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1、秋外研版英语必修课件Module6SectionIntegratingSkillsSection HI Integrating Skills& Cultural Corner新知识预习探索 核心词汇1- channel n.2 plot n.情节3- section n. 部分;节频道拓展词汇1- occasionally adv.有时;偶尔occasional adj.有时的;偶尔的 occasion n.场合;机会2- argue vi.争论-argument n.争论;辩论3 enteHaining adj.有趣的;令人愉快的entertain vt.使快乐 entertainment

2、n.娱乐4 drama n.戏剧dramatic adj.戏剧(性)的5 setting n.(小说、戏剧、电影的)背景一set%以 为背景重点短语123456at the end of在“的尽头good for you干得好at the age of在岁时of_all_time有史以来from_limeo_time 有时in_the_ast_fifteen_yeas 在过去的 15 年里经典句式1 Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch?你曾经和家人争论过看哪个电视节目吗?2 How often

3、 do you watch it?你多久看一次?3 But it is generally agreed, that he, more than anyone else in the history of films, understands the meaning of the word entertainmentn 但是,大家普遍认为,在电影史上,他比其他任何人都更理解“娱 乐”这个词的含义。篇章理解Choose the best answers according to the text. 1 Spielberg is popular among .A film directors B

4、AmericansC - young people D westerners答案:c2 Which of the following is NOT Spielbergs masterpiece?A Jaws. B Schindlers List.C - Jurassic Park. D Amblin答案:A3 Steven Spielbergs films are most successful because A he likes to use sharks and dinosaurs as the materials for filmsB he is best at directing f

5、ilmsC he knows how to entertain audience bestD there is not a mistake in his films答案:B4 Please arrange the following sentences in an order according to the text.a Spielberg produced a lot of famous films.b Spielberg is most famous.c Spielberg knows best how to get along in the film industry.d Spielb

6、erg showed his great talent in filming as a child A abcd B bcl dC bdac D. dbac答案:c新课堂互动探究知识点详解重点词汇、短语l.occasionally adv.有时,偶尔It has occasionally been done.(教材 P54) 它偶尔被做。I occasionally go to the movies with he匚 我偶尔和她去看电影。I see him occasionally in town.我偶尔在镇上见到他。Occasionally Til have a piece of choco

7、late, but itfs quite rare. 有时我会吃上一片巧克力,但是相当少见。归纳拓展occasion n.场合,时机,机会occasional 然的,非经常的,特殊场合的on.occasion 在 的场合He spent five years in Paris, with occasional visits to some other cities in Europe他在巴黎待了五年,偶尔去欧洲其他几个城市看一看。I met the famous star on several occasions. 我在几次不同的场合见过那位明星。即学即用用occasion的适当形式填空(1)

8、We go to the theatre very occasionally.(2)Chocolate is best kept as an occasional treat.(3)On one occasion we had to walk all the way home.2. entertaining adj有趣的;使人快乐的Do you agree or disagree that advertisements are entertaining?(教材 P55)你同不同意广告具有娱乐性?归纳拓展(l)entertain vt. 使娱乐,使快乐;招待entertain sb. to st

9、h.用某物招待某人 entertain sb. with sth.用某物使某人快乐(2)entertainment,文娱节目;招待,款待 to ones entertainment 使某人高兴的是 This best-seller is very entertaining. 这本畅销书非常好看。Did he entertain you to dinner yesterday?昨天他请你吃饭了吗?At the party the audience were entertained by Liu Qians magic. 在晚会上,刘谦的魔术使观众们很快乐。Bob entertained

10、 us to dinner last night.昨晚鲍勃设宴招待了我们。Their aim is to provide entertainment for tourists 他们的目的是为游客提供娱乐节目。即学即用用entertain的适当形式填空(1 )The boy is making his mark in the entertainment business now.(2)This book is short but entertaining.(3)He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes3 argue v.争论Do

11、 you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch?(教材 P55)你曾经因为看电视节目和家人争论过吗?He argued with Mary about the best place for holiday 他和玛丽争论度假的最好地方。The couple next door are always arguing邻居的矣妇总吵架。Don!t argue with your mother.不要和母亲争辩。归纳拓展argue with sb.about/over sth与某人争论某事argue for/agains

