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本文(高考英语大二轮复习第四部分完形填空专题十七记叙文完形填空夹叙夹议文完形填空优选习题.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高考英语大二轮复习第四部分完形填空专题十七记叙文完形填空夹叙夹议文完形填空优选习题专题十七记叙文完形填空+夹叙夹议文完形填空A(2018河北邯郸质检)Mike and I wanted to celebrate our wedding anniversary.We made a 1 at our favorite restaurant,but when we arrived,our 2 wasnt well prepared.We walked toward the bar in the restaurant to wait.Mike 3 a chair for me and the man

2、next to me 4 over to give me room to slide in.I smiled my thanks.“Im here on business.Can you 5 some interesting things to do 6 when I have some time off?” the man asked.Mike and I immediately shifted our attention to the stranger.We love our adopted hometown and quickly suggested half a dozen fun 7

3、.The strangers name was Bill.He and Mike 8 to be both mechanical engineers.The two men had 9 to talk about.Seconds turned into minutes and strangers turned into friends.When the hostess 10 and told us our table was 11,we said goodbye to Bill.“Were out to 12 our wedding anniversary,” I said as we 13

4、to follow the waitress to our table.“Wow!I really 14 you taking the time to talk to me,” Bill said.“You could have 15 me.Happy anniversary!”The evening sped by.Soon we had to go home.Mike signaled our waiter for the bill.16,the waiter smiled and handed us a note:Thank you again for talking to a stra

5、nger.I really appreciate your kindness.17 is on me.18,we looked at the waiter.“Yes,” he said.“Its true.He paid your bill.”We walked back to the 19 to thank Bill,but his seat was 20.But we never forgot his generosity and decided to pay it forward.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者和丈夫花时间与陌生人聊天,陌生人充满感激,主动为作者夫妇买单的故

6、事。 1.A.reservation B.wishC.preparation D.plan答案A解析词义辨析题。A项“预定”;B项“希望”;C项“准备”;D项“计划,安排”。作者想要庆祝结婚周年纪念日,所以在饭店预定了餐位。答案为A项。 B.breakfastC.table D.arrangement答案C解析词义辨析题。根据后文可知,他们订的桌子还没有准备好,需要等待,所以答案为C项。3.A.ordered in B.picked upC.took up D.pulled out答案D解析词义辨析题。A项“预订”;B项“捡起,拾起,拿起,恢复,买到便宜货,学会”;C项“开始,

7、从事,占据(时间、空间),拿起”;D项“拖(拉)过来,拔出,驶出”。丈夫Mike为作者拉过来一把椅子。答案为D项。4.A.moved B.gotC.jumped D.came答案A解析词义辨析题。move over“闪开,挪开”;get over“克服,战胜,熬过”;jump over“跳开”;come over“(走)过来”。旁边的男士为作者让出空间,所以答案为A项。5.A.choose B.think ofC.recommend D.refer to答案C解析词义辨析题。A项“选择”;B项“想出”;C项“推荐”;D项“谈到,提到,参考,参照”。这个人是来这里出差,所以请求帮他推荐当地有趣的

8、事情。答案为C项。6.A.frequently B.locallyC.entirely D.exactly答案B解析词义辨析题。A项“频繁地”;B项“在附近,在本地”;C项“完全地,整个地”;D项“精确地”。根据上一题的分析可知答案为B项。7.A.stories B.booksC.restaurants D.activities答案D解析词义辨析题。作者为这个人推荐了一系列有趣的活动(事情),所以答案为D项。8.A.announced B.seemedC.pretended D.happened答案D解析词义辨析题。A项“宣告”;B项“似乎,看似”;C项“假装”;D项“发生,碰巧”。Bill和

9、Mike碰巧都是机械师,所以他们有很多共同语言。答案为D项。9.A.nothing B.littleC.plenty D.everything答案C解析词义辨析题。根据上一题的分析可知答案为C项plenty“充分的,大量的”。10.A.approached B.returnedC.replied D.apologized答案A解析词义辨析题。A项“接近,靠近”;B项“返回,归还”;C项“回复”;D项“道歉”。服务员走过来说餐桌已经准备好了。答案为A项。11.A.full B.collectedC.ready D.clean答案C解析词义辨析题。A项“充满的,充实的,满的”;B项“收集起来的”;

10、C项“准备好的,现成的,愿意的”;D项“洁净的,无污染的”。根据上一题的分析可知答案为C项。12.A.congratulate B.celebrateC.hold D.watch答案B解析行文逻辑题。A项“祝贺”;B项“庆祝”;C项“抓住”;D项“观察,观看”。根据文章第一段开头“Mike and I wanted to celebrate our wedding anniversary.”可知,作者夫妇是来庆祝结婚纪念日的,动词celebrate在文中复现,所以答案为B项。 up B.took upC.came back D.showed up答案A解析词义辨析题。A项“起来

