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1、外研版九年级上册Module5单词短语测试与练习精Module 51 往楼上,在楼上2 n. 展览,展览会3 n. 规则,法则4 违反规定5 遇上麻烦,处于困境6 n. 尾,尾巴7 n. 粗绳,绳索8 n. 进入权,进入许可9 禁止入内10 不合适的, 不方便的 11 难怪,不足不奇 12 adj. 找不到的,失踪的 14 v. 惩罚,惩处15 n. 复数 通信 16 n. 物理学17 n. 化学18 v. 挖掘,掘 (洞 19 n. 煤20 n. 能量,能源 21 n. X 射线, X 光 22 n. 实验23 n. 沙,沙子 24 v. 操作,操纵 25 n. 卡车,货车 26 n. 轮子

2、,车轮 27 比较 与 28 所有年龄段的 29 adj. 全部的,整个的词组:1. 拍照2. 违反规定3. 难怪4. 粗鲁的5. 上楼 /下楼6. 确信7. 乘船旅行8. 穿上9. 发高烧10. 准时11. 发送电子邮件 12. 写下13. 陷入麻烦 14. 破坏规则 15. 保持安静 16. 与 . 不同 17. 欢迎到 . 18. 吵闹的19. 问题的答案 20. 物理实验 21. 查明,找出 22. 同 . 作比较 23. 足够快24. 不仅 . 而且 . 25. 某些新东西 26. 免费的27. 务必28. 在全世界 29. 允许某人做某事 30. 成千上万的31. 发出噪音32.

3、靠近33. 在 . 和 . 之间 34. 顺便拜访35. 考虑36. 不合适的;不方便的 37. 难怪38并且;还;也 39. 所有年龄段的 40. 期盼;期待41. 注意;留心42. 到达43. 禁止游泳44. 按时;准时【用法集萃】1. 需要做某事2. 我也是。3. 多么 . 一个 . !4. (某人怎么了?5. 注意(做某事6. 期待做某事希望做某事希望做某事7. 没有做某事Module 51.take a photo 拍照2.against the rule 违反规定 wonder 难怪 rude 粗鲁的5.go upstairs/downstairs 上楼 /下楼6.

4、be sure 确信7.take a boat trip 乘船旅行8.put on 穿上9.have a high fever 发高烧10.on time 准时11.send an email 发送电子邮件 12.write down 写下13.gei into trouble 陷入麻烦 14.break the rule 破坏规则 15.keep quiet 保持安静 different from 与 . 不同 17.welcome to 欢迎到 noisy 吵闹的19.answers to questions 问题的答案 20.physics experiments

5、 物理实验 21.find out 查明,找出 pare.with. 同 . 作比较 enough 足够快 well as 不仅 . 而且 . 25.something new 某些新东西 free 免费的27.make sure 务必 the whole world 在全世界29.allow sb. to do sth. 允 许 某 人 做 某 事 30.thousands of 成千上万的31.make a noise 发出噪音 to 靠近33.between .and . 在 . 和 . 之间34.drop in 顺便拜访3

6、5.think about 考虑 good不合适的;不方便的 wonder难怪38as well as并且;还;也39.of all ages所有年龄段的40.look forward to期盼;期待 attention to注意;留心42.arrive at/in到达43.No swimming.禁止游泳44.on time按时;准时【用法集萃】1.need to do sth. 需要做某事2.Me too. 我也是。3.What a/an +形容词 +名词单数! 多么 . 一 个 . !4.Whats the matter (with sb.? (某人怎么了

7、? attention to (doing sth. 注意(做某事6.look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事hope to do sth. 希望做某事expect to do sth. 希望做某事7.without doing sth. 没有做某事U1完成句子1. If you often make the same mistakes, your teacher will probably p_ you.2. Dont smoke in the library.It;s against the _(规则 。3. What a poor monkey! It

8、has no _(尾巴 4. I want to go _(楼上 to get my basketball.5. It is a pity that my mobile phone is _(丢失的 。 What should I do?单选( 1. Mum,can I go skating there?Im afraid you cant.It says _A.NO PHOTOS B. NO TALKING C.DANGER D. NO SWINMMING( 2. I like playing basketball.-_!A. Ill take your advice B.The same

9、to you C.Congratulations D.Me,too( 3.When you are _, you can come to me for help.A. in trouble B. out trouble C . in matter D. in dangerous( 4.Please give Alice the storybook _ you see her.A.unless B.or C.but D. if( 5.Tom,_afraid of speaking in front of people.A. dont B.not C.not be D.dont be句型转换1.

