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1、中考英语单选精选300题附答案分析中考英语单选精选 300 题1 .Roy made several kites, but of them can fly high in the sky.A.neither B. none C. all D. most2. Have you finished your work yet?No, not yet. I think it ?ll take ten minutes.A.another B. other C. others D. More3-I ?m sorry to have kept you waiting long.-Never mind. I

2、here for only a few minutes.A. have been B. have come C. have arrived D. waited4.The teacher told the children, “ it is very important_ careful _fire. ” A. to be; with B. is; with C. being; with D. to be; to5. She saw boy playing with his dogA eight-year-old B.An eight-years-old C.An eight-year-old

3、D.A eight-years-old6.The story sounds_ .A. interestingly B. interesting C. interested D. Danger7.John told me to _ the pictures _ tomorrow.A. take; here B. bring; there C. taking; there D. bring; here8.There _ a lot of _ in the kitchen and it was very_.A. was; smoke; hot B. were; smokes; hot C. was;

4、 smoke; hotter D. were; smoke; hotter9.Do you _ drive on the left in England?A. have to B. must C. should D. May10.It is very hot today, please keep the window_.A. opening B. open C. opens D. to open11.-May I play with my dog?-I am afraid not. You can t play with it _ you finish your homework A. whe

5、n B. until C.after D. Becauset _ finish reading the book in two daysB.could C. be able to D. May14.-Must I clean the cage today?-No, you_.D. may notA. must not B. can not C. need not15.She _ so much _ her mother.A. looks; like B. looks; for C. looks; after D. looks forwards; to16.Mr. White likes to

6、live in a _ place.A. quite B. quiet C. quick D. Quietly17.Kate has a cat _ Mimi.A. called B. call C. to call D. Calling18.- May I take my pet to school?- No, you_.A. may not B. might not C. need not D. can not19.The teacher told the children to keep the classroom_.A. to clean B. cleans C. clean D. C

7、leaned20.He doesn t smoke and hates women _.A. smokes B. smoke C. smoked D. Smoking21.- How often do you clean the fish tank?A.this afternoon B. only once C. once a month D. for two days22.Tom s gold fish died because he gave them _ food.A. too much B. much too C.A few D. too many23.I _ , because I

8、don t want to be late for school.A.Am used to getting up early B. used to getting up earlyC.was used to getting up early D. used to get up early24.I need _ candles. Please pass them to me.A. two more B. one more C. more two D. more one25.All the students in my class did their homework except_.A. Jan

9、e and I B. Jane and mine C. I and Jane D. Jane and me26.Will you please give the boy_ to eat?A. favorite something B. different anything C. popular everything D. something delicious27.Mr. Wang told his son _ football on the road.A. not play B. to not play C. not to play D. doesn t play28.Both _ watc

10、hes were broken.A. Jim and Toms B. Jim s and Toms C. Jims and Tom D. Jim and Tom29. Don t forget to bring your son here next time, please.A. No, I don t B. No, I won t C. No, I can D. Yes , I do30.I saw the boy_ the classroom.A. enter into B. enter C. to enter into D. to enter31.Miss Li is _ our tea

11、cher _our friend.A. neither; or B. either; or C. not only; but also D. either ; nor32.He began learning English. _ the age of five.A. for B. on C. in D.At33.His job is _ cars.A. to repair B. repaired C. repairs D. Repair34.We should protect our eyes _ sun glasses.(考 有动作含义的介词 )A. in wear B. by wearin

12、g C. with wearing D. to wear35.He visited Uncle Li_ a cold morning.A. on B. in C.At D. For36.They often _ school activities after school.A. join B. do C. take part in D. play with37.I have seen the movie _ times.A. the number of B.A number of C. much D.A number38.The boy is made_ the room every day.

13、A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean D. Cleans39.You can find some _ on the Internet.A. informations B. information C. picture D. Story40.The _ girl is looked well by her grandmotherA. five-years-old B. five year old C. five-years old D. five-year-old41.Great changes _ in the last ten years.A. have take

14、n place B. have been taken placeC. took place D. were taken place42._ does your brother_ ?A. how; look like B. What ; look like C. what; look D. How ; looks43.You must have left your glasses _.A. somewhere else B.anywhere elseC. somewhere other D. some other where44.I will talk with you about it _ti

15、me.D. the othersA. the other B. others C.A nother45.When I was walk ing in the street, I saw him his brother.A. to quarrel with B. quarrels withC. quarrel with D. quarreli ng with46.All the stude nts like the teachers who_ their less ons in teresti ng.A. makes B. make C. mak ing D. to make47.we d be

16、tter go and tell her the _ news. I am sure she will be very _ it.A. surprised; surpris ing in B. in terested; in teresti ng inC. in terest ing; in teresti ng at D. surpris ing; surprised at48.We can watch the TV programmers from other coun tries _ the satellites.A. because B. because of C. if D. Tha

