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1、第五版前言翻译Perface (前言)Background (背景)The history of database research over the past 30 years is one of exceptional productivity that has led to the database system becoming arguably the most important development in the field of software engineering. 1. Exceptional /iksepnl/ adj. 非常好的,杰出; 2. Arguable /

2、a:gjubl/ adj. Not certainly true or correct and therefore easy or doubt. 有疑问的; 译:过去30多年的数据库研究历史是杰出成就之一,同样也导致了数据库可能变成软件工程领域最重要的发展。The database is now the underlying framework of the information system and has fundamentally changed the way many organizations operate. 译:现在,数据库是信息系统的底层框架,也从根本上更改了许多公司的操作

3、。In particular, the developments in this technology over the last few years have produced systems that are more powerful and more intuitive to use3. intuitive /intju:itiv/ adj. An intuitive idea is based on feelings rather than on knowledge or facts (想法)凭直觉获知。在现实中,过去几年这种技术的发展也产生了更容易使用且能力更强的系统。This d

4、evelopment has resulted in increasing availability of database systems for a wider variety of users. 4. variety/vraiti/ n. A variety of = a lot of a particular type of things that are different from each other.种种5. Availability /veilbiliti/ n. 供应译:这种技术的发展也导致更宽广更多样用户使用数据库的增加。Unfortunately, the appare

5、nt simplicity of these systems has to users creating databases and applications without the necessary knowledge to produce an effective and efficient system.6. Effective /ifektiv/ adj. Producing the result that was wanted or intended 产生预期的效果,有效的7. Efficient /ifint/ adj. A person, machine, or organiz

6、ation that is efficient works well and effectively without wasting time, money or energy. 有效的,高效能的;不幸的,这些系统的简单出现使没有专业知识的用户能够使用数据库和应用程序生成一个预期效果的且有效的系统。And so the “software crisis” or, as it is sometimes referred to, the “software depression” continues.8. Crisis /kraisis/ n. 危机;9. Depression /dipren/

7、n.消沉;因此“软件危机”或者,有时参考为“软件萧条”继续。The original stimulus for this book come from the authors work in industry, providing consultancy on database design for new software systems, as often as not, resolving inadequacies with existing systems.1. Stimulus /stimjuls/ n. Something that helps a process to devel

8、op more quickly or more strongly 刺激物,促进因素;2. Consultancy /knsltnsi/ n. 咨询公司,顾问公司;3. Inadequacy /indikwisi/ n. The fact of not being good enough in quality, ability, size etc for a particular purpose. (质量、能力、大小)不足这本书最原始的促进因素来源于作者在工业中的工作,对于新软件系统提供数据库方面咨询,往往是解决现存系统的不足。In addition, the authors move to a

9、cademia brought similar problems from different users-students.4. Academia /,kdimi/ n. The area of activity and work connected with education, especially at collage or university. 学术;另外, 作者转到学术上带来了来自不同用户(学生)相似的问题。The objectives of this book, therefore, are to provide a textbook that introduces the t

10、heory behind databases as clearly as possibly and, in particular, to provide a methodology for database design that can be used by both technical and nontechnical readers. 5. Methodology /,medldi/ n. The set of methods and principles that are used when studying a particular subject or doing a partic

11、ular kind of work. 方法论这本书的目标是尽可能清晰地提供数据库背后理论的文本,在现实中,可以给技术和非技术用户提供了数据库设计的方法论。 The methodology presented in this book for relational Database Management System (DBMSs)- the predominant system for business application at present- has been tried and tested over the years in both industrial and academic

12、 environments. 6.predominant /pridminnt/ n.主导的, 主要的这本书中的关系数据库管理系统体现了方法论- 现在商业应用主导系统- 已经试图或前几年在工业和学术环境中进行测试。It consists of three main phases: conceptual, logical, and physical database. 它由三段组成:概念、逻辑、和物理数据库。The first phase starts with the production of a conceptual data model that is independent of al

13、l physical considerations.第一部分用概念数据模型开始(它是独立于所有物理性的考虑)。This model is then refined in the second phase into a logical data model by moving constructs that can not be represented in the relational system.这个模型接着使第二段成为逻辑数据,通达移动在关系系统中并不体现的结构。In the third phase, the logical data model is translated into a

14、 physical design for the target DBMS.在第三段中,逻辑数据模型被翻译为目标DBMS的物理设计。The physical design phase considers the storage structures and access methods required for efficient and secure access to the database on secondary storage.物理设计部分考虑了存储结构和有效获得方法和安全进入数据库在另外的存储器上。The methodology in each phase is presented

15、 as a series of steps.每一段的方法论以一连串的步骤体现出来。For the inexperienced designer, it is excepted that steps will be followed in the order described, and guidelines are provided throughout to his process.对于毫无经验的设计者,按步就班的顺序描术除外,对于他的过程给予了指导方针。For the experienced designer, the methodology can be less prescriptiv

16、e, acting more as a framework or checklist.对于有经验的设计者而言,方法论可能不很规范,扮演了一个框架或者是清单。To help the reader use the methodology and understand the important issues, the methodology has been described using a realistic worked example, based on an integrated case study, DreamHome.为了帮助读者使用这种方法并且理解重要的主题,方法论用了一个现实工

17、作样例(基于集成示例学习,梦想家园)来描术。In addition, three additional case studies are provided in Appendix B to allow readers to try out the methodology for themselves.另外,在附录B中三个附加示例要求读者亲自尝试方法论。UML (Unified Modeling Language)统一建模语言Unify /ju:nifai/ v. To combine the parts of a country, organization etc to make a sing

