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1、全国第二届小学英语教学基本功大赛参赛课例全国第二届小学英语教学基本功大赛参赛课例My Favourite Season设计教师: 广东省东莞市长安镇中心小学 陈小芳指导教师:郭植梅 邓宁霞教学年级: 小学五年级课程名称: Unit2 My Favourite Season Part B Read and Write 教材版本: PEP Primary English 五年级下册授课时间: 45分钟 一, 学生分析本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,他们已经学习了五年多的英语,学生基础较好,能较熟练地运用简单的日常用语.他们对英语还保持着浓厚的兴趣.学生活泼好动,学习积极性高,接受知识快,表现欲望强,

2、富有想象力和创造力,合作意识强,自主学习探索能力强.学习本课前,学生已经熟练掌握一年四季,天气,季节的活动等词汇,能够简单描述各个季节的特征,并能运用以下句型进行围绕季节这个主题的对话:Which season do you like best?/ Whats your favourite season? I like best./ Why do you like(summer)? Because I can等. 如何更有深度地对各个季节的优点进行描述并写出一篇介绍自己认为最好的某个季节的文章,这是学生在本节课的学习困难.二,教材分析我最喜欢的季节是学生们最感兴趣的话题之一.它与人们的日常生活

3、息息相关,拥有很大的发挥空间.各个季节的特征,每个季节间人们可以做的活动以及学生最喜欢的季节能够激发学生较大的交流欲望.本单元主要介绍与季节有关的话题.本节课的内容是五年级下册第二单元My Favourite Season 第六课时Read and Write, 通过前五个课时的学习,学生掌握了一些关于季节,季节特征和活动的词汇,如 season, spring, summer, fall, winter, windy, warm, sunny, hot, cool, cold, swim, fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees,并能熟练运

4、用句型: Which season do you like best? I like winter best. Whats your favourite season? Spring is my favourite season. Why do you like spring? Because I can. 本节课作为本单元的最后结束课程,在一定程度上起着扩展学习的作用.针对这种情况,我设计了对自己认为向外国朋友推荐的最佳来访季节的辩论赛环节以及写作环节,以本课阅读为主,两篇课外阅读为辅,不但增大了学习容量,还丰富了教学形式,使学生把知识和生活实际真正联系起来,使教材得以最大化和最优化利用.三

5、,教学目标1. 认知目标(1) 能够听,说,读,写本课时四会句子: Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the lake. Why do you like winter? Because I can sleep a long time.并能在情景中正确运用。(2) 能够运用阅读策略正确理解文章意义。(3) 能够运用本课内容以及扩展阅读进行口头辩论交际并根据辩论内容写出一封邀请外国朋友在什么季节来参观中国的简短的信。2. 能力目标 Full reading Raising Questions Debate Writing a letter

6、Assigning Homework六,教学过程Steps/ TimeTeachers ActivitiesStudentsActivitiesPurposes1. Warm-up- If(3 Minutes)1.Give instructions, e.g. If today is Tuesday, stand up.1. Listen and do1.Ice-breaking.2. Reviewing.2. GuessingGame(4 minutes)1. Invite one student to describe a season, the other three Ss guess

7、what season it is.1. Describe a season.2. Guess what season it is. 1. Reviewing features of the four seasons.2. Helping Ss getting pre-knowledge for reading. 3. Predicting(3 minutes)1. Ask Ss to open their books and tell what they can see in the four pictures. 2. Guess from the pictures what the sto

8、ry is about?1. Open their books, observe the pictures and tell what they can see in the pictures.2.Predictwhat is the story about? 1. Cultivating Ss learning strategy in reading- predicting. 4. Scanning (30 seconds)1. Give Ss 15 seconds for them to scan the text, underlining the key words and tell:

9、is the story about?1. Scan the text for 15 seconds, underline the key words and tell: the story is about1. Cultivating Ss learning strategy in reading- scanning. 5. Fullreading( 3 minutes)1. Ask Ss to read the text again and then think about some true or false questions. 2. Check the answers. Teach

10、a lot, wake up.1. Read the text. 2. Think about the True or False questions. 3. Share the answers in the class. 1. Cultivating Ss ability of reading for details. 6. Raising Questions( 5 minutes)1. Encourage Ss to raise some questions from the text by themselves. Each group chooses one question for t

11、he other groups to answer. 1. Read the text aloud together. 2. Work in groups of 6 to raise some questions. 3.Ask and answer.1. Cultivating Ss ability of raising questions. 2. By raising questions, Ss can fully understand the passage. 7. Debate( 11minutes)1. Encourage Ss to talk about things we can

12、do in four seasons. 2. Show Ss a letter from an English friend. 3.Divid the class into 4 groups, read a passage-Seasons in China and have a debate- which season is the best to come to China!1. Talk about the things they can do in four seasons.2. Read a letter.2. Be divided into four groups. 3. Read

13、a passage-Seasons in China.4. Have a debate.1. Extension-2. Getting prepared for the written work later. 8.Writing a letter ( 15 minutes)1. Ask Ss to writea letter back to the English friend about the season which they think is the best time to visit China according to the debate. 2. Givinginstructi