11、,起身,起床”;B项“拿起,开始,从事,占据(时间、空间)”;C项“返回”;D项“出现”。作者夫妇起身跟着服务生去他们的餐桌,所以答案为A项。14.A.imagine B.appreciateC.mind D.enjoy答案B解析行文逻辑题。根据后文“I really appreciate your kindness.”可知,Bill非常感激作者夫妇花时间跟他聊天,动词appreciate在文中重复使用,所以答案为B项。15.A.helped B.seenC.forgiven D.ignored答案D解析词义辨析题。A项“帮助”;B项“看见”;C项“原谅”;D项“忽略,不理睬”。作者夫妇是来庆

12、祝结婚纪念日的,本来可以不理Bill的。答案为D项。16.A.Instead B.ThereforeC.Besides D.Otherwise答案A解析行文逻辑题。作者夫妇要结账,服务生没有给他们账单,而是给了他们一张便条。答案为A项,instead“反之,代替”。17.A.Praise B.BlameC.Responsibility D.Dinner答案D解析文化常识题。根据后文“He paid your bill.”可知,这位陌生人为这对夫妇付了账。到饭店自然是去用餐,而且是晚餐(正餐),所以选择D项。句意:这顿饭我请客。18.A.Curious B.SurprisedC.Grateful

13、 D.Relaxed答案B解析文化常识题。A项“好奇的”;B项“吃惊的”;C项“心存感激的”;D项“放松的”。一位陌生人为自己付账,第一反应自然是让人惊讶,所以答案为B项。 B.barC.door D.entrance答案B解析行文逻辑题。根据前文“We walked toward the bar in the restaurant to wait.”可知,他们是在bar里遇到Bill的,名词bar在文中重复使用,所以答案为B项。20.A.dirty B.goneC.empty D.occupied答案C解析词义辨析题。A项“脏的”;B项“消失的,一去不复返的”;C项“

14、空的,空虚的”;D项“占用的,在使用的”。Bill已经离开酒吧,所以他的位子空了。答案为C项。B(2018北京石景山一模)When I think about what my hero means to me,I realize that he has never saved me from a burning castle or an avalanche(雪崩),but he does 1 me and tell me to have a good day.He is just an 2,quiet man,whom I honor.My dad is my hero because he

15、is brave,skilled,and 3.As a(n)4,my dad must deal with people every day,some of whom are nice and some are not.Either way,he 5 his well-mannered attitude.Dad is not afraid of many things,or if he is,he doesnt tell me 6 he wants to seem tough.He may not be a big guy but since he works with his 7 all d

16、ay,he is very strong.Dad works outdoors in all kinds of 8 but the worst thing he has to do is 9 up and work in an attic(顶楼) in the middle of the summer.Trust me,this is the 10 place you will experience as an electrician and when you come back 11,what is in your lungs will make you 12 for hours.My da

17、d and I have a very good13.We talk about almost everything and enjoy 14 most because it gives us time outdoors together.He has 15 and taught me everything I need to know about 16.I am17 to be the son of Mike C.,and would not have it any other way.People come up to me all the time to 18 me I have a g

18、ood dad.It makes me feel 19 that a lot of people think so 20 of him.This is why my father is my hero.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。作者心目中的英雄是他的爸爸。他是一个普通的、勇敢的、有技术而且彬彬有礼的电工。他用自己的方式为大家服务,赢得了大家的尊重。作者与父亲的关系也很好,他教会了作者许多东西。这就是作者为什么把父亲视为英雄的原因。1.A.ignore B.hugC.follow D.remind答案B解析词义辨析题。A项“忽视,忽略,不理睬”;B项“拥抱”;C项“跟随,跟着学,按照,依照”;D

19、项“提醒,使想起”。作者心目中的英雄是他的父亲,父亲会拥抱自己的孩子,会祝他天天快乐。答案为B项。 B.averageC.allergic D.active答案B解析词义辨析题。A项“有能力的,有才干的”;B项“普通的,一般的,平均的”;C项“过敏的”;D项“积极的,活跃的”。父亲作为英雄没有做轰轰烈烈的事,只是一个普通的,让作者尊敬的人。答案为B项。3.A.special B.enthusiasticC.respectful D.strict答案C解析词义辨析题。A项“特殊的,特别的”;B项“热情的,充满激情的”;C项“有礼貌的,谦恭的”;D项“严格的,严厉的”。根据下文中“

20、his well-mannered attitude”可知,父亲是一位态度谦和的人,所以答案为C项。4.A.teacher B.officerC.electrician D.engineer答案C解析行文逻辑题。根据下文“Trust me,this is the 10 place you will experience as an electrician.”可知,父亲是一位电工。答案为C项。5.A.offers B.makesC.hides D.keeps答案D解析词义辨析题。A项“提供”;B项“制造”;C项“隐藏,隐蔽”;D项“保持,维持”。父亲对任何人都保持彬彬有礼的态度,所以答案为D项。

21、 B.unlessC.until D.because答案D解析行文逻辑题。父亲很多事情都不怕,如果他怕的话,他不会告诉我,因为他想看起来坚强。答案为D项。7.A.hands B.mouthC.brain D.legs答案A解析文化常识题。作者的父亲是一位电工,所以用(靠)手工作,答案为A项。8.A.subjects B.aspectsC.conditions D.destinations答案C解析词义辨析题。A项“主题,话题,科目”;B项“方面”;C项“情况,状况,条件”;D项“目的地”。父亲在户外的各种条件下工作,最糟糕的状况就是在夏天爬上顶楼工作。答案为C项。9.A.clim

