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1、初二周六许诺班作业12月12日初二周六许诺班作业12月12日初二周六许诺班语文作业 (三)特殊的考试她是穷人家的女孩儿,父母举债供她读完大学,就在她刚刚走出校门的时候,积劳成疾的父亲查出患了肺癌。子欲养而亲将不待,女孩儿欲哭无泪:工作尚无着落,家里一贫如洗,即便卖血,也凑不够住院费。医学院护理系毕业的她只能将父亲安顿在家里,叮嘱母亲悉心照料,然后到一家家医院去应聘。当走进那家蜚声医界的私立医院,再一次面对审视的目光时,她忍不住泪流满面。她哭着诉说了自己的困境,恳请能马上工作,拯救危在旦夕的父亲。女孩儿的孝心感动了院方,医院破例未经考试便留下了她,说是试用一个月。女孩儿拼命的工作,只要能顺利通过




5、一切都被护士长尽收眼底,只要那三支药放进手包,等着她的必将是被炒的命运。慎独,那是一个人都应具备的道德素养,因为有许许多多的时刻,监督着我们一举一动的,只有我们自己的良心。注:慎独,是古人的一种修养方法,指人独处时谨慎不苟。1. 整体感知选文,用简洁的语言概括选文的故事情节,写在下面的空白处(2分)试用 坦白 2.选文第五段中划浪线句子运用了哪种描写人物的方法?揭示了女孩儿怎样的内心世界?(2分)3.怎样理解选文第六段中加点的“那段路”的含义?(2分)4选出对护士长“没容女孩儿再说些什么”的原因是:(2分)5选文的第九段运用了哪种表达方式?有什么作用?(2分)6结合实际,谈谈这场“特设考试”给

6、你带来的启示。(50字左右)(3分) 12月12日初二周六许诺班英语作业初二上学期期末综合练习一. 词汇: 选出一个与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的词语。(5分) ( ) 1. I got mad when I lost my book. A. right away B. for a long time C. got angry D. got sad ( )2. Ill get up at once. A. right away B. for a long time C. a moment ago D. a few minutes later ( )3. Mike usually watches

7、 TV in the middle of the day. A. in the noon B. at noon C. in the afternoon D. at night ( ) 4. How about writing it in English? A. Why dont you B. Why not C. Would you like D. What about ( )5. My friend enjoys watching TV. A. like B. loves to C. likes D. likes to二. 单项选择(30分) ( ) 1. There is nobody i

8、n the room, _? A. is there B. isnt there C. is it D. isnt it( )2. Ive never been to water park. _. A. So did I B. So have I C. Neither I have D. Neither have I ( ) 3. -How about getting her a CD? -No, thats not_. A. specially B. enough specially C. specially enough D. special enough ( )4. Do you oft

9、en help Wei Fang _her lessons? A. in B. at C. with D. out ( ) 5. Mum is busy on Sunday. She is the_in my family. A. busy B. busier C. busiest D. most busy ( ) 6. Is_in bed good or bad for your health? B. reading C. readed D. reads ( )7. I hope_tomorrow. A. youre better B. youd better C. your

10、better D. you would better ( ) 8. Would you mind_your room? A. clean B. cleans C. cleaned D. cleaning( )9. Theres little milk in the bottle, _? A. isnt there B. arent there C. is there D. are there ( ) 10. If you dont go with me, _? A. you are sorry B. youll be sorry C. you sorry D. youll sorry ( )

11、11. She said she_lunch at that time. A. was having B. is having C. has D. had ( )12. While the girl_with a boy, the teacher came into the classroom. A. was talking B. talks C. talked D. talking ( ) 13. There will be_cars than before.A. more B. much C. many D. little( )14. This idea isnt _. Lets thin

12、k a funnier one. A. interesting enough B. awful enough C. enough bad D. enough useful ( ) 15. Wang Ding_a new bike this morning.A. buy B. bought C. buyed D. is buying( )16. Mike wants to buy a digital camera _. A. in line B. on line C. to line D. line on ( )17. Dont _ your teacher. A. speak with B.

13、argue with C. discuss D. afraid of ( )18. I hear my neighbor _ back in three days. A. coming B. comes C. come D. will come( )19. Tom told his teacher he could do it _. A. good B. either C. as well D. as( )20. You should not _ jeans to such a big party. A. put on B. wear C. dress D. wore( )21. _ have

14、 you been skating? Two hours. A. When B. Where C. How many D. How long ( )22. At _ ten oclock in the morning, I was doing housework. A. from B. like C. to D. around( )23. The box is _ heavy for me _ carry. A. so; to B. enough; to C. too; to D. to; too ( )24. He has been practicing the violin _ 1999.

