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1、江西研究生英语第一册翻译资料第一单元:腹部的累赘New research points to waistline size as a better predictor of healthBy Amanda Spake新的研究指出,腰围尺寸是更好的健康预报因素。 1、Does your belt need a new hole-or three? Has that spare tire made it hard to tie your shoes? And whats happened to clothing sizes? Why has everything become just too d

2、arn tight around the waist? If you find yourself asking these questions while you lie down on the bed, hold your breath, and try to get that zipper all the way up, join the club. Americans collective waistline is expanding-a lot. And medical researchers are beginning to understand the complex physio

3、logy behind a simple truth women have believed for centuries: the smaller the waist, the better the life.你的腰带需要多扎1个或三个新孔吗?那个“肉肚”已使你系鞋带都困难了吗?衣服尺码又发生了什么变化?为什么腰部周围的一切都变得紧得要命?当你躺床在上屏住呼吸努力把拉链向上拉到尽头时,要是你发现自己在问这些问题,那咱们就都一样了。美国人的腰围正普遍在变粗粗了很多。几个世纪以来,妇女们始终相信一条朴实的真理:腰越细,生活就越好医学研究者们如今正开始了解这一简单真理背后的复杂的生理机能。 2、Ov

4、er the past 10 years, a raft of new studies have shown that predicting a persons long-term health may be as simple as taking a waist measurement. Fat around the waist has been linked to a greater risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, breathing problems, disability, some cancers, and

5、 higher mortality rates. The medical community once believed that it was weight itself or the body mass index that led to serious illness and earlier death, not where fat is located on the body. But recent research on the wonders of the fat cell has shown that not all fat is alike. Fat around the mi

6、ddle is largely visceral fat, a type of deep fat that packs itself around internal organs and secretes powerful body chemicals. Its this type of fat that sets off reactions in the body that lead to changes in arteries, organs, and cells that result in heart disease, diabetes, and probably some cance

7、rs. The more abdominal fat, the greater the risk of developing these conditions earlier. Its becoming clearer and clearer that body fat distribution is a critically important variable, says JoAnn Manson, chief of preventive medicine at Harvard Universitys Brigham and Womens Hospital. And abdominal o

8、besity is the key culprit. 在过去的十年期间,一系列新的研究已表明,预言一个人的长期健康也许就同进行一次腰围测量一样简单。腰围周围赘满的脂肪已经与具有更大风险的心脏病、糖尿病、中风、高血压、呼吸系统、疾病、残疾、某些癌症以及更高的死亡率联系在一起。医学界曾经认为,引起严重疾病和早逝的是身体本身或体重指数。而不是脂肪位于身体什么部位。然而,最近对脂肪细胞奇妙之处的研究已经表明,并非所有脂肪都是相同的。身体中周围的脂肪大多是内脏脂肪,这是一种包在体内各个器官周围并分泌浓烈的体内化学物质的深层脂肪类型。就是这类脂肪会引起体内各种反应,导致动脉、器官、和细胞的变化,从而引发心

9、脏病、糖尿病,还可能引发某些癌症。腹部脂肪越多,提前患这些病的风险就越大。哈佛大学布里厄姆妇女医院预防医学的领导人约安曼森说:“体内脂肪分布是一个极为重要的变量,这一点变得越来越清晰了。因而腹部肥胖症是关键性的致病原因”。3、Ideal look.To some extent, folk wisdom and popular culture have reflected this for centuries. A willowy waistline was an ideal for both men and women in colonial and frontier America and

10、easier to attain when food was scarce and a great deal of physical activity was required to hunt, gather, and cook it. The Victorian period ushered in the era of the hourglass figure, which remained the ideal female form for more than 120 years, until it was supplanted by the Twiggy look of the 1960

11、s. Boys, of course, want thin waists, too. Many a late-night infomercial sells the dream of six-pack abs(六块腹肌) or a washboard stomach to men.理想的外表。从某种程度上讲,人们的智慧和流行的文化反映这一倾向已经有几个世纪了。在美洲殖民地时代和边疆开拓时期,男人和女人的理想都是柳树般的细腰,当时食物供不应求,狩猎、采集和烹饪食物又需要大量的体力劳动,所以这种理想是比较容易达到的。维多利亚时代开创了“细腰体型”的时代,这种理想女性体形的观念已经延续了120多年,

