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1、牛津译林版初二上unit7学案docxUnit7学案姓名任课老师授课吋间学科年级性别学管师经典试题Welcome to the unitWhich season does Amy like best? Why?三、 Teaching contents:1、 Say: Winter is coming Eddie feels very cold. Now let9s listen to a conversation between Eddie and Hobo and then answer the questions.2、 Ask: l )What does Eddie want to do?

2、2)Does Eddie look cool with the clothes?Sum up: Seasons of the year: There are four seasons in a yearA Spring: March, April, MayB、 Summer: June, July, AugustC、 Autumn: September, October, NovemberD、 Winter: December, January, February四、 Knowledge carding:1 I bet you911 look cool and feel cool with n

3、othing on!bet vt.&vi.打赌;敢说Idon?t enjoy betting.我不喜欢赌博。2 He spends all his money betting on horses.他把所有的钱都用在赌马上。She bet me $20 that I wouldnt be able to give up smoking.她和我打20美元的赌,说我戒不了烟。3、 look cool/good/smart4、 with nothing on5 Which season do you like best?6 Which is your favourite season?7、Its th

4、e best time to .五、 Compliance testing:1)Fill in the blanks according to the pictures.1 I reading.2.Li Hua my favourite football star.3.Oh, he young.4.1 on the bed .5.1 him a meal.6.1 autumn.7.Summer so hot.8.The days of spring windy and bright.9.Then autumn leaves brown.10.The temperature .2)Put the

5、 words and phrases in the correct order to make sentences.11/ for her birthday / bought / a new book / my mother / .2her / stamp collection / me / she showed /.3on TV / watch sport III often / .4Fm / writer / a / .5a lot / read /1 / .6my father / me / to be a musician / wanted / 71/ sing / her / hea

6、rd /.Reading四.Knowledge carding1、Winter days are full of snow, .be full of 充满 Champagne (香槟酒)is full of bubbles (气泡).香槟酒自很多气泡。He must check his work more carefully 一 its full of mistakes. 他检查工作时必须耍再仔细一些到处是错。The garden is full of colourful flowers.花园里力紫千红。3、When trees and flowers forget to grow, . fo

7、rget to do忘记要去做某事。(未做) forget doing忘记做过某事。(E2做)The light in the office is still on. He forgot to turn it off.办公室的灯还在亮着,它忘记关了。(没有做关灯的动作)He forgot turning the light off.他忘记他已经关了灯了(已做过关灯的动作)Turn v.(使某物)转动,旋转Its easy to turn this tap (水龙头).这水龙头好拧。v.(使某人某物)翻转,翻过来If you turn over you might find it easier

8、to get to sleep.你翻翻身,就容易睡着了。v.(使某人某物)转向,转弯She turned to look at me.她转过身来看着我。v.(使某人某事物)变成,成为The weather has turned cold and windy.天气变得寒冷而多风。v.达到或超过(某年龄或时间)She turned forty last June.她在刚过去的六月份满四十岁。v.(使某人某事物)由一种状况转为另一种状况Caterpillars (毛毛虫)turn into butterflies.毛毛虫能变成蝴蝶。n.转向;拐弯You cant do a right-hand tu

9、rn here.你不能在这里右转弯。n.(情况的)变化The situation took a new turn over the weekend.这一情况在周末时发生了新的变化。n.(多人依次)轮到的机会Tonight its my turn to cook.今晚轮到我做饭。五、Compliance testing:I.根据句意及提示填入适当的单词。1.Youre soaked (湿透的)! Did you get caught in the (阵南)?2. (在 之上)her head she wore a black hat.3.1saw him (当 时)I was coining i

10、nto the building.4.There has been a (上升)in (温度)over the past few days.5.His blood pressure had (卜降).II.完成句子。1.这个地区布满了警察。The area police.2.别忘了喂猫。 the cat.3.叶子一到秋天就黄了。Leaves .4.一阵风把落叶卷成(herd)堆。A wind herded the fallen leaves .Grammar三 Teaching contents:Five kinds of sentence structures英语的简单句有五种基木句型:1、

11、 主+谓;2、 主+谓+宾;3、 主+系+表;4、 主+谓+间宾+直宾;5、 主+谓+直宾+宾补。掌握这五种基木句型,是掌握各种英语旬了结构的基础。S + V (主+谓)S + V (主+谓)Subject(S)VzcrbTis swimming, (主+谓+宾) Verb(S) (V)The swan2 S + V + DOSubjectObject(O) 入 Many childrenlovehis book.3. S + V + PSubjectBirdwatching(主+系+表)Verb Predicativeis interesting4.S+V + IO + DO (主十谓+间宾

12、十直宾)IndirectObject(IO)Subject Verb(S) (V)Sandy gaveDirect Objectthe dovessome food.野畑05 S十V十DO十(C(上+谓+直宾+宾补)Subject VerbSandy calls(DO) (DO)her parrot Chatty.行为动词有实在的意义,谓语,表示动作或状态。可在句中独立作行为动词可分为Direct Objecl Object Complement及物动词和不及物动词。不及物动词本身意义完整,无需带宾语。 由这类动词构成的句子结构为:S+VThey all smiled.及物动词本身意义不够完整