22、b B.lookC.get D.stand答案A解析文化常识题。根据常识判断,要上顶楼,就要爬上去,所以选择A项。10.A.coldest D.hottest答案D解析文化常识题。根据上文“in the middle of the summer”可知,在盛夏,尤其是在顶楼,这是作为电工工作中最热的时间和地方,所以答案为D项。11.A.down B.overC.inside D.through答案A解析文化常识题。根据常识,从阁楼下来应该是用down,答案为A项。 B.coughC.hesitate D.sleep答案B解析文化常识题。A项“休息

23、”;B项“咳嗽”;C项“犹豫”;D项“睡觉”。根据常识可知,阁楼上一般比较脏,所以在阁楼上工作时,肺里吸入一些脏东西就会咳嗽。答案为B项。13.A.relationship B.dreamC.adventure D.habit答案A解析词义辨析题。A项“关系”;B项“梦想”;C项“探险,冒险”;D项“习惯”。根据下文“We talk about almost everthing.”可知,作者和父亲的关系很好,所以答案为A项。14.A.writing B.performingC.hiking D.eating答案C解析词义辨析题。根据下句“because it gives us time out

24、doors together”可知,作者和爸爸最喜欢徒步旅行,所以答案为C项。15.A.shown B.boughtC.fetched D.paid答案A解析词义辨析题。A项“表明,展示”;B项“买”;C项“去取回”;D项“付款,支付”。父亲向作者展示和传授了关于大自然的一切,所以选择A项。 D.trouble答案B解析词义辨析题。A项“家庭”;B项“自然,天性”;C项“学习,研究”;D项“麻烦”。根据上一题的分析可知答案为B项。17.A.excited B.eagerC.surprised D.proud答案D解析词义辨析题。A项“激动的

25、”;B项“渴望的,迫切的”;C项“惊讶的”;D项“自豪的,骄傲的”。父亲是作者心目中的英雄,所以作者为有这样的父亲而自豪。答案为D项。18.A.ask B.warnC.tell D.promise答案C解析词义辨析题。A项“请求,要求”;B项“警告,警醒”;C项“告知,分辨”;D项“允许,许诺”。人们总是告诉作者说他有一个好爸爸,所以答案为C项。19.A.surprised B.goodC.nervous D.anxious答案B解析词义辨析题。A项“惊讶的”;B项“好的,不错的”;C项“紧张的”;D项“焦急的,焦躁不安的”。别人的夸赞让作者感觉很好,所以答案为B项。20.A.easily B

26、.seriouslyC.specially D.highly答案D解析语法功能题。A项“容易地”;B项“严肃地,严重地,认真地”;C项“专门地,专程地”;D项“高度地”。think highly of.为固定搭配,意为“高度评价”。答案为D项。C(2018广东佛山质检)On June 23,1970,I had just left the Army after completing my one-year duty in Vietnam.I was on 1 returning home in Texas.I had been warned about the 2 of our fellow

27、countrymen.There was no 3 welcome for us when we came home from that unpopular war.I sat,in uniform,in a window seat,4 eye contact with my fellow passengers.No one was sitting next to me,which added to my 5.A little girl suddenly appeared in the passage.She 6 and,without saying a word,7 handed me a

28、magazine.I accepted her 8,her quiet “welcome home.” All I could say was,“Thank you.” Her small gesture of 9 was the first I had experienced in a long time.I always believe in the connection between 10 when they reach out to one another.That girl 11 has no memory of what happened years ago.She might

29、have been told to do that by her mother.It doesnt matter 12 she gave me the magazine.The 13 thing is that she did.Since then,I have followed her example and tried in different ways for different people,to 14 for them.Like me on that plane ride long ago,they will 15 know why a stranger gave a hand.Bu

30、t I absolutely know that my 16 since then are all because of that little girl.Her kindness of offering a magazine to a 17,scared and lonely soldier has been 18 throughout my life.I have to believe that my small 19 have the same effect on others.And to that little girl,now a 20,I would like to say ag

31、ain:thank you.【语篇解读】本文是夹叙夹议文。作者参加了一场不受欢迎的战争越南战争。在从越南回到美国德克萨斯州的飞机上,没人坐在作者身边,他感到孤独冷落。但一个小女孩给作者送去了一本杂志,并说“欢迎回家”,这是作者好长时间没有得到过的“同情”,作者非常感激。从那时起,作者以她为榜样,以不同的方式尝试帮助不同的人,为他们做同样的事情。他相信他的小小举动也会对别人有同样的效果。1.A.bus B.trainC.plane D.boat答案C解析文化常识题。根据上文“I had just left the Army after completing my one-year duty in Vietnam.”可知,从越南回美国的德克萨斯州当然要坐飞机,所以答案为C项。2.A.stories B.difficultiesC.unfriendliness D.enthusiasm答案C解析词义辨析题。A项“故事”;B项“困难

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