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1、美中交流磋商通报会口译资料2013-11-18 美中交流磋商通报会Foreign Press Center Briefing on U.S.-China ExchangesU.S. Department of StateWashington Foreign Press CenterNovember 18, 2013美中交流磋商通报会美国国务院华盛顿外国记者中心2013年11月18日TOPIC: PREVIEW OF THE 2013 U.S.CHINA HIGH-LEVEL CONSULTATION ON PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE EXCHANGE (CPE)主题:展望2013年美中人

2、文交流高层磋商MODERATOR:The Foreign Press Center is very pleased to have with us today this group of officials from the U.S. Department of State, each one to play a critical role in the upcoming High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange between the United States and China, otherwise known as the

3、 CPE.主持人:外国记者中心非常高兴今天请来美国国务院的一批官员,他们每个人都在即将举行的美中人文交流高层磋商机制活动中承担重要角色。Youve received the bios of our guests when you came in, so Im not going to use our precious time to do further introductions. Instead, let me invite our current Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Diplomacy for East Asian and Paci

4、fic Affairs Susan Stevenson to the podium for some opening remarks before we open up for questions. Thank you.各位进门时都拿到了我们来宾的简历。因此,我就不再占用我们宝贵的时间来做进一步介绍,而是先请负责东亚及太平洋公共外交事务的现任副助理国务卿苏珊史蒂文森到台前作开场致辞,然后我们开始接受提问。谢谢。MS. STEVENSON:Thank you, Cynthia. And thank you, everyone, for your interest in coming today.

5、史蒂文森女士:辛西娅,谢谢你。也谢谢在座各位,谢谢你们今天有兴趣前来。So Im here to talk about, as Cynthia alluded to, the U.S.-China High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange with my colleagues because the CPE is divided into five different pillars, as represented by my colleagues here today the education pillar, the scie

6、nce and technology pillar, the culture pillar, the sports pillar, and the womens pillar.如辛西娅提到的,我今天来这里是要和我的同事们一道,谈谈美中人文交流高层磋商机制;这个磋商机制划分为五个不同的支柱,由我今天在这里的同事们分别代表教育支柱、科学技术支柱、文化支柱、体育支柱和妇女支柱。Let me start off my giving you a little bit of background. So as you saw last summer when our two presidents met

7、in Sunnylands, California, the American and the Chinese President the U.S.-China relationship is very important. And this was followed up by our Strategic and Economic Dialogue in July headed by our Secretary of State and our Secretary of Treasury. And actually, we have dozens of dialogues with the

8、Chinese every year. So in addition to the CPE and the Strategic and Economic Dialogue, we have the Strategic Security dialogue, the Human Rights Dialogue, the Joint Legal Action Group which was just concluded, I think last week an Energy Dialogue, and an upcoming Joint Commission on Commerce and Tra

9、de, just to mention a few. But all of those are government-to-government dialogues.让我先向大家简单介绍一下背景。如你们去年夏天在我们两国元首美国与中国元首在加尼福利亚州森尼兰会晤时所见,美中关系非常重要。之后是我国国务卿和我国财政部长于7月牵头举行的战略与经济对话。事实上,每年我们与中国方面有几十个对话。除了美中人文交流高层磋商机制和战略与经济对话外,我们有战略安全对话,人权对话,联合法律行动组对话我想他们刚在上星期结束,能源对话,以及即将举行的美中商贸联合委员会会议等等,这里仅提几个。但所有这些都是政府与政府

10、间的对话。So the CPE is different, although clearly, its represented by U.S. Government officials and Chinese officials headed by Secretary Kerry from the U.S. side and Vice Premier Liu Yandong from the Chinese side. But it also includes and focuses on the people-to-people dimension. So what were really

11、looking at is expanding and strengthening the ways in which our two publics interact. In fact, thats the reason it was launched back in 2010 in Beijing between then-State Councilor Liu Yandong and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, its to look at how to include that dimension of the relationsh

