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1、大学英语六级考试阅读必备词汇大学英语六级考试阅读必备词汇Aaccelerate v. 加速affection n. 喜爱accessible a. 可接近的,可进入的acknowledge v. 感谢acquire v. 学会address v. 向讲话alert a. 活跃的 b. 机警的 c. 外国的allocate a. 准许 b. 位于 c. 分配appeal v. 有吸引力applicable a. 适用的assess v. 估价assumption n. 假定abnormal a. 不正常的abolish v. 废除absurd a. 荒唐的accommodate v. 提供膳宿a

2、ddict v. 上瘾 Im ed to computer games. Please save me!acquaint v. 使熟悉 Are you ed with that MM?adhere to v. 遵守 Adhere to your own principleadverse a. 不利的, 有害的 Adverse circumstances can test a persons wisdom and courage.aggravate v. 加重 Smoking s cold.alleviate v. 减轻 No one can my pain.alternate v./a 交替(

3、的) a day of sunshine and rain /Day and night amplify v. 扩大(声音)anonymous a. 匿名的 I received an letter.applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许 I your suggestion.apt a. 易于 One is to make mistakes if given too much pressure.array n. 陈列, 一系列the of fruit and vegetables in the supermarketarrogant a. 傲慢的 An man is a self-importan

4、t person.ascend v. 上升 The balloons are ing.ascribe v. 归因于He d his failure to his small vocabulary.aspiration n. 抱负 Your is your ambition or strong wish.assault n. 攻击, 袭击A robber ed him.assert v. 断言 He ed that the thief would come again.assurance n. 保证, 把握 I give you my that the product is safe and r

5、eliable.attendant n. 服务员, 随从authentic a. 真实的, 可靠的Is Clintons biography ?avert v. 避开、转移 We ed a loss .Bbond n. 联系bounce v. 反弹breed v. 培育bump into v. 碰见bald a. 秃顶的 A man is considered to be intelligent.barren a. 荒芜的,不能生育的Without dream, life is a field.bewilder v. 使迷惑 The new traffic lights the man.bia

6、s n. 偏见 Bias is prejudice.bleak a. 荒凉的; 凄凉的a futureblur v. 变模糊 Fog blurred my vision.bribe v. 行贿 Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom.browse v. 浏览 a web-pagebrutal a. 残酷的=cruel/savage/Cconfront v.面对crude a.未加工的 oilconvey v.传达collapse v.坍塌campaign n.运动category n.种类cease n.停止chaos n.混乱component n.部件confes

7、s v.坦白constitute v.构成consistent a.一致的consultant n.顾问controversial a.有争议的convert v.转变convert the hotel into an apartment buildingcapsule n.密封仓,胶囊carve v.刻casualty n.伤亡人员 Many casualties are reported in the battle.cater to v.迎合 cater to the consumerscaution n.小心cherish v.珍视;怀有friendship/ the hope that

8、chronic a.慢性的;严重的circulation n.循环;发行(量)Reader has the largest in China.climax n.高潮 the of the playcling to v.紧紧抓住,依恋;坚持,墨守The baby clung to his mother./ to the hope thatcoincidence n.巧合collaboration n.合作 in withcollide v.相撞;冲突 The two opinions with each mence v.开始commute v.乘车上下班compact a.紧凑的,结实的 a c

9、ar/officecompensate v.赔偿compile v.汇编,编辑 a encyclopediacomplement v.补充,与。相配compliment v. /n.赞美comply with v.遵从compulsory a.必做的 educationconceive of v.构想 I cant of why he did such a stupid thing!confidential a.机密的conform to v.遵守 to the local customsconsequent a.(作为后果)随之发生的 lack of electricity and the

10、loss in economyconserve v.保护consolidate v.巩固contaminate v.污染 If you something, you make it dirty.contemplate v.沉思;凝视You must the results of the action.contempt n.轻视confine v.限制corrupt a./v. *的;腐蚀 officialscozy a.舒适的 a bedroomcounterpart n.对应的人或物criterion n.标准=standard = gaugecynical a.愤世嫉俗的 a young

