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1、创新基金项目申报材料编写模板创新基金项目申报材料编写模板创新基金项目申报材料编写信息点 项目名称 所属领域 起始时间 计划完成时间 第一部分 项目概述 注释: 对项目总体情况的描述,包括采用的关键技术、技术的创新点、权威部门的技术鉴定情况、环保评价等内容。概述限500字以内。 第二部分 企业概况 第一章 基本信息 下表信息中带*号的是在注册表中填写的信息,其他的为申报时填写的信息,企业基本信息填写后将自动保存,以后申报项目将自动提取,方便修改填写。 重庆东辰建筑机*企业名称 *企业性质 私营 *成立时间 2004年12月 *注册资本 500万元 械安装工程公司 *注册地址 重庆市沙坪坝区小龙坎

2、正街244-1号 *办公地址 重庆市沙坪坝区小龙坎正街244-1号 *姓名 *性别 *最高学历 *专业 *身份证号码 *职位 *办公电话 *移动电话 *E-mail *法定代表人 *企业负责人 *联系人 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff u

3、nder the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, w

4、ater heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing . Not affecting local residents life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissi

5、ons, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in ad

6、vance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construc

7、tion site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled *股东名*投资者 *上市*境外公*法人代码(身

8、份证号) *学历 *所占股份 *投资方式 股称(姓名) 经济形态 公司 司或外籍 东贺昌义 公司法人 否 否 构成 员工总数 开户银行 帐号 信用等级 上年度经上年研究开万元 上年度利润规模 万元 万元 营收入 发经费投入 企业类型 注释: 1) 员工总数请填写企业年初和年末在编职工人数的平均值, 2) 经营收入指企业在销售商品或者提供劳务等经营业务中实现的全部营业收入, 3) 企业类型,研发型填写已有成果数,已转让成果数,生产型填写已生产产品数,生产场地面积, 第二章 管理团队 核心团队 姓名、年龄、所学专业、毕业学校、工作经历、工作业绩 创业企业家介绍 注释: 核心团队包括总经理、分管技术

9、、市场、财务等方面的副总经理和同类职务的人员,在此填写核心团队成员的教育背景及工作业绩。 创业企业家介绍:自我评价:创新意识、开拓能力、经营理念 第三章 企业现有能力 科技人员的数量、占员工人数的比例,人员的素质,研发设备,研发能力 研发激励机制及研发成果,每年的研发经费投入,研发环境。生产人员的数量素质,生产设备。生产管理制度,生产场地及配套设施,近三年的生产总产值变化情况,生产及营销能力 销售人员数量、素质,制度,已建的营销网络情况,近五年营销额变化情况注释: -ling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without s

10、tacking, fallout, no water retention, no blacke levet contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, sitn, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segm

11、enrmatioroval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site foon and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for apptime construction, actively cooperate on e

12、nvironmental protecti-and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing nightction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution onstruy Department, after licensing . Not affecting local residents life and rest. 3,

13、other pollution prevention (1) advanced cited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Securitsite erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohib-storage. Lighting Route 3, onnde

14、r the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for orbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff uof forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire pr

15、evention. 2, it is fodor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled2 1) 研发能力,包括企业的研发队伍和资金投入以及近年来取得的研究开发成果, 2) 生产及营销能力,包括企业的具备的生产条件、经营模式和市场策划能力、销售渠道等, 3) 资金管理能力,包括企业财务主管、会计的专业背景、专业证书获得情况,附复印件,,企业财务管理状况及采取的相应措施, 应收账款、应付账款的管理策略和回收及支付能力, 是否得到过银行贷款并能够按期偿还,是否有银行颁发

16、的资信等级证书。 4) 其他特殊能力,包括已获得的质量认证、高新技术企业认证以及其他特殊资格或证明等。 第四章 企业发展历程 公司成立的基本情况,重大成果的开发,其中哪些已经上市销售,各阶段发展中,人员的变化企 情况,业市场风险与规避措施。 发展历程及抵御风险能力 注释: 包括最初成立情况、重大项目开发、主要产品上市、重大融资事件、公司人员总数变化情况、总资产、净资产、主营业务收入、利润水平的重大突破以及本企业认为的其他重大事件。 本项目的实施可能会给企业未来发展所带来的风险,资金、政策、市场等,,提出应对措施。 第三部分 项目技术与产品实现 第一章 项目基本情况 一、项目技术传承 (一) 项