10、Its an interesting story.(改为感叹句 _ _ interesting story.2. Open the door, please(改为否定句 _ _ the door, please.3. Lets go to the Animal Room,_ _?(反义疑问句 4. His car .(对划线提问 _ _ _ with his car?5.I have to look after my father.(改为否定句 I _ _ to look after my father.U2完成句子1. The _(沙子 on the beach is white and c

11、lean.2. You have to control a kind of truck on _(轮子 to move the stone into the correct position.3. As you know, I prefer physics to _(化学 4. She is busy doing her work the _(全部的 day.5. Children _(挖 many holes on the beach last night.单选1. This movie is _ for an eight-year-old child to understand.A. en

12、ough easy B.enough easily C. asy enough D.easily enough2. Is there _ in todays newspaper?A.interesting anything B.anything interesting C.interesting something D. something interesting 3.Listening is just as _ as speaking in language learning.A.important B.more important C.most important D.the most i

13、mportant 4.We often compare children _the rising B. with D.as5.Be careful!The glass_ hot water.A.full of B.fill with C. is filled with fulled of适当形式填空1. There is no _(shout and no _(run in the classroom.2. _ (enter to the Science Museum is free.So you can stay in it as _as you lik

14、e.3. People use coal _(create energy.4. Its too _(noisehere. Please be quiet.5. The museum is open _(dayfrom 10 am to 6 pm.句型转换1. There isnt any milk in the glass.(同义句 There _ _milk in the glass.2. His sister is not only a singer, but also a dancer.(同义句 His sister is not only a dancer _ _ _ a singer

15、.3. You mustnt tell the truth to him.(改为祈使句 Please _ _ the truth to him.4. We enjoyed ourselves in the Science Museum.(同义句 We _ _ _ _ in the Science Museum.5. The bottle is full of water.(同义句 The bottle _ _ _ water.U31. English isnt as _ as Chinese.-Maybe,its just because Chinese is your native lang

16、uage.A.easy B.easily C.easier D. easiest2. Tom,its cold outside._ your coat when you go out.A.Take off B.Put on C. Put away D.Take away3.The teachers hope all of us can hand_ our homework _ time every day.A. up;in B.out;on C.on; in D. in;on4. Grandpa Wang exercises every day.-_he looks much younger

17、than his age.A.No problem B.No wonder C.It seems that D.I bet适当形式填空1. We take the lift up to the _(fivefloor.2. If the machine _(not start immediately in winter,_ (waitfor several minutes.3. We have just finished _(readthe novel about Mo Yan.4. The painting shows a young woman _ (smile.句型转换1. Im hop

18、ing to get a good mark.(改为同义句 Im _ _ _ _ a good mark.2. Yesterday she got to the hotel.(同义句 Yesterday she _ _ the hotel.3. You mustnt eat or drink in class.(同义句 No _ and _ in class.4. 划线提问 _ _ can we stay in the museum?根据句意完成下列句子。1. 吸烟是违反校规的。 Its _ _ _ of the school to smoke.2. 雨下得太大了。难怪你来晚了! It rai

19、ned quite heavily. _ _ that you were late!3. 禁止喧哗!同学们正在安静地做作业。 _ _! The students are doing their homework quietly.4. 如果你遇到麻烦,请立刻给我打电话。 If you are _ _, please call me at once.5. 难怪格林先生想换工作。 _ _ Mr Green is thinking about6. 你的妹妹怎么了?她看起来很不开心。_ _ _ with your sister?She looks very unhappy1. 这些人找新工作有困难。 T

20、hese people _ new jobs.2. 难怪他今天早晨迟到,因为他昨晚熬夜看电视了。_ he was late this morning, because he _ to watch TV last night.3. 戴维已独自离开了。 David has gone _.4. 你不能在博物馆里给展品照相。You must _ the exhibits in the museum.5. 他总是尝试新想法直到成功。 He always kept _ new ideas until he succeeded.6. 只要你愿意,你可以呆在科技馆里很长时间,因为它每天都开放而且免费。You

21、can stay in the Science Museum_ you like, because its _ and free. 7. 我没注意他在说什么。 I wasnt _ what he was saying. Both Lucy and Tony_(be from America.= _ _ Lucy _ _ Tony _ (be from America.= Lucy _ Tony_ (be from America.否定句 _ Lucy _Tony _ (be from America根据提示写一篇日记,记录十月一日(星期一。你和你的朋友曹刚一起去参观上海博物馆的事。词数:70左右。1. 距离:博物馆离家约两公里;2. 交通工具:决定骑自行车去;3. 时间:八点出发,十点回家;

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