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1、水泥厂生产常用英语 Usual English for Cement plant production水泥厂生产常用英语(Version 1 / June, 2016) On the way 途中1 Here is my ticket and passport. 这是我的机票和护照。2 By the way, whats the baggage allowance? 顺便问下,托运限重多少?3 Whats the boarding gate number? 哪一个登机口?4 Show me the landing card. 向我出示入境卡。5 Any seat preference? 座位有

2、偏好吗?window seat 靠窗位置aisle seat 靠走道位置6 Excuse me, wheres the check-in counter? 打扰下,请问服务台在哪里?7 How can I get to the smoking area? 怎么才能到达吸烟区?8 international terminal 国际候机楼9 international departure 国际航班出港10 domestic departure 国内航班出站11 entrance / exit 入口 / 出口12 customs 海关13 gate / departure 登机口14 departu

3、re time 起飞时间15 delayed 延误16 boarding pass 登机牌17 luggage claim; baggage claim 行李领取处18 (At lunch time) What would you like to have, sir? We have fried chicken, fish and beef. (午饭时间)先生,您想吃点什么?我们又炸鸡、鱼肉和牛肉。19 What would you like to have for lunch? 您午饭想吃点什么?For dinner/ breakfast 晚饭/早饭20 How about a drink,

4、 coke, orange juice or beer?需要什么饮料?可乐,橙汁,还是啤酒?Pepsi 百事可乐Sprite 雪碧Fanta 芬达21 Surname 填写自己姓氏的拼音,如ZHANG; 男士在MR.框内打钩,女士在MRS.框内打钩。22 Other name in full 填写自己名字的拼音,如SAN23 Date of birth DAY框内填日,MTH框内填月,YR框内填年 Country of birth 框内填CHINA24 Nationality 国籍,填CHINESE25 Occupation 职业,填ENGINEER26 Name & address of e

5、mployer 公司名称和地址:SINOMA,Chaoyang, District, Beijing27 Passport No 护照号码 Place of issue 护照签发地 Date of issue 护照签发时间28 Name of vessel 航空公司名29 Address overseas 尼日利亚地址,例如Dangote cement plant30 Signature & Date 签字并加注日期INTRODUCTIONS AND CHATTING 介绍和交谈1 How do you do? 你好吗?(初次见面)2 How are you? 你好吗?(日常见面)3 Fine

6、 Thanks. 很好,谢谢。4 I am very well, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。5 Good morning/afternoon / evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。6 You are welcome. 欢迎你。7 I am very glad to see you. 我很高兴见到你。8 Welcome to our job site. 欢迎你到我们工地来。9 Let us work together for our common job. 一起为我们共同的事业工作吧!10 Happy New Year! 新年快乐!11 Merry Christmas! 圣诞节愉

7、快!12 My name is Zhang San. 我的名字叫张三。13 What is your name? 请问你的名字?14 Can I have your name, please? 请问你的名字?15 This is Mr. Liu. 这位是刘先生。16 I am a manager. 我是经理。Project manager, controller staff member 项目经理engineer, technician 工程师、技术员inspector,foreman, worker 检查员、工长、工人17 My technical specialty is civil en

8、gineering. 我的技术专业是土建工程。chemical engineering, process, 化工工程、工艺mechanical equipment ,electrical 机械设备、电气instrumentation, piping, welding, 仪表、管道、焊接corrosion prevention, thermal-insulation 防腐、保温heating-ventilation, quality control 暖通、质量控制18 What is your specialty? 你的专业是什么?19 I am a mechanician. 我是一个机械钳工。

9、electrician, pipelayer, welder 电工、管工、焊工carpenter, turner, blacksmith 木工、车工、铁工builder, erector, riveter 建筑工人、安装工人、铆工rigger, concrete worker 起重工、混凝土工20 Can I have your name, please? 请问你的名字?21 Which department do you belong to? 你属于那个部门?22 Kindly give us your advice, please. 请多指教。23 Thanks for your dire

