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学年中考英语一轮复习 A开头词汇二讲义.docx

1、学年中考英语一轮复习 A开头词汇二讲义中考一轮复习 A 开头词汇(二)(讲义)以字母 A 开头的单词already /lredi/ adv. 已经The house is already pretty clean and tidy! I have already taught him some English.I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left.可用于:现在完成时,过去完成时already VS yetI have already finished reading the book. (肯定句,已经)Have you finished

2、 reading the book already? (疑问句,表惊讶)already 通常用于肯定句中,意为“已经”。有时 already 用于疑问句中表示惊讶、怀疑等语气。Have you found the book yet? (疑问句,已经)Not yet. (否定句,还)She hasnt finished her homework yet. (否定句,还)yet 一般用在疑问句或否定句中。在疑问句中表示“已经”, 在否定句中表示“还”,通常放在句末。also /ls/ adv. 也;而且People also kill elephants for their ivory. Also

3、, my elder brother is not very nice to me. 当 also 用于句首时,其后往往有逗号与句子的其他部分隔开,用于修饰整个句子。This is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment.not onlybut also不仅而且although /l/ conj. 虽然;尽管;即使Although shes wrong, its not a big deal. 引导让步状语从句,不可以和 but 连用同义词:even though,even if,thoughaltogether /lt/ adv

4、. 总共There are five people altogether.always /lwez/ adv. 永远;总是;一直She always eats ice-cream after dinner.never, hardly (ever), seldom, sometimes, often, usually, alwaysam /m/ v. 是A.M. /e em/ (=a.m.) 上午Its 9:00 a.m.amazing adj. 令人大为惊奇的;令人惊喜(或惊叹)的Thats amazing!America /merik/ 美国 (= the USA)American /mer

5、ikn/ adj. 美国的;美国人的;美洲的n. 美国人;美洲人among /m/ prep. 在中间;在(三者以上)之间among betweenamusement n. 娱乐;游戏amusement park 游乐场amuse v. 娱乐;使发笑I made up a story to amuse the child.ancient /en()nt/ adj. 古代的;古老的the ancient emperorsancestor /nsest/ n. 祖先;祖宗and /nd/ conj. 和;又;而并列连词,前后成分保持一致big and heavyI just wanted to l

6、augh and not think too much.Remember to keep a positive attitude and good things will happen.The other half is learning how to communicate with your teammates and (learn) from your mistakes.angry /gri/ adj. 生气的;愤怒的I am still angry with her. be angry with/at sbbe angry about/at sthanimal /nm()l/ n. 动

7、物announce /nans/ v. 宣布;宣告The loudspeaker announced the arrival of the train. announcement n.announcer 广播员;宣告者another /n/ adj. & pron.再一;另一;别的 adj.Can you show me another jacket?pron.I cant find my pencil.Dont worry, heres another.People are kind to each other and trust one another. one another 彼此eac

8、h other 彼此;互相与 other, the other, others, the others 等的区别one the other one another some others some the others answer /ns/v. 回答,答复answer the questionsn. 回答,答案the answer to ant /nt/ n. 蚂蚁anti- 反对;非,与相反;(用于以元音字母及 h 字母开头的词根前时,可拼作 ant- 如:antacid 中和酸的)any /eni/(一般用于否定句、疑问句中) det. (与不可数或复数名词连用) Can you spe

9、ak any French?Are there any books on the desk?pron. 任何数量,任意数额;任一,任何一些She didnt spend any of the money.Give me a pen -any pen will be OK.任一adv. (用于否定句或疑问句中,加强形容词或副词语气)一点儿也(不),完全(不),丝毫He wasnt any good at French. I cant run any faster.any 与 some 的用法区别some det.(一般与不可数或复数名词连用)一些,若干;某些, 部分,有的; children l

10、ike playing in the park.修饰可数名词复数,指三个或三个以上,“一些、若干”Would you like some coffee?用于疑问句中,表建议或请求,并希望得到肯定回答Some man at the door is asking to see you.某个(与单数可数名词连用,表示未知或未确指的人、处所、事物、时间)pron.一些人、一些物;有些人、有些There are many people in the park. Some are walking. Some are talking.adv. 大约,差不多Some thirty people attend

11、the funeral.特殊用法总结:Give me a pen -any pen will be OK. Would you like some coffee?Some man at the door is asking to see you. any other+单数/复数 任何其它But there isnt a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so its like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family.The players of Spain are stronger than any othe

12、r players of South Korea.不再 Now shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.anymoreadv. 再也(不);(不)再 (常用于否定句和疑问句)anyway Anyway, theyre over there. Ill bring my camera anyway. anywayadv. 不管怎样; 无论如何;而且;加之anybody /enbdi/ pron. 任何人;无论谁 anyone /enwn/ pron. 任何人;无论谁 anything/en/ pron. 任何事(物);什么

13、事(物)(常用于否定句和疑问句)anywhere /enwe/ adv. 任何地方apart /pt/adv. 分离,分开;(指时间或空间)相隔,相距;成碎片The two houses stood 500 meters apart. Although the storm broke many things apart,it brought families and neighbors closer together.apartment /ptm()nt/ n. 公寓套房appear /p/ v. 出现I always have to worry about how I appear to o

14、thers.消失 apple /p()l/ n. 苹果two (apple) treesApril /eiprl/ n. 四月时间介词 in, onAron had a serious accident April 2003. His birthday is April 21st.愚人节April Fools Dayarea /er/ n. 面积; 区域Its produced in many different areas.argue /gju/ v. 争吵;争论He is arguing with his brother about how to spend the money. argue with about 关于与争论arm /m/ n. 臂;上肢;支架army /mi/ n. 军队;陆军部队Army Day

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