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英语 中考英语完形填空 章末测试1.docx

1、英语 中考英语完形填空 章末测试1【英语】 中考英语完形填空 章末测试1一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析)1完形填空 We sometimes call the lion the king of the forest, because it is stronger and more dangerous than other animals. It can 1 faster than many animals and hunt the best. It is the highest animal in the 2 food chain. In the sea, the shark is on

2、e of the animals at the top of the food chain. It can swim faster than 3 other sea animals, and it can use its big teeth to eat them. What is at the top of the worlds food chain? People are! We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the 4 . We could not run faster than cheetahs(猎豹), so we 5 cars

3、 and now we can move the fastest. We could not fight better than lions, so we invented guns. Now we can hunt the best. Peoples inventions are clever, but they can be 6 , too. For example, people built 7 , and now they make the air and rivers dirty. This can make terrible changes. Dirty rivers kill f

4、ish. 8 bears cannot eat the fish. If we kill one part of the food chain, other parts also will die. Remember that we are a part of the food chain, 9 we are in danger, too! If we protect animals, we are protecting 10 ! We could and we should do something for the world!1. A. walkB. swimC. runD. jump2.

5、 A. seaB. landC. mountainD. desert3. A. mostB. anotherC. anyD. more4. A. strongestB. cleverestC. most specialD. most important5. A. usedB. hadC. inventedD. made6. A. interestingB. dangerousC. carefulD. helpful7. A. factoriesB. hotelsC. schoolsD. hospitals8. A. IfB. WhenC. WhileD. Then9. A. andB. soC

6、. butD. or10. A. ourselvesB. oneselfC. yourselvesD. themselves【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)C;(4)B;(5)C;(6)B;(7)A;(8)D;(9)B;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文通过介绍食物链上动物之间的关系,告诉我们要保护动物,保护食物链,从而保护生态平衡。 (1)句意:它能比许多动物跑得更快,而且捕猎得最好。 A.walk走; B.swim游泳; C.run跑步; D.jump 跳。根据 hunt the best 捕猎得最好,可知应该是跑,故选C。 (2)句意:是陆地食物链中最高的动物。 A. se

7、a海洋 ; B. land 陆地; C. mountain 山; D. desert 沙漠。根据常识狮子生活在陆地上可知应该是陆地,故选B。 (3)句意:它游得比其他任何海洋动物都快。 A. most 大部分,后跟名词复数; B. another 另一个,后跟单数名词; C. any 一些,后跟名词或other; D. more 更多,后跟名词。根据句语法知识,故选C。 (4)句意:但是我们是最聪明的。 A. strongest 强壮的; B. cleverest 最聪明的; C. most special 最特别的; D. most important 最重要的。根据 so we inven

8、ted guns. Now we can hunt the best. 可知我们发明枪,捕猎最好。应该是最聪明的,故选B。 (5)句意:所以我们发明了汽车现在我们可以跑得最快了。 A. used 用; B. had 有; C. invented 发明; D. made 制造。根据 now we can move the fastest.现在我们可以跑得最快了 。可知应该是发明汽车,故选C。 (6)句意:人们的发明是聪明的,但是他们可能也是危险的。 A. interesting 有趣的; B. dangerous 危险的; C. careful 细心的; D. helpful 有帮助的。根据 n

9、ow they make the air and rivers dirty. 可知他们污染河流,应该是危险的,故选B。 (7)句意:例如人们建造工厂。 A. factories 工厂; B. hotels 旅馆; C. schools 学校; D. hospitals 医院。根据 now they make the air and rivers dirty .可知他们污染河流。应该是工厂,故选A。 (8)句意:那时熊不能吃鱼。 A. If 如果; B. When 什么时候; C. While 当.时候; D. Then 那时。根据 Dirty rivers kill fish. 脏的河水杀死鱼

10、。可知那时熊不能吃鱼,故选D。 (9)句意:所以我们也有危险!记住,我们是食物链的一部分,所以我们也有危险! A. and 和,表并列; B. so 所以,表结果; C. but 但是,表转折; D. or 或者,表选择。根据 Remember that we are a part of the food chain, 记住,我们是食物链的一部分,可知应用所以,故选B。 (10)句意:如果我们保护动物,就是保护我们自己。 A. ourselves 我们自己; B. oneself 自己; C. yourselves 你自己;D. themselves他们自己;反身代词作宾语时,反身代词应与句中

