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1、MBA英语真题翻译2011年MBA英语真题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered black and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)The Internet affords anonymity to its users, a blessing to privacy and freedom of speech. But that very anonymity is al

2、so behind the explosion of cyber-crime that has swept across the Web.互联网为用户提供匿名权,私人祝福和言论自由。但是过度的匿名的还导致了席卷整个网络的网络犯罪的爆发Can privacy be preserved while bringing safety and security to a world that seems increasinglylawless ?隐私是否应该被保护当它为世界带来似乎越来越多的不合法的安全性?Last month, Howard Schmidt, the nations cyber-cza

3、r, offered the federal government a proposal to make the Web a safer place-a “voluntary trusted identity” system that would be the high-tech equivalent of a physical key, a fingerprint and a photo ID card, all rolled into one. The system might use a smart identity card, or a digital credential linke

4、d to a specific computer .and would authenticate users at a range of online services.上个月,霍华德.施密特,国家的网络-专家,为联邦政府提供了一个使网络成为一个安全场所的提议,这个提议就是建立一个叫做“自识别”的高科技系统,它等价于一个实体钥匙,一个指纹和一个带照片的身份证结合起来。The idea is to create a federation of private online identity systems. User could select which system to join, and

5、only registered users whose identities have been authenticated could navigate those systems. The approach contrasts with one that would require an Internet drivers license issued by the government.这个想法是建立一个私人网络身份识别系统的联盟。用户可以选择加入任何一个系统,而且只有身份已认证的注册用户才可以使用那些系统。这个方法和需要有政府签发的互联网“签证”的方法形成对比。Google and Mi

6、crosoft are among companies that already have these“single sign-on”systems that make it possible for users to log in just once but use many different services.谷歌和微软已经是拥有这些“单点登录”系统的众多企业之一,这个系统使用户只登录一次但是可以使用多项不同的服务成为可能。In effect .the approach would create a “walled garden” n cyberspace, with safe “nei

7、ghborhoods” and bright “streetlights” to establish a sense of a trusted community.实际上,这种方法可以创建一个“围墙花园”网络空间,这个空间拥有安全的“邻居”和明亮的“街道”,这些营造了了一种可信社区的感觉。Mr. Schmidt described it as a “voluntary ecosystem” in which “individuals and organizations can complete online transactions with confidence ,trusting the

8、identities of each other and the identities of the infrastructure on which the transaction runs”.施密特先生将它描述成一个“自愿生态系统”,在这个系统里“个体和组织可以秘密完成网络事务,互相信任各自的身份以及事务运行的基础设施的特性”Still, the administrations plan has divided privacy rights activists. Some applaud the approach; others are concerned. It seems clear t

9、hat such a scheme is an initiative push toward what would eventually be a compulsory Internet “drives license” mentality.尽管如此,隐私权力保护人士对美国政府的这项计划颇有分歧。一些人支持这项计划,另一些人则不。很明显这样的一个计划是对最终强制性网络“驾照”思想的主动推进。The plan has also been greeted with skepticism by some computer security experts, who worry that the “v

10、oluntary ecosystem” envisioned by Mr. Schmidt would still leave much of the Internet vulnerable .They argue that all Internet users should be forced to register and identify themselves, in the same way that drivers must be licensed to drive on public roads.这个计划同时也受到一些电脑安全专家的怀疑,他们担心这个由施密特先生构想出的“自愿生态系

11、统”仍然会遗留很多网络漏洞。他们主张,所有互联网用户都必须注册并提供身份识别,就像司机在公共道路上驾车必须领有驾照一样。1A.sweptB.skippedC.walkedD.ridden2A.forB.withinC.whileD.though3A.carelessB.lawlessC.pointlessD.helpless4A.reasonB.reminderC.compromiseD.proposal 5 A.informationB.interferenceC.entertainmentD.equivalent 6A.byB.intoC.fromD.over7A.linkedB.dire

12、ctedC.chainedD.compared8A.dismissB.discoverC.createD.improve9A.recallB.suggestC.selectD.realize10A.relcasedB.issuedC.distributedD.delivered11A.carry onB.linger onC.set inD.log in12A.In vainB.In effectC.In returnD.In contrast13A.trustedB.modernizedc.thrivingD.competing14A.cautionB.delightC.confidence

13、D.patience15A.onB.afterC.beyondD.across16A.dividedB.disappointedC.protectedD.united17A.frequestlyB.incidentallyC.occasionallyD.eventually18A.skepticismB.releranceC.indifferenceD.enthusiasm19A.manageableB.defendableC.vulnerableD.invisible20A.invitedB.appointedC.allowedD.forced完形填空参考答案15 ACBDD 610 BAC

14、CB 1115 DBACA 1620 ADACDSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions after each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40points)Text 1Ruth Simmons joined Goldman Sachss board as an outside director in January 2000:

15、 a year later she became president of Brown University. For the rest of the decade she apparently managed both roles without attracting much eroticism. But by the end of 2009 Ms. Simmons was under fire for having sat on Goldmans compensation committee; how could she have let those enormous bonus pay

16、outs pass unremarked? By February the next year Ms. Simmons had left the board. The position was just taking up too much time, she said.2000年1月,茹斯西蒙斯以外部董事的身份加入了高盛公司的董事会,一年之后,她出任罗德岛布朗大学校长。在本世纪头十年剩下的时间里,西蒙斯显然是在没有招致多少批评的情况下,同时应付着这两种角色(以及另外的几个董事身份)。不过到2009年底,她却因任职于高盛公司薪酬委员会而受到学生和校友们的攻击:她怎么能让那些巨额奖金在不经意间就

