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新概念英语第一册自学笔记 Lessons7396.docx

1、新概念英语第一册自学笔记 Lessons7396新概念英语第一册自学笔记 Lessons73-74课文详注 Further notes on the text1She does not know London very well. 她对伦敦不很熟悉。knowwell这一短语意为“对了解”。又如:I dont know him very well. 我不太了解他。2, and she lost her way. 因此她迷路了。句中的 and当“所以”讲,表示结果。 lose ones way, 迷路。3ask(sb.) the way, (向某人)问路。4say to oneself, 心中暗想

2、。注意:talk to oneself意为“自言自语地说”。5Can you tell me the way to King Street, please? 您能告诉我到国王街怎么走吗?tell sb. the way(to), 告诉某人(去的)路。6cut himself cut his face。以整体代替部分是英语中的一种修辞格,叫提喻(merism merim)。语法 Grammar in use1副词副词(adverb)这个词的本意是补充动词的意义。这就是许多副词的作用。它们可以通过修饰动词告诉我们有关句中某个动作的情况,也就是告诉我们某事是如何、何时、何地等发生或进行的。副词可以是

3、单个的词(如 slowly)或词组(如 very well)。单一副词既有以-ly结尾的也有不以-ly结尾的(如 quickly, fast)。形容词向副词的转换一般遵循3个规则:(1)在形容词后面直接加-ly,如:quick-quicklyhurried-hurriedlypleasant-pleasantlywarm-warmly(2)以-y结尾的形容词,则把-y改成-i,再加-ly,如:thirsty-thirstilyhappy-happily(3)形容词与副词形式相同:late-latefast-fasthard-hardwell-well2部分不规则动词的过去式形式go-wents

4、ee-sawunderstand-understoodtake-tookread-read reddrink-drankrun-ranknow-knewsay-saidput-putcut-cuteat-atemeet-metcome-camelose-losttell-toldspeak-spokefind-foundgive-gaveswim-swamhave-had词汇学习 Word study1lose v.(1)迷失;(使)迷路:She did not know London very well, and she lost her way. 她对伦敦不很熟悉,因此迷了路。Its ve

5、ry easy to lose your way in a strange city. 在一个陌生的城市里,你很容易迷路。(2)失去;丧失:He lost his sight in a car accident. 他在一起汽车交通事故中失明了。She has just lost her job because of carelessness. 她刚刚因疏忽大意而丢了工作。(3)遗失;丢失:I cant enter my house because Ive lost my key on my way home. 我进不了自己的房子,因为在回家的路上我把钥匙丢了。We lost her in th

6、e crowd. 我们在人群中找不见她了。2understand v.(1)理解;懂:He doesnt understand English and you can try French. 他不懂英语,你可以试试法语。I dont understand what you mean. 我不明白你的意思。(2)明了;了解;得知:How the machine works is still not fully understood. 这台机器到底是如何运转的仍未被完全弄清楚。Only today have I begun to understand the politicalsituation i

7、n Northern Ireland. 直到今天我才了解了北爱尔兰的政治局势。练习答案 Key to written exercisesLesson 74A1 He read the phrase slowly.2 He worked lazily.3 He cut himself badly.4 He worked carefully.5 The door opened suddenly.B(sample sentences)1 He does not know me very well.2 She worked very hard.3 She smiled pleasantly.4 The

8、 bus went hurriedly.5 He shaved slowly.6 She drank a glass of water thirstily.7 He greeted me warmly.8 We enjoyed ourselves very much.新概念英语第一册自学笔记 Lessons75-76课文详注 Further notes on the text1Do you have any shoes like these? 像这样的鞋你们有吗?这个句子里的 like these是介词短语作定语,修饰 shoes,意思是“像这样的鞋子”。2 What size? 什么尺码的?