11、man is a angry young manDdefect n.缺陷deliberate a.故意的=on purposedepress v.使沮丧detect v.发现descend v.下降dim a.昏暗的disguise v.化装dispose of v.去掉;处理distress n. /v.痛苦diverse a.多样的document v.证明dominate v.支配drain v.排走;耗尽discard v.丢弃 Dont the drink cans carelessly.deduce v.推断dedicate v.献给deficiency n.缺乏,不足 a vit

12、amin in his dietdefy v.(公然)违抗degenerate v.退化degrade v.降低身份deprive v.剥夺 You d him of his right to privacy.descendant n.后代destiny n.命运=fatedestructive a.破坏性的 The weapon has a great power.deteriorate v.恶化 His health has d.dignity n.尊严dilemma n.困境 A doctors to lie or to tell the truth?diminish v.变少disab

13、le v.丧失能力disastrous a.灾难性的disperse v.分散,消散,驱散distort v.歪曲divert v.转移,使转向 A loud noise diverted my attention from the work.donate v.捐献Have you d blood?doom v./ n.注定;劫数He is doomed to failure.drastic a.严厉的 measuresdrawback n.缺点One of the s of living in the XIASHA is inconvenience in daily life.dwell o

14、n v.总是想;详述 Dont on the past.Eeliminate v.去除embody v.体现endeavor v. /n.努力elaborate a.精心的v.夸大exploit v.利用external a.外在的extinguish v.熄灭elevate v.提高;抬升 An elevator can to the top floor very soon.eligible a.合适的,有资格的John is an bachelor.elite n.精英eloquent a.雄辩的 Martin Luther King was an speaker.energetic a.

15、精力充沛的=vigorousepidemic n./a.流行病;流行性的erupt v.喷发essence n.实质;精华 the of his theory/ in eternal a.永久的=perpetual/permanent/foreverevoke v.唤起,引起The song d a feeling of love in the listeners.expedition n.远征(队);考察(队)expel v.开除,驱逐=dismiss; the trouble-making student排出=emitexpel the smoke in the kitchenexpire

16、 v.期满 Your passport s in a month.expertise n.专门知识explicit a.明确的His statement is , not implicit.extravagant a.奢侈的;过度的Youre while Im thrifty.Fforge v.伪造 a famous painters signatureflexible a.灵活的 The dancers body is very .feasible a.可行的fertile a.肥沃的flourish v.茂盛,繁荣fragment n.碎片furnish v.提供,配置fascinate

17、v.迷住feeble a.虚弱的=weak/faintflaw n.缺陷 I cant find a ,the painting is perfect!fluctuate n.波动foster a.培养=develop/nurture/cultivate/领养 a childfragile a.易碎的;脆弱的furious a.暴怒的Ggenuine a.真的grope v.摸索glamour n.魅力The of old town, such as Li Jiang, Dali.glitter v.闪光All that s is not gold.gloomy a.忧郁的;阴暗的 a day

18、/futuregrief n.悲伤=sorrowHhighlight v.使突出 n.最精彩的部分hazard n.危险harbor v.心怀harmony n.和谐hollow a.空的,中空的hostile a.敌视的hamper v.妨碍=hinder Rescue work was hampered by the heavy rain.handicap n./v.缺陷,残疾;妨碍He survived the accident, but has a how.haul a.(用力)拖;(用车)托运haunt v.萦绕于心 He was ed by the terrible scene.h

19、inder v.阻碍 No difficulties can me.homogeneous a.同质的The population of Japan is .hospitality n.好客Iintegrity n.诚实;完整instinct n.本能illusion n.幻想initiate v.创始imaginary a.虚构的ignite v.点燃impetus n.推动immune a.免疫的incentive n.刺激indulge v.沉溺于 oneself ininduce v.引起;诱导ingredient n.配料 the s of pizzainitiative n.主动性

