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1、高中英语完型填空题型练习含答案共10篇【2020-2021】高中英语完型填空题型练习(含答案)共10篇一、完型填空1 Five days before Christmas, police officer Lima was sent to a local Stop and Shop for a reported theft. The accusation (指控) was that two females were 1 some items at the self-checkout but bypassing other items and 2 those items. The two fema

2、les and two children were already 3 by the security guard over there.Lima had two girls himself, similar in age to the two girls there, so it 4 him a little bit. Lima checked the 5 for the items they had paid for. There was nothing else like health and beauty items on it. The items were all 6 things

3、 bought just to stuff themselves. Then he asked an employee where the other items were that they had 7 to take and was informed they were put back on the shelves.Obviously, this family was in real need. While Lima firmly 8 following the law, he decided to cut them a break and not to 9 them.The two-f

4、emales, consequently, were very grateful but kind of 10 because generally, in that same situation there would probably be a different outcome and theyd be 11 .Lima took things a step further in an effort to aid the family. He gave them $200 gift card, telling them not to get things in 12 ways any mo

5、re.“I purchased the gift card close to the 13 of what would have been taken,” said Lima, “I did what I felt was 14 . I just tried to show a little 15 to the extent permitted by law.”1Acounting Bsearching Cscanning Dtesting2Asorting Bbagging Clabeling Dchecking3Aheld Bfired Cprotected Dmisunderstood4

6、Aattracted Bconfused Cdisappointed Dstruck5Aprice Breceipt Cnumber Dsheet6Adrinks Bluxuries Cpresents Dfoods7Aordered Bmanaged Cplanned Drequested8Abelieved in Bobjected to Cput off Dtook on9Athreaten Bhelp Ccomment Dcharge10Aanxious Binnocent Cshocked Dashamed11Aattacked Bquestioned Carrested Doffe

7、nded12Aviolent Bdifferent Ctough Dillegal13Avalue Bmeaning Cuse Dbenefit14Aprivate Bright Crisky Dimpressive15Acourage Bmercy Cadmiration Drespect【答案】1C2B3A4D5B6D7C8A9D10C11C12D13A14B15B2 Friends are very important in our everyday life.Everyone 1 friends.We all like to feel close to someone. 2 is ni

8、ce to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. 3 , sometimes we need to be alone.We dont always want people 4 .But we would feel lonely if we 5 had a friend.No two people are 6 .Friends 7 dont get on well.That doesnt mean that they no longer like each other.Most of the time they will make u

9、p (言归于好) and become 8 again.Sometimes friends move away.Then we feel very 9 .We miss them very much, but we can 10 them and write to them.And we can 11 new friends.It is encouraging to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.Theres more good news for people who have friends.The

10、y live 12 than people who dont.Why? Friends can make us feel happy. 13 happy helps you stay well.Or it could be just done that someone cares.If someone cares about you, you take 14 care of 15 .1Aloves Bhates Cneeds Dbecomes2AIt BHe CThere DSomeone3AHardly BNearly CSuddenly DCertainly4Aalone Baway Ca

11、ll over Daround5Aever Bnever Cjust Dreally6Afriendly Bkind Cjust the same Dquite different7Aalways Bsometimes Coften Dusually8Afriendly Bgood Cpleased Dfriends9Aangry Bsad Chappy Dalone10Acall Bask Ctell Dtalk with11Alook for Bfind Cmake Dknow12Alonger Bshorter Cslower Dfaster13ASmelling BBeing CSou

12、nding DMaking14Aless Bbetter Clittle Dno15Ayou Byour Cyours Dyourself【答案】1C2A3D4D5B6C7B8D9B10A11C12A13B14B15D3Thomas Crum, living in a toy school, was a boy made from plasticine (橡皮泥). He 1 showed respect for others. Thomas always went round the classroom 2 his drum, and the fact that he was annoyin

13、g others didnt 3 him in the least. His classmates had had enough of this. Coco Wiseman, a very clever boy made of lego (乐高积木), 4 some special earplugs (耳塞)to block out the annoying sounds. Upon seeing that, Thomas immediately got very 5 with Coco Wiseman. They had a fight, by chance, the inventor 6

14、falling from the table to the floor into pieces. Though it was a(n) 7 , everyone was unhappy with Thomas. 8 wanted anything more to do with him. But a few days later, a cuckoo clock was put in the 9 , just next to the shelf Thomas slept on. The cuckoo clock was 10 making noise “tick-tock” and every

15、hour the cuckoo came out to do its “cuckoo cuckoo!”Thomas couldnt get any rest at all. 11 , the others, with their special earplugs, were fine. Thomas started to 12 just how much he had annoyed everyone with his drum, and how 13 it had been to fight with Coco Wiseman. 14 to become the best-behaved (