12、t为赞成/反对 而力争argue sb.into/out of doing sth.说服某人做某事/不做某事 argument n.争论,辩论;论据,论点The students often argue for the right of freedom学生们经常为争取自由权利而辩论。We tried to argue him into joining us.我们试图说服他加入我们。They argued with each other about where to spend their summer vacation.他们就去哪儿度假这个问题争论不休。The speaker argued a

13、gainst the plan.发言着表示反对这个计划。易混辨析argue/quairel/debateargue表示“争辩,说理”时,指提岀理由或证据为自己或自 己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。作动词时,还表示“主张,认为;说服”。quarrel表示“吵架”,指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好地、 吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵架”。也作 名词,表示“争吵”。表示“辩论,争论”,侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正 式或公开的争辩。也作名词,表示“辩论,争论”。People generally quarrel because they cannot argue. 人们通常因为不

14、能辩论而争吵。They debated the question openly.他们公开辩论这个问题。即学即用完成句子我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱。We argued_with the waiter about/over the price of the meal.(2)我说服他尽快去做作业。I argued him into doing his homework as soon as possible. 他们说服他放弃这个计划。They arguedhim into giving up the plan.4 - follow v.跟随,遵循;接着Other wonderful films f

15、ollowed: E. T. 一The Extra Terrestrial (1982), The Indiana Jones Trilogy, Jurassic Park (a film about dinosaurs), and Schindlers 厶迪.(教材 P59)随后其他精彩的电影纷至沓来。外星人(1982),印第安纳琼 斯,侏罗纪公园(一部关于恐龙的影片)和辛德勒的名单。用法分析follow表示“跟随”,可用作及物或不及物动词。be followed by/with. “紧接着是 ”。归纳拓展follow还可表示“当从,遵循;沿着;仿效;听懂,明白”。 follow ones

16、advice采纳某人的建议follow the example of.仿效 as follows如下(用于列举事项) following adj.下列的追随者,拥护者;下列事物 特别提醒follow 一般不与behind或after连用。即学即用(1)语法填空There followed (follow) a list of places where he intended to visitFollowing (follow) the Civil War, the university opened its door again has been open ever since.句型转换He

17、went to the front door, his students following him.He went to the front door, followed by his studentsHe went to the front door and his students followed him.5 prefer vt.更喜欢The boy prefers comedy programmes.(教材 P55) 那个男孩更喜欢看喜剧节目。用法分析prefer to do sth./doing sth.更喜欢做某事 prefer sb. to do sth.宁愿某人做某事 pre

18、fer A to B与B相比更喜欢A(to为介词) prefer to do sth rather than do sth(=would rather do sth than do sth./would do sth. rather than do sth.)宁愿做某事而不愿做某事prefer that. (should) do.宁愿/喜欢 做 (从句用虚拟语气)1I prefer to be alone/being alone 我宁愿独自一个人。2I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus. =1 would rather walk there

19、than go by bus. =1 would walk there rather than go by bus.我宁愿步行去那也不愿乘公共汽车。3We preferred that they (should) communicate with each other face to face. = We preferred them to communicate with each other face to face.我们宁愿也们面对面地交流。归纳拓展preferable adj.更好的,更可取的preference n.偏爱,喜好in preference to而不是;优先于have a

20、 preference for 更喜爱give/show preference to 流露出对 的偏爱特别提醒(1 )prefer意为“比较喜欢,更喜欢”,相当于like. better,因此不能再与better, more等连用。prefer不用于进行时。即学即用(1)语法填空I prefer to work (work) in the office rather than stay (stay) at home watching TV.She prefers that he (should)_speak (speak) with her personally.(3)She seems to

21、 prefer watching TV to killing (kill) her spare time at home.She was chosen to go there in preference (prefer) to her sistecI would rather be_laughed (laugh) at than quarrel (quarrel) with him.Even on a cold day he prefers going (go) out to play football to staying (stay) at home完成句子1北极熊更喜欢寒冷的天气。A p

