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1、高中英语350个句子学单词You arrived at the moment I left.我出门的时候,你来了。I saw him at one time or another.我曾经见过他。Tom and I have nothing in common.我和汤姆没有共同点。You and I have something in common.你和我有一些共同点。I cant figure out what he means.我不懂他的意思。Even if he is busy, he will come.他就算多忙也会来的。I will go even if it rains tomor

2、row.就算明天下雨,我也會去的。We spent the day in the open air.我们在户外度过了一整天。The dog was walking at his heels.这狗跟着他走。We have no proof to the contrary.我们没有相反的证据。From now on, lets keep in touch.我们以后要保持联系啊。I will never tell a lie from now on.我从今以后不会再说谎了。Our task has been easy so far, but it will be difficultfrom now

3、on.我们的任务到目前为止很轻松,但从现在开始将会变得很难。So far we have been quite successful.到目前为止,我们还是相当成功的。Who is in charge of this section?谁负责这个部门?When will you get ready to leave?你什么时候才会准备好出发?What did you major in at college?你大学时主修什么?Honesty will pay in the long run.诚实终将会得到回报。Lets take turns rowing the boat.我们轮流划船吧。Im st

4、ill suffering from jet lag.我还在倒时差的痛苦中。I take great interest in history.我对历史有极大的兴趣。We are used to eating plain food.我们吃惯了简单的食物。Traffic lights work all the time.红绿灯一直在工作。War must be avoided at all costs.必须不惜一切代价避免战争。I dont know who to consult with.我不知道该请教谁。He may well be proud of his sons.他完全可以为他的儿子们感

5、到骄傲。He works hard all the year round.他一年到头努力工作。He read the letter over and over.他把信读了一遍又一遍。He found it hard to make friends.他发现很难交到朋友。She helped me to clear snow away.她帮我清除积雪。Her red dress made her stand out.她的红色礼服使她引人注目。You are qualified to be a doctor.你有资格成为一名医生。It makes sense to pay off your cred

6、it card balanceevery month.每个月还清信用卡负债很重要。In case of an emergency, get in touch with my agentright away.如遇情况紧急,请立即联系我的代理。You may as well withdraw from the club right away.你还是马上退出这个俱乐部吧。You may as well tell me all about it.你不妨告訴我一切。I will get in touch with you soon.我会很快跟你联系。The loss of my job wiped us

7、 out.我的失业让我们经济困难。Did this letter come from Alice?这封信来自爱丽丝?Your efforts will pay off one day.总有一天你的努力将会得到回报。Dont dwell on your past failures.不要纠缠于你过去的失败。Who are you to tell me to get out?你是什么人叫我走?Please wait for me at the station.请在车站等我。All the apple trees were cut down.所有苹果树都被砍倒了。The storm blew over

8、 quickly.风暴很快平息了。Dont be so worked up over thisthing. It will all blowover before you know it.不要这么烦恼这事儿。它在你明白之前就会被淡忘。Can you think of something better?你能想到更好的东西吗?Mary is both intelligent and kind.玛莉既聪明又亲切。What about having fish for dinner?晚餐吃鱼怎么样?The parking lot is free of charge.停车场是免费的。I believe y

9、ou will get over it soon.我相信你很快就能复原。I believe this is a case in point.我相信这是一个恰当的例子。The price of coffee has come down.咖啡的价格已经回落。What you said does not make sense.你说的没有道理。Compare your translation with his.比较你和他的翻译。Iceland used to belong to Denmark.冰岛以前属于丹麦。It will come all right in the end.船到桥头自然直。As

10、long as we love each other, we will be all right.只要我们彼此相爱,我们会没事的。You may stay here as long as you like.你想在这儿待多久就待多久。You should face up to the reality.你应该面对现实。In the name of mercy, stop crying.行行好,別哭了。I will keep nothing back from you.我对你毫无隐瞒。He tried to keep the secret back from us.他试图对我们保守这秘密。Try t

11、o make the most of your time.尽量试着用好你的时间。The union members were up in arms.工会成员们拿起了武器。His reply was in effect a refusal.他的答复事实上就是拒绝。He took part in the Olympic Games.他参加了奥运会。Are you planning to take part in the meeting?你们准备参加会议吗?He is in sympathy with my opinion.他是赞同我的意见。He is certain of winning the

12、game.他是一定会赢得比赛。We must allow for her poor health.我们必须考虑到她健康状况不佳。You ought not to make fun of them.你别嘲弄他们。I went there times without number.我去过那里太多次了。I could hardly keep from laughing.我忍不住要大笑。I am too tired to keep on walking.我太累了,不能再走了。There are people drowning in debt.有些人负债累累。Dont mix up comets and

13、 asteroids.不要把流星和小行星搞混了。I will come around tomorrow evening.我明天晚上来。He refused to shake hands with me.他拒绝跟我握手。My problems are closing in on me.我的难题逼迫着我。How can we get him to come across?我们怎样才能让他同意?After CPR, the child came to life.心肺复苏后,孩子醒过来了。She tried to live her dreams out.她试着活出她的梦想。You must take

14、his age into account.你该考虑他的年纪。I was glad to hear of your success.我很高兴听到你的成功。Your shoes do not go with the suit.你的鞋子和衣服不合适。I would like to go with you, but as it is I cant.我很想跟你一起去, 但重点是我不能去。He is no more foolish than you are.他可不比你傻。Please help yourself to some fruit.请你随便吃点水果。Prices depend on supply

15、and demand.价格取决于供需关系。Thousands of people died of hunger.数千人死于饥饿。Help yourself to anything you like.喜欢什么就随便吃吧。I would admire to attend the party.我是很想参加这个聚会。Tom is ill at ease among strangers.周围全是陌生人,这让汤姆感到很不自在。We must carry out the plan at once.我们必须马上实行这个计划。Whatever results may follow, I will carry out my plan.无论结果如何,我也要执行我的计划。It will cost at least five dollars.它至少要花五美元。The news made m

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