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1、怪物史瑞克1电影中英文对白从前有位可爱的公主Once upon a time there was a lovely princess.但是她被可怕的魔法控制了But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort.只有真爱的初吻才可以打破这魔法which could only be broken by loves first kiss.她被困在一个城堡里She was locked away in a castle.由一只喷火龙看守着guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon.有许多勇敢的骑士曾经想

2、过把她从这可怕的监狱中救走Many brave knights had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison,但是 没有一个成功but none prevailed.她关在被喷火龙看守着的She waited in the dragons keep.城堡里最高的房间里in the highest room of the tallest tower.等待着真爱的初吻for her true love and true loves first kiss.那是不会发生的Like thats ever gonna happen.怪物史瑞克- 快

3、 - 快- Go! - Go!- 我想它在里面吧? - 好的 我们去吧!- Think its in there? - All right. Lets get it!慢着! 你知道有什么后果吗?Whoa. Hold on. Do you know what that thing can do to you?嗯 它会把你的骨头当面包吃Yeah, itll grind your bones for its bread.哈哈 实际上那会是一个巨人Yes, well, actually, that would be agiant.不过 青怪可能更糟糕Now, ogres Theyre much wor

4、se.它们会用你们的鲜皮做汤Theyll make a suit from your freshly peeled skin.- 不 - 挖出你的心肝- No! - Theyll shave your liver.用你们的眼睛榨果汁Squeeze the jelly from your eyes!- 这样吃吐司面包会很好味道! - 退后 退后 怪物!- Actually, its quite good on toast. - Back! Back, beast!我警告你Back! I warn ya!好的Right.你们还不快走就没有机会了This is the part where you

5、run away.滚And stay out!通缉 神话之物Wanted. Fairy tale creatures.好的 这个满了All right. This ones full.拉走Take it away!- 走 快点 快点 - 下一个- Move it along. Come on! Get up! - Next!给我 你飞行的日子要结束了Give me that! Your flying days are over.这是给女巫的20块银子 下一个!Thats 20 pieces of silver for the witch. Next!- 起来 快点 - 20块- Get up!

6、 Come on! - Twenty pieces.在这里坐下Sit down there!安静!Keep quiet!笼子太小了This cage is too small.请不要让我进去 我不再固执了Please dont turn me in. Ill never be stubborn again.我会改的 给我多一次机会I can change. Please! Give me another chance!- 闭嘴 - 哦 - 下一个- Oh, shut up. - Oh! - Next!- 什么东西? - 这是一个小木偶- What have you got? - This li

7、ttle wooden puppet.我不是木偶 我是一个真正的男孩Im not a puppet. Im a real boy.5先令给这个疯狂的玩具Five shillings for the possessed toy.- 拿走 越远越好! - 老爸 别让他们这么做- Take it away. - Father, please! Dont let them do this!- 下一个 - 什么东西?- Help me! - Next. What have you got?- 呃 我有一个会说话的驴子- Well, Ive got a talking donkey.好的 这个值10个先令

8、 你可以证明一下吗?Right. Well, thats good for ten shillings, if you can prove it.好的 说吧 伙计Oh, go ahead, little fella.嗯?Well?哦 它只是有点紧张Oh, oh, hes just Hes just a little nervous.它真的是一个话匣子 说?Hes really quite a chatterbox. Talk, you bone headed dolt- 好了 我听够了 守卫! - 不 不 它能说话- Thats it. Ive heard enough. Guards! -

9、No, no, he talks!我能说话 我爱说话He does. I can talk. I love to talk.我是你见过的最能说话的驴子Im the talkingest damn thing you ever saw.- 把她带走 - 不 不要- Get her out of my sight. - No, no!我发誓 它能说话I swear! Oh! He can talk!嘿 我会飞!Hey! I can fly!- 它会飞 - 会飞!- He can fly! - He can fly!- 它说话了 - 对了 笨蛋- He can talk! - Ha, ha! Tha

10、ts right, fool!对 现在我是会飞会说话的驴子Now Im a flying, talking donkey.你可能看过蝇子 而且是一个很大的蝇子You might have seen a house fly, maybe even a super fly,不过你肯定没有看过会飞的驴子but I bet you aint never seen a donkey fly.哈哈Ha, ha!哦Uh-oh.捉住它Seize him!它要逃了After him! Hes getting away!这边 转过来Get him! This way! Turn!是你 青怪You there. O

