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1、二管轮熟悉大管轮业务要求.培训记录簿TRAINING LOG BOOK(轮机员专用)(ENGINE DEPARTMENT)此簿用于培训轮机员对大管轮职务的技术和业务的熟悉 FOR TRAINING TO NEXT PROFESSIONAL RANK OF SECOND ENGINEER姓名( CREWS NAME):船名(SHIPS NAME ):二管轮适用ISSUED TO THIRD ENGINEER。Guidance Notes for Completion of Training Log培训记录簿使用指南1. Until ability is proven all On the Job

2、 Training must be supervised.所有的在船培训填写内容必须真实有效。2. For the task to be completed Satisfactorily, it must be carried out unaided, showing excellent Safety Awareness.培训内容必须独立完成,反映良好的安全意识,以使达到令人满意的效果。3. Tasks applicable to Tankers are marked (T).适用于油轮的培训内容用字母“T”标注。4. Some tasks may not be applicable to c

3、ertain types of vessels.某些培训内容可能不适合某些类型的船舶。5. Establish a Portfolio where all evidence and proof required for certain tasks is filed.完成某项培训内容需提供相关证据和说明时,可另附页补充。 个人资料PERSONAL PARTICULARS姓名NAME现行职务POSITION APPLIED出生年月DATE OF BIRTH毕业院校NAME OF SCHOOL毕业年份YEAR OF GRADUATION主要海上资历SEA SERVICE船名NAME OF VESSE

4、L船舶种类TYPE OF VESSEL机器类型TYPE OF ENGINE职务RANK上船日期DATE OF SIGNON离船日期DATE OF SIGNOFF备注REMARKSNo.序号Task培训内容Officers Initials本人签名Date日期2/E or C/E Sign and Remarks大管轮或轮机长签名及备注FAMILIARIZATION熟悉内容1 Job responsibilities of Second Engineer.大管轮的工作职责2 Companys ( QSMS / SMS ) Shipboard Manuals.Updating procedure

5、for manuals.公司质量安全管理体系文件,文件的修改/更新程序。3 Fully conversant with Chief Engineers, Masters and Company “Standing Orders”.精通轮机长、船长和公司的常规命令内容。4 Good knowledge of Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen熟知船员安全工作内容5 Second Engineers filing and record keeping system.大管轮的文书管理系统6 Location of Manufactur

6、ers Service Manuals and System Drawings for applicable machinery.主管设备的使用手册、系统图的存放位置7 Location, storage and quantity of spare parts.备件的存放位置及数量情况8 Operation of all Critical Equipment.所有关键设备的使用操作情况。9 Operation of Steering Gear.舵机的使用操作情况。10 Operation of Deck Hydraulic Systems.甲板液压系统的使用操作情况11 Operation o

7、f Cargo Machinery, Windlass and Mooring Winches.甲板机械及绞缆设备的使用情况12 Computer literacy, familiar with any relevant shipboard software programs.电脑操作能力,熟悉船舶相关软件程序13 14 15 SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS.以上项目业经证实并满意Date . Chief Engineer . Master 日期; 轮 机 长: 船长:No.序号TASK培训内容Officers I

8、nitials本人签名Date日期2/E or C/E Sign and Remarks大管轮或轮机长签名及备注ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE轮机专业知识1 Instrumentation and control functions of following types:下述仪表(器)的功能作用Flow 流量计Level 液位计Pressure 压力表Temperature 温度计Power 功率表2 Give the possible causes of a Scavenge Fire, detailing the procedure for extinguishing the

9、fire and describe how to prevent the likelihood of such a fire. * Attach Proof *叙述扫气箱着火的可能原因。细述灭火的程序和防止着火的预防措施。3 List actions to be taken in the event of a Stern Tube High Bearing Temperature.论述遇尾轴承高温时应采取的行动。4 List possible problems caused by High Sea Water Temperatures and action to help avoid thes

10、e problems. * Attach Proof *论述冷却海水高温时可能发生的问题和应采取的措施。5 Write down instructions detailing the immediate actions to be taken if all ER Bilge Alarms are activated. * Attach Proof *说出机舱污水报警时应马上采取的措施。6 The ME Turbocharger(s) have been found damaged from over speeding. If the ME has not run above 90% of MC

11、R, explain the possible causes and ways to prevent this happening again. * Attach Proof *主机增压器损坏的可能原因和预防措施。7 Whilst manoeuvring on HO the fuel temperature drops 40C below required injection temperature. List probable causes and immediate actions. * Attach Proof *重油状态下主机机动用车时,油温降低40C,低于所需喷油温度,其可能原因和应

12、采取的措施是什么8 Briefly describe the two forms of corrosion that may be found inside auxiliary boilers. State what you would expect to find in a LP boiler that has had poor feed water treatment.简单描述辅助锅炉内部的两种腐蚀形式,如锅炉供水质量差,会出现什么后果。9 1 (T)2 (T)SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS. 以上项目业经证实

13、并满意Date . Chief Engineer . Master 日期: 轮 机 长 : 船长:No.序号TASK培训内容Officers Initials本人签名Date日期2/E or C/E Sign and Remarks大管轮或轮机长签名及备注TECHNICAL ABILITY技术能力1 Correct use of tools observed.常用工具的正确使用。2 Overhaul / repair a pneumatically controlled valve.气动控制阀的检修3 Overhaul / repair a pneumatic or electric cont

