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1、剑10阅读解析整理剑10-阅读解析整理剑桥雅思10阅读解析Test1Passage1体裁 说明文主题 牛科动物结构第一段:牛科概述第二段:分布和体型第三段:共同特征第四段:五种亚科 牛亚科第五段:羚羊亚科第六段:羊亚科第七段:鹿羚亚科第八段:叉角羚剑桥雅思10阅读解析试题解析剑桥雅思10阅读解析Test1Passage1 Question 1-3题型:multiple choice题型解析:本题属单选题,注意题目说明:在ABCD中选择正确的。题号答案关键词原文定位题目解析1DBiggest range第二段首句,they are by far the most numerous and div

2、erse in the latterBiggest range=The most numerous and diverse, in the latter指代上文中的后者,即south-east Asia.2DMost, preference第二段中间,the majority of species favour open grassland, scrub or desertMost对应majority, preference对应favour . Opening grassland, scrub or desert都是wide open spaces.3CAll, in common第三段第二句

3、,all species are ruminants上句中提到bovids are united by the possession of certain common features, 紧接着下一句说明,retain undigested food in their stomachs 对应选项C,store food in their body.剑桥雅思10阅读解析Test1Passage1 Question 4-8题型:matching题型解析:搭配题,根据选项定位关键词,题干是对应原文的同义改写题号答案关键词原文定位题目解析4CEndure, harsh第六段末句,Tolerance

4、of extreme conditions is most marked in this group同义改写,endure very harsh environments=tolerance of extreme conditions.5BOx,cow第四段第二句, the sub-family bovinae comprisescattleOx和cow都属于cattle,在这里指家畜牛。考察对于基础词汇的深度理解。6Dmeat第七段第三句,Although mainly feeding on grass and leaves, some duikersanimals.Eat insects

5、and feed on dead animal carcasses 都是食肉的表现,although mainly feeding 是转折提示,尽管主要吃草,还,与Aspeedsupplement对应。7ADefend a particular area第五段第二句,antelopes are typically long-legged, fast-runningFast-running=move at speed跑得快的同义改写。8B第四段中间,Unlike most other bovids they are all non-territorialDoes not defend a par

6、ticular area of land=non-territorial此题关键在于找到没有领地意识的这个词。剑桥雅思10阅读解析Test1Passage1 Question 9-13题型:选词填空题型解析:根据题干关键词进行定位,用原文中不超过三个词来回答问题。题号答案关键词原文定位题目解析9Royal antelopeSmallest第二段,This diversity of habitat is also matched by great diversity in size and formAt one extreme 在一个极端这里指最小的,通过熟知和massively 等词可以判断。

7、10The aurochDied out第四段最后,while the auroch is extinctHave now died out=extinct,都是灭绝的意思。11Long splayed hoovesSitatunga, movement, wetland第五段最后,the sitatunga has long, splayed hooves that enable it to walk freely on swampy groundsitatunga 只出现过一次,facilitates=enable, wetland=swampy ground。12Arid deserts

8、Barbary第六段末句,Barbary and bighorn sheep have adapted to arid deserts第六段是说羊的,定位到Barbary即可。13PronghornOnly living member最后一段开头句Only living member=the solve survivor, Antilopcapridae作为同位语出现,与前面的sub-family衔接。剑桥雅思10阅读解析Test1Passage2难度分析:中等文章标题:European Transport Systems 1990-2010 欧洲的交通系统文章话题:交通运输类词汇准备:第一段


10、倒,转变culpritn.肇事者;罪犯第六段shiftv.转移;转型deterioratev.退化;恶化emergev.出现第七段solelyadv.单独complementarya.互补的curbv.控制;限定revitalizev.使强壮;使恢复生机第八段infrastructuren.基础设施guaranteev.保证saturatev.使饱和arteryn.干线;动脉 题型分析:文章题型由两个题型组成:小标题配对+判断题,一个主旨题型一个细节题型。题目解析:Questions 14-21,List of Headings A fresh and important long-term

11、goal Charging for roads and improving other transport methods Changes affecting the distances goods may be transported Taking all the steps necessary to change transport patterns The environmental costs of road transport The escalating cost of rail transport The need to achieve transport rebalance T

12、he rapid growth of private transport Plans to develop major road networks Restricting road use through charging policies alone Transport trends in countries awaiting EU admission14. Paragraph A题解:根据A段的倒数第二句话:For passenger transport, the determining factor is the spectacular growth in car use. 对于乘客交通

13、,决定性的因素是汽车使用的大量增加。所以答案是viii.15. Paragraph B题解:根据B段的首句:As far as goods transport is concerned, growth is due to a large extent to changes in the European economy and its system of production. 就物品运输而言,增长很大程度上是由于欧洲经济和生产系统的变化引起的。对应到iii选项:影响远距离物品运输的变化。所以答案是iii。16. Paragraph C题解:根据C段的首句:The strong economi

14、c growth expected in countries which are candidates for entry to the EU will also increase transport flows, in particular road haulage traffic. 对于那些想要加入欧盟的候选国家来说,强有力的经济增长将也会增加交通运输流动,尤其是公路货运。对应到选项中应该是xi,countries awaiting EU admission(等待欧盟的允许加入的国家)就是指文中的candidates,候选国家。transport trends对应到原文中的road hau

15、lage traffic。所以答案是xi。17. Paragraph D题解:根据段落第一句话:a new imperativesustainable developmentoffers an opportunity for adapting the EUs common transport policy. 一个新的重要紧急事件可持续发展提供了一个适应欧盟常规交通政策的机会。对应到i选项:fresh和new同义替换,long-term和sustainable同义替换,goal(目标)在文中具体化为“实施欧盟的交通政策”。所以答案为i。18. Paragraph E题解:根据段落首句:energ