12、ip, which is so important to mutual trust, to mutual understanding, and therefore to strengthening our two bilateral relationships.而美中人文交流高层磋商机制不同,尽管显然,它是以美国政府官员及中国官员为代表,美方以国务卿克里为首,中方以刘延东副总理为首。但它包含并侧重于人文交流。因此,我们所真正关注的是扩大和加强我们两国公众互动的途径。事实上,这就是2010年时任国务委员刘延东与当时的国务卿希拉里克林顿在北京启动这一磋商机制的原因,它的目的就是探讨如何将这方面关系

13、纳入进来,因为这对相互信任,对相互理解,进而对加强我们的双边关系极其重要。So this years dialogue is scheduled for Thursday, November 21st. It will be held at the State Department. Its going to be the fourth dialogue that weve had with the Chinese. And in those four years, weve had several results around the five pillars. Im going to sp

14、eak very briefly about some of those results, and then I will invite your questions, particularly to my colleagues, the pillar heads.今年的对话定于11月21日星期四在国务院举行。它将是我们与中国的第四轮对话。在这四年中,我们围绕五大支柱取得了数项成果。我将简要介绍其中一些,然后邀请大家提问,尤其是向我的同事们也就是支柱负责人提问。But for the education pillar and today the representative from the

15、education pillar is our Director in the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs David Plack we have promoted greater interest in opportunity, particularly for Americans, to study Mandarin Chinese through the 100,000 Strong Initiative, which was launched four years ago and actually was spun off in J

16、anuary into a private foundation, just showing the interest we have.就教育支柱而言今天教育支柱的代表是我们教育与文化事务局主任戴维普拉克我们通过“10万人留学中国计划”促进 尤其是美国人对学习汉语普通话的机会的更大兴趣。这项计划首创于4年前,实际在1月份转变成一个私人基金会,它表明了人们的兴趣。And the Department of State sends more Americans to study and to teach in China than we do any other country with whic

17、h we work. So about 700 academics, students, and teachers are sent every year, and were starting earlier and more locally. Were looking at a state education dialogue, meaning state provinces getting together, and were looking at learning the language even earlier, starting as early as primary school

18、 and secondary school. And also in education, weve expanded bilateral exchange opportunities under the jointly-funded Fulbright program to look at having a new Fulbright masters program for Chinese academics and a Distinguished Chair for American scholars.国务院将越来越多的美国人送到中国去学习和教书,超过我们向与我们合作的其他任何国家派送的人

19、数。每年有大约700名学者、学生和教师被送到中国。我们正在从更早阶段开始,也更加地方化。我们在考虑一项州教育对话,即州与省联系起来;我们在考虑更早开始语言学习,从小学和中学就开始。也是在教育方面,在联合资助的富布莱特项目下,我们扩大了双边交流的机会, 考虑为中国学者建立新的富布莱特硕士项目并为美国学者设置特聘讲座项目。And I should note the Peace Corps this year is celebrating the 20th anniversary in China. So its the anniversary of the U.S.-China Friendshi

20、p Volunteers, and they have a large role in teaching English to the Chinese.我要提到,美国和平队今年庆祝到中国工作20周年。因此这是美中友好志愿者项目的周年纪念,他们为教中国人学英语发挥了巨大作用。For the science and technology pillar, the Young Scientists Forum has connected about 200 young American and Chinese scientists through in-person exchanges. And th

21、ese forums not only build this mutual understanding, but they foster the career development of the young scientists and look for bilateral ways to tackle more global problems.就科学技术支柱而言,青年科学家论坛通过面对面的交流使大约200名美国和中国的科学家建立了联系。这些论坛不仅建立相互理解,而且还促进青年科学家的事业发展以及探寻双边途径解决更具有全球性的问题。On culture, in March 2003 excu

