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1、外文翻译丹麦的物业估价与征税本科毕业论文(设计)外 文 翻 译原文:Property valuation and taxation in denmarkIntroductionValuation of real property is carried out by various institutions and for valuation private and public purposes.E.g.private mortgage companies make their own valuation of the properties prior to determining a mor

2、tgage application,and the private real esatate agents assess the property value prior to sales or on demand from individuals.However,this paper deals with the pubilc valuation in Denmark and its interaction with the cadastre,the land registry and other relevant land information.Valuation for propert

3、y taxes is a public task and is carried out laymen oppointed as valuers by the municipal councils.Licensed surveyors do not play any official role in the valuation process or in the real estate management business.The purpose of the public valuation is to provide a clear and widely accepted backgrou

4、nd for calculation of property tax.Property taxes comprise 3,5 percent of total taxes and duties in 2000 corresponding to 22000 million DKK(approx.2600 million USD).Property valuation principlesA general valuation of all properties in Denmark was previously carried out every four years.In the years

5、in between the general valuations were updated using factors reflecting the price index development.By 1st January 1996 the 20th general valuation in Denmark took place.Since 1998 annual valuations have been introduced to replace the 4-year valuation system.The basic valuation principles are that va

6、lues for each property are assessed for the total property(land and building)as well as the land. The total property value is assessed as the full market value of the property including land and buildings but excluding machinery,furniture and animals.The value is assessed to reflect the average cash

7、 payment that a sensible buyer would pay for the property at the time of valuation.The value should also reflect the best possible economic use of the property.All public regulations such as planning regulations,preservation of buildings or nature,and rent control-must be taken into consideration.Ge

8、neral easements such as regulations for a major dwelling area are also included.Specific private regulations and easements are,however,not taken into consideration.This means that any unusual rent agreements or mortgage conditions should not influence the valuation.The land value is assessed as the

9、full market value(assumed cash payment)of the land without the buildings or other constructions facilities.Again,the value is assessed to reflect the best possible economic use of the land-disregarding any existing buildings and the present land use.All public regulations concerning the land-use-but

10、 not the buildings-are taken into consideration.The land value includes all kind of site improvements such as drainage,sewerage or roads.The valuation processBefore 1960 the first step of the valuation process was to send out forms to the landowners,asking them to fill in all the basic information a

11、bout the land and buildings and then return the forms to the valuation authorities.After computerization of the Valuation Register in 1960 and the establishment of the Building and Dwelling Register in 1980 the landowners of the private dwellings and summer cottages no longer have to fill in any for

12、ms.All necessary information about land and buildings are already recorded and continually updated in the computer registers.Information needed for the valuation process derives from three source:The Register of PropertiesThe Building and Dwelling RegisterThe Sales InformationThe purpose of the Prop

13、erty Register is to record the valuation of each property and thereby assist the authorities in calculating and collecting property taxes. The register contains information concerning identification of the property (cadastral nnumber and property number),area of each land parcel,and the resulting la

14、nd and property valuation.The register is maintained by the local authorities-the 275 municipal councils.The guidelines for running the register are determined by the Central Customs and Tax Administration of the Ministry of Taxation.The Building and Dwelling Register was established 1977-79 and is

15、based on the valuation forms from the 1977-valuation.The register contains detailed information about the building such as number of floors,floor area,and building materials.By establishing the register the owners were informed about the recorded contents,and they are informed when any changes occur

16、.The register is controlled and continuously updated by the municipal housing authorities as a part of their daily routines of issuing building permits.The sales information derives from sales declarations that the buyer of a property must submit to the municipal authorities during the process of co

17、nveyance.The declaration states the sales price,details about payment and the nature of the transfer(open market sale,heritage,family transfer,auction).The deed cannot be registered in the Land Book unless it is proved that the sales declarations have been submitted to the municipal authority.Statis

18、tical information from the three sources is used in calculating the proposed values for as well the total value as the land value.The landowner may appeal the result of the valuation and classifications.Until 1966 the notification to the owners contained only information about the assessed values.Th

19、is caused a large number of appeals without any specified reason.At the 1996 general valuation the notifications were expanded.The now include all information and calculations used in the valuation process.The valuation organisationDenmark is organised into 224 valuation districts.In each district t

20、here is a valuation committee with three members.It is a typical laymen-organisation.It is the responsibility of the committee to ensure that all assessments are made according to the regulations and that the necessary basis material is present.Each committee is served by a secretariat in the munici

21、pal administration.The municipalities are responsible for collecting and updating the property data necessary for the valuation.Appeals concerning the values can be made to the Supervisory Valuation Board.There are 27 Supervisory Valuation Boards reach consisting of a number of chairmen from the val

22、uation committees.If decisions of the Supervisory Board are not accepted,further appraise can be made to the National Tax Tribunal.The Minister for Taxation appoints the members normally coming from the political parties and major organizations.The Central Customs and Tax Administration acts as a se

23、cretariat for the Tribunal.In practice the regional offices under the Central Customs and Tax Administration will act as supervisors of the local valuation committees and may recommend changes of valuation made by the local valuation committees.It is currently considered to deregulate the valuaton o

24、rganisation by abolishing the valuation committees as well as the supervision valuation boards.Instead,responsibility for the valuation process will be placed at the 29 regional Custom and Tax authorities.Furthermore,15 regional Tax Appeal Board,each with five members,will be established to deal wit

25、h complaints from the landowners.Also the valuation process will be simplified.The new valuation bill will be considered by the parliament during spring 2002 and the new organisation should be in place before the end of 2002.Property taxation In Denmark the personal income tax is by far the most imp

26、ortant tax covering 53 percent of all taxes and duties. In general the income tax accounts for about half of the gross personal income. Also the value added tax (VAT) or general sales tax and the taxes on specific goods (such as spirits, cars, fuel, etc) are important and accounts for 31 percent of

27、the total tax and duty revenue. The VAT, being 25 percent, covers almost all transactions of goods and services including construction of buildings. The profit from sales of immovable property is not subject to VAT. However, immovable property is subject to a number of other taxes as listed below.La

28、nd taxes Land tax is levied by the county and municipal authorities based on the assessed market value of the land for all kind of private properties. The tax to be paid to the county councils the municipal councils is fixed as a part of the yearly total budgeting for each municipality. The tax must

29、 be fixed within a range of 0,6 to 2,4 percent of the land value. The average rate in 2001 was 1,5 percent. The determination of the municipal land tax rate within the prescribed limits is considered an important factor for the local political and fiscal discretion.Public properties and other proper

30、ties such as preserved properties and embassies are not subject to land tax. Publicly owned properties are, however, subject to a service tax meant to cover the costs of public facilities such as roads, parking, fire brigades etc. For state owned properties the tax is equivalent to the land tax. For

31、 other publicly owned properties the service tax is normally fixed as half of the land tax. A service tax may also be levied on certain business properties.Land taxes account for 13,500 mill DKK (1,600 mill USD) in 2000 equivalent to about two percent of the total tax and duty revenue.Property value

32、 taxPerson who own their home must pay tax of the value of the home,known as property value tax.The tax is determined and levied by the state government and is included in the total tax payable during the year.The revenue of the property value tax is,however,transferred to county councils(one third)

33、and municipal councils(two thirds).The tax is currently fixed to be percent of the total property value and it is increasing to three percent for values beyond 3 million DKK(around 350,000 USD).On the other hand,mortgage interest rates are deductible for income tax.Property value tax accounts for 8,500 million DKK(1,

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