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现代大学英语精读第二版教师用书 Unit 概要.docx

1、现代大学英语精读第二版教师用书 Unit 概要Unit 3 What Is News?Neil Postman and Steve Powers Structure of the TextPart I (Para. 1) In this beginning paragraph, the authors state the purpose of the essay.Part II (Para. 2) Some people might define the news as what television directors and journalists say it is. The autho

2、rs, however, think that this definition is too simplistic.Part III (Paras. 35) In these paragraphs, the authors explain why the news cannot be simply defined as “what happened that day” or “what happened that day that was important and interesting”.Part IV (Paras. 611) In these paragraphs, the autho

3、rs tell readers that the news is more often made rather than gathered, and it is made on the basis of what the journalist thinks important or what the journalist thinks the audience thinks is important. Therefore, every news story is a reflection of the reporter who tells the story. Part V (Paras. 1

4、215) In these paragraphs, the authors point out that to make sense of the news, the viewer has to know something about the journalists political beliefs as well as his prejudices, interests, and quirks which are, in turn, influenced by his financial status, the companies he has worked for, the schoo

5、ls he went to, the books he has read, etc. Part VI (Paras. 1617) In these paragraphs, the authors point out that the journalist cannot always impose his/her views on the general public because the television channel or newspaper cannot survive unless the news they provide satisfies the needs of the

6、general public. On the other hand, the viewer/reader must also take into account his or her relationship to a larger audience because television and newspapers are mass media and their news is not intended for an audience of one. Part VII (Paras. 1820) In these paragraphs, the authors discuss some o

7、ther possible definitions of news: news as something to give people pleasure; news as something instructive that reveals the mores, values, and ideals of a society; news as living history; news as a source of literature; news as a reflection of human pain, suffering, tragedies and confusion; news as

8、 something to inspire people and make them optimistic; news as something to frighten people and make them aware of the seamy side of the reality; last but not least, news as a filler between commercials.Part VIII (Para. 21) In this paragraph, the authors conclude the essay by reiterating their purpo

9、se in raising the issue “What is news?” It is to arouse our interest and help us understand the problems, limitations, traditions, motivations, and even the delusions of the television news industry. Detailed Study of the Text1. We turn to this question because unless a television viewer has conside

10、red it, he or she is in danger of too easily accepting someone elses definitionfor example, a definition supplied by the news director of a television station; or even worse, a definition imposed by important advertisers. (Para. 1)news director: (电视台) 新闻节目负责人advertisers: In many countries in the Wes

11、t, television stations largely depend on selling air time to advertisers for their revenue. Therefore, important advertisers can often impose their views and interests on the news supplied by television stations.viewer:Someone who is watching a movie, a television program, or an exhibitionCompare:au

12、dience: a group of people who watch, read, or listen to somethingspectator: a person who watches an event, show, game, or activity2. A simplistic definition of news can be drawn by paraphrasing Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes famous definition of the law. The law, Holmes said, is what the courts say i

13、t is we might say that the news is what television directors and journalists say it is. (Para. 2)Americans generally accept Holmes famous definition of the law because they agree that laws must allow for the new interpretations necessary to meet the challenges of a changing nation and a changing wor

14、ld. But to propose a definition of the news by paraphrasing Holmes definition of the law probably commits the logical error of false analogy. For example, it would not make much sense if we were to say politics is what politicians say it is, or education is what teachers say it is.simplistic: disapp

15、roving too simple; not complete or sufficiently thoroughNothing more. Nothing less. : As simple as that; no more, no less. in similar fashion: in the similar way; likewise; by the similar token3. But if we were to take that approach, on what basis would we say that we havent been told enough? Or tha

16、t a story that should have been covered wasnt? Or that too many stories of a certain type were included? Or that a reporter gave a flagrantly biased account? (Para. 2)The fact that people are often unsatisfied with news reporting implies that people have different ideas about what news should be.fla