14、ons and Ss begin to write.3. Invite some Ssto share their written work in the class. Correct the mistakes4. Ask Ss to correct each others letter.1. Write a letter.2. Share their letters in the class.3. Correct each others letter. 1.Cultivating Ss ability of writing. 2.By correcting each others lette

15、r, Ss can enhance their writing skills.9. AssigningHomework (30 seconds)1. Refine the letters Ss have written in the class and send your letter to The English friends e-mail: www.summer0729.uk2. Please go to the following websites and read some information about four seasons: 七. 板书设计 Unit 2 My Favou

16、rite Season Read and Write A lot many Why do you like? 评价: wake up Because I can.a long time八,课后反思本节课我能依据新课标的精神以及学生的实际和认知规律,科学安排教学内容,合理设计教学任务,开展了形式多样的活动,让学生亲身体验阅读方法,积极大胆参与,共同合作与交流,突出以教师为指导,学生为主体的教育思想.本节课分三大部分,即Pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading,每一个步骤环环相扣,过渡自然,利用实物,图片,多媒体等进行形象教学,使学生置身于真实的语言环境中,

17、激发了他们的学习兴趣. 在Pre-reading环节我设计了一个If 听力游戏进行热身以及把相关的季节内容放在听力内容中,既调动了学生的学习热情,又为下面的阅读环节复习了必要的相关知识.此外,Guessing Game也使学生对四季的特征有了更清楚的认识,这两个游戏都为下面的阅读提供了充分的知识准备.在While-reading环节,我注重学生学习能力的培养,强调学生的学习策略,阅读策略,引导学生能够运用阅读中的Predicting(预测),Scanning(快速浏览),Intensive reading (精读)等阅读技巧,很好理解文章意义,获得相关知识.在本环节中体现的一大亮点是Raisi

18、ng Questions 环节,学生通常习惯了回答老师提出的问题,但是在本节课中,我鼓励他们自己针对课文内容提出问题给其它同学回答,学生的积极性被极大地调动起来,从上课的效果来看,他们确实提出了很多比老师提出的更好的问题,如Why do Zoom and Zip eat a lot in fall? 有学生回答Because the fruits are tasty and fresh in fall. 又有学生回答Because winter is coming.等等,说明经过互相的问答和思考,学生已经对文章有了深刻的理解.在Post-reading环节,我充分发挥了任务型教学的优势,创设情



21、来决定什么季节过来最好,这种有意义的真实的开放式作业极大了调动了学生高质量完成作业的热情.另外,我还设计了作业之二,请学生浏览相关的网站了解更多关于四季的信息,扩展视野.总之,整节课一气呵成,教学效果明显,以培养学生的学习策略为基点,从听力游戏到阅读到辩论再到写作,学生的听说读写能力都得到了极大的锻炼和提高.学生兴趣浓厚,积极参与各项活动,圆满地完成了教学任务. 在评价方式上,我既注重学生的小组竞争,更注重全班的团结合作,设计了一棵苹果树,提倡全班一起努力看看在本节课我们可以得到多少个苹果,并巧妙地在每个苹果备面写上一个学生的名字,在课后随即抽出一个苹果,里面的名字就是今天的幸运之星,极大地激

22、发了学生的学习热情. 反思不足之处,主要是教学环节较多,时间比较仓促,如果学生在辩论环节,写作环节有更多的时间准备,相信效果会更佳.附一: 教学内容附二: Worksheet1. True or False ?1. Zip likes summer because it is very hot in summer. T F2. Zoom and Zip eat many fruits in fall. T F3. Zoom likes sleeping very much. T F4. Zoom and Zip sleep when spring comes. T F2. Supplement

23、ary Reading Seasons in ChinaWhich season is the best time to come to China?In Spring, the weather is nice. Its always warm and windy. We can plant trees and flowers. We can go to Kunming in spring. Kunming is very beautiful. Its called (被称为) “Spring City” because its spring all the year. There are a

24、 lot of colorful flowers in Kunming. In summer, its always sunny and hot. We can go to swim in summer. We can go to Sanya. The sea is very beautiful. Its very blue. You can play on the beach(沙滩). Oh, this summer we have Olympic Games in Beijing! How exciting(真令人兴奋)! Lets go to Beijing this summer to

25、gether! In fall, the weather is very nice. Its always windy and cool. You can see many colorful leaves. We can go hiking or go to the fruit garden! There are many fresh and sweet fruit. Oh. The Mid-Autumn Day(中秋节) is in fall. We eat moon-cakes(月饼) and watch the moon at night. We like this holiday ve

26、ry much! In winter, its very cold. It snows in the north. If you come to China in winter, we can go to Harbin together! When it snows, the trees are white. The roads are white. Everything is white. Its so beautiful! Oh, we can go skating (滑冰) and go skiing(滑雪). Its so much fun. Please come to China! You will find a lot of fun in four seasons! Welcome!3. Writing a letter A letter to Summer_

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