20、 You should take the .intimate a.亲密的intervene v.干预immerse v.沉浸于 She d herself in English.implicit a.内含的;含蓄的 If it is , it is implied.impulse n.冲动indignant a.愤怒的infectious a.传染的ingenious a.(人)灵巧的;(设计等)巧妙的handicraftsmaninherent a.固有的 the defects of planned-economyintegral a.构成整体所必须的;不可缺的intensify v.加剧

21、 The noise intensified.intricate a.错综复杂的intrinsic a.固有的 valueintuition n.直觉 Your is your sixth sense.invalid a.无效的 an licenseinvariably ad.不变地;始终irritate v.使恼怒=annoyJjustify v.使有正当理由Kkidnap v.绑架Lliable to a.易于= be apt to/be prone toliberal a.自由的linger v.继续逗留;留恋They lingered in the beautiful town.leg

22、end n.传奇legitimate a.合法的=legal/lawfulliability n.责任literacy n.读写能力literally ad.逐字地;确实地litter v.乱扔 No litteringMmaintenance n.保养massive a.大量的;大而重的mask v.掩饰mature a.成熟的moderate a.适度的 physical exercisesmotivate v.激励magnify v.放大,扩大 the photomanifest v.显示,表明The illness s itself with a high fever.marginal

23、 a.微小的masculine a.男性的mediate v.调解 He d in a salary dispute between the union and the management.merge a.合并migrate v.迁徙;移居 Birds migrate with seasonsmingle v 混合mobilize v.动员Nnave a.天真的=innocentnegligible a.可以忽略不计的 the costnorm n.标准 reach the notable a.著名的notorious a.臭名昭著的 If one has a scandal, he bec

24、omes nourish v.养育Oobedient a.顺从的odor n.气味offset v.抵消=compensate fororient v.使适应 oneself tooverwhelm v.(感情上)使受不了;压倒be edwith sadness/ majorityPpunctual a.守时的He is a man.propel v.推动pledge n.保证perceive v.感知prevail over v .胜过prime n.壮年 He died in the of his life.priority n.优先权 give toprominent a.突出的,杰出的

25、=distinguishedprone to a.易于prosperity n.繁荣paradox n.自相矛盾=contradiction,正确的participant n.参加者patent n.专利patriotic a.爱国的pave v.铺路 the way for womens Libpermeate v.弥漫;渗透perpetual a.永久的pertinent a.有关的skills to the professionplead v.恳求;(法庭)申诉ponder v.思考 She ed his marriage proposal for a week.portray v.描绘

26、=describe/depictprecede v.先于precedent n.先例preclude n.阻止(from)predecessor n.前任prompt a.迅速的predominant a.主导的premise n.前提your is wrong.prescription n.处方prestige n.威望 enjoy high prevalent a.流行的prey n.捕获物probe v.探究 a matter to the bottomproficiency n.熟练profound a.深刻的;深奥的prolong v.延长prospective a.预期的,未来的p

27、rovocative a.挑衅的Rrival n.对手=opponentreckless a.卤莽的resort to v.诉诸于restore v.恢复restraint n.约束relevant a.有关的remedy n.治疗法resistant a.抵抗的respective a.分别的resume v.重新开始random a.随意的 at reap v.收获reap cropsreassure v.使放心reconcile v.使和解rectify v.纠正refrain from v.抑制refute v.驳倒remainder n.剩余的部分repel v.使厌恶;击退;排斥The odor s me./The odor can mosquito.reproach v.责备=blameresemblance v.相似resent v.怨恨He resented being called his nickname.retort v.反驳retrieve v.取回(get back, bring back)reunion n.团聚an occasion for family revelation n.揭示revive v.使复苏 economyrigorous a.严格的

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