to leave a message? W: Yes, please. My name is Alison Clarke. Ive got an appointment with her at one tomorrow afternoon, but Im wondering whether I can change it to three oclock. Id very much appreciate it if she could let me know by noon tomorrow. My mobil

16、e number is 0772-0882704. M: OK, Ill pass your message on to her. W: Thank you. Bye.(Text 9) W: Excuse me. Is anyone sitting here? M: Um. No . Ill just move my bag. W: Thanks. How long have you been waiting? M: Oh, about half an hour. Im waiting for my friend to meet me. How about you? W: Oh, Ive ju

17、st got here, about 3:30. Im picking up my younger sister. Shell be arriving on a 4 oclock bus.M: Where is she from?W: London. Shes studying there.M: Me, too. Im studying business at the London School of Economics.W: She studies photography at the London College of Fashion. M: Yes. I know it. Its a v

18、ery famous college. She must be good. W: Maybe. All I know is that she is always asking our dad for money to buy new cameras or something. What do you plan to do after university? M: Well, I might work in a cafe called The Blue. But if possible, Id really like to travel for a year, maybe to.Oh, Im s

19、orry Ive got to say goodbye. My friend just arrived. Well, it was nice chatting with you.(Text 10)Today I would like to talk to you about the Royal Society for Preventing Accidents. Firstly, Ill tell you a little about the history of the society and the work it does. Then Ill give you some interesti

20、ng figures to show how important the work of the society is. After that, Ill show you a video made by the society that will give you more details about the work they do. And finally, Ill finish by giving you the chance to ask me questions. So first, this is a British charity that was established ove

21、r 80 years ago. It provides information and training on safety in all areas of life: at work, in the home, on the roads. in schools and on or near water. It also provides information on dangerous or badly designed products that may cause accidents. Accidents in the UK, although often not serious, ar

22、e still very common and cost the country huge amounts of time and money. Last year, there were about 350 deaths because of accidents at work. In addition, over 4,000 people died because of accidents in the home and nearly thirty thousand ended up in hospital. So as you can see, the problem of safety

23、 is quite a big one. Now we will see a video showing.阅读理解详解:A篇 本文是应用文。文章主要介绍了纽约时报组织的四个2018年的亚洲之旅。21. D。推理判断题。由Follow the Silk Route这部分中的Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have remained far more connected to their earlier histories以及take you deep into the heart of these Silk Road nations可推知,这个旅行是要去丝绸之路上的古国乌

24、兹别克斯坦和土库曼斯坦。22B。细节理解题。由SaudiArabia and the Emirates: The Past and Future of Oil这部分中的Departs Oct. 23 and Nov6, 2018可知,该旅行分别在10月23日和11月6日出发。其他的旅行在l1月没有安排。23A。细节理解题。由Kashmir: The Religious Melting Pot of India这部分中的On this 13-day journey, explore this nations colorful religious history可知,旅行者在印度可以了解到这个国家

25、多元化的宗教历史。24A。推理判断题。由Follow the Silk Route这部分中的 with guidance from Times-selected experts, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates: The Past and Future of Oil这部分中 的this journey accompanied by New York Times-selected experts,Seventy Years of the State of Israel这部分中的travel with experts from the New York Times,以及

26、Kashmir: The Religious Melting Pot of India这部分中的with expert guidance可知,这四个旅行都有专家陪同。B篇 本文是记叙文。从小害羞、不善言谈的作者在大三决定战胜自己,并且挑战播音主持成功。25D。细节理解题。由第一段中的My only failure was Spanishbut Ds and Fs on the spoken part可知,作者在学习上唯一不擅长的是西班牙口语。26D。推理判断题。由第三段中的I had absolutely no background in radio, and absolutely no ho

27、pe of getting the job. The idea of talking to thousands of listeners in “radio land” terrified me可推知,作者在面试前心里没底,非常紧张。27B。推理判断题。由最后一段中的My former shyness is an asset, as I can relate to people who feel discomfort when they talk to newspaper reporters可推知,作者把自己的害羞看作是一种财富,并认为它帮助了自己的工作。28D。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了作者

28、曾经胆怯、害羞,但在后来克服、战胜了这一性格的经历及感受。C篇:本文为娱乐新闻报道,介绍了印度影星阿米尔汗的电影在中国大受欢迎。29. A 根据文中第二段,第五段,第六段分别提到Secret Superstar神秘巨星,Dangle 摔跤吧,爸爸和Three Idiots三傻大闹宝莱坞这三部影片为阿米尔汗主演的。30.D第二段第一句有说明原句。31.A 根据全文讲的是阿米尔汗的影片在中国大受欢迎,被昵称为 “米叔”。最佳答案为A。32.C从全文推断,特别是第二段中有时间的报道,所以为新闻来源。D篇:本文为说明文。在信息时代人们离不开手机,产生了低电量焦虑症。33. D 结合句子上下文,batt

29、ery和后面的never die 可以猜出为“充满电”。34. A 第四段中说明了无手机恐惧症的种种迹象,BCD都包括其中,只有A有出入。35.C 从最后一段中battery anxiety may hopefully soon be a thing of the past可知“有希望地”代表作者积极展望未来手机不需要担心电量问题。阅读七选五:如今网络和电视已成为大多数人的主要娱乐形式,但是读书却能大大提升我们的生活阅历,不容忽视。36G空格前内容“读书正在成为过去的事情了”,而空格后内容“有许多让阅读变得更加有趣的方式”,前后明显有转折关系,故选G。37E根据本段内容,人们读书有明确的目的,

30、那么你为什么想读书呢?故E符合此意。38C在众多的阅读材料中“不断反复尝试”才能慢慢培养你的阅读兴趣。故选C。39F本段讲“尝试听音乐也是使阅读变得更加快乐的一种方式”,故F符合此意。40A此题应填一个标题内容。从下文“Find a place”可知是讲读书环境的,所以A正确。完形填空解析: 本文记叙了著名天才物理学家斯蒂芬霍金第二次中国之行,他应邀来到浙江大学参加数学研究和作出幽默智慧的演讲。41A。第一次来中国,正式拜访,学术交流要有visit,而toura强调旅游和巡回演出。42C。应邀参加,出席,正式用语attend。43D。具体某天的某时用on。44B。在香格里拉大酒店举行的记者招待

31、会hold。45. A。晚上五点携妻子登场,出席出现appear。46B。47D。由于无法言语,霍金必须通过电脑的协助,在现场回答了9个问题。48. D。49. A。根据上下文,霍金的豁达幽默得知:真实的宇宙比星球大战中有趣得多,从而鼓励年轻人如果对天文宇宙感兴趣,就要去学习研究物理学。50A。51B。52B。53. C。按照上下文,霍金的病是严重的serious,每年有十万人死于此疾病。kill表示疾病致死54A。根据霍金的人生态度,这是最大的幸福,只有A选项有积极意义。55D。全身瘫痪,只能only动两根手指。56D。计划去干be scheduled to do,而plan在此不用被动句。

32、57A。58A。第一本书为普通大众所写,想为孩子们写一本简单易懂的天文书。59B。60C。上下文理解,第二本书想写给所有人,因此会更简单易懂。语法填空: 【解析】本文向读者介绍了绿茶。从远古时代起,人们就开始了解绿茶的好处,并用它来治疗从头痛到抑郁的各种问题。今天,根据科学研究发现绿茶有益于健康,绿茶可以减少某些癌症发生的机率,抑制细菌的生长等。61. 考查时态。根据“The Chinese_61_ (know) about the benefits of green tea since ancient times”中的“since”可知,应该用完成时。故填“have known”。62. 考查代词。“th

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