13、,后面需接宾 语。由这类动词构成的句子结构为:S + V+ O; S +V+ IO + DO; S + V + DO + OCI have a carShe showed inc her new dress.I saw him singing the song四.Knowledge carding1、英语的简单句有五种基本句型:S+V+P; S+V; S+V+0; S+V+IO+DO; S+V+DO+OC动词可以分为行为动词(也称实义动词)和系动词。行为动词可分为及物动词和不及物动词。2、 系动词后接形容词做表iu(predicative).The linking verbs:1).表示感官的

14、动词:look, smell, taste, feel, sound, seem.2).表示变化的动词:get, turn, become, grow, go (bad).3).表示状态保持的动词:keep, stay, remain.3、 在英语中常跟双宾语的动词有:1) .give / show/ send / pass/teach/bring sb sth=give / show / send/pass/teach/bring sth to sbExercise2)buy/make/sing/draw/get sb sth=buy/make/sing/draw/get sth for s

15、b1.宾语和宾补是主谓关系。2.常带宾补的动词有 make / keep / find / call / believe /think 等。e. g . The news made him unhappy We should keep our classroom clean and tidy .I find him kind .2、 Sentences from this unit:1).1 like autumn2) Summer is so hot.3) The days of spring are windy andbright.4). Then autumn leaves turn b

16、rown.5). The temperature drops.五、Compliance testing:-)、单项选择( )1. He much food the poor family during the hard time.A.provided,to B. provides,with C.provided, with D provides, for( )2.1 want to put the bookshelf here Can you make for it?A.a space B.some spaces C.some more rooms D.some space( )3.Taiwa

17、n is the east of China and the east of Fujian.A.injn B.into C- to, on,to二)指出下面的句了属于哪种基木句型。1.People call Zhalong Birds,Home.2.The government built the nature reserve.3.The sparrow is flying.4.The reserve gives wildlife an ideal home.5.The crane looks beautiful.Integrated skillsTeaching contents:

18、1 Write the possible season under each report.2Listen to the weather report and complete the table below Place Weather Temperature (highest) Temperature (lowest) BeijingNew YorkLondonSydney showersKnowledge carding:1、The weather is nice today.2 Its quite cold today.3、 What was the weather like yeste

19、rday?4、 Yesterday it rained all day.5 What will the weather be like tomorrow?6、Its going to snow tomorrow.7 It been cloudy all morning.8 Is it raining now?9 The days are getting hotte匸10、Whats the temperature today?Compliance testing:-)翻译下列句子:1、 今天天气怎么样?2、 今犬犬气很好。3、 今天真冷。4、 昨天天气怎么样?Study skillsKnowl

20、edge to prepare:1、Ask: How is the weather today?It sunny/rainy/windy/cloudy/snowy/foggy/hot/cold2.词根展示:sun-sunny rain-rainy cloud-cloudyfog foggy wind-windy snow-snowyluck-lucky healthy-healthy sleep-sleepyshine-shinynoise-noisyfun-funnyTeaching contents:Step 1: lead in1 .Greetings2.Sing a song:How

21、is the weather?Step2: pretention呈现歌曲屮出现的八种天气状态的图片:sunny/rainy/windy/c1oudy/snowy/foggy/hot/co1d2.讲解否定前缀in的作用,并介绍其他否定前缀dis-, , ir,5叶。讪-一般用以字母,m , P,开头的单词前;如:important;让-一般用以字母,r,,开头的单词前;如:irregular. in-以字母,c,,开头的单词前如:incorrect.3.完成课木89页A部分练习。要求学生们记忆各个形容词所用的不同前缀。4.指导学牛用“头脑风眾法”巩固单词。5、 用否定前缀的形容词造句。(1) T

22、his is a No Parkingarea.(2) This chair is too small.(3) The boy didnt tell the truth.(4) The restaurant is quite near here(5) I dont like him because he is rudeTaskKnowledge carding1 Bring me my clothes, Hobo.bring 带來, take 带走e.g. Please bring me my coat.Take your book home after school.You11 look c

23、ool and feel cool with nothing on!look cool 看起来酷3.Which season do you like best, Simon?Which is your favourite season?like . best / favourite 最喜欢 e.g. I like spring best.e.g.My favourite season is full of 5. forget to do / forget far away 7. among flowers8. turn brown 9. fall

24、into piles upon the full of 充满forget to do忘记要去做某事。(未做) forget doing忘记做过某事。(L24故)11.turn v.(使某物)转动,旋转Its easy to turn this tap (水龙头).这水龙头好拧。v.(使某人某物)翻转,翻过来If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep.V.(使某人某物)转向,转弯 She turned to look at me.她转过身来看着我。12.Winter days are full of

25、snowbe full of = be filled with 充满 e.g. The library are full of students. =The library are filled with students. 图书馆里学生满满的。13.Fall in piles upon the ground. 一堆堆地掉在地面上。pile n.堆e.g. We put the books in piles on the floo匚我们把书在地板上堆起来。14.Farmers work to harvest crops.harvest crops收获庄稼五、Compliance testing

26、: 根据汉语捉示或所给词的正确形式填空。1.There are four (季节)in a yea匚2.There is a lot of (雪)in winter here.3.一What was the weather like yesterday?一It was(fog) and (wind).4.It,s (rain) outside. You should take an umbrella5.There are many bees and b among flowers.6.In summer, there are a lot of s 8.The autumn leaves fall in p upon the ground.9.The days are shorter and the t drops in autumn.-)、翻译卜列句了。1.外而太冷了,把我的外套拿来。2.你穿这件外套看起来很酷。3.你最喜欢哪个季节?练后 评价签字教学组长: 校长:

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