9、这是一个省略句,后面省略了 do you want。下文中的 What colour? 同样也是省略句。 what size通常用来询问服装、鞋子、手套等的尺寸,即什么号码:What size do you wear? 你穿几码的?3They are very uncomfortable.的确很不舒适。这个句子中的are用斜体表示强调,应重读。这里的强调表明了售货员对女士所说的话的反感和愤怒。语法 Grammar in use一般过去时与时间短语一般过去时通常与表示确切的过去时间的短语连用。这些短语一般是 last+ 表示时间的名词、一段时间+ago等。(1) last weekmonthye

10、arnight(上星期上个月去年昨夜):Did you watch the television last night? 你昨晚看电视了吗?(2) two minuteshoursdaysweeksmonthsyears ago(两分钟小时天周月年前):She bought the shoes two months ago. 她两个月之前买的鞋。(3)in+ 过去某一年:We first met him in 1980. 我们 1980年初次见到他。(4)yesterday(昨天), yesterday evening(昨天晚上), the week before last(前一个星期), t

11、he month before last(前一个月), the year before last(前年), the day before yesterday(前天), the night before last(前天夜里):She dusted the cupboard the day before yesterday. 她前天清扫了橱柜。词汇学习 Word study1wear v.(1)穿着;戴着;佩带着:But women always wear uncomfortable shoes! 可是女人们总是穿不舒适的鞋子!Look at the beautiful silk scarf sh

12、es wearing! 瞧她围着的那条漂亮的丝绸围巾!She never wears perfume. 她从不用香水。(2)面带;呈现;保持:Hes wearing a cheerful smile. 他面带着快活的微笑。He wears his dignity even in great adversity. 他即使身处逆境也仍保持着自己的尊严。2uncomfortable adj.(1)不舒服的:She feels uncomfortable in tight boots. 她穿着紧的长统靴感到不舒服。(2)不安的;不自在的:Youll have an uncomfortable feel

13、ing if you sit there alone. 如果你独自一人坐在那儿,你会有种不安的感觉。He often feels uncomfortable with strangers. 与陌生人在一起他通常感到不自在。(3)令人不舒服的,不舒适的:This pair of shoes look very uncomfortable. 这双鞋看上去很不舒适。Its really an uncomfortable day! 这真是令人难受的一天!练习答案 Key to written exercisesLesson 76A1 She met her friends yesterday.2 Th

14、ey drank some milk yesterday.3 He swam in the river yesterday.4 She took him to school yesterday.5 He cut himself yesterday(morning).B1 When did you walk across the park?I walked across the park last week.2 When did you wash your hands?I washed my hands a minute ago.3 When did you work in an office?

15、I worked in an office the year before last.4 When did you ask a question?I asked a question five minutes ago.5 When did you type those letters?I typed those letters a month ago.6 When did you watch television?I watched television every day this week.7 When did you talk to the shop assistant?I talked

16、 to the shop assistant last month.8 When did you thank your father?I thanked my father an hour ago.9 When did you dust the cupboard?I dusted the cupboard three days ago.10 When did you paint that bookcase?I painted that bookcase the year before last.11 When did you want a car like that one?I wanted

17、a car like that one a year ago.12 When did you greet her?I greeted her a minute ago.新概念英语第一册自学笔记 Lessons77-78课文详注 Further notes on the text1I want to see the dentist, please. 我想见牙科医生。I want to see sb., please 这一句式是表示想见某人时常用的句式之一。2have an appointment(with sb.),(与某人)有约会。I have an appointment with my d

18、entist at 3 p.m. 我已约定下午3点去看牙医。3Is it urgent? 急吗?这里的it指“要见牙医”这件事。4Can you come at 10 a. m. on Monday, April 24th?您在 4 月24日星期一上午10点钟来可以吗?Can you come at? 这一句式通常用来约定见面时间。注意英语中的时间次序一般是由小到大,与汉语正好相反。又如:on July 2nd, 1988(在1988年7月2日), at seven on June 3rd, 1989 (在 1989年 6月 3日 7点)。 a. m. (=ante meridiem) 上午,

19、有时写成A. M. 或AM;下午则是p. m. (=post meridiem),有时写成 P. M. 或 PM。5I must see我必须见比 I want to see语气上要更强些,表达说话人某种强烈的愿望或需求。6at the moment, 正在说话的这会儿,此时。7Cant you wait till this afternoon? 您就不能等到今天下午了吗?这是情态助动词的否定疑问句形式,表示请求。语法 Grammar in use否定疑问句否定疑问句可以表示说话者惊异的情绪、责难的口吻或赞叹;也可表示说话者的某种建议、邀请、请求或看法等。请看下列疑问句的简略否定式:(be:)