11、gre!什么事?Aye?奉弗瓜王之命 授权我逮捕你们两个By the order of Lord Farquaad, I am authorized to place you both under arrest.送到一个指定地and transport you to a designated. resettlement facility.是吗? 你们是什么军队?Oh, really? You and what army?我可以跟你说话吗?Can I say something to you?听着 你的确有些本领 了不起!Listen, you was really, really someth

12、in back there. Incredible!你在跟我说话吗?Are you talkin to me? Whoa!是的 我在跟你说话 你刚才在侍卫那里真的很厉害Yes, I was talkin to you. Can I tell you that you was great back there? Those guards!那些侍卫以为他们很棒 然后你一出现 砰!They thought they was all of that. Then you showed up, and bam!都跑光了They was trippin over themselves like babes

13、in the woods.看到这样确实使我感觉很好That really made me feel good to see that.- 很棒 真的 - 朋友 自由是很好的- Oh, thats great. Really. - Man, its good to be free.现在跟你的朋友去庆祝你的自由 好吗?Now, why dont you go celebrate your freedom with your own friends? Hmm?但是 我没有朋友But, uh, I dont have any friends.我也不会自己一个人出去And Im not goin out

14、 there by myself.嘿 等等 我有一个很好的提议 我跟你一起Hey, wait a minute! I got a great idea! Ill stick with you.你是一个令人惧怕青怪Youre a mean, green, fightin machine.我们一起会吓跑经过我们的人Together well scare the spit out of anybody that crosses us.噢 真吓人Oh, wow! That was really scary.这很可怕 如果这不起作用 你的呼吸会起作用的If you dont mind me sayin

15、if that dont work, your breath certainly will get the job done,你需要些口香糖 你喘气太臭了!cause you definitely need some Tic Tacs or something, cause your breath stinks!你几乎把我的鼻毛都烧着了You almost burned the hair outta my nose,就像那次just like the time烂草莓 我那天放了很多屁Then I ate some rotten berries. I had strong gases eking

16、 out ofmy butt that day.你为什么跟着我?Why are you following me?我告诉你为什么Ill tell you why.别唱了!Stop singing!怪不得你没有朋友Its no wonder you dont have any friends.噢 只有真正的朋友才会这么诚实Wow. Only a true friend would be that truly honest.听着 驴子 看看我 我是谁?Listen, little donkey. Take a look at me. What am I?嗯Uh- 真高? - 不! 我是个妖怪- R

17、eally tall? - No! Im an ogre.你想一下 拿着你的火把和草杈!You know. Grab your torch and pitchforks.这不让你烦恼吗?Doesnt that bother you?不Nope.- 真的? - 真的 真的- Really? - Really, really.-噢 - 我喜欢你 你叫什么?- Oh. - Man, I like you. Whats your name?史瑞克Uh, Shrek.史瑞克? 知道我喜欢你什么?Shrek? Well, you know what I like about you, Shrek?我不在乎

18、别人怎么看我You got that kind of I dont care what nobody thinks of me thing.我喜欢这个 我敬佩这个 史瑞克I like that. I respect that, Shrek. You all right.瞧那里! 谁想住在那里?Whoo! Look at that. Whod want to live in a place like that?那是我的家That would be my home.很好! 很漂亮!Oh! And it is lovely! Just beautiful.你是个相当不错的装饰设计家 在预算有限的情况

19、下 你所干的令人惊叹!You are quite a decorator. Its amazing what youve done with such a modest budget.我喜欢那块石头 那是块不错的石头I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder.我猜想你不常有客人I guess you dont entertain much, do you?我喜欢一个人呆着I like my privacy.我也是一样 这是我们的另一个共同点You know, I do too. Thats another thing we have in commo

20、n.我讨厌有人来Like, I hate it when you got somebody in your face.来了就不肯走 尴尬的沉默Youre trying to give them a hint, and they wont leave. Theres that awkward silence.- 我跟你住可以吗? - 什么?- Can I stay with you? - Uh, what?让我跟你一起住好吗?Can I stay with you, please?- 当然! -真的?- Of course! - Really?- 不! - 我不想回去!- No. - Pleas

21、e! I dont wanna go back there!你不知道怪物的生活是什么样的 也许你知道You dont know what its like to be considered a freak. Well, may be you do.这就是为什么我们要在一起 让我留下吧!But thats why we gotta stick together. You gotta let me stay!- 求求你! - 好的- Please! Please! - Okay! Okay!- 但只能呆一晚上 - 谢谢!- But one night only. - Ah! Thank you!-

