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AG Barr案例正文+附录中文翻译.docx

1、AG Barr案例 正文+附录 中文翻译A G Barr plc A case studyBackground informationA G Barr plc公司是一家集运输,饮品和碳酸软饮料的公司。位于格拉斯哥,从1875年开始一直在苏格兰生产软饮料。这家最著名的产品是,Irn-Bru从1901年就开始生产销售。这家公司在1965年成为了公众有限公司。Barr家族和成员占据了这家公司的主要的股份。然而,董事长Robin Barr是这个家族唯一一个在这家公司参与直接参与管理的成员。Barr在饮料市场里实习的是deliberate policy。它不生产任何其他类型的产品,而且在其他商业活动中获

2、得利益。它是这样描述自己,“独立,消费者主导,有利可图的公众公司,从事于生产,运输,软饮料的品牌营销。”在最近的40年,苏格兰的软饮料生产企业从200多家减少到6家。Barr是生存下来中最大的一家公司。经过了这些年, 他并购了很多家其他家公司。这些家公司中包括英格兰的公司,一家是在1972年收购的TL,另一家是1988年收购的MSCM。在2001年,爱丁堡的Finlays Limited生产的Findlays Spring Mineral水,成为了AG Barr plc产品最大的可替代品。附录一提供的是关于Barr公司企业的一些具体细节。The soft drinks market and B

3、arrs product portfolioBarr的竞争对手包括可口可乐和百事可乐这样的大型跨国公司。同样包括其他一些在UK进行类似产品的企业。品牌在软饮料市场具有一个非常重要的意义。它意味着公司必须有可以用的资金用在自己商品的营销上。同时,他们必须保证能够生产出足够数量的产品来增加生产的规模经济。传统意义上来说,Barr在苏格兰的长处在于Irn-Bru是具有领导地位的杂货(百货)品牌。这家公司有一个长期的目标来使他们能够南部的边界推进(能够进军英格兰)。虽然在英格兰的销售量有所增加,但是对于苏格兰的相比,依然很小。尽管如此,Irn-Bru是现在英国排名前100的小百货品牌。是英国第三大软饮

4、料和非可乐型品牌。在最发达的国家,可口可乐是稳居市场的前列,但是在苏格兰,并非如此,在2003年,Irn-Bru的销售量在苏格兰超过了可口可乐。虽然像可口可乐,百事可乐,雪碧这些公司已经享誉全球,但是真正意义上的生产和运输这些公司产品的是依靠这些本地公司。很多这样的公司都是属于这些大的跨国公司的子公司。在其他的一些情况,像Barrs这样的独立公司, 生产和营销这些饮料都是在自己的品牌之下的。这些合伙关系协定,例如特许经营通常情况下会维持5年。Barrs有Orangina公司关于Lipton Ice Tea的许可证。但是这些运转并不都是顺畅的。Barrs 最开始的时候同意了一单和一家法国公司Pe

5、rnod Ricard(1995到2001)的关于orangina的生意,但是在1999年末,法国政府投过一次了一项关于可口可乐接管PR的议案。一年之后关于这个品牌要卖给Cadbury Schweppes的谣言并没有成真。这些事件对Barrs造成了相当大的不确定性。然而,在这个事件后, PR依然拥有关于这个牌子的所有权。Barrs 也得以继续延长它的代理生意。附录2简述了Barrs 拥有的主要牌子和他的管理经营。Building brand awareness 塑造品牌知名度Barrs 有着一套策略来发展自己的品牌标识。比起在生产超市里的品牌那种低利润链条的方式,他选择了这个政策。Barr 使

6、用一系列的营销活动使用了大量的的广告宣传。他发现这个对于在树立他品牌的创新形象,特别是这些碳酸型的软饮料很受青少年的欢迎。Barrs 同样很自豪于他的除了试用和测试之外的创新手段。Irn-Bru是Barrs 尝试树立品牌份额和品牌忠诚的的一个例子。1993年,一个新的设计增加了瓶子上蓝色的份量和区别于底部的橘黄色。橘黄色始终是Iru-Bru近期宣传的主要颜色,这引领了一个前卫而又幽默的主题。电视台的广告里强调Jef赢得了最佳商业广告奖在2002年的苏格兰广告大赛在electric lady宣传中获得成功。广告并没有总是迎合了每个人的赞扬。附录3提供了2个在宣传标准咨询委员会里收到的抱怨。Bar

7、rs 修改了他的宣传和营销活动来适应品牌所在的当地文化环境。例如,他使用不同的宣传和营销方式关于Irn-Bru在苏格兰和英格兰。在苏格兰,目标是保持品牌的知名度,但是在英格兰是增加品牌的知名度。Tizer 同样显示了铸造品牌。他同样在1993年面向市场,一个全新的包装,一个红色的塑料底,伴随着宣传和其他营销。在1996年末,另一个重新设计被推向市场。这是,他的形象是一个红色的头,在一个以恢复你的头脑精神的广告线中所围绕。后来在03年的重新上市,Tizer重新被定义为redder,而且继续使用tizer的头。在2002年的年度报告中,Robin Barr指出,我们依然深信,继续投资在我们自己的品