15、 A. for B. since C. on D. in( )25. The students _ a biology class when the visitors came. A. had B. were having C. will have D. are having ( ) 26. How _ relish do you need when you make salad? A. long B. many C. far D. much( ) 27. He says he is going to be a teacher when he _ up. A. cuts B. mixes C.

16、 grows D. looks( ) 28. Its dangerous to be out at night. Mother always tells me not to _. A. go for a drive B. sleep early C. stay out late D. get a ride( ) 29. Where can people buy souvenirs? Of course at a _ store. A. book B. gift C. shoe D. food( ) 30. I think Temple Shirley is the only person th

17、at became a famous movie actor _ the age of three. A. when B. on C. at D. in三. 按要求改写句子(10分) 1. I went to the park last Sunday.(改为否定句) I _ _to the park last Sunday. 2. I have lived here for ten years.(对划线部分提问) _ _have you lived here? 3. He did his homework yesterday evening.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _his homewor

18、k yesterday evening? 4. We had a big family dinner yesterday. (对划线部分提问) When _ you _ a big family dinner? 5. She often gets to school on foot.(改为一般过去时态) She often _ to school on foot last year.四. 用所给词组的适当形式填空.(10分) knock on, agree with, work out, look through, get on well with, grow up, take off, ge

19、t angry with, take out, be interested in 1. The plane _ten minutes ago. 2. _the door before you go into others room. 3. What are you going to do when you_? 4. “Do you _ me?” asked Mr White. 5. I hope they _each other in the future. 6. Jim _making kites. 7. -Can you _this physics problem? -Its too ha

20、rd for me. 8. Miss White never _her students. 9. He has _the book. He said it was interesting. 10. The guest _a pen and wrote something on the paper.五、Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese meaning. (根据汉语意思补全句子.)(10分)1.她是一个和蔼慈爱的奶奶。 She is a _ and _ grandmother.2.李云迪是获此殊荣的第一个中国钢琴家。

21、Li Yundi was the first _ pianist to receive such _.3.我长大后想当个记者。 I _ a reporter when I grow up.4.麦克乔丹是个国际体育明星。 Michael Jordan is an international _ _.5.他于1980年5月23日出生在一个小村庄里. He _ _ _in a small village.六、. 阅读理解(20分)A I have a friend. He has a large police dog. The dogs name is Jack. Police dogs are o

22、ften very clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes the long walk very much. One Sunday afternoon, a young man came to visit my friend. They talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk. But the visitor was still there.

23、 Jack became very worried about his walk in the park. He walked around the room a few times, and then sat down directly in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention. He went on talking. Finally Jack could no longer stand it. He went out of the room and a few minutes l

24、ater he came back with the visitors hat in the mouth. 选出符合短文内容的选项。( )1. A. The writers friend has a police dog named Jack. B. The writers friends name is Jack. C. The writers name is Jack.( )2. A. Every Sunday afternoon the writers friend goes to the park for a walk. B. Every Sunday afternoon the do

25、g goes to the park for a long walk. C. Every Sunday afternoon the writers friend and his dog go to the park for a walk.( ) 3. A. The visitor was old. B. The visitor was young. C. The visitor was neither old nor young. ( ) 4. A. The visitor paid attention to the dog. B. The visitor paid a little atte

26、ntion to the dog. C. The visitor paid no attention to the dog.( ) 5. A. The visitor came back with his hat in his hand. B. The dog came back with the visitors hat in the mouth. C. The writers friend came back with the visitors hat in his hand.B Two Americans were traveling in Spain. One morning they

27、 came into a little restaurant for lunch. They didnt know Spanish, and their waiter didnt know English. They wanted him to understand that they wanted some milk and bread. At first they spelled the word “milk” many times. Then they wrote it down. But the waiter couldnt understand them. At last one o

28、f them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. When he finished his drawing, the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant at once. “Do you see,” said one of the travelers, “What a pencil can do for a man who has diffculties in a foreign country?”The waiter was back again some time after, but he brought no milk. He put down in front of the two Americans two tickets for a bull-fight(斗牛)。( )1. The story happened_. A. in England B. in America C. in Spain D. in Africa( )2. The two Americans wanted_

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