16、表现最好的), most respectful boy, he spent days and nights 15 Coco Wiseman in secret. Everyone got a big 16 when Coco Wiseman finally came back to life, and they 17 Thomas for bringing their friend back. Thomas, 18 , asked them to pardon him for his lack of 19 for others. Soon Coco Wiseman also made a pa

17、ir of earplugs for him, so Thomas could also get enough 20 now and learn to show respect for others.1Aonce Boften Cever Dseldom2Ashowing Bbeating Cmaking Dselling3Ainfluence Btouch Crelax Dfrighten4Aintroduced Bbought Cborrowed Dinvented5Aangry Bpleased Cstrict Dsatisfied6Afound out Bgave up Cended

18、up Dturned out7Amistake Baccident Cexcuse Dchance8ANobody BEverybody CSomebody DAnybody9Afight Bgame Cclassroom Dschool10Aslowly Bactually Cgradually Drepeatedly11AAnyway BHowever CLuckily DFinally12Anotice Bexpect Cremember Drealize13Astrange Bstupid Cinteresting Dpleasant14ASupposed BExcited CDete

19、rmined DEncouraged15Arepairing Bquestioning Cdreaming Dwatching16Asurprise Bhelp Csuccess Dchoice17Ablamed Bcaught Cthanked Dpaid18Ain return Bin time Cin particular Din fact19Aneed Bhope Cchange Dcare20Afood Bsleep Cspace Dtime【答案】1D2B3A4D5A6C7B8A9C10D11B12D13B14C15A16A17C18A19D20B4 Yesterday, a sa

20、lesman called me to sell his phone plans. I was at work and while I usually dont like spending time on those things, I 1 myself that I couldnt talk yet and 2 that he call me back at 6 pm.Thats what he did. So we talked about 20 minutes. He 3 to me his different phone plans. While listening to him, s

21、ometimes I was 4 in my thoughts. I gave several “hmm hmm”, as a sign of agreement and to 5 that I was still there. Sometimes, I felt a bit 6 . But I stayed calm and 7 until the end of the discussion.Finally, he said the following to me: “Thank you, Olivier. You are the first person in a long time wi

22、th whom I had an enjoyable conversation. 8 , people shout at us and slam down the phone. Today, since 10 am, I hadnt had a phone 9 without an offense (触怒). I know you had a long day at work and you could have 10 in front of your TV. But you listened so carefully to me. I am 11 and I sincerely thank

23、you.”It set me thinking. He had been the 12 of verbal violence (语言暴力) all through his working day. Physical 13 do not exist in this situation but dehumanization (非人性) seems to happen. 14 , he was only doing his job. I felt a sense of 15 that I hadnt treated him so rudely.1Afound Bexcused Creminded D

24、forgave2Areplied Bagreed Csuggested Dordered3Aexplained Badmitted Capologized Dreported4Astuck Binvolved Cinterested Dlost5Aannounce Bensure Cconfirm Dimagine6Aimpatient Bdiscouraged Cconcerned Dnervous7Agenerous Breliable Ccheerful Dpolite8AUnexpectedly BUsually CEventually DSimilarly9Ameeting Bint

25、erview Cconversation Dappointment10Arelaxed Bslept Ctalked Dplayed11Aannoyed Bproud Ctouched Dcurious12Aproof Btarget Csupporter Dresult13Aactivities Bexercises Cdisabilities Dconflicts14AYet BBesides COtherwise DInstead15Ahonor Bloss Crelief Dtrust参考答案1B2C3A4D5C6A7D8B9C10A11C12B13D14A15C5 A couple

26、of weeks ago, when some friends and I took a trip to Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, I immediately 1 it. Since we are all living in North Germany which is not very 2 ,it only took us a few hours on the train 3 we were at the heart of this 4 city. The minute we stepped off the 5 , we were

27、surrounded by 6 architecture and weaving canals.We stayed at a youth hostel( 旅社),which was a typical tall Dutch house with lots of stairs. I 7 staying in youth hostel; it is such a great 8 to meet people from all over the world and 9 your different experiences and 10 We stayed in a room with an Arge

28、ntinian, who we befriended right away, and we spent a lot of 11 together.During our stay, we made sure to make the most of what Amsterdam has to 12 We took a boat trip through the 13 , which gave us some great 14 of the fantastic architecture and canals. We also made sure to go to the Van Gogh Museu

29、m, which is one of the citys most famous tourist attractions, and consists of a 15 collection of his work, along with details of his 16 and the work of other artists that knew him. One of my favourite parts of the trip, though it was rather 17 , was our visit to the Anne F rank Museum. She was a Jew

30、ish girl who hid with her family for 2 years before the Nazis 18 them and sent them to the death camps. It was a very 19 experience, and certainly worth seeing.Overall, I think Amsterdam is one of my favourite cities that I have ever been to, and I would love to 20 someday!1Aremembered Bloved Crecognized Dknew2Ahilly Bopen Csimilar Dfar3Abefore Bwhen Cunless Dsince4Aremote Bwarm Cbeautiful Dindustr

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