8、牌中会给AG Barr带来长期的发展。附录4给出了一些Barr公司的营销活动Operations 经营Barrs 生产软饮料的3处制造工厂分别在曼城的-,-,-。 竞争对手Findlay的水在Lothian的Pitcox进行装瓶。他有六条个分配库在苏格兰,在英格兰也有六个。Barrs 生产的软饮料既装在可回收的易拉罐中,也在玻璃杯和塑料瓶中。产品和容器的组合完全取决于产品。Barrs控制原材料的成本,例如糖,通过严格的采购和购买方法。它也有一个持续更新的生产设备以及投资于领先的科技的计划。同样用于改善生产效率。措施有加大产出量。除了在投资运营方面,Barrs 最近更新了他的IT系统和他的供应链

9、方面。成本控制的重要性可以体现在这个例子之中,在2001到2002年期间,英镑的价值高于欧元,这件事其中一个后果就是,英国的进口商可以从向西班牙之类的国家进口到便宜的可口可乐饮料。这样的情形迫使英国的供应商减价以及造成了对其他软饮料的撞击作用。甚至Irn-Bru,不能被外界所采购。在2001年,Barrs被迫向批发商减价30% Employees 员工Barrs 的员工超过900人,其中3分之一的人都已经为这家公司工作超过15年。他每年进行员工意见调查来评估员工对于自己工作得意见,以及对整个公司。沟通和培训和发展也被涵盖其中。结果是一贯的积极。在2001年,例如,81.5%的员工说他们以在这家

10、公司工作为荣。Barrs 鼓励各级员工参与其中。经理于员工讨论他们的反应,以明确可能提升的地方。经理给员工一个正式的简报关于公司的发展,包括贸易的结果,一年两次。Barrs 为员工提供咱们的培训项目,近来,介绍了一套“电子学习”设备来让员工学习台式机技能。正常的条款和条件以及通过一些额外的奖励措施。这些包括了一个长期的服务奖励计划,以及若干计划去鼓励员工拥有这个公司的股票。详情见附录5Exports: The Russian market出口俄罗斯是Barrs最大的海外市场。在2002年的上半年,Barrs出口收入为380,000,其中300,000是来自俄罗斯。Barrs于1994年,共产主

11、义政权垮台之后,西方公司允许加入俄罗斯时,开始直接向俄罗斯出口Irn-Bru。以前,像软饮料这类的商品没有现成的,品牌意识较低。1998年,Barrs 于KLP这家俄罗斯公司签订了一条专营协定。KLP将在具有许可资格的条件下在莫斯科的新的软饮料工厂使用来自苏格兰Barrs的原材料生产Irn-Bru和香草饮料。一个重要的因素是Barrs 获得了来自政府相关机构的帮助,特别是负责鼓励苏格兰的企业出口的苏格兰国际贸易。STI在很多外国国家都有办事处,其中之一就是莫斯科。它在莫斯科以及其他地方的接触使Barrs的出口得以实现,KLP和一家叫API的美国公司。API,他提供700万美元来支持这家莫斯科的

12、工厂。然而,莫斯科的经济直转急下,尽管在1999年他们进行了一场成功的广告战。但是在2001年,销售还是下跌了。在2002年二月,Barrs决定进行一个新的与百事瓶装企业的直营许可。百事PBG,这个世界上最大百事可乐的瓶装许可企业。Irn-bru得以在他的装配厂生产,以及通过PBG广大的运输网络来进行配送运输。这个计划看起来运转的不错。在第一年年底,2003年Irn-Bru的销售占据了俄罗斯市场1%的份额。Barrs 其他重要的欧洲市场是西班牙。Irn-Bru同样在经销权下生产。销售受欢迎主要集中在受苏格兰旅游制造者。Appendix 6 gives some financial inform

13、ation on the company.附录6给出了一些关于公司的财务信息。(The information in the case study is taken from the A G Barr plc Annual Reports, 1999 2003 and from the companys website at Additional material came from news reports from Scottish Enterprise at www.scottish-; from the Advertising Standards A

14、gency at; and from ; and )Note: The above, and the accompanying appendices, are current at 1 January 2004 and refer to the situation at that date.Appendix 1: Company OrganisationThe companys Head Office is in Glasgow, where members of senior management are based. As well as the Chairm

15、an, Robin Barr, and the Managing Director, Roger White, the executive directors are the Finance Director, the Operations Director and the Commercial Director, Jonathan Kemp, who is responsible for sales and marketing. The Group Personnel Department and the Export Team are also based in Glasgow.Robin

16、 Barr was previously Chairman and Managing Director. He is 65 years old and joined the company in 1960. Roger White, who is in his late 30s, was appointed in 2002. Jonathan Kemp, also in his 30s, was appointed in 2003. He replaces the previous Sales and Marketing Director who left after 21 years ser

