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1、皇帝的新装英语童话剧同名7605英语童话剧皇帝的新装 Scene 1 地点:at the palace 人物:the Emperor ,soldier-A and soldier-B 旁白: Many years ago lived an emperor. He thought so much of new clothes that he spent all his money in order to obtain them; his only ambition was to be always well dressed. the only thing, in fact, he thought

2、 anything of was to drive out and show a new suit of clothes. He had a coat for every hour of the day. 很久以前有一个皇帝,他非常注重新衣服,因此他把他所有的钱都花在衣服上,他唯一的愿望就是每时每刻都能穿得很漂亮。实际上,他想的都是出去炫耀他的新衣服。他每天每个钟头都要换一套新的衣服。 One day, 有一天, The Emperor(to Soldiers): Are there any new clothes today? 皇帝(对士兵说):今天有没有有关新衣服的消息? Soldier-

3、A: Today two swindlers came to our city. They said they were the best weavers in the world. 士兵A:今天有两个人来到我们的城市,他们说他们是世界上最好的织工。 soldier-B: And they said they could produce the finest cloth, their were not only beautiful, but the clothes couldnt be seen to any man who was unfit for his office or stupid

4、. 士兵B:他们还说他们能织出谁也想象不到的最美丽的布。这些布的颜色和款式不仅仅非常好看,他们说,而且它缝出来的衣服还有一个奇异的作用,那就是凡是不称职的人或愚蠢的人都看不见这衣服。 The emperor(thought): The emperor(thought):”That must be wonderful cloth ,if I dresses a suit made of this cloth, I can find out which men is unfit for their places or stupid. I must ask them to weave for me

5、right now.” 皇帝(想):这一定是非常奇异的衣服,如果我能够穿上这种布做成的衣服,我就能够找出我的王国里哪些人是不称职的,哪些人是聪明的,哪些人是愚蠢的。我要叫他们马上织出这种布。因此 The emperor:(to soldier-A):Find they and ask they make cloth for me. 皇帝(对士兵A说):去叫他们给我织布。 soldier-A :yes, I go out and do this thing now. 士兵A:是的,我立刻去。 The emperor:(to soldier-B): Set up two rooms for the

6、m. 皇帝(对士兵B说):准备两间房子给他们。 soldier-B: yes, I do this thing now. 士兵B:是的,我立刻去做。 旁白: two swindlers were asked to work in the two new rooms.They pretended to be very hard at work, but they did nothing whatever on the rooms. They asked for the finest silk and the most precious gold-cloth; all they got they

7、did away with, and worked at the empty rooms till late at night. 旁白:两个骗子被叫到两间新的房子里工作。他们假装努力工作,实际上他们在房子里什么都没有做。他们要求最好的丝绸和最贵的金线;他们把这些东西都装进他们的腰包,却假装在那些空房间里工作到深夜。 Scene 2 地点:at the palace 人物:the Emperor ,old minister and Courtier-A Several days later: 几天后: The emperor(thought):I should very much like to

8、 know how they are getting on with the cloth, But if I can not see it,I am a stupid man. I cant do that. I must send somebody else first for see it. So, 皇帝(想):我很想知道他们的织布究竟织得怎样了。但如果我看见见的话,那就说明我是愚蠢的人。我不能这样做,我应该先派一个人去看看。因此, The emperor( to the old minister):you are honest and intelligent. So I want to

9、know how about my new cloth. You go to the two new rooms and see about it. the old minister :yes, I do this thing now. 皇帝(对一个老大臣说):我要找个诚实和聪明的人去看看我的 新布料,你去那两间新房子看看。Scene 3 地点:in the room 人物:old minister ,swindler-A swindler-B 旁白:the old minister went to the two new rooms. 这个老大臣去到那两间新房子。 the old minis

10、ter (thought): Heaven preserve us! I cannot see anything at all, 这个老大臣(想):我的天啊,我什么都看不见。 swindler-A :hello! Mr Minister, you can come near and see clearly. 骗子A:你好,大臣先生,你可以走近点,看清楚一点。 swindler-B: oh. Mr Minister, Did you see these finest pattern and beautiful colours. How wonderful is it! 骗子B:啊,大臣先生,看见

11、这些美丽的花纹和漂亮的颜色吗?多么美啊! 旁白:The poor old minister tried his very best, but he could see nothing, for there was nothing to be seen. old minister thought, Oh dear, can I be so stupid? I should never have thought so, and nobody must know it! Is it possible that I am not fit for my office? No, no, I cannot

