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1、阿迪达斯工厂经意评估标准Lean Manufacturing Rating Criteria (Ver 1.8)FOR COMPLETE CUT BOX LINESCharacteristics Rating Criteria(With definitions) (No evidence of a criteria = score of zero)Material物料1. One-piece / One pair flow一件流 / 一双流Maximizes value added; minimizes non-value added/ waste: runs a stable process

2、 with controlled (1)variables vrb!, stable scheduling.Cells should be (2)collocated so that the work flows directly to the next cell. Min safety stocks are held.Components should not be sent outside of the cell / outsoured mid way through their process.Components that are cut & processed outside & t

3、hen delivered to the Cut-box cell, as subassemblies are not classified as outsource.In the case of synthetic material one cut can also refer to when the cutting die is full, maybe after several cuts & then emptied on one occasion.附加值最大化, 无价值/ 浪费最最小化;通过控制变量和稳定的计划排定使流程运行稳定化;各工作組緊密排列, 加工部件可直接流至下一個工作組.

4、安全庫存保持在最小量. 元件在生產過程中不應離開工作組或送至外廠家.直接在外廠家裁斷, 加工, 而後送回專線的元件不算在外發元件之內. 備注: 定義: (一個工作組指一個裁斷組, 准備組, 針車組或成型組)在裁人工皮的情況下一個流指的是一刀流, 即有可能是在多次裁斷之後 ,斬刀滿量時, 取出的元件的數量2. Production Paced by Takt Time依节拍时间生产Avoids waste of overproduction, (3)coordinates kordnet & balances all activities within the cell; has flexibl

5、e operations & assignments to handle fluctuations in demand.避免制造過多的浪費, 協調工作組中操作員的工作量, 使之平衡. 彈性化分配 操作員的工作, 以滿足需求的變化.(補充說明: 若實際產量超出目標產量太多, 則應考慮適當減少操作員)3. Use of Pull Production System.(4) Down stream department is treated as the customer. 采用拉动生产系统,客户是指下游部门(5)Highlights problem areas: ties operations t

6、o demand: simplifies scheduling Minimizes inventory within cell.显著问题区: 依据需要量生产, 生产排程简单化, 工作组内库存最小化(客户指的是后关部门或后关工作站; 供应商指的是前关部门或前关工作站) Definition :(The Customer refers to the down stream or following cell or dept.Supplier refers to the upstream or previous cell or dept.)4. Shortened lead-time for Raw

7、 Materials.4. 缩短原材料的交期时间Responds quickly to customer changes; reduces costs; meets customer demands in standard workweek; minimizes inventory within cell; minimizes inventory in the raw materials warehouse.(In the case of a cell raw materials refers to components waiting to be processed & finished g

8、oods refers to components ready for delivery to the next department)可迅速對客戶需求的變化做出反應; 降低成本; 可在標准的工時內滿足客戶需求; 將工作組中的在制品最小化; 將原物料倉庫裡的在制品最小化. (在工作組中, 原物料指等待加工的元件以及加工完成, 等待被送至後關部門的成品.)(補充說明: 理論D2D時間 = TT * 人數 * 2)5. OSE (Overall Supplier Effectiveness) measurements in place and monitored for materials sup

9、plier. Up stream departments are treated as suppliers.評估所有供應商的效率表現, 並對其進行管制,供應商是指前關部門.Overall supplier effectiveness measures to include; On time delivery (Wait time) Wrong delivery, RFT (Quality) & Service on repairs / re-cuts.(In the case of a cell the supplier refers to the up stream cell / dept)

10、(Roving QC data should also be included with the RFT)綜合供應商績效考核包括: 准時(等待時間) / 准質 (送貨錯誤, RFT) & 服務(返修, 重裁).(在工作站中, 供應商指的是前關部門)(RFT中應包括巡檢QC的檢驗數據)(補充說明: 供應商應做到 - 准時, 准質, 准量)6. Materials organized with visual control (6)devises. 原物料的目視管理Clear storage systems in place for raw materials & finished goods. S

11、upermarkets and safety socks.(Raw Materials / RM = component parts from the up stream cell / deptFinished Goods / FG = completed component parts ready for the next down stream dept)對原物料與成品都建立明確的存放系統. 超市與原物料存放區(原物料 = 來自上工作站或前關部門的元件; 成品 = 加工完畢, 可送至下工作站或後關部門的元件)(補充說明: 一般而言, Supermarkets指成品, stocks 指原物料

12、7. Material handling incorporated in the cell (s) 工作站中的物料傳送管理Minimizes indirect labour, inspectors & supervisors in the cell使間接人工, 品管人員和干部人數最小化(A Material handler is classified as someone who either delivers work to & from the sub cell. A water-spider is classified as someone who distributes parts /

13、 components throughout the sub cell & assist with repairs & rework) (物料傳送人員指在整條線中用以傳送收發物料的人員.)(A utility workers is classified as someone that can operate all machines / processes in the cell and can fill in if a worker is absent, pool quantity is based on the current absenteeism %)將工作站中非直接人工, 品檢, 以

14、及干部的人數最小化. (材料傳遞人員指在工作站之間傳送物料或在工作站中分發元件的工作人員)(全能工指能夠操作工作站中的所有機台 & 工程, 並能在其他員工缺勤時及時補充的操作員. 其數量取決於現有的缺勤率)Manpower人力8. % Workers capable of handling multiple processes. 多能工比率Operators are flexible with equal skill & ability to meet takt time and quality demands, on each operation in the cell. Employs s

15、ame classification and technical bonus payment rate.操作人員要有彈性操作能力,工作速度與正常速度一樣,有能力滿足TT時間和質量要求.操作人員對于每道工序都必須有相當的技術能力與速度.相當的技能,薪資水準應一樣.多能工原始目的是一個人操作多種工序,並能操作前後,上下道工序9. Value added ratio有價值操作比率Eliminates (7)redundant rdndnt non value adding operations: eliminates unnecessary moves (NVA but necessary oper

16、ations are not classed as NVA operations)消除多余的無價值操作: 消除不必要的搬運(一些必要的無價值作業不能被當作無價值操作)10. Indirect support functions incorporated into the cellCell中的輔助作用Employs decentralization rationale: expands responsibility, authority & capabilities of the team; promotes accountability. 使用分散化的基本原理: 擴張cell的責任感,權威性及工作能力.(Each Lean floor c

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