11、的主语保持一致,主语是we,应用 ourselves ,故选A。 【点评】答题首先要跳过空格,通读文章掌握大意,然后细读文章 字斟句酌作答,注意考虑句型句法搭配,语境等因素,最后通读一遍验证答案。2阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Miss Chan, our class teacher, is my favorite teacher. We are going to 1 this school and I will miss her very much. Miss Chan is very patient. Whenever we 2 ques

12、tions in class, she explains to us very carefully. She is also 3 because she cares much about us. She often says to us. Tell me immediately if you feel unhappy. Share your 4 with me and do not just try to solve it by yourself. Miss Clran is very generous(慷慨的). One day, she gave each of us a book, Th

13、ree Days to See, and told 5 We should read more. She once chose our monitor as the most helpful student, and gave him a set of stationery(文具)as a 6 .When she is free, she 7 helps us with our studies and weve made great progress. Not only do all of us like Miss Chan, but Miss Chan also likes my class

14、 because she thinks all of us are 8 . She always says she thinks herself very 9 to be the teacher of my class. In fact, Miss Chan is the most thoughtful (体贴的) teacher I have ever met. She always thinks about our feelings. I hope I will go to a high school with 10 as good as Miss Chan.1. A. leaveB. k

15、nowC. meetD. choose2. A. spellB. trainC. askD. remember3. A. surprisedB. humorousC. strangeD. kind4. A. chanceB. problemC. advantageD. skill5. A. themB. youC. usD. him6. A. giftB. markC. smileD. joke7. A. seldomB. oftenC. neverD. hardly8. A. difficultB. carelessC. unableD. excellent9. A. luckyB. sil

16、lyC. angryD. worried10. A. starsB. touristsC. teachersD. scientists【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)D;(4)B;(5)C;(6)A;(7)B;(8)D;(9)A;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:主要介绍了自己最喜欢的婵老师。 (1)句意:我们要离开这所学校,我会非常想念她的。A 离开;B 知道;C 遇见;D 选择。根据下文语句I will miss her very much.提示可知,我将离开这所学校,故选A。 (2)句意:每当我们在课堂上提问时,她都非常仔细地向我们解释。A 拼写;B 训练;C 询问;D 想起。

17、 根据下文语句she explains to us very carefully.推测我们询问的问题,故选C。 (3)句意:她也很好,因为她很关心我们。A 惊奇;B 幽默;C 奇怪;D 善良,好。根据下文语句because she cares much about us.提示可知,我们的老师非常的善良,故选D。 (4)句意:她经常对我们说。”如果你不高兴,马上告诉我。和我分享你的烦恼,不要只想自己解决。”A 机会;B 问题;C 优点;D 能力。由下文语句do not just try to solve it by yourself.提示可知,老师与我们分担的是问题或烦恼,故选B。 (5)句意:

18、一天,她给了我们每人一本书假如给我三天光明,并告诉我们应该多读些书。A他们;B 你们;C 我们;D 他。根据上文语句One day, she gave each of us a book提示可知,此句是老师告诉我们,故选C。 (6)句意:她曾经选择我们的班长作为最有帮助的学生,并送给他一套文具作为礼物。A 礼物;B 记号;C 微笑;D 玩笑。根据文中的语句a set of stationery一套文具,作为礼物更为合适,故选A。 (7)句意:当她有空的时候,她经常帮助我们学习,我们取得了很大的进步。A 很少;B 经常;C 从不;D 几乎不。根据下文中的语句weve made great pro

19、gress.推测,老师经常帮助我们,故选B。 (8)句意:因为她认为我们大家都很优秀。A 困难的;B 粗心的;C 无能的;D 优秀的。根据上文but Miss Chan also likes my class推测可知,老师喜欢我们班的主要原因,我们非常优秀,故选D。 (9)句意:她总是说她认为自己很幸运成为我班的老师。A 幸运;B 愚蠢;C 生气;D 着急。根据上文语句Miss Chan also likes my class because she thinks all of us areexcellent可知,老师认为自己很幸运,故选A。 (10)句意:我希望高中能能有和陈老师一样好的老师

20、。A 明星;B 旅游者;C 老师;D 科学家。根据下文中的as goodMiss Chan.可知,Miss Chan是老师,与她一样好的,也应该是老师,故选C。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。3阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A video showing a 12-year-old boy from Moche, Peru, doing his homework on the sidewalk, under a streetlig

21、ht, has been watched several million times on Facebook after being 1 by local police. Staff at the Moche police station first 2 Victor Martin late last month, while checking security cameras (监控摄像). They found a young boy sitting on the sidewalk by 3 at night. At first, they thought he was doing som