17、t49.The teacher told us not our dicti on aries to school the n ext day.A. to bring B. to take C. bring D. Take50.I will go to visit my uncle n ext week.A. sometimes B. some times C. some time D. Sometime51.When I was watch ing TV , I _ some one calli ng my n ame outside.A. heard B. liste n C. liste

18、n to D. Hear52.The policeman asked John _ he knew the victim.( 受害者)A. what B. that C. if D. Which53.Betty and Joh n have come back, but stude nts aren t here yet.A.A no ther B. the other C. others D. the others54.The robbery in Sun Town last Sun day.A. is happe ned B. was happe ned C. happe ned D. H

19、appe ns55.He said that _ eight- year-old child was_.A.A; kid napped B.An; kid napped C.A; kid naped D.An; kid napped56.Tom asked, “ Did you hear ?A. someth ing stra nge B. nothing stra nge C. stra nge anything D.Anything stra ngeA. in teresti ng; skati ng B. in terest ing; to skate C. in terested; s

20、kati ng D. in terested; to skate58.You don t need if you feel sick.A. to come B. come C. coming D. comes59.The house is for us to .C.big eno ugh; live inD.OthersD. eno ugh big; liveD. with ; ofA. big eno ugh; live B. eno ugh big; live in60.He fini shed his san dwich and asked forA. the other B.A not

21、her C. other61.Do you like the cake _ nuts _ it?A. with; in B. have; in C. has; on62.Will you come tomorrow?A. be able to B. can C. must D. be able63.The used car is 500 dollars.A. cost B. pay C. worth D. Spe nd64.- Will you go shopp ing toni ght?-If you go, .A. so do I B. so will I C. so I go D. th

22、at I will go65.- Do you still remember me somewhere in Shan gHai?-yes, of course, two years ago.A. seeing B. see C. to see D. Saw66._ is really hard them to climb Mount Qomola ngmA.A. This; is B. it ; for C. This ; for D. it; to67.- Jack hasn t paid for the school things, has he?- . His father will

23、pay for him.A. yes, he has B. no, he hasn C. yes, he did D. no, he didn 68.She is _, but she looks young.A. in her fifties B.At her fifty C. in her fifty D.At her fifties69.Tom studies_, but his sister _ studies.A. hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. hard; hardly D. hardly; hard70.Do you know the lady_

24、is in terview ing our headmaster?A. which B. who C. whom D. Whose71.It s ride from my home to the factory.A. two hours and half s B. two and half hours C. two and a half hours D. two hour and a half s72.I have _ a rain coat _ an umbrellA. That is why I have to wait un til the rain stops.A. n either;

25、 nor B. either; or C. not only; but also D. both; and73.Most of us wondered if girls football team could boys football team in the final match.A. beat B. win C. hit D. Lose74.- is the Summer Palace from here?-about three kilometers away. You can take the No. 35 bus.A. how long B. how often C. how fa

26、r D. how much75. a heavy snow tomorrow.A. there will have B. there is going to have C. there will has D. there is going to be76.Who will if he come?A. mop it up; won B. mop up it; doesn C. mop it up; doesn t D. mop it up; don t77. cloudy day it is!A. how B. what C. how a D. what a78.The flood killed

27、 peopleA. thousa nds of B. thousa nd of C. thousa nds D. Thousa nd79.This math problem is not easy. I can t work it out _.A. without he B. with him C. without him D. with he80.This problem is so difficulty that only _ stude nts can work it out.A.A few B. few C. little D.A little81.We all th ink _ to

28、 play the gameA. it is in terested B. that was in teresti ngC. it is in terest ing D. that in terest ing82.I think he will prefer the blown trousers. Let s buy_.A. it B. one C. ones D. That83.- is the movie ticket for ?-About 30 yuanA. how long B. how many C. how much D. how soon84.- will your man a

29、ger retur n to the compa ny, please?-in about three daysA. how long B. how soon C. how often D. how much85.- _did it take him to repair the computer?-about 2 daysA. how soon B. how often C. how long D. how far86.She taught _ En glish.A. her B. hers C. herself D. she87. if you want to keep fit, you h

30、ave to eat_ food and do _sports.-You mean the more exercise I do, the _ I will be.A. less; more; healthier B. more; less; health C. less; fewer; healthily D. most; fewest;88.I must retur n the digital camera to Nancy. I _ it 2 weeks ago.A. le nt B. borrowed C. have kept D. have lent89.The nu mber of

31、 the boy babies_ much larger tha n that of the girl babies these years.A.Are B. was C. is D. Were90.I felt sorry that I was late for the meeti ng. I was so busy _ a no vel that I forgot _ the meeti ng.A. to read; look ing at B. readi ng; to use C. to read; see ing D. read ing; to look at91.I am not sure if I am going to Tim s party. I may go to the concert_.A. on ly B. i nstead C. early D. Lat

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