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1、江苏省中考英语试题及答案2020年初中毕业生学业水平(升学)考试试题卷英语注意事项:1.本试卷共八大题,满分 100分(不含听力口语 30 分),考试用时 100 分钟;2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考点名称、考场号、座位号用0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡相对应的位置上,并认真核对条形码上的准考号、姓名是否与本人相符合;3.答选择题必须用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案; 答非选择题必须用 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,不在答题区域内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题;4.考生答题必须答在答题卡上,答在试卷和

2、草稿纸上一律无效。第一部分 单项填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1分,满分 10 分)请认真阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. Did you go on the Silk Road trip by train? Yes. The train was great, just like a hotelwheelsit had all that I needed.A. inB. atC. onD. byThanks. I2. Wow, you ve made so much progress in drawing.two onl

3、ine courses this winter holiday.3. I don t really like big the countryside. Neither do I. I feel much6. Mum, why do I have to wash hands so many times a day? For your health, yoube too careful.A. can tB. shouldn tC. mustn tD. needn t7. Tony, come over. What do the lettersKIT”mean in the te

4、xt message?keep in touch ” Don t you know that, Amy? TheyA. SearCh forB. ask forC. go forD. Sta nd for8.CheCk What you have Writte n you hand in your applicati On form.A.Si nce B. before C. after D. while9.KUnqU OPera is thought to be One of the symbols of Suzhou. Don t miss it during your Stay heA.

5、hardly B. WideIy C. SUdde nly D. badly10. ThrOUgh 5G, people in two differe nt CitieS CaneVen “ Shake hands ” On the Same SCree n.B.A. What a mess!Don t mentiOn it.C.With PIeaSUre. D. Won derful, i ndeed.第二部分 完形填空 洪10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡,上将该项涂黑。A SWediSh coupl

6、e On holiday Were traveling around Italy, and Wanted to go to Capri. CaPri is an island in thesouth of the CoUntry, 11 for its beautiful coastline and a popular tourist destinatiOn ( 目的地).The couple PUttheir desti nati Oninto their Car 全球定位系 PS 0, 12 they made a spelli ng mistake. They 13 typed CARP

7、I in Stead of CAPRI. There is a real place called CarPi in Italy, but it isasmall tow n in the 14 ofthe CoUn try.The couple followed the GPS direct ions. Although they Were traveli ng to an isla nd, it did n that they didn t even cross a bridge or See the sea. When they arrived in Carpi, they Went t

8、o the tourist office. Theyasked 16 they could go to the Blue Grotto, a well -known Sea CaVe in Capri. Of course, the OffiCe WOrkerthere couldn t 17 them. He thought they Wanted to go to a 18 called the Blue Grotto for dinner.When the man realized that the couple thought they Were in Capri, he 19 the

9、ir mistake. The couple gotback into their Car and Started driv ing south. The OffiCe WOrker said, “ They Were 20 , but not CIt WaS a spelling mistake that took the couple 600 kilometres from their destination.11. A. SUitabIeB. USefUIC.goodD. famous12. A. andB. soC. orD. but13. A. slowlyB. CareIeSSIy

10、C. Patie ntlyD. clearly14. A. northB. southC. eastD. WeSt15. A. SatiSfyB. relaxC. worryD. touch16. A. howB. WhereC. WhyD. What17. A. refuseB. Con trolC. doubtD. Un dersta nd18. A. museumB. restaura ntC. Stati OnD. libraryC. expla inedD.repeated20. A. i nterestedB. SUrPriSedC. excitedD. PIeaSed第三部分阅读

11、理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,答题卡上将该项涂里。八、oNight NOOdle Market5Tasty food. DeliCiOUS Smell at the Nht Jood1e MarIeets. E njoy the ASIan StYle Street food. Great locations. Top outdoor dining at all the Inain SqUareS Of your city.Take a IoOk at the menus Ori Offen CJiCk

12、 Ori the icons below.When? MandaY to Saturday, 5 PmtO 11 PmrWhere? ClLCk HERE to Find a Night NQOdIe Market in your city.21.What is WWW .niftyno OdleSat ni .c n?D. The n ame of the markets.B. At 11 am on Tuesday.D. At 10 Pm on ThUrSday.C.A collect ion Of food.22.WhenCan people go to the markets?A.At

13、 3 Pm on Mon day.C. At 9 Pm on SUn day.23.The mai n PUrPOSe of the advertiseme nt is to A.en COUrage people to go and eat at the marketsB.tell people the features of delicious ASia n foodC.ask people to choose the food PiCtUreS they troduce some SUPPOrt ing compa nies to peopleBWe all have

14、our favourite music, films or books but WhiCh are the most popular ever?The most popular album (音乐专辑)Thriller by MiChaeI JaCkS OnAt the time JaCkSon Started Writing his best -selling album Thriller , he hoped that his album would sell 50 million copies. He WaS Wrong it sold over ten million more tha

15、n that. EVen today around 130, OOO COPieS are sold in the USA every year.The most popular CIaSSiCaI musicBeethOVen S Fifth SymPhOnyWhen BeethOVen WaS alive, his Fifth SymPhOny WaSn t his most popular PieCeBUt now most people know the da da da dah introduction. In the 20th Century, the first four not