20、 Arent you a student? 难道你不是学生吗?Isnt it hot here? 这里难道不热吗?(can:) Cant you wait a moment? 你不能等一会儿吗?(have:) Havent I asked you? 难道我没问过你吗?(do:) Dont you want to stay with us? 你难道不愿意与我们呆在一起吗?(did:) Didnt you see him yesterday? 难道你昨天没看见他吗?回答这种问题时用简略回答。如果答语是肯定的,就用 Yes;如果答语是否定的,就用No。不过,这种答语的汉语译法有特殊之处。一般否定疑问

21、句有完全式和简略式之分,它们的词序是不同的。完全式:Is she not a nurse? 她不是一位护士吗?简略式:Isnt she a nurse? 她不是一位护士吗?词汇学习 Word study1 urgent adj.(1)紧迫的;急迫的:Theres an urgent message for you. 这里有你的一个要紧的口信儿。The children in that area are in urgent need of medical attention. 那个地区的孩子们急需得到医疗方面的关注。(2)催促的;坚持要求的:The cries and shouts became

22、 louder and more urgent. 哭喊声越来越响,更加急迫。2appointment n. 约会;约定:I have made an appointment with Doctor Smith on next Tuesday. 我与史密斯大夫约好了在下星期二见面。When is your lunch appointment? 你与别人共进午餐的约会定在什么时候?Once youve made an appointment, you should try to keep it. 一旦你定好约会的事情,那么你应努力守约。练习答案 Key to written exercisesLe

23、sson 78A1 She buys a new car every year. She bought a new car last year.2 She airs the room every day. She aired it this morning.3 He often loses his pen. He lost his pen this morning.4 She always listens to the news. She listened to the news yesterday.5 She empties this basket every day. She emptie

24、d it yesterday.B1 I painted the room in 1996.2 She met him on 5th November.3 They arrived a quarter to eleven.4 He lost his pen on Saturday.新概念英语第一册自学笔记 Lessons79-80课文详注 Further notes on the text1 And Im not going to get any!不过,我不打算去买!这里get表示“买”,与buy同义:Ill get a new bike for you. 我将给你买辆新自行车来。2grocer

25、ies, 食品杂货。语法 Grammar in usemust与 need(1)must 表示“必须”、“应当”:I must go to the grocers. 我得去趟杂货店。You mustnt make a noise! 你不该弄出噪音来!Must I call the doctor? 我必须请大夫吗?(2)need表示“需要”、“必须”。作助动词时多用于疑问句和否定句,如:Need I make an appointment? 我需要约一下时间吗?You need not hurry. 你不必太匆忙。need也可作实义动词,这时就要有人称、数及时态上的变化,疑问句中也需用助动词 d

26、o。如:We need a lot of things this week. 我们这周需要许多东西。He needs some money. 他需要一些钱。Do you need any sugar? 你需要一些糖吗?What do they need this week? 他们这周需要什么东西?词汇学习 Word study1hope(1)v. 希望;盼望;期待:I hope that youll have a lovely vacation. 我希望你能有一个愉快的假期。Marks hoping to study Law at Harvard. 马克盼望着进入哈佛大学学习法律。I hope

27、 that youve got some money. 我希望你有了些钱。(2)n. 希望,期望;指望:We are full of hope for the future. 我们对未来充满信心。(3)n. 期望着的事;被寄予希望的人:His hope is that his son will get married and settle down soon. 他所希望的是他儿子能早点结婚,安顿下来。He is a young man of genius, the hope of Russian poetry. 他是一位年轻的天才,是俄罗斯诗歌的希望所在。2need(1)v. 需要:We ne

28、ed some honey. 我们需要些蜂蜜。Do you need any help? 你需要帮忙吗?Does he need to know? 他需要知道吗?(2)n. 需要(物);必要:There is no need of worrying. 不必担心。Theres a growing need of new housing in many cities. 许多城市正面临着对新建房屋的不断增长的需求。We dont have any urgent need for money. 我们并不急需钱。练习答案 Key to written exercisesLesson 80A1 I hav

29、ent got much butter.2 You havent got many envelopes.3 We havent got much milk.4 She hasnt got many biscuits.5 They havent got much stationery.B1 They need a lot of bread. They havent got much.They must go to the bakers to get some bread.2 She needs a lot of eggs. She hasnt got many.She must go to the grocers to get some eggs.

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