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1、深圳小学小升初英语总复习四形容词副词比较级最高级深圳小学小升初英语总复习四:形容词副词比较级最高级形容词和副词的比较级、最高级Part 、复习上节课内容(课后作业讲解)Part 、精讲精练 (典型例题 方法指导) 第6讲 形容词副词形容词和副词的比较级、最高级(Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs)I. 形容词比较级和最高级的形式一、形容词比较级和最高级的构成构 成 法原 级比 较 级最 高 级 一般单音节词末尾加-er 和 -eststrongstrongerstrongest 单音节词如果以-e结尾,只加-r 和-ststrangestrangerstr

2、angest 闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er和-estsadbighotsadderbiggerhottersaddestbiggesthottest 少数以-y, -er(或-ure), -ow, -ble结尾的双音节词, 末尾加-er和-est(以-y结尾的词,如y前是辅音字母, 把y变成i,再加-er和-est,以-e结尾的词仍加-r和-st)angryclevernarrownobleangriercleverernarrowernoblerangriestcleverestnarrowestnoblest 其他双音节和多音节词都在前面加单词mo

3、re和mostdifficultmore difficultmost difficult二、不规则形容词的比较级和最高级形式原 级比 较 级最 高 级good / well better bestbad / illworse worstmany / muchmore mostlittle fewlessleastfar farther / further farthest / furthestII. 副词比较级和最高级的形式副词比较级和最高级的变化形式与形容词基本上一样。一、一般副词hardharder hardest fastfaster fastestlatelater latest ea

4、rlyearlier earliest二、特殊副词well better best much more mostbadly worse worst little less least 三、开放类副词开放类副词即以后缀-ly结尾的副词不能像形容词那样加-er或-est,而应在副词原形前加more或most。如:quickly more quickly most quickly quietly more quietly most quietly III. 形容词与副词比较级和最高级的基本用法一、比较级1比较级通常由 “形容词(副词)比较级+than+” 构成,表示在两者中间一方比另一方“更加”。连

5、词than后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、-ing结构和-ed结构,有时也可省去than。如:Mary is happier than Jane. 玛丽比珍妮幸福。(形容词和系词连用)He lives more happily than I. 他过得比我幸福。(副词修饰行为动词)2注意than前后两项相比较的人或事物要一致。如:The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than it did for us.Sound travels faster through wat

6、er than through air. 3 比较级前还可用much, even, still, a little等词语来修饰,表示“得多”,“甚至”, “更”,“一些”等意思。如:Japan is a little larger than Germany. 日本比德国大一点儿。用“times + 形容词的比较级 + than”句式表示倍数;用“表示数量的词 + 比较级”来表示具体的比较差别。如:Our room is twice larger than theirs. 我们的房间比他们的大两倍。He is a head taller than I. 他比我高一头。 4隐含比较级1)有时比较级

7、并不一定出现than,这时通过上下文可暗示出。如:Are you feeling better now 你现在感觉好些了吗2)有些形容词在表示比较的时候,跟“to”而不用“than”。如:prior to 较早的,较重要的superior to优越,高于inferior to 下等的,次的senior to 年长的,地位高的junior to年幼的,地位低的,迟的preferable to 更好的 The task is prior to all others. 这项任务比其他所有的任务都重要。In maths he felt superior to John. 他觉得自己数学比约翰强。He

8、is two years senior to me. 他比我大两岁。Health without riches is preferable to riches without health. 贫穷但健康要比富有却多病更可取。二、最高级1最高级用于三者以上比较,形容词的结构形式是“定冠词形容词最高级名词表示范围的短语或从句” (如of all, of the three, in the world, that has ever taken place等)。如:Of all of the writers in England, William Shakespeare is the most wid

9、ely known. 2副词的最高级与形容词最高级的区别在于最高级前没有定冠词the。如:He runs fastest of the three. 三个人中他跑得最快。3当用介词短语表明形容词最高级的比较范围,作介词宾语的名词或代词与句中的主语属同一类人或物,并把主语包括在内时,用介词of;如不属于同一类人或物,而只说明在某一时间、空间范围内的比较时,用介词in。如:He is the tallest of the four boys. ( He 与boy属同类)He is the tallest in our class. ( He与 class不属同类)4可以用原级,比较级,最高级三种形

10、式来表示最高级的意思。如:She is the best student in her class. She is better than any other student in her class. No other student in her class is better than she. No other student in her class is as good as she.形容词练习1.写出下列形容词的比较级及最高级形式。1.nice 2. hot 3. slow 4. late 5. happy 6.fat 7.heavy 9.far 10.wide 11.good/

11、well 12.beautiful 13.bad/ill 14.much/many 15.clever 16.important 8.thin 2.将下列各组单词重新排序.使构成有意义地词组。1. fat, the, cat, white_2. Olympics, green, a, great_3. expensive, that, jacket,, book., interesting, thick_5. round, three, plates, yellow_3.根据括号中的形容词.用asas或than写出表示比较的句子。1. I weigh 48 kilogra

12、ms(公斤)and my brother weighs 52 kilograms.(heavy)_2. My ring costs 100 yuan and your ring costs 2000 yuan.(expensive) _3. This pool is 20 meters long and that pool is 30 meters long.(long) _4. There are twenty-one boys and sixteen girls in our class.(large) _5. Andy s mother and father are both 36 ye