16、es (音符)Were USed by other musicians to make different types of music like hiphop and rock and roll.ATXLEOFTWO CrnESThe most popular novelA Tale of Two CitieSMany people think the best -selling book of all time is One of the Harry POtter books. It true that all the Harry POtter books together have so

17、ld about 450 millio n copies. BUt the most popular Sin gle no velis much older.A Tale of Two CitieS WaS Written by CharIeS DiCkens in 1859 and has sold 250 million COPies.The most popularThe ShaWSha nk RedemPti OnThe ShaWSha nk Redem Pti on, directed by Frank Darab Ontin 1994, did nt make at the Cin

18、 ema. It Only became popularlater On video, DVD and TV. It WaS based On a bookby StePhen King. The Writer sold the story for Only a dollar.代Ti严24. The best word for the bla nk isA. PaintingB. filmC. poemD. SCUIPtUre25.WhiCh of the followi ng is true?A.Thriller turned out to be more popular than MiCh

19、aeI JaCkSOn expected.B.The Fifth Sym Phony WaSUSed in many Other music forms by BeethoVen.C.A Tale of Two CitieS has sold more COPieS than all the Harry POtter books.D.The SharWSha nk Redem Pti On made much money as Soon as it Came out.26.WhiCh SeCt ion Of a magaz ine is the PaSSage PrObabIy from?A.

20、SPOrtS Time. B. SCie nce Study. C. CUItUre World. D. NatUre Watch.CI thi nk there are SeVeraI reas OnS that SUggeSt develop ing robots is a WaSte of money. In San Diego recen tly$ 325,000 WaS SPent on inventing a robotic SqUirreI to do some SCientific experiments. The research PrOVed thatSqUirreIS a

21、re able to SCare away Snakes by Wagging (摇动)their tails. Do you need a robotic SqUirreI to work this out?What about AIBO, a robotic pet, developed in JaPan? In JaPanese aibou means “ buddy ” . TheSe PetS have beendeveloped at huge cost mainly to PrOVide en terta inment. They Ve bee n USed in movies

22、and music Videos.Uni VerSitieS have USed them for educatio nal purposes. However, i n 2006 the compa ny StOPPed PrOdUC ing theserobotic PetS in order to SaVe money. WaS it worth a lot of money?Then there S NAO, a robot WhiCh has been developed by a FrenCh company.Its maipurpose is to make lifeeasier

23、 for huma ns. It SPeakS 19 Ian guages and has its OWn PerS On ality. It Can tell ChiIdre n a story, help in theCIaSSroom or the home, or act as a ComPanion to those people who need someOne to be with. A fully developed Onecosts $ 16,000. IS that value for mo ney? Who Can afford it any way?There may

24、be good reasons Why it is worth developing robots, but so far I haven t thought of any27.What does the Underlined word “ companion ” in ParagraPh 4 mean in Chinese? C.对手 D.伙伴28.What is the true fact about the robots men tio ned?A.The robotic SqUirreI is n eeded by every SCie ntist to do som

25、e research.B.AIBO WaSn t made any more because it Only PrOVided entertainment.C.A fully developed NAo may tell kids StOrieS in differe nt Ian guages.D.All the three types of robots USed to be PrOdUCed at a Very low cost.29.What does the Writer think of develop ing robots?A. It Can help bring people

26、a lot of fun. B. It has adva ntages in many ways.C.It may be USefUI but costs too much. D.It is worth a great deal of mon ey.D“ ThiS is John, Said Mr Turner. The boy Standing next to him WaS tall, With a friendly face. I noticed Adam andChen give each other the thumbs (大拇指)up. That meant they Were g

27、oing to inVite him to join the Cool group.They SmiIed at him and he SmiIed back.Mr TUrner always gave new StUde nts a buddy With the Same hobbies as them. I WaS SUre he would nme. I WaSn t One of the cool kids.the class looked in my direction. Adam and Chen even looked Unhappy.Hello, I replied, not

28、looking at him.All morning I could feel the boys in the cool group look ing an grily at me, but Joh n did nFin ally the bell rang for a break. I had butterflies in my stomach. I knew that Adam and Chen Were going toSUre eno ugh, as Soon as We got outside, Adam and Chen SWaggered 大摇大摆地走 )UP to us.bre

29、ak? HyUn doesn t know anything about basketball.player.I WaS walk ing On air as Joh n and I CrOSSed the PIaygrO Un d. I remembered the Say ing We lear nt in class aboutnot judging (判断)a book by its cover. I completely misjudged John.32.What Can We Iear n from the story?A. Adam and Chen Were nOt Only

30、 cool but also friendly.C.John didn t Want to make friends With HyUn at first.D.HyUn WaS a cool kid and good at play ing basketball.第四部分 信息还原 洪5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A: Do you think the OIymPiCS Can Cha nge a City even after the GameS fini sh?B: Oh, yes. They Can rea

31、lly Cha nge a City and help the people who live there.A: 33 B: Yes, Of course. One example is the Beiji ng Olympics. They built a new SWimmi ng Centre. 34 A: A great example! Can the GameS make money for a city?B: Sure. More people go to those CitieS eve n after the Games. 35 A: What about ChiIdren? 36 B: BefOre the Games, many ChiIdren Preferred to play video games and WatCh TV

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