17、被发放出去呢?到 2月份时,西蒙斯已离开了董事会。她称只是因为这个职位耗费的时间太多了。Outside directors are supposed to serve as helpful, yet less biased, advisers on a firms board. Having made their wealth and their reputations elsewhere, they presumably have enough independence to disagree with the chief executives proposals. If the sky,

18、and the share price is falling, outside directors should be able to give advice based on having weathered their own crises.外部董事的职责就是给公司提供有益的,客观的没有偏见的建议的董事。一般来说他们都是富有的并且拥有较高的名誉声望的人,这使得他们拥有能够做出与公司领导者并不一定一致相对比较独立的决定。如果股价跌落,外部董事需要对将要出现的危机提供解决方案。The researchers from Ohio University used a database hat co

19、vered more than 10,000 firms and more than 64,000 different directors between 1989 and 2004. Then they simply checked which directors stayed from one proxy statement to the next. The most likely reason for departing a board was age, so the researchers concentrated on those “surprise” disappearances

20、by directors under the age of 70. They found that after a surprise departure, the probability that the company will subsequently have to restate earnings increased by nearly 20%. The likelihood of being named in a federal class-action lawsuit also increases, and the stock is likely to perform worse.

21、The effect tended to be larger for larger firms. Although a correlation between them leaving and subsequent bad performance at the firm is suggestive, it does not mean that such directors are always jumping off a sinking ship. Often they “trade up.” Leaving riskier, smaller firms for larger and more

22、 stable firms.来自俄劾俄大学的研究者使用一个数据库,数据库包含从1989年到2004年10000个公司和64000多个外部董事的信息。接下来,他们只是检查哪些董事曾经辞职。在离开董事会的理由中,可能性最大的因素是年龄,因此,研究者将关注焦点放在了那些不满70岁董事的“意外”离职上。他们发现在意外离职后,公司随后必须重述盈余的可能性增加了20%。联邦集体诉讼案入选的可能性也会增加,股票可能更糟。对大公司的影响更大。不过,尽管外部董事离任与该公司随后的糟糕表现之间的关联暗示着这一点,但这并不意味着此类董事总是在跳出正在沉没之船。他们常常是在“另觅良枝”,即离开风险更大、规模更小的公司

23、,前往规模更大、更加稳定的公司。But the researchers believe that outside directors have an easier time of avoiding a blow to their reputations if they leave a firm before bad news breaks, even if a review of history shows they were on the board at the time any wrongdoing occurred. Firms who want to keep their outsi

24、de directors through tough times may have to create incentives. Otherwise outside directors will follow the example of Ms. Simmons, once again very popular on campus.不过研究者相信外部董事如果在坏消息爆出前离开公司就可以很容易避免名声受损,即使他们在不法行为出现时仍然在董事会。公司要想保持其外部董事在困难时期可能不得不建立激励机制,否则,外部董事将会跟随示例女士的西蒙斯,再一次校园非常受欢迎。21. According to Pa

25、ragraph 1, Ms. Simmons was criticized for .Againing excessive profitsBfailing to fulfill her dutyCrefusing to make compromisesDleaving the board in tough times22. We learn from Paragraph 2 that outside directors are supposed to be .Agenerous investorsBunbiased executivesCshare price forecastersDinde

26、pendent advisers23. According to the researchers from Ohio University after an outside directors surprise departure, the firm is likely to .Abecome more stableBreport increased earningsCdo less well in the stock marketDperform worse in lawsuits24. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that outs

27、ide directors .Amay stay for the attractive offers from the firmBhave often had records of wrongdoings in the firmCare accustomed to stress-free work in the firmDwill decline incentives from the firm25. The authors attitude toward the role of outside directors is .ApermissiveBpositiveCscornfulDcriti

28、calTEXT 1 参考答案21A。细节题:原文第1段,倒数第3行的how could?直接提到了bonus payouts 就是说 profits。22C。细节题:原文中出现outside directors有几处,helpful but less biased advisor,但是B选项用的是executive, 拼凑答案,D 选项也是一样。最后一句 weathered their own crises对应forecasters。23C。细节题:原文是若干个并列,stock is likely to perform worse对应答案, 迷惑选项是B,但是主语不一致20%是probabil

29、ity不是earnings。24A。推理题:原文对应firms who want to .说想留住outside director就是增加incentive。25B。态度题:文章各个段落都说outside director的方面。因此是positive。 Text 2Whatever happened to the death of newspaper? A year ago the end seemed near. The recession threatened to remove the advertising and readers that had not already fled

30、to the internet. Newspapers like the San Francisco Chronicle were chronicling their own doom. Americas Federal Trade commission launched a round of talks about how to save newspapers. Should they become charitable corporations? Should the state subsidize them ? It will hold another meeting soon. But

31、 the discussions now seem out of date.什么事情导致了报纸行业死亡?一年前末日似乎近在咫尺。在全球经济危机的恐慌下,许多曾选择报纸的广告商和读者转投互联网的怀抱。诸如旧金山纪事报的报纸已着手为自己的命运编年记事。美国联邦贸易委员会曾发起一系列关于如何拯救报业的讨论。商榷是否将报业转变为公益性公司或由各州政府提供资助;下一轮会议马上就要召开,但这种讨论已经过时了.In much of the world there is the sign of crisis. German and Brazilian papers have shrugged off the recession. Even American newspapers, which inhabit the most troubled come of the global industry,

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