22、 你干什么 不 不 - 这将会很有趣!- What are you No! No! - This is gonna be fun!我们晚点儿睡 一起讲故事We can stay up late, swappin manly stories,早上我做华夫饼and in the mornin Im makin waffles.- 哦 - 我在哪里睡?- Oh! - Where do, uh, I sleep?外头!Outside!哇 那很酷Oh, well, I guess thats cool.我的意思是我不了解你 你也不了解我I mean, I dont know you, and you d

23、ont know me,因此我想外头最好so I guess outside is best, you know.我出去了Here I go.晚安Good night.我确实喜欢在外头 我是驴子生来就喜欢外头I mean, I do like the outdoors. Im a donkey. I was born outside.只有我一个人在外头Ill just be sitting by myself outside, I guess, you know.一个人 在外头By myself, outside.只有我一个人 这里除了我没有别人Im all alone Theres no o

24、ne here beside me我不是告诉你呆在外头吗?I thought I told you to stay outside.我是在外头I am outside.老头 这比农场差远了 不过还有什么办法呢?Well, gents, its a farcry from the farm, but what choice do we have?这不是家 但还算不错Its not home, but itll do just fine.多好的床What a lovely bed.- 抓到了 - 我找到了些奶酪- Got ya. - I found some cheese.- 哦 - 真恶心!-

25、Ow! - Biah! Awful stuff.- 是你吗 戈德? - 你怎么知道是我?- Is that you, Gorder? - How did you know?够了! 你在我的房子里干嘛?Enough! What are you doing in my house?嘿Hey!不 不 不!Oh, no, no, no.- 死女人不能放在桌子上 - 但床已经被占了!- Dead broad off the table. - Where are we supposed to put her? The beds taken.啊?Huh?什么?What?我住在沼泽地里 我出告示 我 我是个可

26、怕的妖怪!I live in a swamp. I put up signs. Im a terrifying ogre!我怎么才能有点儿隐私呢?What do I have to do to get a little privacy?- 啊! - 不- Aah! - Oh, no.哦 不要Oh, no.不 不!No! No!什么?What?- 停下 - 别推- Quit it. - Dont push.你们在我的沼泽地里干什么?What are you doing in my swamp?沼泽 沼泽 沼泽Swamp! Swamp! Swamp!哦 亲爱的Oh, dear!哇Whoa!好 出去

27、 你们都出去 都走开!All right, get out of here. All of you, move it!快点儿 快!Come on! Lets go! Hapaya! Hapaya! Hey!- 快点儿 快! - 不- Quickly. Come on! - No, no!不是那里 不是那里No, no. Not there. Not there.哦Oh!别看我 我没有邀请他们Hey, dont look at me. I didnt invite them.天哪 没人邀请我们Oh, gosh, no one invited us.- 什么? - 我们被迫来到这里- What?

28、- We were forced to come here.- 谁强迫你们? - 弗瓜王- By who? - Lord Farquaad.他连吹带唬 签署了搬迁布告He huffed und he puffed und he. signed an eviction notice.好的All right.听着 有人知道弗瓜王现在在哪里吗?Who knows where this Farquaad guy is?我知道他在哪里Oh, I do. I know where he is.还有人知道在哪里能找到他吗?Does anyone else know where to find him?- 没

29、人知道? - 我知道!- Any one at all? - Me! Me!- 谁知道? - 选择我!- Anyone? - Oh! Oh, pick me!我知道! 我知道! 我!Oh, I know! I know! Me, me!好Okay, fine.注意 所有的神话故事人物Attention, all fairy tale things.别再享受了 欢迎已经正式结束了Do not get comfortable. Your welcome is officially worn out.实际上 我马上就要去见弗瓜王这个家伙In fact, Im gonna see this guy F

30、arquaad right now.把你们从我的地里赶走 哪来哪去!and get you all off my land and back where you came from!你!Oh! You!你跟我来Youre comin with me.这正是我喜欢听到的All right, thats what I like to hear, man.史瑞克和驴子两个朋友一起去冒大险Shrek and Donkey, two stalwart friends, off on a whirlwind big-city adventure.我喜欢I love it!- 又上路了史瑞克 跟我唱歌 - 噢 不- On the road again Sing it with me, Shrek. - Hey. Oh, oh!我急不可待要上路了I cant wait to get on the road again我刚才没说什么W

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