10、ction. 感谢你的指导。24 See you later. 回头见。25 See you tomorrow. 明天见。26 Do you speak English? 你能讲英语吗?27 I can speak English only a little. 我只能说一点英语。28 Do you understand me? 你能听懂吗?29 Speak slowly, please. 请讲慢一点。30 I want to learn to speak English. 我想学着讲一点英语。31 I am very sorry. 非常抱歉。32 I cant speak English ve

11、ry well. 我的英语说得不好。33 Please write down the English words of this. 请用英文字写出来。34 I cant understand you, say it again, please. 我不懂你讲的,请再说一遍。35 What does this word mean? 这字是什么意思?36 We should like to have a translator. 我们应该找一个翻译37 lets call him. 我们给他打电话吧。38 I do not understand, can you repeat it? 我不懂,你能重复

12、一次吗?39 I cannot catch up with you. 我跟不上你。40 I can follow you. 我能听懂你的话。TALK ABOUT WORK 工作交流1 Come at seven in the morning. 明早七点过来。2 Go and work with Mr. Li. 去和李先生一起干活。3 I want you to work overtime tonight. 我想你今晚加班。4 Go to Mr. Huang to ask for a hard-hat. 去黄先生那要一个安全帽。5 Put on your hardhat. 带上你的安全帽。6 T

13、urn on the switch. 打开开关。7 Turn off the switch. 关闭开关。8 Dont touch it. 别碰它。9 Dont force it. 不要硬拉。10 You could hit it with a hammer. 你可以用榔头敲打。11 You can go home now. 你现在可以回家了。12 Dont do it like that. 别那样做。13 Change it. 换掉它。14 Please wire the room. 请给这个房间安电线。15 Everything is ready, power on!. 送备妥,请送电。16

14、 Switch off the power. 关闭电源。17 Connect this wire to the terminal. 把这个线连接到终端上。18 Watch carefully. 仔细观察。19 Clear the outlet. 把出口清理干净。20 Clean it out. 把它清理出去。21 Raise it. 抬高点。22 Lower it. 降低点。23 Move it up. 往上移。24 Lift it up. 提起来。25 Press this button to start. 按这个钮启动。26 Pass it to me, please. 把他传给我。27

15、Dont drop it. 别弄掉了。28 You take that end. 你拿那头。29 Hold the end of this measuring tape. 拿住卷尺这端。30 Hold it properly. 拿好。31 Hold it tight. 拿紧了。32 Move to your left (right). 移到你的左边(右边)33 Go back a little. 往后退点。34 You start it like this. 你就这样启动。35 Take it off. 拆下来。36 Take it apart. 把它拆开。37 Add some water.

16、 加些水。38 Mix it with water. 用水拌和。39 Please clean these parts with gas. 用汽油把零件清洗干净。40 Put it down. 把它放下。41 Fueling is required to the tank. 油罐需要加油。42 Take the lid off. 把盖子打开。43 Put the lid on. 把盖子盖上。44 Stop pulling. 别拉了。45 Please get some sandpaper for me. 请给我拿点砂纸来。46 Lets go there. 我们去那吧。47 Stir well

17、 before use. 搅拌好再用。48 Take your time. 别着急。49 Hurry up. 快点。50 Watch your step. 脚下留神。51 Whats that? 那是什么?52 Whats the problem? 有什么问题?53 Whats going on here? 这儿怎么样了?54 What are you doing? 你做什么?55 What happened? 出什么事了?56 What caused it? 什么引起的?57 What time do you come? 你什么时间来?58 When do you want to leave

18、? 你想什么时候走?59 When does it begin? 什么时候开始?60 Where is your tool? 你的工具呢? 61 Please contact the car 请联系车子。 Fork lift 叉车 Pay loader 铲车 Truck 卡车 Excavator 挖机62 Where did you put it? 你把它放哪了?63 Where did you find it? 你在哪找到的?64 Who asked you to come here? 谁让你到这来的?65 Who did you work with? 你和谁一起工作?66 How are

