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本文(版高考英语培优增分一轮人教经典版培优讲义选修6 5Unit 5 The power of nature Word版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

版高考英语培优增分一轮人教经典版培优讲义选修6 5Unit 5 The power of nature Word版含答案.docx

1、版高考英语培优增分一轮人教经典版培优讲义选修6 5Unit 5 The power of nature Word版含答案话题素材大自然的力量话题词汇1.natural adj. 自然的;天然的 2.preserve vt. 保护;保留;保存3.responsibility n. 责任 4.typhoon n. 台风5.volcano n火山 6.stricken area 受灾地区7.contribute to导致 aware of意识到9.on account of 由于;因为10.get close to nature 接近大自然11.go picnicking 去野餐

2、 the long run 从长远来看13.natural resources 自然资源14.negative effect 负面影响15.improve the quality of life for humans 提高人类的生活质量经典佳句1.Now more and more people become_aware_that the present environment has_much_to_do_with what we have done to the earth.现在,越来越多的人开始意识到,目前的环境与我们对地球的所作所为有很大关系。2.Because_of the beha

3、vior of our human beings, the earth is_faced_with great pressure.由于人类活动的影响,地球面临着巨大的压力。3.It is good to learn at_another_mans_cost.前车之鉴。精美语篇My dear classmates, we all know that life is precious. Then how can we protect ourselves when we come across a horrible earthquake? Now let me give you some advic

4、e on how to survive an earthquake.When a serious earthquake takes place, we should hide in a bathroom or under some strong furniture immediately. At the same time wed better sit down on the ground with a towel on our nose and mouth to keep us from the dust. If it is possible, please turn off the gas

5、 control and the switches of electrical equipment. But you mustnt try to jump off a building. Whats more, do remember not to use the elevator.Thats all. Thank you!高频单词1.erupt (vi.) (指火山)爆发;突然发生eruption (n.) 火山爆发;(战争等)爆发 (n.) 设备;装备equip (vt.) 装备3.appoint (vt.) 任命;委派appointment (n.) 约定;任命4.

6、evaluate (vt.) 评估;评价;估计evaluation (n.) 评估5.absolute (adj.) 绝对的;完全的absolutely (adv.) 绝对地;完全地6.suit (n.) 一套外衣;套装 (vt.) 适合;使适宜suitable (adj.) 合适的;适宜的7.actual (adj.) 实在的;实际的actually (adv.) 实际上8.uncomfortable (adj.) 不舒服的;不舒适的comfortable (反义词) (adj.) 舒服的;舒适的uncomfortably (adv.)不舒服地;不舒适地9.anxious (adj.) 忧虑

7、的;不安的anxiously (adv.) 不安地anxiety (n.) 担心;焦虑;渴望10.panic (vi. & vt.) (使)惊慌 (n.) 惊慌;恐慌panicked (过去式/过去分词)11.diverse (adj.) 多种多样的;不同的diversity (n.) 多种多样;多样性12.appreciation (n.) 欣赏;感激;感谢appreciate (vt.) 欣赏;感激重点短语pare . with . 与相比2.be_suitable_for适合3.be_appointed_as被委派为4.burn_to_the_ground全部焚毁5.be_about_t

8、o_do_sth.即将做某事6.make ones way 前往7.glance through 匆匆看一遍8.vary from . to . 由到不等9.give birth to 生产;产生10.have a gift for 有的天赋热点句型1.现在分词作状语Having_collected_and_evaluated_the_information (收集和评估这些信息之后), I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.(教材P34) a

9、bout to do . when . “刚要这时”I was_about_to_go_back_to_sleep_when (刚要回去睡觉这时) suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day.(教材P34)3.独立主格结构The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study, but this_being_my_first_experience (这是我的第一次经历), I stayed at the top and watched them.(

10、教材P35)4.It is said that . “据说”It_is_said_that (据说) this boy, who had a great gift for languages and persuasion, is the father of the Manchu people.(教材P39)同步训练在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.Have you ever considered how weak humans are _ (compare) with a volcano, hurricane or earthquake?答案:compared2.Altho

11、ugh my job is occasionally dangerous, I dont mind because danger _ (excite) me and _ (make) me feel alive.答案:excites; makes3.However, the most important thing about my job is _ I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on earththe volcano.答案:that4.I was appointed _ a volcan

12、ologist working for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) twenty years ago.答案:as5._ (work) hard all day, I went to bed early.答案:Having worked6.I was fast asleep _ suddenly my bed began shaking and I heard a strange sound.答案:when7.I ran out of the house into the back garden _ I could see Mount Kilau

13、ea in the distance.答案:where8.The height of the land _ (vary) from 700 metres above sea level to over 2,000 metres and is home _ a great variety of rare plants and animals.答案:varies; to9.There are many stories _ (tell) about Tianchi.答案:told10.They were bathing in Tianchi _ a bird flew above them.答案:w

14、hen1 appointvt.任命;委派;指定;约定教材原句I was appointed as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) twenty years ago.(P34)二十年前我被任命为火山学家,为夏威夷火山天文台工作。(1)appoint sb. (as/to be) . 任命某人为appoint sb. to do sth.委派某人做某事appoint a time/place for 为约定时间/地点(2)appointment n. 任命;约会make/have/fix an a

15、ppointment with sb.与某人预约keep/break an appointment守/违约They appointed_him_(as) captain of the English team.他们任命他为英格兰队队长。I was_appointed_to take charge of arranging all the activities that day.我被指定来负责安排那一天的所有活动。We appointed the place and time for the next meeting.我们确定了下次集会的地点与时间。I left early because I