13、ars old.(old) _副词练习1.把下列形容词变成副词1.good 2. bad 3. easy 4.happy 5.loud 6.slow 7.deep 8.careful 9.sad 10.quiet 11.angry 12.real 13.correct 14.honest 15.clear 16.quick 17.lucky 18.heavy 2.写出下列副词的反义词1.late 2.after 3.less 4.always 5.better 7.dangerously 8.weakly 3.根据中文意思.连词成句.注意副词的位置和顺序1.莉莉每天七点起床。(a

14、t. every day. Lily. gets up. seven oclock) _2.刚才他飞快地跑上楼去了。(he. ran. just now. fast. upstairs) _3.我妹妹每天早上都会在花园里愉快的唱歌。(sings. in the garden. my sister. every morning. happily) _4.这个女孩来自美国华盛顿。(the. Washington. comes from. USA. girl) _5.他们星期天在公园玩的很开心。(on Sunday. played. they. in the park. happily) _Part

15、 、课后作业consolidation homework工作纸、测试卷1、选择填空1. My sister is getting _.A. fater and fater B. fatter and fatter C. more fatter and fatter D. more and more fatter2. They are _to us than before. A. friend B. friendly C. more friendly D. friendier3. Jack is the _ boy _our class. A. tallest. in B. taller. in

16、 C. most tall. of D. more tall. of4. It is not _ warm _ yesterday. Put on more clothes.A. so . on B. so. in C. as .at D. as. as5. Hamgzhou is one of _cities I have visited.A. beautiful B. beauitifulier C. more beautiful D. the most beautiful2.选择填空1. -How was the weather yesterday?-It was terrible. I

17、t snowed _.He could _come back in time.A. hard. hard B. heavy. hardly C. heavily. hard D. hard. hardly2. -Do you wash clothes by hands -_. I usually wash clothes by washing machine.A. Much B. Often C. Seldom D. Little3. Jane is a _dancer and she dances_.A. good. well B. well. well C. earlier than D.

18、 later than4. My mother had to work last night. so she went to bed _me.A. as earlier as B. as early as C. earlier than D. later than5. Both Andy and I drive slowly. Tom drives fast. So Tom drives _of all.A. slower B. the slowest C. faster D. the fastest强化训练:一)、写出下列形容词或副词的比较级 old_ young_ tall_ long_

19、short_ strong_ big_ small_ fat_ thin_ heavy_ light_ nice_ good_ beautiful_ low_ high_ slow_ fast_ late_ early_ far_ well_二)、根据句意填入单词的正确形式:1. My brother is two years _(old)than me.2. Tom is as _(fat) as Jim.3. Is your sister _(young) than you Yes,she is.4. Who is _(thin),you or Helen Helen is.5. Whos

20、e pencil-box is _(big),yours or hers Hers is.6. Marys hair is as _(long) as Lucys.7.Ben _ (jump) _ (high) than some of the boys in his class.8._ Nancy sing _ (well) than Helen Yes, she _.9.Fangfang is not as _ (tall) as the other girls.10.My eyes are _(big) than _ (she).11.Which is _(heavy),the elep

21、hant or the pig?12.Who gets up _(early),Tim or Tom?13._the girls get up_(early) than the boys?No,they_.14. Jim runs _(slow). But Ben runs _(slow).15.The child doesnt_(write) as _(fast) as the students.三)、翻译句子:1、谁比Jim年纪大?是你。_ is _than Jim? _ are2、谁比David更强壮?是Gao Shan._ _ than David? Gao Shan _.3、谁的铅笔

22、更长,他的还是她的?我想是她的。_ pencil is _,_or_is,I think.4、谁的苹果更重,你的姐姐的还是你的弟弟的? 我的弟弟的。_ apples _ _,your _ or your _My _ _.5、你和你的叔叔一样高吗?是的。_ _as _as your uncle?Yes,I am.6、他和他的朋友Jim一样年轻。He _ as _ as _ _ Jim.7、她和她的双胞胎哥哥一样胖吗?不,她比他瘦。_ _ as _ as_ twin _No, _ _ than him.8.Yang Ling每天睡得比SuYang晚。Yang Ling _ to _ _ than

23、Su Yang every day.9.我跳得和Mike一样远。I _ as _ as Mike.10.Tom比你跑得快吗?不是的,他和我跑得一样快。_ Tom _ _ than you?No,he _. He_ as_ as_.11.多做运动,你会更强壮。_ more exercise,youll _ _ soon.12.我的科学很好,但是语文不好。I _ _ at Science.But I dont _ well in Chinese.13. 你放风筝比王兵放得高吗?不,我比他放得低。_you_the kite_than Wang bing?No,I_it _than_.14.我喜欢游泳

24、。我所有的朋友都游得比我慢。I like_.All my_ _ _than me.15.我的姐姐起得比我早。My_ _ up _than me.16.女孩比男孩唱得好吗?是的。_the girls_ _ _the boys Yes,they _.17.她不擅长体育。但我跳得没有她高。She doesnt _ _ in PE. But I dont _ _than_.18.你足球踢得比你的同班同学好吗?不,他们踢得和我一样好。_ you _football _than your classmates?No,they_as_as me.19我母亲比我父亲年纪小。My_ _ _than my _.20.她的毛衣和我的一样重。_sweater_ as_as_.21.我的连衣裙太短了。我想买一条大点的。My dress_ too_. I want to _a_one.22. Im taller than Mike .(该成用原级的比较)Im _ as _ as Mike .

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