14、roller.气动或电气控制器的检修4 Overhaul / repair a pneumatic transmitter气动传感器的检修5 Follow and trace ME control system, able to locate parts from logic drawings阅读并能按照主机系统控制逻辑图查找部件位置6 Supervise the removal of a heavy item from the ER指挥搬运大型物件出机舱7 Take full set of indicator cards and calculate ME power and Mean Ind

15、icated pressure.测取主机示功图并计算功率和平均指示压力8 Check the alignment of a coupling on a machine connected to an electric motor and re-align if necessary.检查并校中设备与马达的中心线安装9 Check and adjust ME fuel pump and Exhaust Valve timings检查并调整高压油泵和排气阀定时1 (T)Trace various components of ODME and carry out routine checks / ma

16、intenance in co-ordination with C/O.了解排油监控装置各部件并能进行常规检查和维护保养2 (T)SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS.以上项目业经证实并满意Date . Chief Engineer . Master 日期: 轮 机 长: 船长:No.序号TASK培训内容Officers Initials本人签名Date日期2/E or C/E Sign and Remarks大管轮或轮机长签名及备注OPERATIONS and SHIPBOARD MANAGEMENT船舶运行和管理1

17、Supervise the daily ER running and work schedule for a period of 7 days.完成对机舱一周的日常工作安排2 Attend a Management Committee Meeting.参加船务会3 Compile a Lub Oil inventory listing ROBs, calculate consumptions and make up a requisition for 90 days supply.填写润滑油船存报表,计算日耗量,并作出一个季度润滑油申领单4 Check a closed space for e

18、ntry and complete relevant Closed Space Entry Permit知晓进入封闭舱室前的检查内容并正确填写进入封闭舱室作业许可证5 Open and close hydraulically operated cargo hatch (if applicable).知晓大舱盖的液压开关作业操作6 Complete a time management plan for a large maintenance task. Reassess completion times as work progresses and keep relevant Senior Of

19、ficers updated. 对重大维护检修工作作出时间安排进程表7 Start and Manoeuvre the ME on Emergency Control.主机应急启动和操作8 Adjust pitch settings on CPP using local or emergency controls (if applicable).知晓对可变螺距桨的现场或应急操作方法9 Give a Safety Briefing on the causes, hazards and remedial action taken in the event of a ME Crankcase Exp

20、losion to all ER Personnel.简述主机曲拐箱爆炸的原因、危害及采取的措施10 Prepare a training exercise for ER Personnel to demonstrate the removal and correct refitting of new ball bearings to an electric motor stator.准备一次对机舱人员拆检、组装马达轴承的培训练习11 Give a demonstration to all ER Personnel on the correct method of repacking a pu

21、mp gland and should include advice on the selection of the correct packing for the job.向机舱人员宣讲盘根的正确选择和使用方法SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS.以上项目业经证实并满意Date . Chief Engineer . Master 日 期: 轮 机 长: 船长:No.序号TASK培训内容Officers Initials 本人签名Date日期2/E or C/E Sign and Remarks大管轮或轮机长签名及备注O

22、PERATIONS and SHIPBOARD MANAGEMENT船舶运行和管理12 Give a Safety Briefing to all Ratings on the hazards of grinding non-ferrous material on Grinding machines. Demonstrate how a grinding wheel is dressed and the importance of maintaining the correct gap between wheel and rest. 向全体人员宣讲砂轮的正确使用方法和注意事项13 14 15

23、1 (T)2 (T)3(T)SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS.以上项目业经证实并满意Date . Chief Engineer . Master 日期: 轮 机 长: 船 长:No.序号TASK培训内容Officers Initials本人签名Date日期2/E or C/E Sign and Remarks大管轮或轮机长签名及备注LEGAL & STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS法定和强制要求1 Oil discharge regulations排油规定2 Garbage Management.垃圾管理3

24、 Smoke pollution regulations.4 CFC regulations.5 Class requirements:入级要求Detail ten Class requirements for vessels maintaining an Unmanned Machinery Space.列出船级社对无人机舱船舶的入级要求内容6 Health & Safety Requirements:Observe the working practices of ER Personnel, list ten instances where the working practices di

25、d not meet the requirements of the Code of Safe Working Practices. Detail what measures were taken and how bad practices may be avoided in future.观察机舱人员的工作情况,列出10项不符合安全工作的要求,详细表述其后果及应采取的防范措施。7 Assist 2/E or C/E during Port State Inspection.协助大管轮或轮机长接受PSC检查。8 1 (T)Assist 2/E or C/E during a Vetting I

26、nspection协助大管轮或轮机长接受大石油公司检查。SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS.以上项目业经证实并满意Date . Chief Engineer . Master 、日期: 轮 机 长: 船长:No.序号TASK培训内容Officers Initials本人签名Date日期2/E or C/E Sign and Remarks大管轮或轮机长签名及备注PAPERWORK文档管理1 Maintain a Work Book.日常工作纪录2 Complete a ME Unit Overhaul Report.完

27、成一份主机设备检修报告3 Complete a Hot Work Certificate填写一份热工申请单4 Complete a repair specification form for an actual repair.知晓设备修理的修理规范要求内容5 Draw up a Risk Assessment Form for an ER task. * Attach Proof *草拟一份机舱设备损坏的事故评估报告6 Make up a three month stores requisition for consumables填写一份一个季度的物料申领单7 Complete a Structural Condition report for an ER double bottom tank or void space.完成一份机舱双层底油舱或干隔舱的舱室结构情况汇报报告8 Complete and calculate the monthly overtime for ER Ratings知晓机舱员工月度加班时间计算和报告方法9 Maintain and ensure correct entries into ER Log Book知晓机舱轮机日志的保管和填写方法10 11

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