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1、中国GDP发展减慢对大学生就业的影响TheImpactofChinasGDPSlow-downonTheEmploymentofChineseUniversity GraduatesA Graduation Paper Submitted byIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsForThe Degree of BachelorIn the Subject of English Language (for Economics and Trade)ToThe School of Foreign LanguagesOfYunnan Universit

2、y of Finance and EconomicsSupervisor: May 20, 2009云南财经大学本科毕业论文原创性及知识产权声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文是本人在导师的指导下取得的成果。对本论文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。因本毕业论文引起的法律结果完全由本人承担。本毕业论文成果归云南财经大学所有。 特此声明 毕业论文作者签名: 作者专业:英语(经贸方向)作者学号:20052133 2009年5月20日摘 要经济是一个全球性的关注点。中国自改革开放以来,GDP一直呈快速增长的趋势。然而,从二十一世纪以来,这种上升趋势虽然没有改变,但是GDP的上涨

3、速度却逐渐降低。这其中不但有国内资源枯竭、通货膨胀等原因,更是受到了国际经济危机的巨大影响。国内GDP上涨速度减慢的同时,将直接影响到我国大学生就业现状,这也是一个不容忽视的现象。本文将通过分析我国GDP上涨速度减缓的原因,从而找出它对我国大学生就业现状的影响,并提出我国政府和国内高校在这样的形势之下更好促进大学生就业的可行性措施,以期能够更好的促进我国大学生就业,优化就业格局,从根本上提高大学生的就业率。关键词:国内生产总值(GDP);大学生就业;就业格局;就业率AbstractEconomy is a global concern.Since Chinas reform and openi

4、ng up, its GDP has had a trend of rapid growth.However,since the 21st century, although the upward trend has not changed, the speed of GDP rises gradually reduced,which not only has the domestic resources depletion, inflation and other reasons, but also by the impact of the international economic cr

5、isis.GDP rose at a slower pace at the same time, will directly affect the university students employment situation in our country, it is also a phenomenon that could not be ignored.This article will through the analysis of the cause of Chinas GDP growth has slowed, so as to find out its influence on

6、 college students employment situation in our country, and put forward our government and domestic colleges and universities under the situation better feasibility measures to improve the university students employment, which aims to promote the university students employment in our country, and opt

7、imize the employment structure, as well as fundamentally improve the employment rate of college students fundamentally . Key Words:Gross domestic product (GDP) ; University students employment;Employment pattern;The employment rateContents原创性及知识产权声明 Abstract in Chinese .Abstract in EnglishIntroducti

8、onNowadays, Chinas economy is in a steady growth, and it focuses on the structural adjustment meanwhile promotes the reform of the critical elements. However, Under the background of the prosperity, the growth of Chinas GDP has slowed down since 1990s. It s said that the GDP growth rate is 7.6% in 2

9、013, and it will reduce to 6.4% by 2018. As we know that the employment of Chinese graduates has a tremendous association with Chinas GDPs growth. Therefore, this article is to analyze the influence of Chinas GDP growth slow-down on the employment of Chinese university graduates and give Chinas gove

10、rnment and graduates some feasible suggestions on how to deal with the serious university graduates unemployment problem.1.The Reasons of ChinasGDPSlow-down1.1 The Impact of The Global Economic Crisis and the Reasons for Chinas Economic Slow-downThe global economic which began in the United States,

11、has a huge impact on the United States much more directly and rapidly.However, owing to its solid economic foundation and rich experience on how to deal with the crisis,the United State could recovered from the economic crisis immediately.Relatively, China ,whose development is unbalanced than other

12、 countries only holds a freak economic foundation and its industrial structure is unreasonable,which curse it has little experience to tackle the financial crisis and the economic impact of the financial crisis is likely to be more lasting.Due to the US-led countries has fallen into the economic cri

13、sis, the global consumer demand has been rapidly reduced,China,who regard the export economy as a pillar of the country will trapped itself in a cold winter which means that our exports have to face a serious bottleneck.Moreover, another negative factor on exports came from the international exchang

14、e rate fluctuations, that is to say the global economic crisis intensified currency fluctuations which will make Chinas economic growth become slower and slower.Considering this factor, the ChinasGDPslow-down is inevitable.1.2 Chinas Resources are Drying upNature has provided us with many kinds of r

