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1、建筑工程造价预算的现有问题和解决途径建筑工程造价预算的现有问题及解决途径Construction project cost budget of the existing problems and solutions摘要:市场经济体制下,建筑工程项目都带有市场性和经济性,控制好建筑工程造价,对于提升项目投资收益和维护建筑企业可持续发展有着重要意义。本文归纳了建筑工程造价预算中的现有问题,分析了其产生原因,并提出了建筑工程造价预算控制和管理对策。Pick to: under the market economic system, construction engineering projects

2、with the marketability and economy, control the construction project cost, to improve project return on investment and maintenance of the building enterprise sustainable development has important significance. This paper summarizes the existing problems in construction of the project cost budget, an

3、alyzes its causes, and put forward the construction project cost budget control and management measures. 关键词:工程造价;预算;问题;控制Key words: engineering cost; Budget; The problem; control 近年来,随着国民经济的快速发展,建筑工程项目的投资规模逐渐增大,如何提升造价管理工作有效性,提升工程项目经济效益和社会效益,已经成为建筑行业热点问题。建筑工程造价预算是工程项目投资的重要依据,在项目投资管理过程中有着举足轻重的地位。传统建筑

4、工程造价预算存在诸多弊端,制约着工程造价控制工作成效,现将笔者对这些问题的认识阐述如下。In recent years, with the rapid development of national economy, construction of the project investment scale increases gradually, how to improve cost management work effectiveness, improve project economic and social benefits, has become a hot issue, whic

5、h has become the construction industry. Construction project cost budget is the important basis for project investment, has a pivotal position in the process of project investment management. Many disadvantages exist traditional architectural project cost budget, restricts the engineering cost contr

6、ol work, now will the understanding of these issues in this paper, the author is as follows. 1.建筑工程造价预算的现有问题1. Construction project cost budget of the existing problems 建筑工程项目涉及因素多,影响工程造价的原因较为复杂,因而工程项目造价控制应贯穿于工程施工的始终,但目前由于工程造价管理不到位,经常出现建筑工程超预算问题,影响工程的投资收益。造成超预算的原因主要有以下几点:Construction engineering pro

7、ject involves factors to affect, the cause of the construction cost is relatively complex, so project cost control should be consistently throughout the project construction, but at the moment due to the engineering cost management does not reach the designated position, often appear construction en

8、gineering budget problems, affecting the project investment benefit. The cause of over budget mainly include the following: 1.1工程造价受外在因素影响1.1 the project cost is influenced by external factors 建筑工程项目建设周期长,工程造价的影响因素多,施工过程中市场条件不断变化,材料价格随市场条件不断上下波动。即使工程造价预算预算中市场风险、材料价格变化等问题考虑在内,对工程预算留有余地,也难以准确预测市场及外界条件

9、的变化,工程造价预算仍然不能做到准确无误。Construction engineering project construction cycle is long, the influence factors of engineering cost, construction in the process of changing market conditions, material price constantly fluctuate with market conditions. Even if the project cost budget a budget problem such as

10、 market risk, the material price changes into account, for a project budget, also difficult to accurately predict the change of market and external conditions, the project cost budget still cant do it accurately. 1.2概预算编制不合理1.2 the budget establishment is not reasonable 一些预算编制人员对工程情况了解不够全面、深入,造成造价预算

11、缺项、漏项,无法准确地预测工程实施费用的支出。这样一来工程造价预算失去了指导性和科学性,实际施工中建设单位为了保证工程施工质量和施工进度,不得不采取一些超预算行为。Some budgeting personnel has not enough comprehensive and in-depth knowledge in engineering, have cost relating to budget shortage, leakage, unable to accurately predict the project expenditures. So lost instructional

12、and scientific project cost budget, the actual construction of the construction unit in order to ensure construction quality and construction progress, have to take some of the surplus behavior. 1.3施工图结算不合理1.3 construction settlement is not reasonable 施工图结算中,涉及的建筑材料和施工机械设备种类比较多,要使每种材料和设备的价格均得到明确比较困难

13、,定额中只能明确出一部分材料和设备的价格,这导致了材料结算失控。除此之外,建筑工程施工过程中常常会发生工程变更,而预算人员对实际施工情况不够了解,导致结算中仅仅增加工程量的造价,而没有减去减少的工程量所对应的造价。, involved in the construction drawing and settlement are many building materials and construction machinery and equipment, to make each type of material and equipment price is clearly more dif

14、ficult, quota can clear out the part of the price of the materials and equipment, this led to the material balance out of control. In addition, building construction process engineering change often occur, and not enough budget personnel to the actual construction situation, lead to settlement only

15、increase in the cost of the project quantity, and no minus the corresponding cost will be reduced quantities. 1.4施工过程中的造价控制不充分1.4 in the process of construction cost control is not sufficient 以往,工程造价的预算管理往往仅在设计阶段得到重视,而在施工阶段被忽略。实际上,建筑工程的施工过程中经常要面对施工地点、施工人员、施工环境和条件的变化,强化施工过程中的造价控制才是避免超预算问题的重点和难点。目前,一些

16、单位在工程施工阶段的造价造价管理流于形式,过于简单和程式化,尚未实现全面、深入的造价管理,没有对超预算部分提起重视和及时采取控制措施。In the past, the project cost budget management often only get all the attention in the design phase, and in construction stage are ignored. In fact, the construction process of construction projects often have to face the constructi