18、le unit. 统一(国家、组织)使成一体;Increasingly, companies are standardizing the way in which they model data by selecting a particular approach to data modeling and using it throughout their database development projects.Standardize/stdaudaiz/使标准化译:渐渐的,企业正在标准化(他们模拟数据通过选择一种特别方式进入数据模型)(并且使用它贯穿整个数据库开发项目)。A popula

19、r high-level data model used in conceptual/logical database design, and the one use in this book, is based on the concepts of the Entity-Relationship (ER) model.译:在概念、逻辑数据库设计中被使用的一种高级数据模型。在这本书中所使用的是一种基于实体关系模型的概念。Currently, there is no standard notation for an ER model.译:现在,不存在ER模型的标准符号。Most books th

20、at cover database design for relational DBMSs tend to use one of two conventional notations:译:在涉及关系DBMS数据库设计的大多数书中打算使用两种方便符号中的一种。1. Chens notation, consisting of rectangles representing entities and diamonds representing relationships, with the lines linking the rectangles and diamonds; or 译:陈氏符号中,包

21、含矩形代表实体,菱形代表关系,用直线关联矩形和菱形。2. Crows Feet notation, again consisting of rectangles representing entities and lines between entities representing relationships, with a crows foot at one end of a line representing a one-to-many relationship.译:鸦脚符号,也存在矩形代表实体,实体之间的连线代表关系,线终端的鸦脚代表一对多的关系。Both notations are

22、well supported by current Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools.译:两套符号都被现时辅助计算机工程工具所认可。However, they can be quite cumbersome to use and a bit difficult to explain.Cumbersome /kmbsm/ adj. A process or system that is cumbersome is slow and different.(过程或系统)慢的;累赘的; 译:无论如何,两种系统都是相当难于使用;并且很难理解

23、。In previous editions, we used Chens notation.译:前几版,我们使用陈氏符号。However, following an extensive questionnaire carried out by Pearson Education, there was a general consensus that the notation should be changed to the latest object-oriented modeling language, called UML (Unified Modeling Language).Quest

24、ionnaire /,kwestn/ n. A written set of question which you give to a large number of people in order to collect information. (收集信息用的)问题单、调查表、问卷;Extensive /ikstensiv/ adj. Covering a large area 广阔的,大面积的,覆盖面大的; Consensus /knens/ n. An opinion that everyone in a group will agree with or accept. 共同意见, 一致

25、;译:无论如何, 培生教育作过一个扩展性的问卷调查, 有一个普遍的认可,符号应该更改为最新的面向对象模型语言。UML is a notation that combines elements from three major stands of object-oriented design: Rumbaughs OMT modeling, Boochs Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, and Jacobsons Objectory.译: UML 符号由三种主要的面象对象设计组成:Rumbaughs OMT modeling, Boochs Object

26、-Oriented Analysis and Design, and Jacobsons Objectory.There are three primary reasons for adopting a different notation: 译:存在三种主要的原因适应于不同的符号:(1) UML is becoming an industry standard; for example, the Object Management Group (OMG) has adopted UML as the standard notation for object methods;译:UML 已经变

27、成了一种工业标准,例如对象管理组织已经对于目标方法作为标准符号适应于UML。(2) UML is arguably clearer and easier to use;译:UML 毫无疑问比较清晰和容易使用的; (3) UML is now being adopted within academia for teaching object-oriented and design, and using UML in database modules provides more synergy.Synergy /sindi/ n. Technical additional energy that

28、is produced by two people combing their energy and idea (术语)(两个人的精力和思想结合后产生的)协同作用;增效人用;译:现在UML 用于学术界来教授面向对象和设计,在数据库模块中使用UML 提供更多效力。 Therefore, in this edition we have adopted the class diagram notation from UML.译:因此,在这一版中,我们已经使用来自UML 的类图表符号。We believe that you will find this notation easier to under

29、stand and use.译:我们相信,你将发现这种符号更容易理解和使用。Whats New in the Fifth Edition译:什么是第五版的新点:1. New chapter on database architectures and the Web, covering n-tier architectures, web services, and service-oriented architecture(SOA).译:在数据库结构和网页中,含概了多层架构,网页服务,和面向服务架构。2. New chapter on professional, legal, and ethic

30、al issues in IT and database.Ethical /eikl/adj. Connected with principles of what is right and wrong 关乎伦理的;normally good and correct. 合乎道德的,正确的;译:新章节在专业、法律和信息技术的伦理方面和数据库。3. Updated treatment to cover the latest version of the SQL standard, which was released in summer 2008 (SQL:2008).译:更新SQL最新版本,针对(

31、2008年夏发布的SQL:2008).4. New chapter on advanced SQL, including coverage of the SQL Programming language(SQL/PSM), stored procedures, and triggers.译:在高级SQL的新章节中包括Programming language(SQL/PSM), stored procedures, and triggers.5. Extended treatment of web-DBMS integration, include coverage of the Java pe

32、rsistence mechanism, Java Persistence API (JPA), as well as updated treatment of the latest version of some of the other Java Persistence mechanisms, plus an update section covering .NET3.5.6. Extended treatment of XML, SPARQL, XQuery 1.0 and Xpath 2.0 (including the new XQuery Update facility), and the new SQL:2008 SQL/XML standard.7. Extend treatment of data warehousing, OLAP, and

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