19、you going to do it? 你打算怎么弄它?67 How did you go there? 你怎么去哪啊?68 How long(wide,high)is it? 它多长(宽、高)?69 How about your hand (foot)? 你的手(脚)怎么样?70 How about the personnel conditions? 人员情况怎么样?71 Can you finish the work in time? 你能按时完成工作不?72 Do you have any experience? 你有经验吗?73 Where is your boss? 你的领班在哪?7

20、4 Can you record the data in English? 你能用英语记录数据吗?75 Are you a newcomer? 你是新来的吗?76 How about now? 现在情况怎么样。77 Please cooperate with me. 请配合我78 Please do me a favor. 请给我帮助79 Please follow my instruction. 请听我指挥80 Is the store keeper here? 仓库管理员在吗?81 Which department are you from? 你是哪个部门的?82 What about t

21、he production of kiln system? 窑系统生产情况怎么样?83 How about the supply of raw material? 原材料供应情况怎么样?84 Material is too wet. 物料太湿了。85 The equipment is too big to go in. 设备太大了进不去。86 The water level is too low. 液位太低了。87 The refractory isnt dry yet. 耐火材料还没干。88 Its too heavy. 它太重了。89 Its quite short. 它太短了。90 It

22、s the right height. 它高度正好。91 Its the right size. 它尺寸正好。92 Its too far to the left(right). 它太靠左(右)了。93 Now,its in the middle. 现在,它在中间了。94 The tool is for cutting steel bar. 工具是用来切割钢筋的。95 It is upsidedown. 它颠倒了。96 It has to be measured accurately. 测量必须精确。97 They are too close together. 它们靠得太近了。98 They

23、 should be one meter apart. 它们应该间隔1m。99 Theyre too far apart. 它们间隔太远了。100 Its too hot(cold). 太热了(冷)101 The bucket is full(empty). 斗子是满(空)的。102 This is the start button. 这是启动按钮。103 That is the stop button. 这是停止按钮。104 The electricity is off. 断电了。105 Its not working. 它没工作。106 Im not ready yet. 我还没准备好。1

24、07 The roof is leaking. 屋面在漏水。108 The wheel is jammed. 轮子卡主了。109 I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。110 I need the key. 我需要钥匙。111 I need a spanner. 我需要个扳手。112 I need five gallons of gas. 我需要5加仑汽油。113 It needs changing(replacing). 它需要更换了。 Oiling 上油 Restoring 恢复 Fixing 固定114 The ground needs leveling. 场地需要平整。1

25、15 Theres a crack in it. 它里面有条裂缝。116 This wont take long. 不会花太长时间的。117 It doesnt fit. 它不合适。118 I cant lift it. 我搬不动它。119 The water pipe bursts. 水管爆裂了。120 The shed collapsed. 棚子塌了。121 You made a mistake. 你弄错了。122 The hole has to be filled. 这个洞必须填上。123 Well done! 干得不错。124 Check the grounding protectio

26、n system for equipment确认设备接地保护125 The switch is broken. 开关坏了.126 The temperature is too high. 温度太高了.127 The silo is full. 库满了.128 The stock yard is nearly empty. 堆场快空了.129 What day is today? 今天是星期几?130 Today is Sunday. 今天星期日。Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 星期一、二、三Thursday, Friday, Saturday 星期四、五、六131 Wha

27、t is the date today? 今天是几号?132 Today is April sixth. 今天是四月六日。133 What time is it? 现在几点钟?134 It is six oclock. 现在是六点钟。 It is seven past nine. 现在是九点过七分。 It is a few minutes after three. 现在是三点过几分。 It is a quarter to ten. 现在是十点差一刻。135 Please come here at eight oclock tomorrow? 请你明天八点钟到这里来。136 We shall be on time, I hope. 我希望我们将按时到达。137 We have breakfast at seven. 我们七点钟早餐。138 We have dinner at eleven forty-five. 我们十一点四十五分进午餐。139 We have supper at six afternoon . 我们下午六点进晚餐。140 We have a day of res

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