17、grantly biased: obviously and unquestionably biased4. In modifying their answer, most will add that the news is “important and interesting things that happened that day.” This helps a little but leaves open the question of what is “important and interesting” and how that is decided. (Para. 3)It is a

18、ll right to say that news consists of the important things that happened that day. But important to whom? In what sense? For what reason?but leaves open the question: but does not give an answer to the question5. Of course, some people will say that the question of what is important and interesting

19、is not in the least problematic. What the President says or does is important; wars are important, rebellions, employment figures, elections, appointments to the Supreme Court. (Para. 4) This is an interesting example of hasty generalization. It is true that what important people say or do is often

20、important, but we cant jump to the conclusion that everything they say or do is always important. On the other hand, sometimes even what happens to someone completely unknown can escalate to a serious crisis. People call that “the Butterfly Effect.”problematic: causing a problem; questionable; uncer

21、tain 6. Now, there is a great deal to be said for Saran Wrap. (Para. 4) Now, its true that Saran Wrap is very useful. 7. Saran Wrap is not news. The color of Liz Taylors wrap is. Or so some people believe. (Para. 4)Note that the authors are making a word play on the word “wrap,” which has different

22、meanings. 8. We shall never learn about these people either, however instructive or interesting their stories may have been. (Para. 5)We will never hear anything about these people either, no matter how instructive or interesting their stories may have been.instructive: providing knowledge or inform

23、ation; educational9. Of course, there are some eventsthe assassination of a president, an earthquake, etc.that have near universal interest and consequences. But most news does not inhere in the event. (Para. 6) to inhere in sth.: formal to be a natural part of sth.; to be inherent in sth.10. In fac

24、t, the news is more often made rather than gathered. (Para. 6)In fact, often the news is not something out there for you to pick up; you have to decide what information is newsworthy and make it into news.11 Is a story about a killing in Northern Ireland more important than one about a killing in Mo

25、rocco? (Para. 6)For Americans of Irish background, the answer will most likely be yes. It is said that the relative importance of an event is often determined by the relative distance of its occurrence to the person involved.12 every news story is a reflection of the reporter who tells the story. Th

26、e reporters previous assumptions about what is “out there” edit what he or she thinks is there. (Para. 6)If news stories were just facts, and facts speak for themselves, then all news stories, though written by different people, would be the same. But news stories are actually all different because

27、every news story is a reflection of the reporter who tells the story, and every reporter has previous assumptions (beliefs, points of view, and biases) which affect what he/she thinks is there. to edit: to decide what will be included or left out, as editors do in preparing, printing, broadcasting,

28、etc.13The answers to all of these questions, as well as to other questions about the event, depend entirely on the point of view of the journalist. You might think this is an exaggeration, that reporters, irrespective of their assumptions, can at least get the facts straight. (Para. 7)irrespective o

29、f: regardless of; without thinking about or consideringAll government officials, irrespective of their rank, must disclose their property.We pursue the diplomatic policy of the five principles of peaceful coexistence in our relationship with all countries irrespective of their size or political syst

30、 get the facts straight: to find out what the facts are without making mistakesnow-defunct: now-dead; now no longer existing or functioningto feature a story: to give a story a prominent place in a newspaper or television news show14 who thus earn their 35 rubles a month in lieu of “relief” (Pa

31、ra. 8)Instead of receiving government relief, they are given jobs by the government so that they can earn their money. (这是以工代赈的政策)in lieu of: instead of (government) relief:money that is given to poor people by the government (政府)救济15 it was the policy of the Journal to highlight the contrast betwee

32、n the primitive Russian economy and the sophisticated American economy. (Para. 11)the Journal: This refers to the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, mentioned highlight: to make people notice or be aware of somethingsophisticated: (the opposite of primitive) highly developed and complex 高级的,复杂的16Each of our senses is a remarkably astute censor. We see what we expect to see; often, we focus on what we are paid to see. And those who pay us to see usually expect us to accept their notions not onl

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