17、vice. Both the other two Directors have worked for Barrs for over 25 years.The Finance teams are spread across three locations Glasgow, Atherton and Mansfield while the IT teams are based at Head Office and Atherton. Staffs in the Operations function are located across the four production sites at A

18、therton, Cumbernauld, Mansfield and East Lothian as well as the Head Office in Glasgow and the Regional Office in Atherton. Administrative and clerical support for Sales and Marketing is provided by a Sales Services team based at Atherton.Appendix 2: Barrs BrandsBarrs produces, distributes and marke

19、ts the following brands in the UK.(a) The main brands owned by the companyIrn-Bru and Diet Irn-BruBarrs main product. It is the leading brand name in Scotland and one of the top 100 in the UK. It is over 100 years old. Diet Irn-Bru is a sugar free version of Irn-Bru.Tizer Barrs second most important

20、 brand which it bought in 1972.Simply CitrusA range of fruit tasting drinks launched in April 2001. Available in several flavours (Florida Orange, Apple and Blackcurrant) it was the sixth fastest growing brand in the soft drinks category in the UK in 2003.Simply ClearA clear fruit flavoured soft dri

21、nk available in a number of flavours such as Cranberry and Passion Fruit.D and BThis stands for Dandelion and Burdock, a traditional soft drink which Barrs has sold for many years.KAA recently developed Caribbean soft drink available in several flavours such as Karibbean Kola and Pineapple.Findlays

22、SpringStill and sparkling mineral water. It is supplied in plastic bottles but, from 2001, the product has also been available in its own water coolers in offices. (b) Brands produced under franchise through a partnership agreementOranginaAn internationally known orange drink, it is available in mor

23、e than 55 countries. The brand name is owned by the French company, Pernod Ricard, and A G Barr plc has held the UK manufacturing and distribution franchise since 1995. The current deal lasts until 2007. A new flavour, Orangina Rouge, was introduced in the UK in 2003 after a positive regional test.

24、The orange carbonates market is static.Lipton Ice TeaThis brand is owned by Unilever, a major food producing company, and, in 2002, was the 15th biggest selling soft drink by value in the world. Barrs obtained the franchise for the UK in 2001 and launched the product in the UK with a vast sampling e

25、xercise. (c) Other productsBarrs also produces its own versions of products like Cola, Diet Cola, Shandy and Cream Soda. It has done this for some time. Some of these like Red Kola can be considered as branded products.Appendix 3: Complaints made to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)1996 Comp

26、laintThere were objections to a poster that showed a woman leaning over a man and kissing him. The advertisement read, If I suck hard enough, maybe I can get my Irn-Bru back. The complainants objected that the advert was offensive and in questionable taste.反对的海报显示,一个女人向一个男人倾身,亲他。这个广告想说的是如果他用力吮吸的话,也许

27、我能拿到我的Irn-Bru回来。抱怨反对说这个广告是具有冒犯性的,而且具有品味问题。The ASA did not uphold the complaint. They accepted Barrs view that the advert was intended to be humorous and that the idea in it was meant to be ridiculous and not to be taken seriously. The ASA considered that the claim would be regarded as nonsensical hu

28、mour.Advertising Standards Agency.广告标准咨询没有坚持申诉,他们接受了Barrs关于更加幽默以及不希望那么古板的声称。ASA认为这是一个没有意义的幽默。1998 ComplaintThis involved a poster for Irn-Bru that featured a cow with a text reading, When Im a burger, I want to be washed down with Irn-Bru. The complainants argued that the advert was offensive.这个包括了一

29、个Irn-Bru的海报,当我汉堡的时候,我想用Iru-Bru洗澡。这则广告同样被告知具有冒犯性。The ASA felt that most people would not be seriously offended by the advert and that the complaint was not justified.ASA认为大部分人不会呗这则广告严重的冒犯,所以这个抱怨是不合乎情理的。Appendix 4: Examples of Promotional ActivityThe following are some examples of the promotional acti

30、vities which Barrs has undertaken in recent years. Barrs has gained exclusive rights for the provision of drinks at tourist attractions in Scotland such as the Falkirk Wheel and the Lomond Shores development at Loch Lomond. In 2003, free Irn-Bru samples were given to concert goers at events in Engla

31、nd by sales people who arrived in Irn-Bru Scooterettes scooters in Irn-Bru colours. This type of guerilla campaign was also used successfully in 2002. In 2002, in Scotland, the Irn-Bru Rox initiative involved sponsoring a series of events for over 14s in places such as King Tuts in Glasgow and The V

32、enue in Edinburgh. Irn-Bru sponsors the Xmas and New Year Carnival at the SECC in Glasgow. In 2002, this attracted over 140,000 people. Orangina is aimed at the adult soft drinks market and sponsors the Channel 4 programme Eurotrash which has a target audience of 18-30 year olds. In 2002, both Orangina products were made available in one litre glass bottles which are seen as more attract

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