12、直到20世纪60年代才被“苗条的”体形所取代。当然,男孩子也想有细腰。许多深夜的电视商业广告片向男人们推销他们梦寐以求的“6块腹肌”或“搓板肚”。 4、One thing is certain: The average American waistline is expanding. In fact, it has never been bigger. Federal health surveys show that over the past four decades, the mean waist size for men has grown from 35 inches to 39 in

13、ches; for women, from 30 inches to 37 inches. The National Institutes of Health recommends that men with waists measuring 37 inches or greater and women with waists larger than 31.5 inches modify their lifestyles to reduce their waists and resulting health risks. Nearly 39 percent of men and 60 perc

14、ent of women are carrying too much belly fat.有一件事是肯定的:美国人的平均腰围正在变粗。事实上,他们的平均腰围从来没有比现在更粗。联邦卫生机构的调查表明,在过去40年中,男性腰围的平均尺寸已从35英寸增加到了39英寸;女性的则从30英寸增加到了37英寸。(美国)国家卫生研究院建议,所测腰围为37英寸或以上的男性和腰围大于31.5英寸的女性都要改变他们的生活方式以缩减他们的腰围,从而降低对健康产生的风险。将近39%的男性和60%的女性正承载着太多的腹部脂肪。5、Perhaps one reason waists have grown so thick

15、 is that the majority of Americans do not realize that abdominal fat can be so hazardous. According to the Shape of the Nations report released by the World Heart Federation in September, 6 in 10 Americans did not rank abdominal fat as a leading risk factor for heart disease. And while a majority of

16、 doctors did know of the link between belly fat, heart disease, and diabetes, physicians measure waist circumferences of only 17 percent of their patients.腰部已增长到这么粗的一个理由也许是因为大多数美国人并未认识到腹部脂肪能有这么大的危害。据世界心脏联合会公布的“若干国家的体形现状报告”所说,10个美国人中就有6个尚未把腹部脂肪列为心脏病的首要危险治病因素。尽管大多数医生确实已知腹部脂肪、心脏病、糖尿病三者之间的联系,内科医生们却只给他们1

17、7%的病人测量腰围。 6、Yet, a study published in the British medical journal Lancet this month showed that among some 27,000 people in 52 countries, waist size as a ratio of hip circumference (the so-called waist-to-hip ratio) more accurately predicted which men and women would have heart attacks than did any

18、 other body measure, including weight and body mass index. I dont think there is anything magic about this ratio, except that its a window to the balance between muscle and fat, says Salim Yusuf, professor of medicine at Canadas McMaster University and lead author of the study. Around the waist ther

19、e is no large muscle. In other words, its all excess fat.然而,英国医学杂志柳叶刀发表的一项研究报告表明,在52个国家的约2.7万人中间,腰部尺寸与臀围的比率(所谓的腰臀比)会比任何其他身体测量(包括体重和体重指数)更准确地预报哪些男性和女性会得心肌梗塞。加拿大麦克马斯特大学的医学教授和这项研究报告的首席作者萨利姆尤瑟夫说:“我认为腰臀比除了是肌肉和脂肪的比例是否平衡的一个信息窗口外,没有任何神秘之处。腰部周围没有大肌肉。”换句话说,那里全是多余的脂肪。 7、High price.Little wonder, then, that a s

20、imple waist measurement, even in children, can accurately forecast who is likely to develop metabolic syndrome, a condition defined not only by waist size but also by having two or more additional health problems: high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol, high triglycerides (甘油三脂), or insulin resi

21、stance. Metabolic syndrome significantly increases the risk of heart disease and leads to an early onset of type 2 diabetes.高代价。因此,一点儿也不奇怪,简单的腰部测量(即使在儿童方面)也能准确地预告谁可能得代谢综合征。这种病不仅受腰围尺寸大小的影响,也为两种或更多种另外的有碍健康的因素:如高血压、有害健康的胆固醇、高甘油三酸酯或胰岛素阻抗等所影响。代谢综合征会显著加大得心脏病的风险并导致2型糖尿病的提早发生。8、Bigger waists also mean highe

22、r medical costs. Patients with 41-inch waists pay about $2,600 more per year in annual medical expenses than do those with 32-inch waists, according to a 2002 study in the journal Obesity Research. Larger waists can lead to more low-back pain, greater breathing difficulties, and persistent cough, co

