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1、翻译课教学翻译课教学A Teaching Plan of Translation(By Li Taomei, May 19, 2006)Aim: To learn something about translation and one of the practical translation skills: amplification.Teaching Period: One classStudents: Class A, Grade 1, the Department of Politics and Public ManagementI. A Brief Introduction of Tr

2、anslationTranslation is as old as a language itself, probably starting from thousands years ago. It has been used as an indispensable means of mediation, not only a useful aid to preaching and teaching, but also to commercial exchanges and mutual understanding between different peoples and different

3、 countries. It has become part of human life. The translators role is felt everywhere: not only in literature but also in such areas as science and technology, administration, foreign trade, cultural activities and tourism; not only in a particular country when translation or the oral form of it is

4、called for, but also in such international bodies as the UN and the EEC where the translating and interpreting is part of routine work.The 21st century has been called “the age of translation”. With rapid increase of economic contact and cultural exchange between peoples, the significance of transla

5、tion has been recognized by more attached to the study of translation theories and practice. So, through our learning, we should understand following questions:1). Why do we need to study translation?2). What is the nature of translation?3). What are the criteria for adequate and acceptable translat

6、ion?4). What are the problems which a translator ought to be able to recognize and resolve in order to produce a satisfactory translation?II. The Standards of Translation关于翻译的标准,清代翻译家严复提出:优秀的译文应该做到“信”“达”“雅”即忠实于原文,笔译流畅,文字雅典。傅雷先生提出文学翻译的“传神”论,这是比“信”“达”“雅”更高的标准。后来钱钟书先生提出了翻译的“化境”之说,就是原文的思想、情感、风格、神韵都原原本本地

7、化到了译文地境界里。对于一般翻译者来说可以用“忠实与通顺”这一翻译基本标准。即正确地理解和表达原文的思想,译文文字流畅地道。When talked about the nature of translation, American famous translator Nida said, “Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and

8、secondly in terms of style.”“The translator must strive for equivalence rather than identityIn a sense this is just another way of emphasizing the reproducing of the message rather than the conservation of the form of the utterance”从一种语言到另一种语言(From One Language to Another)( 1986)中提出了内容与形式兼顾的翻译论点,即所渭

9、“功能对等”(functional equivalent): 在词汇、语法,语义和文体等方面,通过改变原文形式表达原文内容,用译语最切近而又最自然的对等语(the closest natural equivalent in the target language)把原文内容表达出来,以求“功能对等”Chinese people and English people say: “I love you with my heart.” But Nida notices that the people in different places say: I love you with my liver,

10、 love with my stomach, and even more, love with my throat.Every nation has its own culture which is formed in a certain natural circumstances, history, geography and reality of the society. You have to get familiar with specialty of the culture and difference between the other cultures. 翻译的条件第一是汉语功底

11、要好,第二是英语语言能力要强,第三是知识面要广。1).密碼 (f) secret code (r) password2)拳头产品 (f)fist product (r) knockout product3)救火 (f) to save fire (r) to fight fire4)初恋 (f) early love (r) puppy love 5)青春痘 (f)youth spot (r) whelk6)隐形眼镜 (f)invisible glasses (r) contact lenses翻译中的“归化”和“洋化”:这里的“化”,是“味儿”。主张“归化”的人,是主张把一文搞得“中国味儿”

12、多一点;而主张“洋化”的人,是要把译文搞得“洋味儿”多一些。“洋化”例子最典型的恐怕是把fair play译成“费尔泼赖”的了。下面这个英语句子,大家不妨用归化和洋化的标准试一试:In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is the king.译文:盲人国里,独眼为王。 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。 蜀中无大将,廖华为先锋。译文必须规范标准译文必须通俗易懂,符合该民族的现代语言习惯,不应有逐词死译、生搬硬套、文理不同的现象。具体地说,英译汉时,要符合英语的现代语言习惯;汉译英时,要符合汉语的现代语言习惯。两个要求要同时做到,缺一不可。请看下面的英

13、语句子,那一句译文符合汉语的现代语言习惯?“You just keep your hair on and listen to me.”译文: “你必须保持头发在上,并听我说。” “汝勿怒,听吾曰。” “你别激动,好好听我说。” 上面第一句译文,不符合汉语习惯。第二句译文,虽说意思正确,语言也通顺,但它不是现代语言。只有第三句译文,才符合汉语的现代语言习惯。)再看汉译英的例子:“我工作忙。” 如果把它译为 “My work is busy.” 译文不符合汉语习惯,不行。按英语习惯,译文应是:“I am busy with my work.” 又如:“如果你遇到一个人”要是把它译成 “Gif au

14、 saw gewlaetne monmest.” 现在恐怕极少人看得懂,因为那是古英语。只有当我们把它译成现代英语:“If you meet a man”时,才算达到规范标准的要求。III. Ridiculous Examples in TranslationFarewell My Concubine-再见了,我的小老婆(霸王别姬)All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard-四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血(水浒传)Steel Meets Fire-钢遇上了火(烈火金刚)Third Sister Liu-第三个姐姐刘(刘三姐 )Royal Tramp-皇家流浪

15、汉(鹿鼎记)Romantic of Three Kingdoms- 三个王国的罗曼史(居然是三国演义)“五讲四美三热爱”:“Five talks, four beauties, three loves邓小平文选第二卷中是这样翻译“五讲四美三热爱”的:There are “five things to stress, four things to beautify and three things to love”,如果觉得还不够明晰,还可以更具体化一些,可以译为:the movement of “five stresses, four points of beauty and three as

16、pects of love(stress on decorum, manners, hygiene, discipline and moral; beauty of the mind, language, behavior and the environment; love of the motherland, socialism and the Communist Party). IV. Practical Translation Skills由于历史、地理、文化、宗教等背景的诸多不同,原语与译语的表达方式相去甚远,为了把原意表达清楚,凡是遇到这样的情形时,首先彻底弄清原文的意思,然后站在使用译语的人的角度上,摆脱原文表达形式的局限,考虑应该怎样表达和翻译,通过这样一

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