17、目技术来源 开发方式 技术来源单位类别 技术来源单位名称 产权归属及获得方式 自主开发 产学研合作开发技术 ,主要参加单位不超过2个, of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is for3 bidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammab

18、le materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you m

19、ust use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing . Not affecting local residents life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution

20、 and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged pub

21、lic roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned

22、 and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled国内其它单位及个人技术 引进技术本企业消化创新 注释: 1) 自主开发指在产品规划、产品的概念开发、产品的系统设

23、计、产品的详细设计、产品的测试与改进、产品试用中以自身企业为主体进行考虑,拥有完全的决策权, 2) 产学研合作开发指以企业为主体,以科研院所为主要技术支撑,主要参加单位不超过2个,,技术开发成果应用于企业, 3) 引进技术本企业消化创新指产品开发、设计中所用的技术属于国外技术,由本企业引进后,在此基础上消化、吸收,再创新,4,获得方式是指通过技术转让、技术出资、委托开发和共同开发获得的所有权或使用权。 (二) 合作方式: 科技计划项目类别 项目名称 1.国家攻关计划;2.“863”计划;3.国家级其它计划;4.省部级计技术来源2 划;5.地方科技计划;6.国家自然 科学基金;7.国家重点基础研

24、究计划,973计划,;9.其他 二、与项目相关的专利情况 专利权人 专利号码 专利名称 专利类型 进展情况 专利范围 名称 性质 与项目单位关系 注释: 1) 专利权人:包括申请人名称、申请人性质,单位、个人,、申请人与申报单位的关系。如果是单位:专利申请单位与项目申报单位的关系,同一单位,是申报单位的主管单位、存在股权关系、不存在股权及主管关系、合作关系,,专利申请个人与申报单位的关系,法定代表人、技术负责人、股东、非股东, 2) 专利进展情况,申请、已签发受理通知书和专利申请号、签发授权通知书正在公告申请文件、已颁发专利证书, 3) 专利范围,国内专利、国际专利及申请地,,简述专利说明书内

25、容。 三、项目负责人及技术骨干基本情况 项目负责人基本情况 姓名 身份证件号码 所学专业 毕业学校 学历 通信地址 ling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no blacke levet contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, sitn

26、, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segmenrmatioroval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site foon and environmental protection departments.

27、(2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for apptime construction, actively cooperate on environmental protecti-and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing nightction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emi

28、ssions, noise, vibration, pollution onstruy Department, after licensing . Not affecting local residents life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced cited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Securitsite erectio

29、n, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohib-storage. Lighting Route 3, onnder the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for orbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pi

30、le up any stuff uof forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is fodor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled-4 目前与企业之间的关系 手机 e-mail 自我陈述,经历, ,请务必认真填写,为了美化公司具备强大的技术人才实力,可以适当地虚构,

31、工作经历与工作业绩 技术骨干基本情况 姓名 身份证件号码 所学专业 毕业学校 学历 通信地址 目前与企业之间的关系 手机 e-mail 自我陈述,经历, ,请务必认真填写,为了美化公司具备强大的技术人才实力,可以适当地虚构, 注释: 1) 第一张表格请填写项目负责人, 2) 目前与企业之间的关系包括:全职、兼职、股东、非股东, 3) 自我陈述,经历,:请填写本人优势、技术骨干等情况, 4) 技术骨干最好填写4个以上。 第二章 项目技术方案 一、项目总体技术概述 (一) 总体技术方案 项目所依据的技术原理 设计原理、工作原理 主要技术与性能指标 性能指标 项目拟执行的质量标准类型、质量标准名称

32、通过本项目实施企业新获得的相关资质证书 建设部的科技成果鉴定 注释: 总体技术方案:项目所依据的技术原理,对于中医药领域,应包括立项依据,即组方依据及中医药理论、立项依据、药学研究总体方案,药理毒理研究总体方案、临床研究方案等, (二) 项目创新内容 创新类别,可多选, 采用了什么技术,达到了怎么样的效果,同类项目的情况,按创新点分条目描述创新内容, 有哪些不足,画新旧结构图,技术的先进性要有数据分析、对比。注释: of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is for5 bidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines,

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