22、olar bear has_3_peference_for cold weather.2她愿意学小提琴而不愿学钢琴。She chose to leam to play the violin in preference the piano.6 setting n(小说、戏剧、电影的)背景Which paragraph tells you about the setting of the film (where and when the film takes place)?(教材 P58)哪一段讲的是电影的背景(电影故事发生的地点和时间)?归纳拓展be set in (小说、戏剧、电影等)以 为背

23、景set out to do sth. =set about doing sth.着手做某事set up建立set off动身,出发;引起set down放下;写下,记下She set about cleaning the house.她着手打扫起房子来。2We set off for London just after ten.刚过十点,我们就动身去伦敦了。3Today we have finished what we set out to do.今天我们完成了既定的目标。即学即用完成句子他们建议在这个郊区建一所学校。They suggested setting_up a school in

24、 the suburb(2)这部小说以战前的伦敦为背景。The novel is set in pre-war London.(3)我记下了那个难题想向他求助。Iset down the difficult question and wanted to ask him for help.知识点详解重点句型1 Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch ?(教材 P55)你曾经因为看电视节目和家人争论过吗?本句which TV programme to watch是“疑问词+动词不定式” 结构、作介词a

25、bout的宾语,此结构可转化成宾语从句which TV programme you should watch No one knows what to happen next.谁也不知道下一步有什么事。Please show me how to operate the machine请给我展示一下如何操作这台机器。Would you tell me when to start our journey?可以告知我什么时间出发去旅行吗?归纳拓展“疑问词(who/whom/what/which/when/how/where/whether) + 不定 式”结构可作主语、宾语、表语等。常见的可接此结构

26、作宾语的动词: advise, ask, consider, decide, discuss, explain, forget, know, learn, remember, show, teach, tell, wonder 等。The questions is where to put it.问题是把它放在哪儿。He knows what to do and what not to do.他知道该做什么,不该做什么。即学即用完成句子他解释如何使用这个东西。He explained howo_use_i匸他们不知道该做什么。They wonder what to do.(3)我将告诉你什么时

27、间参加这个会议。 Ill tell you when to attend the meeting.2 He has certainly made more successful films than any other director in the west.比起西方其他导演,他的确制作了更多成功的电影。句式分析本句中的 more successful. than any other.为“形容词比较级+ than+any other+可数名词单数”结构表达最高级含义。He is taller than any other student in his class.他比班里任何其他学生都高。特

28、别提醒“否定词+比较级”也可用来表示最高级含义。I cant find an even bigger one. 我找不到更大的了。(这个是最大的)I have never seen a prettier sight. 我从未见过比这更美丽的景色了。即学即用句型转换How beautifully she sings! I!ve never heard a better voice. She has the best voice Fve ever heard.完成句子1她比其他女孩上学早。She goes to school earlier_than_any_other girl.2中国是亚洲最大

29、的国家。China is larger_than_any_of_the_other countries in Asia.3 It is generally agreed that 人们普遍认为But it is generally agreed, that he,more than anyone else in the history of films understands the meaning of the word u entertainmentv .(教材 P59)但是人们普遍认为,他比电影史上的其他任何人都更懂得“娱 乐”这个词的意思。Itis/was+过去分词+ that句型中常

30、用的过去分词有:reported ! said,known、thought,believed,suggested 等。其中 it 是形式主语、 真正的主语是that从句。It is reported that many people died in the Japan earthquake据报道,在日本地震中死了很多人。It is said that she is very wealthy.据说,她很有钱 0归纳总结it做形式主语的句型归纳:(1)It is/was+被强调部分 + that/who.该句型是强调句型。被强调部分可以是主语、状语、宾语、表语, 强调的主语如果是人,that可以由who换用。(2)It is not until+被强调部分+that.该句型也是强调句型。主要用于强调时间状语,译成汉语“直 到才”,可以说是not.until.的强调形式。It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.(3)It is clear/obvious/true/possible/certain. .that.该句型中,that

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