16、had_an_appointment later that day.因为那天晚些时候我有个约会,就早点离开了。2 suitn. 一套外衣;套装vt.适合;使适宜教材原句We had white protective suits that covered our whole body, helmets, big boots and special gloves.(P34)我们都穿着白色的防护服遮住全身,戴上了头盔和特别的手套,还穿了一双大靴子。(1)a suit of 一套/副(2)suit sb. fine 很合某人的意;对某人很合适suit . to . 使适合于(3)suitable ad

17、j. 适当的;相配的be suitable for 适合于be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事If you want to go by bus, that suits_me_fine.如果你想坐公共汽车去,那对我也非常合适。The film is_not_suitable_for children.这电影不适合孩子们。易混辨析fit多指大小、尺寸、形状的合适match多指色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配suit多指合乎需求、口味、性格、款式等一言辨异I want to take this jacket because it fits me well and matches my

18、 trousers, though the style doesnt suit me.尽管样式不适合我,但我还是想买这件夹克,因为我穿着很合身而且它和我的裤子很配。3 anxiousadj.忧虑的;不安的n担心;焦虑;渴望教材原句I was so anxious and couldnt move at first.(P38)我非常担心,一开始吓得动弹不得。(1)be anxious to do sth.急于做be anxious about sth.担心/忧虑某事be anxious for sb. 担心某人be anxious for sb. to do sth.急于让某人做be anxio

19、us that . 急切希望(2)anxiety n. 忧虑;担心;渴望(3)anxiously adv. 焦虑地;不安地She was_anxious_to_finish school and get a job.她渴望毕业,然后找工作。I am very anxious_aboutmy parents health.我非常担心父母的健康。We waited anxiously for our examination results.我们焦急地等待着考试结果。4 guaranteevt.保证;担保;确保n保证;保证书教材原句If you are lucky enough to visit t

20、he Lake of Heaven with your loved one, dont forget to make a wish to guarantee your love will be as deep and lasting as the lake itself.(P39)如果你有幸同你所爱的人同去天池,别忘许愿,以确保你们的爱情像湖水一样幽深而长久。(1)guarantee sb. sth. 保证某人某事guarantee to do sth. 保证/担保做某事(2)give sb. a guarantee that . 向某人保证under guarantee 在保修期内Even

21、if you complete your training I cant guarantee_you_a_job.即使你完成了培训,我也无法保证你能有工作。I cannot guarantee_to_work for more than a year.我不能保证工作一年以上。Can you give_me_a_guarantee_that the work will be finished on time?你能向我保证工作会按时完成吗?The car is less than a year old, so it is still under_guarantee.这辆汽车用了还不满一年,因此仍在

22、保修期内。.单句语法填空1Now that you have all your _ (equip), we can get started.答案:equipment由设空前的形容词性物主代词your可知后接名词,equipment为不可数名词。2Being punctual, we can avoid _ (anxious)答案:anxiety句中avoid后缺少宾语,故应填名词形式。3_(panic), she began to scream.答案:Panickingpanic与句子主语she之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词表原因。4His plane _ (shoot) down o

23、ver France in 1944.答案:was shot由句中时间状语in 1944可知,事情发生在过去,且表示“被击落”。故填was shot。5I would like to express my _ (appreciate) and thanks to you all.答案:appreciation由空格前的my一词可知,应填名词形式。appreciation为不可数名词。.单句改错1My mother had a appointment with her friends this morning._答案:aan2In college, youd better choose some

24、 activities which is suitable to you._答案:tofor3The message “Bridge out” would actual mean “Meet me”_答案:actualactually4The boys word is guarantee to make his mother angry._答案:guaranteeguaranteed5The students paniced when told that the final exams were less than a week away._答案:panicedpanickedmake one

25、s way 前往;取得成功教材原句It was not easy to walk in these suits, but we slowly made our way to the edge of the crater and looked down into the red, boiling centre.(P35)穿着这些衣服走起路来实在不容易,但我们还是缓缓往火山口的边缘走去,并且向下看到了红红的沸腾的火山中心。make way for 为让路in this/that way 用这种/那种方法on ones way to 在去的路上feel ones way 摸索着前进lose ones

26、 way 迷路wind ones way 蜿蜒向前force ones way out 挤出去;冲出去fight/push ones way 推挤着前行So long as you work hard, you can make_your_way in life.只要你努力工作,你的人生就会成功。Could you mail these letters on_your_way downtown?你能在去城里的路上把这几封信寄走吗?Without experience in it, we have to feel_our_way.由于在这方面没有经验,我们只能摸索着去做。The Great Wa

27、ll winds_its_way across north China like a huge dragon.长城像一条巨龙,在中国北方蜿蜒盘旋。vary from . to . 由到不等教材原句The land varies in height from 700 metres above sea level to over 2,000 metres and is home to a great diversity of rare plants and animals.(P39)这里地面的高度由海拔700米至2,000多米不等,是多种多样的珍稀动植物的生长地。(1)vary from 和不同v

28、ary with . 随而变化vary in size/colour 大小/颜色不一样vary between . and . /from . to . 由到情况不等;在到之间变动(2)variety n. 种类;多样化various adj. 各种各样的a variety ofvarieties of 各种各样(3)various adj. 各种各样的However, views on this issue vary_from_person_to_person.然而,不同的人对这个问题持不同的观点。Prices of fruit and vegetables often vary_with

29、the season.水果和蔬菜的价格常随季节而变化。Malaysia, a multiracial and multicultural country, is famous for its varieties_of food.马来西亚是一个多种族和多文化的国家,因多种多样的美食而闻名。.选词填空vary from . to .; compare . with .; make ones way; glance through; have a gift for1_ the past libraries, todays libraries are equipped much better.答案:Compared with2The ages of the kids in the kindergarten _ 2 years old _ 5 years old.答案:vary from; to3When the concert was over, we _ out of the hall.答案:made our way4My young brother _ great

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