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1、西南财经大学经贸外语学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业西南财经大学经贸外语学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业2009级硕士学位论文答辩安排表西南财经大学经贸外语学院2012年5月时间:2012年5月20日下午2:00-4:20学生姓名论 文 题 目答辩时间地 点张 莉A Study on Intercultural Pragmatic Failures in Business English Teaching in Independent Colleges and Universities独立学院商务英语教学中跨文化语用失误的研究14:00-14:40明德楼101刘 玥A Conceptual Ble

2、nding Approach to Metaphors in Chinese and English Economic News Headlines从概念整合角度看中英文经济类新闻标题中的隐喻14:50-15:30明德楼101余春梅An Analysis of the Textual Function of Presupposition in English Business Letter Discourse预设在商务信函语篇中的语篇功能15:40-16:20明德楼101学生姓名论 文 题 目答辩时间地 点田慧敏A Functionalist Approach to Defamiliariza

3、tion in Translation of Li Bais Poetry从功能翻译视角析李白诗歌翻译的陌生化14:00-14:40明德楼102吴抗抗On Foreign Cosmetic Brand Name Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie 目的论视角下的化妆品品名汉译14:50-15:30明德楼102蔡亚洲On Snyders Translation of Cold Mountain Poetry at the Perspective of Intertextuality从互文性理论析加里斯奈德英译寒山诗15:40-16:

4、20明德楼102学生姓名论 文 题 目答辩时间地 点廖桂苓An Interview Study on Information Seeking of Entry-level Chinese Employees in Multi-national Corporations新进中国员工在跨国公司中信息寻求的采访研究14:00-14:40明德楼103石 婧A Cross-Cultural Study on How to Create the Culture Oriented E-Business Platform Based on Consumer Behavior -Taking My-Toys.f

5、r as the Case基于消费者行为的创造文化导向商务网络平台的跨文化研究以MyToys.fr网站为例15:50-16:20明德楼103潘 妮A Contrastive Study of the Chinese and English Tourist Publicities From the perspective of Functional Linguistics功能语言学视角下的中英旅游宣传资料对比研究15:40-16:20明德楼103学生姓名论 文 题 目答辩时间地 点刘 丽A Study on Euphemism in Business English Letters from P

6、erspectives of the Adaptation Theory顺应论视角下商务英语信函中委婉语的研究14:00-14:40明德楼104吴书麟the Study of the Translation of Famous Assassinations of History From Philip of Macedon, 336 B.C., to Alexander of Servia, 1903, A.D. 论血史在中国的译介14:50-15:30明德楼104方一媛Study on Fuzziness in English News Discourse from the Perspect

7、ive of Adaptation Theory从顺应理论的角度分析英语新闻语篇中的模糊现象15:40-16:20明德楼104学生姓名论 文 题 目答辩时间地 点弋 敏A Brief Study on the Realization of Interpersonal Meaning in International Business Contracts人际意义在国际商务合同中的实现14:00-14:40明德楼105段 婷 An Analysis of the English Majors Needs for Business English in Independent Colleges an

8、d UniversitiesA Case Study on CDUTETC对独立学院英语专业学生学习商务英语的需求分析以成都理工大学工程技术学院为例14:50-15:30明德楼105赵灿A Cohesion and Coherence Study of the English Buyers Credit 英文买方信贷的衔接连贯研究15:40-16:20明德楼105学生姓名论 文 题 目答辩时间地 点王翠云ommunicative Function of Debit Card Advertising Language: From Adaption Theory Perspective从顺应论看中

9、外资银行借记卡广告语言的交际功能14:00-14:40明德楼106朱 军A Verbal Humor Study from the Perspective of Presupposition预设视角下的言语幽默探析14:50-15:20明德楼106杨静羽On National Culture Influence upon Knowledge Transfer Within Multinational Corporations The Case Study of French and Chinese Corporations浅析跨国公司内部知识转移中民族文化因素影响以中法公司案例研究为例15:4

10、0-16:20明德楼106 2012年5月20日下午2:00-4:50学生姓名论 文 题 目答辩时间地 点邓 俊从系统功能语法视角探讨英文日用品说明书中的人际意义An Analysis of Interpersonal Meaning in English Household Product Instructions from the Perspective of Systematic-functional Grammar14:00-14:40明德楼107王娜敏对跨国企业英语新闻资讯的文体分析 A Stylistic Analysis of English News Release in Tr

11、ansnational Enterprises14:50-15:30明德楼107刘宁宁A Study on Metaphors in Chinese Commercial Advertisements-Based on Relevance Theory以关联理论浅析隐喻在中文广告中的应用15:40-16:20明德楼107学生姓名论 文 题 目答辩时间地 点付卓玺Conflict Management Style:An Empirical Study on Employees of State-owned, Foreign-invested and Private Enterprises冲突管理

12、风格:对国有企业、外资企业与私有企业员工的实证研究14:00-14:40明德楼108王福朋On Course Design of Business English Specialty-Taking Southwestern University of Finance and Economics as an Example商务英语专业课程设置调查-以西南财经大学为例14:50-15:30明德楼108马朋超An Analysis of United States Federal Reserve Chairmans Speeches in the Post-2008 Financial Crisis Era-from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory从评价理论视角分析后2008金融危机时代美联储主席演讲15:40-16:20明德楼108

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