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1、全国硕士研究生入学考试英语冲刺试题一下XX年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语冲刺试题(一)下 47、 (本题分值:2分) 【正确答案】 心理历史学获取所需“事实”,不是取自详细记录各种 _及其发生顺序的历史记载,而是取自对构成 _各个人物进行的个性心理分析;他演绎学说,不是根据这些人物生活中的某个事例,而是根据某种超越 _人性观点。 48、 (本题分值:2分) 【正确答案】 心理历史学家们不仅确信自己的学说是绝对正确的,而且认为他们对任何历史 _的解释是“最深刻的”,其他解释都不符合实际情况。 49、 (本题分值:2分) 【正确答案】 心理历史学否认过去有其自身的完整性和意向;否认过去人们的活动出于

2、种种动机,豆腐过去的 _有多种不同的因果。 50、 (本题分值:2分) 【正确答案】 心理历史学不考虑过去具有的特殊性,而是把一切 _,不论过去的和现在的,都同化在一个假定为放之四海而皆准的定数论图式中。 五、写作题(每题10分,共20分)问答题说明:仔细阅读下面题目,根据各小题要求答题,确认无误后点“提交” 51、 You are preparing for taking the entran _ test for MA in economics. Write a letter to the dean of the Economics School of a famous universit

3、y to enquire about: 1) the subjects to be tested, 2) the number of students for enrollment, and 3) any guiding or training courses. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (本题分值:1

4、0分) 【正确答案】 略 52、 Directions: Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) describe the drawing, 2) interpret its implications in life, and 3) support your view with examples. (本题分值:10分) 【正确答案】 略 一、单项选择题(每题0.5分,共10分) There is nothing illogical or synthetic about the

5、 humility of great bookmen in calling attention to the limitations of the book. No book can 1 us to know everything that is to be known, or feel everything that is to be felt. A book is part of life, not a substitute 2 it. It is not a fit 3 for worship or enshrinement. It loses its charm and much of

6、 its value when aepted 4. No one would have been more 5 than Aristotle if he could have known of the ex _ssive and 6 veneration that would be given to his ideas in _nturies to 7. When his works became the 8 words of advan _ knowledge, 9 knowledge became neither advan _d nor vital. The particular oas

7、ion for these re _rks is that there are 10 here and there that some of us in the book world _y be 11 ourselves too seriously. In the effort to increase book reading some 12 things are being said about books. It is _de to 13 that nothing is happening now that has not happened before, and that the onl

8、y true approach to understanding is 14 books. We do neither servi _ nor justi _ to books by 15 upon them such omnipoten _ and omniscien _. Many of the answers we need today are not ne _ssarily to be found between 16. There are elements of newness in the present 17 of _n that will not readily be 18 o

9、f by required reading or ready referen _. Books are not slide rules or blueprints for 19 auto _tic answers. What is needed is a mighty blend of the wisdom of the ages 20 fresh, razor edged _ytical thought. 1、 (本题分值:0.5分) A inform B promise C enable D assure 【正确答案】 C 【您的答案】修改 2、 (本题分值:0.5分) A of B fo

10、r C to D with 【正确答案】 B 【您的答案】修改 3、 (本题分值:0.5分) A subject B issue C _tter D i _ge 【正确答案】 A 【您的答案】修改 4、 (本题分值:0.5分) A unreasonably B unprofitably C unwillingly D uncritically 【正确答案】 D 【您的答案】修改 5、 (本题分值:0.5分) A disturbed B disguised C intervened D interrupted 【正确答案】 A 【您的答案】修改 6、 (本题分值:0.5分) A dreadful

11、 B respectful C harmful D faithful 【正确答案】 C 【您的答案】修改 7、 (本题分值:0.5分) A go B e C pass D emerge 【正确答案】 B 【您的答案】修改 8、 (本题分值:0.5分) A big B end C late D last 【正确答案】 D 【您的答案】修改 9、 (本题分值:0.5分) A such B much C most D this 【正确答案】 A 【您的答案】修改 10、 (本题分值:0.5分) symbols B signs C _rks D trails 【正确答案】 B 【您的答案】修改 11、

12、 (本题分值:0.5分) A confining B de _nding C taking D pushing 【正确答案】 C 【您的答案】修改 12、 (本题分值:0.5分) A extraordinary B ex _ptional C ex _ssive D extravagant 【正确答案】 D 【您的答案】修改 13、 (本题分值:0.5分) A show B appear C prove D indicate 【正确答案】 B 【您的答案】修改 14、 (本题分值:0.5分) A through B with C among D from 【正确答案】 A 【您的答案】修改 1

13、5、 (本题分值:0.5分) A focus B conferring C imposing D installing 【正确答案】 C 【您的答案】修改 16、 (本题分值:0.5分) A pages B covers C lines D words 【正确答案】 B 【您的答案】修改 17、 (本题分值:0.5分) A position B situation C status D dilem _ 【正确答案】 D 【您的答案】修改 18、 (本题分值:0.5分) A disposed B dis _rned C discharged D dispersed 【正确答案】 A 【您的答案】

14、修改 19、 (本题分值:0.5分) A polishing B regulating C furnishing D forwarding 【正确答案】 C 【您的答案】修改 20、 (本题分值:0.5分) A from B with C over D for 【正确答案】 B 【您的答案】修改 二、阅读选择题(每题2分,共40分) Text 1 Banking is about money; and no other familiar modity arouses such ex _sses of passion and dislike. Nor is there any other abo

15、ut which more nonsense is talked. The type of thing that es to mind is not what is nor _lly called economics, which is inexact rather than nonsensical, and only in the same way as all scien _s are at the point where they try to predict people s behaviour and its consequen _s. Indeed most social scien _s and, for example, medicine could probably be descri

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