16、y consumption in the transport sector was to blame for 28% of emissions of CO2, the leading greenhouse gas. 交通上的能源消耗造成量28%的二氧化碳的排放,而二氧化碳会导致温室效应。以及倒数第二句话:road transport is the main culprit since it alone accounts for 84% of the CO2 emission attributable to transport. 公路交通运输是主要的肇事者,因为单独公里运输就占了交通上二氧化碳排

17、放的84%。 根据这两句话可得出答案为v.-公路交通运输的环境代价。19. Paragraph G题解:根据段落首句:The first approach would consist of focusing on road transport solely through pricing. 对应到选项x.:alone和solely同义替换,charge表示“收费”和pricing同义替换。所以答案为x.20. Paragraph H题解:根据段落首句:The second approach also concentrates on road transport pricing but is a

18、ccompanied by measures to increase the efficiency of the other modes. 第二个方法同样集中于公路交通运输收费,但是同时去增加其他运输模式的效率。对应到ii选项:对公路收费并且改善其他运输模式。所以答案为ii.21. Paragraph I题解:根据首句和第二句开头:The third approach, which is not new, comprises a series of measures ranging from pricing to revitalizing alternative modes of transp

19、ort and targeting investment in the trans-European network. This integrated approach第三个方法,不是新的,由一系列的方法组成,从价格到改善其他交通模式,以及计划投资欧洲交通运输网。这种综合的方法.根据句意可知答案为iv。Questions 22-26 判断题22. The need for transport is growing, despite technological developments.题解:定位词technological在A段的第二行,根据定位句说到尽管现代信息技术能减少交通需求,但是对交通

20、的需求仍然持续增加。所以答案为TRUE。23. To reduce production costs, some industries have been moved closer to their relevant consumers.题解:文章定位在B段第5行,定位句明确说了even thousands of kilometers away from the final assembly plant or away from users. 远离使用者。所以答案为FALSE.24. Cars are prohibitively expensive in some candidate coun

21、tries.题解:根据candidate countries文中定位到C段,而C段没有提到汽车价格昂贵,所以答案为NOT GIVEN.25. The Gothenburg European Council was set up 30 years ago.题解:文中定位到D段第二行最后,而定位句中没有提到什么时候建立的。所以答案为NOT GIVEN.26. By the end of this decade, CO2 emission from transport are predicted to reach 739 billion tonnes.题解:根据定位词定位到文中E段第五行:739 b

22、illion tonnes recorded in 1990. 根据原文可知739吨是1990年的记录,而不是题中说的predicted to reach(预计达到)。所以答案为FALSE。TEST1 P31.总体难度概括:难2.文章介绍:标题:The psychology of innovation话题: 教育心理类3.词汇准备: A段Survival n. 幸存,生存Inspire v. 赋予灵感Design v. 设计Stimulate v. 刺激A段词性解释survivaln.幸存,生存inspirev.赋予灵感designv.设计stimulatev.刺激B段recruitmentn

23、.招聘professorn.教授creativea.创造力circumstancen.环境C段emphasisn.强调quintetn.五音律revolutionn.革命achievev.取得,获得D段processn.过程Hard-wireda.硬连线的Counter-intuitivea.反直觉的invariablyad.不变的E段conflictn. & v.冲突feedbackn.反馈collaborativea.合作的F段syndromen.症状structuren.结构accomplisheda.熟练的rarea.稀少的G段proofn.证据veterana.经验丰富的vertic

24、ala.竖直的recognisev.辨认出H段historicala.历史的deepenv.加深I段authorityn.权威inhibitv.禁止overbearinga.傲慢的,压倒一切的responsibilityn.责任J段scalen.范围Materialn.材料attituden.态度K段simultaneouslya.同时的approachn.方法formulan.公式psychologicala.心理的4.题型分析这篇文章是由三种题型组成,都是阅读考试中常见的题型。选择题+ 句子配对 + 判断题5.题目解析Questions 27-30 选择题27. The example o

25、f the million-dollar quartet underlines the writers point aboutA recognizing talentB working as a teamC having a shared objectiveD being an effective leader题解:通过单词million-dollar quartet 很容易找到在C段,原文Sam Phillips wanted to revolutionize popular music with songs that fused black and white music, and cou

26、ntry and blues.原文得出一种音乐是几种音乐的混合,并且都是为了形成同一种音乐。所以答案选C28. James Watson suggests that he and Francis Crick won the race to discover the DNA code because theyA were conclusions of their own limitationsB brought complementary skills to their partnershipC were determined to outperform their brighter rival

27、sD encouraged each other to realize their joint ambition题解:通过单词James Watson和DNA code找到题目在F段的倒数第二句话He and Crick had succeeded because they are aware that they werent the most intelligent f the scientists pursuing the answer. 意思说,他们充公是因为他们意识到他们并不是追求答案的科学家中最智慧的。所以答案选A29 The writer mentions competitions

28、 on breakfast cereal packets an example of how toA inspire creative thinkingB generate concise writingC promote loyalty to a groupD strengthen commitment to an idea题解:通过单词breakfast cereal packets 找到答案在H段,原文中引用这个例子证明中心句individual engagement in the project, 和选项commitment to an idea 统一替换。所以答案选D30.In the last paragraph, the writer suggests that it is important for employees toA be aware of their companys goalsB feel that their contributions are valuedC have respect for

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