22、ething bad, but later they realized he was 4 writing something in his notebook, taking advantage of the streetlight overhead. Moved by the boys 5 , the police shared the video on Facebook. At the time of this writing, Victors heartwarming and 6 heartbreaking story has spread all around the world. Lo

23、cal TV station 7 to find the boy and sat down with his mother to learn why he was doing his homework on the street instead of at home. It turns out that the 12-year-olds family is so 8 that they couldnt pay for electricity (电), so they just depended on a 9 during the night. Unluckily, Victor Martin

24、could 10 finish his homework before the sun went down, and recently he couldnt 11 the weak candlelight any more. One day, my son said 12 I continue with the candle, I will be crazy! Id better go outside to finish my homework, Rosa Angulo Cordoba told Panamericana TV. She 13 that Victors neck would o

25、ften become hard to move because of tilting (倾斜) his head to let the candlelight through. Victors mother said that although he 14 housework and takes care of the family sheep every day, the sixth grader takes 15 very seriously and gets good grades.1. A. sharedB. takenC. discussedD. praised2. A. metB

26、. interviewedC. noticedD. caught3. A. itselfB. yourselfC. myselfD. himself4. A. shylyB. actuallyC. carelesslyD. certainly5. A. wishB. planC. spiritD. hobby6. A. by the wayB. at leastC. at the same timeD. in the end7. A. managedB. stoppedC. promisedD. refused8. A. traditionalB. popularC. specialD. po

27、or9. A. flashB. candleC. cameraD. fire10. A. seldomB. evenC. onlyD. still11. A. changeB. standC. enjoyD. protect12. A. AlthoughB. BecauseC. IfD. Until13. A. addedB. warnedC. hopedD. lied14. A. puts offB. worries aboutC. gives upD. helps with15. A. healthB. schoolC. friendshipD. safety【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;

28、(3)D;(4)B;(5)C;(6)C;(7)A;(8)D;(9)B;(10)A;(11)B;(12)C;(13)A;(14)D;(15)B; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文通过一段视频来介绍一个来自秘鲁莫切的名叫维克多马丁的12岁男孩在街灯下的人行道上做作业,在当地警方分享后,在Facebook上被观看了数百万次。从而他的感人和心碎的故事同时也传遍了全世界。 (1)句意:一个来自秘鲁莫切的12岁男孩在街灯下的人行道上做作业,在当地警方分享后,在Facebook上被观看了数百万次。A:shared 分享;B:taken 拿走;C:discussed讨论; D:praised表扬。根据上文 A

29、video showing a 12-year-old boy from Moche, Peru, doing his homework on the sidewalk, under a streetlight, 可知只有被分享后才会在Facebook上被观看。故选A。 (2)句意:莫切警察局的工作人员在检查安全摄像头时,第一次注意到维克多马丁。A:met 见到;B:interviewed面试,采访; C:noticed注意到 D:caught抓住。根据下文while checking security cameras,可知只有在检查摄像头时才会注意到,故选C。 (3)句意:他们发现一个小男孩

30、晚上独自坐在人行道上。A:itself 它自己;B:yourself你自己; C:myself 我自己;D:himself他自己。根据by oneself ,单独地,此处指a young boy ,要用himself,故选D。 (4)句意:起初,他们认为他在做坏事,但后来他们意识到他实际上是在用头顶上的路灯在笔记本上写东西。A:shyly害羞地; B:actually实际上; C:carelessly粗心地; D:certainly当然。根据下文writing something in his notebook, taking advantage of the streetlight over

31、head.可知事实上在利用头顶上的路灯光写东西,故选B。 (5)句意:警察被这个男孩的精神所感动,在Facebook上分享了这段视频。A:wish 希望;B:plan计划; C:spirit精神; D:hobby习惯。根据下文the police shared the video on Facebook.可以推知分享的原因是被男孩的精神所感动,故选C。 (6)句意:维克多的感人和心碎的故事同时也传遍了全世界。A:by the way顺便问一下; B:at least 至少;C:at the same time同时; D:in the end最后,终于。由 Victors heartwarming and6heartbreaking story 可知感人和心碎是同时发生的,故选C。 (7)句意:当地电视台设法找到了这个男孩,并和他母亲坐下来,了解他为什么在街上而不是在家里做家庭作业。A:managed设法,管理; B:stopped停止; C:promised承诺; D:refused拒

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