22、se me, March 2013, so earlier this year, American and Chinese playwrights collaborated, first via email, to write a play and then to simultaneously live-stream the theater performance in Shanghai and Iowa City as part of the Book Wings program. And we also have a Museums Connect program that virtual

23、ly links U.S. and Chinese students to collaborate on joint projects. This year the Hong Kong Space Museum and Californias Chabot Space and Science Center brought cross-cultural teams to explore Western and Chinese astronomy and space exploration. And Hawaiis Pacific Aviation Museum partnered with Ch

24、engdus Jianchuan Museum Cluster, where students researched American and Chinese collaboration during World War II, interviewing elders in both those communities.文化方面,2003年3月对不起,2013年3月,也就是今年年初,作为“书翼项目”的一项内容,美国和中国剧作家协作,先是通过电子邮件,编排了一部戏剧,然后将舞台演出同时在上海和艾奥瓦市进行网络直播。我们还有一个博物馆联网项目,使美国和中国学生一起在网上就联合项目展开合作。今年,香

25、港太空馆和加利福尼亚州查沃特太空与科技中心让跨文化小组对西方和中国的天文及太空探索展开探讨。夏威夷的太平洋航空博物馆与成都建川博物馆群落合作,学生们可采访这两个地区的长辈,研究美国和中国在二次世界大战中进行的合作。For the sports pillar, the Department of State sent two Paralympic volleyball coaches to Chengdu shortly after the earthquake in May 2013 to provide coaching and instructions to disabled youth

26、and encourage their inclusion in sports. And on womens programs womens issues, the U.S.-China Womens Leadership Exchange and Dialogue, or Women-LEAD for short, brought together women leaders from both countries to tackle common challenges, raise the visibility of womens issues in both countries, and

27、 promote opportunities for women and girls around the world. And in fact, this year there is going to be a joint pillar between the science and technology and womens issues pillars, knowing that they are cross-cutting issues that can be talked about among both.在体育支柱方面,2013年5月发生地震后不久,国务院向成都派出两名残奥会排球教

28、练,向残疾青少年提供训练和指导,鼓励让他们参与体育活动。在妇女项目妇女问题上,“美中妇女领袖交流与对话”汇集了两国女性领袖以解决共同挑战,提高妇女问题在两国的受关注程度,并为全球妇女和女童促进机会。事实上,今年,科学技术和妇女问题这两大支柱将并为联合支柱,因为我们知道它们彼此相连,可以在两者之间展开讨论。Now, despite these many successes weve had over the years, we still are confident that theres room for growth. At this years CPE, well bring togeth

29、er American and Chinese counterparts to identify new opportunities and perhaps new barriers to enhancing our engagement. We want to foster even greater exchange between our two peoples and develop solutions to global challenges. And we want to expand the Fulbright program by creating opportunities f

30、or more Chinese, increase science teaching exchanges and discussion forums with special emphasis, as I mentioned, on women in science, and exchange arrange more exchanges in the areas of sports and physical education, sending more coaches and more teachers to China and promoting sports among women a

31、nd girls as well as those with disabilities.尽管这些年我们取得了诸多成功,我们相信仍有更多发展的空间。今年的美中人文交流高层磋商将汇集美国和中国的同行,找出新的机会以及可能有碍增进接触交往的新障碍。我们希望促进我们两国人民间的更多交流,找出应对全球性挑战的解决方案。我们希望通过为更多中国人创造机会来扩大富布莱特项目,增强科学教学交流和讨论论坛,尤其注重如我刚才提到的科学领域的女性,并交流在体育活动和体育课方面更多地组织交流,派更多教练和教师去中国,在妇女和女童及残疾人中推广体育活动。And Im sorry I introduced David an

32、d I didnt introduce the other pillar heads. So for the science and technology pillar, its led by the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Foreign Affairs Officer Matt Gerdin. The cultural pillar is led by the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs Deputy Assistant Secretary for Professional and Cultural Exchanges Lee Satterfield. The sports pillar is led by the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs SportsUnited Division Ch

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