12、say that I was unable to see the cloth. 这个可怜的大臣尽他最大的努力去看,可是他什么都看不到,以 为那里根本就什么东西都没有。 老大臣想:天啊,难道是我愚蠢的人?我从来都没怀疑过自己,也不能让任何人知道。难道是我不适合这个位置?不,不,我不可以说我没有看到布的。 swindler-A :Now, have you got nothing to say? 骗子A:现在你有什么意见吗? 旁白:while swindler-B pretended to be busily weaving. Old minister: Oh, it is very pretty

13、, exceedingly beautiful, What a beautiful pattern, what brilliant colors! I shall tell the emperor that I like the cloth very much. 当骗子B假装忙着编织,老大臣说:啊,多么美啊,美极了!多么漂亮的花纹啊,多么美丽的色彩啊!我会呈报皇帝我对于这布非常满意。 swindler-A and swindler-B: We are pleased to hear that, 骗子A和骗子B:听到你的话我们真高兴。 旁白:swindlers described the clo

14、th to him. The old minister listen carefully, so that he can relate to the emperor. Now the swindler asked for more money, silk and gold-colth. They kept everything for them selves, and pretended to working hard. 骗子们向大臣描述这些布奇异的颜色和花纹,老大臣注意的听着,以便回到皇帝那去,可以照样背出来。事实上他也是这样做的。现在这两个骗子要求更多的钱,更多的丝和金子,他们说是为了织布

15、的需要。他们把这些东西全装进腰包里,连一根线也没有放到织机上 去。不过他们还是继续在空空的机架上工作。Scene 4 地点:at the palace 人物:the Emperor, Courtier-A Several days later: the Emperor: I always think you are more honest and more wise than the old minister. So you go and see how they were getting on, and if the cloth was nearly finished. Courtier-A

16、: Thank you for you praise. I do this thing right now. 皇帝:我一直都认为你比那个老大臣更诚实,更聪明,因此你去看看他们进行得怎样,看看布是不是快编织好了。 官员A:谢谢你的夸张,我现在就去。 Scene 5地点:in the room 人物:Courtier-A,swindler-A swindler-B 旁白: Like the old minister, he looked and looked but could see nothing, as there was nothing to be seen. two swindlers

17、:Is it not a beautiful piece of cloth? 象老大臣一样,他看了又看,还是看不到一点东西,因为本来就没有东西。 骗子们:这块布漂亮吗? 旁白:they are showing and explaining the magnificent pattern, which, however, did not exist. 他们指着一些漂亮的花纹,并作了一些解释,事实上什么都没有。 Courtier-A (thought):I am not stupid, It is there fore my good appointment for which I am not

18、fit. It is very strange, but I must not let any one know it; 官员A(想):我并不愚蠢,这可能是我不适合担当现在的官职,这真够滑稽的,但是我不能让其他人知道。 Courtier-A :It is very excellent. 官员A:这真实太美了。 two swindlers: thank you very much. you are a very clever man. And you can ask the king to see our product.” 两个骗子:谢谢,你真是一位聪明的人,你可以回去请皇帝来看我们的杰作了。

19、 Courtier-A: I will tell the king what you say. 官员A:我会向皇帝皇帝你们的建议的。 旁白:swindlers described to him the colors and explained the curious pattern. The Courtier-A listened attentively, that he might relate to the emperor what they said; and so he did. Everybody in the whole town talked about the precious

20、 cloth. 骗子们向他描述这些布奇异的颜色和花纹,官员A注意的听着,以便回到皇帝那去,可以照样背出来。事实上他也是这样做的。 城市里所有的人都在谈论这些奇异的布。 Scene 6地点:in the room 人物:the emperor,Courtier-A , Courtier-B, Courtier-C, swindler-A and swindler-B 旁白:At last the emperor wished to see it himself, while it was still on the room. 最后,皇帝想亲自去那间房子看看。 the emperor (thoug

21、ht): The emperor (thought):What is this? I dont see anything at all. Am I stupid? Am I unfit to be emperor? How dreadful it is. 皇帝(想):什么?我什么都看不见,这真实荒唐。难道我愚蠢?还是我不适合当皇帝呢?这真是我从来没有碰见的一件最可怕的事情。 the emperor :Really, your cloth has our most gracious approval; 皇帝:啊,你们的布我非常赞赏。 旁白:All his attendants with him