17、on site, construction personnel, construction environment and conditions change, strengthen the construction process of cost control is the key and difficult point for avoid the over budget issues. At present, some units in the project construction stage of cost cost management become a mere formali

18、ty, too simple and stylized, cost management has yet to realize comprehensive and in-depth, not over seriously and take timely control measures. 1.5建设单位管理不到位1.5 the construction unit management does not reach the designated position 建筑工程工序复杂、周期长,如果施工得不到有效的管理,施工情况得不到及时的反馈,就会造成造价失控,因而工程造价预算的实施需要科学、到位的

19、规范化管理。但目前很多建设单位对工程预算的管理显然还不到位,造成工程造价预算编制内容和实际情况之间严重脱节,使工程预算失去了其约束和指导作用。Construction process is complicated, cycle is long, if can not get the effective management of the construction, the construction dont feedback in time, will cause cost out of control, thus the implementation of the project cost

20、budget needs to be scientific, standardized management in place. But now a lot of construction units in engineering budget management also does not reach the designated position, obviously caused by project cost budgeting the disconnect between the content and the actual situation, make the project

21、lost their budget constraint and guiding role. 2.建筑工程造价预算的控制和优化措施2. Construction project cost budget control and optimization measures 为了解决上述问题,提升工程造价管理的有效性,实现投资效益最大化,在建筑工程造价预算控制中应重点把握以下几个方面:In order to solve the above problems, improve the effectiveness of the engineering cost management, realize t

22、he maximization of the investment benefit in the construction project cost budget control should grasp the following several aspects mainly: 2.1做好工程造价预算编制2.1 make project cost budget planning 工程造价预算的编制是建筑工程造价控制的第一个环节也是最基础的环节,在控制工程超预算方面有着重要的意义。优化工程造价预算的编制应从以下几个方面做起:一)建筑工程造价预算编制人员要对市场环境、国家政策、项目情况进行深入了

23、解,对以上问题要客观把握,在此基础上进行编制才能是工程造价预算更加客观合理;二)编制人员必须对施工图纸、工程量及定额单价等做到心中有数,除此之外要在深入研究图纸的基础上对工程进行实地考察,将图纸和实际情况联系起来,才能做到编制合理;三)市场处在不断的变化中,施工材料和设备的价格也随市场的变化而波动,因而编制人员应对各种施工材料、设备的价格、规格、性能进行充分了解,结合市场变化趋势和实际情况合理预留调整余地。Project cost budget preparation is the first link of construction project cost control is the m

24、ost basic link, is of great significance in the aspect of control project budget. Optimization of the project cost budget preparation starts from the following several aspects: 1) construction project cost budgeting personnel to the market environment, in-depth understanding of national policy, the

25、project, to grasp the objective to above question, on the basis of the compiled with talent is more objective and reasonable project cost budget; 2) staff must be on the construction drawings, quantities and fixed unit price accomplish know fairly well, in addition to engineering on the basis of in-

26、depth study drawing on fieldwork, the drawings associated with the actual situation, to prepare the reasonable; 3) markets are constantly changing, construction materials and equipment along with the change of market price fluctuations, thus staff deal with all kinds of construction materials, equip

27、ment price, specifications, to fully understand the performance, in combination with the practical situation of market trends and reasonable reserve room for adjustment. 2.2强化施工阶段的预算控制2.2 to strengthen the construction phase of the budget control 建筑工程项目的实际施工阶段是工程项目资金投入最大的阶段,以往工作经验表明,建筑工程项目施工阶段很难节约投资

28、,反之在此阶段造成投资浪费的情况比较严重,因而应进一步强化对施工阶段的预算控制。项目施工阶段,预算控制工程师应深入施工现场,跟踪了解工程施工的实际情况,尤其是强化对现场签证的核实和管理。例如:进行建筑材料采购时,要根据预算价格对材料价格进行控制,为此应结合施工具体情况制定合理的材料预算控制计划,以使实际材料支出达到理想的范围。Building construction phase of the project is the largest stage in project investment, past experience suggests that architectural engin

29、eering project construction phase is hard to save investment, whereas investment at this stage cause waste of the situation is more serious, which should further strengthen budget control of construction stage. Project construction phase, the budget control engineer should be into the construction s

30、ite, follow the actual situation of engineering construction, especially to strengthen verification and management of site visa. For example: when building materials procurement, according to the budget price to control the material price, should be combined with the construction of the specific cir

31、cumstances to formulate reasonable material budget control plan, in order to make the actual spending of materials to achieve the ideal range. 2.3强化项目变更的造价预算控制2.3 strengthen the project change cost budget control 建筑工程项目的变更主要是由工程设计缺陷、业主意愿改变、客观条件变化等原因造成的,工程变更在实际施工中是难以完全避免的,而项目变更则往往意味着工程造价的增加。为了更有效地控制工

32、程造价,避免严重超支,预算控制人员应强化对变更项目的预算控制,尽可能地减小项目变更对工程造价造成的影响。为此预算控制人员要对项目变更内容进行充分了解,客观分析变更的可行性、必要性和经济性,既要尽可能地避免变更造成的超支,又要充分考虑变更对工程的工期、施工质量等造成的影响。另外,还应规范审批中毒,强化对工程造价调整的审批,尤其强化对超价部分的控制,力求节约成本,减小变更造成的不利影响。Engineering change is dominated by engineering design flaws, the owner will change causes such as, the objective conditions change, engineering change is difficult to completely avoid, in the actual construction project change often means that the project cost is increased. In order to more effectively control the project cost, avoid serious cost overruns, budget control, personn

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