15、esources. All most everything we use in our everyday life comes from Nature. The food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear, the concrete and bricks to build our houses, the materials to make bikes we ride, etc, all come originally from Nature. People have been making use of these natural

16、supplies for thousands of years. With the development of technology and the increase of the population, the amount and range of mate rials taken has increased. It is estimated that this tread will continue in the years to come.However, natural resouces are not in exhaustible. Some resources are alre

17、ady nearly used up. For example, the end of the worlds fuel is already within sight. Such an essential daily item as water is in short supply in many parts of the world. We can no longer thoughtlessly use the many resources provided by. Nature. We must learn to conserve what remains.For example,the

18、Chinese city,Ordos,which was be known as the capital of coal in China whose coal storage volume dropped sharply in late 2011,and this caused the economic crisis threatens the housing prices,goos prices and so on of the wholr city.China is a populous country.The huge population base means that energy

19、 consumption will be particularly great.According to The Study of Regulation on Sustainable Development of Resource-Exhausted Cities reports the past ten- year resource -exhausted economic growth melt nations forest resources, water resources and land resources away.Excessive population of an area t

20、o the point of overcrowding, depletion of natural resources, or environmental deterioration.1.3 Serious Domestic Inflation Chinese consumer prices jumped 6.9percent in November from a year ago, the government said, bringing inflation to its highest level in more than a decade despite official effort

21、s to rein in an overheating economy.Lets take the price of pork as an example. The price of pork is 11Yuan per kilogram in 2008,while it rised to 18Yuan er kilogram in 18Yuan. We can easily find that peoples wages actually rise is very small, Chinas GDP rose by nine percent from 2008 to 2014, and th

22、e price is up twenty percent,and this shows Chinas inflation level is very serious.The National Bureau of Statistics said the overall increase in the consumer price index was fueled by rises in food and oil prices.Food prices, which account for one-third of the index,jumped 18.2 percent in this year

23、,compared with an increase of 17.6 percent in last year.The overall inflation rate was higher than 6.5 percent increases reported for October and Augustthen the highest rates in 11years.Inflation has surged in recent months due to doubledigit surges in politically sensitive food prices blamed on sho

24、rtages of pork and other basic goods.Many developing economies, including the two giants India and China, have seen significant increases in inflation in recent years. In the developed world, inflation rates may still be historically low, but prices here are rising, too. To many people, it comes as

25、a bit of a shock,because until recently, the world was going through a period of exceptionally low inflation. The opening of the Chinese economy representedthe greatest release of cheap labour in history. And the cheap goods those Chinese workers made ensured that prices across the globe were kept l

26、ow. But that period is now well and truly over. Indeed, many economists are expecting prices of almost everything to rise for many, many years to come. Pippa Malmgren is president and founder of Principalis Asset Management and the former financial markets advisor to the White House under George W B

27、ush. She says we all need to start preparing for rising prices right now. Emerging markets are experiencing inflation like crazy. When you look at Argentina, their inflation rate is running at 25%. I think its the No1 issue worrying the Chinese government, because they know that throughout their his

28、tory, upheavals happen when food and energy prices go up. I think were having the first significant supply side shock since the early 1970s.Global inflation is a is the important cause of the slow economic development in our country,and we had to face this problem directly.2.InfluencesofChinasGDPSlo

29、w-downonTheEmploymentofChinese UniversityGraduates2.1 Promoting Social Demand on College StudentsIn charge of Taiyuan city talent market, said the current market for services, professional technical talent demand continues to increase.Take thepost distribution as an example, marketing jobs is in the

30、 biggest demanding which accounting for about 25% of the total demand.Beside this,all kinds of operators of demanding for marketing jobs are all in the multiple growth.From the industry demand, service industry has gradually become the main force of acceptance of the employment of university graduat

31、es, mainly because of the emerging services covering finance, finance, logistics, marketing, e-commerce, computer network and so on more than a dozen professional field, inclusive of graduates is stronger.Infact,Chinaisstilllackoftalents.AccordingtoafigureprovidedbytheNationalBureauofstatistics,peop


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