23、mpared with people with less abdominal fat. Waist size can even forecast who will have trouble bathing, dressing, and walking in old age. Waist circumference is far more important than simply measuring how much someone weighs, says Lewis Kuller, an epidemiology professor at the University of Pittsbu

24、rgh who has studied abdominal obesity and heart disease for decades.较粗的腰也意味着较高的医疗费用。据肥胖症研究杂志上2002年的一项研究报告称,腰围41英寸的病人比32英寸的病人在年度医疗费方面每年都要多支出约2600美元。与腹部脂肪少的人相比,较粗的腰可导致下背疼痛、较严重的呼吸困难和持久性咳嗽。腰的尺码甚至可以预告谁将会在老年时产生洗澡、穿衣和行走的烦恼。匹兹堡大学的流行病学教授刘易斯库勒说:“腰围远比简单地测量某人有多少体重更加重要。”这位教授研究腹部肥胖症和心脏病已有数十年之久了。 9、Contrary to the

25、 notion that belly fat is a soft, inert tissue that nonchalantly sits on the waist, abdominal fat cells are actually little endocrine factories, producing hormones that send messages to many organs. This central fat is the most metabolically active, says Manson. Belly fat appears to drain directly i

26、nto the liver, she says, and as the fat breaks down, it releases substances that increase the bodys resistance to insulin. It seems to me that what has emerged is a sense that abdominal obesity promotes insulin resistance, which raises insulin levels, which increases appetite, which increases trigly

27、cerides, which causes the good HDL to go down, and increases sodium absorption, then blood volume expands, and blood pressure goes up, says William Kannel, a professor at Boston University Medical School and a former director of the Framingham Heart Study. Ultimately, this cascade of events leads to

28、 glucose intolerance, diabetes, hypertension, and accelerated development of coronary heart disease.与腹部脂肪是位于腰部无所事事的惰性软组织这一观念相反,腹部脂肪实际上是一些小的内分泌工厂,会制造一些把信息传送给许多器官的激素。曼森说:“这种位于中央的脂肪在代谢方面是最活跃的。”她还说,腹部脂肪看来直接排入肝脏,而脂肪分解时所释放的物质可增加身体对胰岛素的耐受性。波士顿大学医学院教授和弗莱明汉姆心脏研究项目的前领导人威廉坎奈尔说:“在我看来,已出现的一种观念是,腹部肥胖症会提升对胰岛素的耐受性,

29、以致胰岛素水平升高,食欲增加,从而导致甘油三酸酯增多,使良性的高密度脂蛋白下降和提高对钠的吸收,于是血容积扩张,血压升高。”最终,这一连串情况的发生会导致葡萄糖耐受不良、糖尿病、高血压,以及加速发展的冠心病。10、The connection between fat distribution and sex hormones is only now being explored. The apple shape tends to be associated with higher male hormone levels in women, and this may be one of the

30、reasons that men and women tend to have a different body fat distribution, says Manson. Men, who naturally have more male hormones than women, also accumulate fat around their waists more frequently than women. Though the role hormones play in fat distribution is not yet clear, the way many women lo

31、se their waist at menopause may be due to changes in the relative levels of androgen to estrogen. Clinical trials of hormone replacement therapy, however, did not show that postmenopausal women who took the drugs had a substantial waist-size reduction, says Manson.只有到了今天,人们才开始探索脂肪分布和性激素之间的联系。曼森说:苹果体

32、形“往往与女性具有较高的雄性激素水平有关,而这可能是男性和女性倾向于有不同的体内脂肪分布的理由之一。”男性天然地比女性有更多的雄性激素,也比女性更经常地把脂肪积存在他们的腰部。虽然激素在脂肪分布中所起的作用尚未弄清,但是许多女性在绝经期腰部发胖可能就是由于雄性激素和雌性激素相对水平的改变。然而,曼森说,激素替补疗法的临床试验并没有表明绝经后的女性服药后腰部尺码会有明显减小。11、Apple vs.pear.Conversely, the pear shape or the hourglass figure may be linked to higher estrogen levels and greater fertility. One study of Polish women indicated that those with large breasts, small waists, and wide hips had higher levels of estrogen than those who were more apple shaped. Its possible that its a fat distribution pattern hourglass associated with the higher likelihood of

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