22、could see nothing at all. Courtier-A , Courtier-B and Courtier-C: It is very beautiful. Courtier-B: It is the most beautiful cloth what I have seen in my life. 皇帝的随从们尽管看了又看,可是他们谁都没有看到任何东西。 Courtier-A: you can wear the new clothes at a great procession which was soon to take place. 官员C:你可以穿着这块布去将要举行的

23、游行大典。 the emperor (for two swindlers ) :I will appointed you Imperial Court weavers. 皇帝(对两个骗子说):我将雇佣你们为御聘织师。 Scene 7地点:in the palace人物:the emperor,Courtier-A , Courtier-B, Courtier-C, swindler-A and swindler-B swindlers the procession, the before night whole The 旁白: pretended to work and burned more

24、 than sixteen candles. People should see that they were busy to finish the emperors new suit. swindler-A and swindler-B: The emperors new suit is ready now. 举行游行大典的前一天晚上,两个骗子假装在工作,并且点起了16根以上的蜡烛。人们可以看出他们是在忙着赶制皇帝的新装。他们假装把布料从房子里拿出来,用大剪刀在空中裁剪,同时又用没有穿线的针缝了一通。 骗子A和骗子B:皇帝的新装弄好了。 旁白:the swindlers held their

25、 arms up as if they held something in their hands . 骗子们把他们的手高高举起,好象他们手里拿着什么东西。 swindler-A: These are the trousers! 骗子A:这是裤子。 swindler-B: This is the coat! 骗子B:这是大衣。 swindler-A: Here is the cloak! 骗子A:这是斗篷。 swindler-B: They are all as light as a cobweb, and one must feel as if one had nothing at all

26、upon the body; but that is just the beauty of them. 骗子B:他们轻得就象蜘蛛丝一样,穿着他的人会觉得身上好象没有 什么东西似的,但这正是它们的妙处所在。 all the courtiers: Indeed! 所有的官员:是啊。 swindler-A: Does it please your Majesty now to graciously undress, that we may assist your Majesty in putting on the new suit before the large looking-glass? 骗子

27、A:现在请皇上脱下衣服,我们要在这个大镜子面前为陛下换上新装。 旁白:The emperor undressed, and the swindlers pretended to put the new suit upon him, one piece after another; and the emperor looked at himself in the glass from every side. 皇帝脱下衣服,骗子们假装为他穿上新的衣服,一件接着一件。皇帝在镜子面前转来转去。 Courtier-A : How well they look! 官员A:这衣服真好看啊! Courtier

28、-B: How well they fit! 官员B:这衣服真合身啊。 Courtier-A: What a beautiful pattern! What fine colors! That is a magnificent suit of clothes! 官员A:多好看的花纹啊!多么美的色彩啊!这真是一套华丽的衣服! Scene 8地点:in the street人物:the emperor,Courtier-A , Courtier-B, Courtier-C, resident-A resident-B the father and a little child 旁白:The emp

29、eror marched in the procession under the beautiful Canopy. all who saw him in the street and out of the windows exclaimed. 皇帝在那个富丽的华盖下游行着,站在街上和窗户的人都在惊叫着。 resident-A: Indeed, the emperors new suit is incomparable! What a long train he has! How well it fits him! 居民A:真的,皇帝的新装真的无与伦比!他长袍多适合他啊! resident-B

30、: yes ,of course I saw it . it very wonderful.” 居民B:是啊,我当然看见,这真是奇妙啊。 旁白: Nobody wished to let others know he saw nothing, for then he would have been unfit for his office or too stupid. Never emperors clothes were more admired. 没有人想让别人知道他什么都看不见,因为这样他会暴露自己的不称职,或者是太愚蠢。皇帝所有的衣服从来没有得到这样普遍的称赞 a little chi

31、ld :But he has nothing on at all, 一个小孩子:可是他什么都没有穿啊。 the father, :Good heavens! listen to the voice of an innocent child, 他的爸爸:上帝啊,你听听这小孩子纯真的声音。 旁白:and one whispered to the other what the child had said. 同时大家把这小孩子讲的话私自低声的传播开来。 resident-A :But he has nothing on at all, 居民A:他并没有穿什么衣服。 resident-B: But he has nothing on at all, 居民B:他并没有穿什么衣服。 旁白:At last all the people cried. The emperor thought that they may be right, but he must

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