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1、起重机日常维护与保养Routine Care and Maintenance of Crane(一)机构的润滑 Lubrication of Mechanism起重机设备润滑情况的好坏直接影响起重机各机构的正常运转,同时与延长机件的寿命和促进安全生产有密切的关系。因此,使用和维修人员必须经常检查各润滑点的润滑情况,按时用油枪通过各润滑点的油杯加油。The lubrication condition of crane equipment directly affects the normal operation of crane mechanisms and is closely related

2、 to extending the service life of the mechanics and promoting safety in production. Therefore, the use and maintenance personnel must carry out regular checks on all lubrication points and fuel on time with oil gun through oil cups of the lubrication points.1起重设备各润滑点的分布1. Distribution of lubrication

3、 points of hoisting equipment 吊钩滑轮轴;Hook pulley spindle 固定滑轮轴(小车架上);Fixed pulley spindle (on the dolly frame) 钢丝绳;Steel rope 各减速器;Reducers 各齿轮联轴器;Gear couplings 各轴承箱(包括车轮组、卷筒组);Bearing boxes (including group wheel and group reel) 电动机轴承;Motor bearing 制动器各节点和轴栓;Nodes and axle bolts of brake 电缆导电中滑车的轴承

4、;Pulley bearing of electric cable 抓斗各铰点的轴。Shafts of grab hinge joints2润滑条件与润滑材料2. Lubricating condition and materials起重设备必须采用合适的润滑油脂,定期润滑和及时更换,润滑装置和各润滑点必须保持清洁。下表所列为各机构主要零部件润滑时间的一般规定和推荐用的润滑材料:Appropriate lubricant grease must be used for hoisting equipment, which should be regularly lubricated and ti

5、mely replaced; lubrication equipment and the lubrication points must be kept clean. The following table lists the general regulation on lubrication interval time of major components of various mechanisms and lubricating materials recommended to use.序号No.易损零部件Wearing parts规 则Regulation 润滑条件Lubricatin

6、g condition润滑材料Lubricating materials1钢丝绳Steel rope一般1530天一次,根据实际使用中的润滑情况决定Lubricated once 1530 days in general, according to lubrication condition in the actual use把润滑脂加热到80100浸泡至饱和为宜不加热涂沫Heat lubricant grease to 80100, soaked to saturationLiniment not heated 钢丝绳麻心脂(Q/SY1152-65)涂合成石墨钙基脂(SYB1405-65)或

7、其它钢丝绳润滑脂Steel rope hemp core grease (Q/SY1152-65)graphite calcium base grease (SYB1405-65) or other steel rope lubricant grease2减速器Reducers使用初期每季换一次,以后可根据油的清洁情况半年一年换一次Replaced once every quarter in the early use period and 6-12 months later according to the cleanness of oil夏 季summer用HL30齿轮油(SYB1103-

8、62)With HL30 gear oil (SYB1103-62)冬 季(不低于-20)Winter(not lower than -20)用HL20齿轮油(SYB1103-62)With HL20 gear oil (SYB1103-62)3齿轮联轴器Gear couplings每月一次Once a month工作温度-2060Service temperature -2060高于50Higher than 50低于-20Lower than -20 可采用以任何元素为基体的润滑脂,但不能混合使用。冬季宜用1.2号,夏季宜用3.4号。Lubricant grease adopting an

9、y element as the base can be used but cannot be mixed. No.1.2 is preferred in winter and No.3.4 in summer. 用工业锂基润滑脂(QSY1110-65)冬季用1号,夏季用2号。Industrial lithium base grease (QSY1110-65); No.1 for winter and No.2 for summer采用1、2号特种润滑脂(Q/SY1119-70)No.1 and No.2 special lubricant grease (Q/SY1119-70)4滚动轴承

10、Rolling bearing36个月一次Once 36 months 5滑动轴承Sliding bearing酌情Case by case6卷筒内齿盘Inner fluted disc of reel每大修时加满Top up in every heavy maintenance7电动机Motor年修或大修Annual overhaul or heavy maintenance一般电动机 General motorH级绝缘和湿热地带H-grade insulation and hot and humid zone复合铝基润滑脂(Q/SY1105-66)Compound aluminum bas

11、e grease (Q/SY1105-66) 3号锂基润滑脂No.3 lithium base grease注:表中所列Q/SY系列系辽宁省营口市润滑油脂厂厂标代号;SYB系石油部部颁标准代号。Note: the listed Q / SY series is the blem code of Lubricating Oil and Grease Factory in Yingkou City, Liaoning Province; SYB is the ministerial standard code of the Petroleum Department.(二)机构设备的维护和保养 Ca

12、re and Maintenance of Mechanical Equipment1钢丝绳1. Steel rope报废标准:按GB6067-85起重机械安全规程中有关规定执行。Discard standard: according to the relevant provisions in GB6067-85 “Hoisting Machinery Safety Regulations”.钢丝绳使用的安全程度由下列项目判定(见2.款)The security level of steel rope is determined by the following items

13、(refer to、 断丝的性质和数量;Nature and number of filament breakageb、 绳端断丝;Rope-end filament breakagec、 断丝的局部聚集;Partial aggregation of filament breakaged、 断丝的增加率; Increasing rate of filament breakagee、 绳股断裂;Strand breakagef、 由于绳芯损坏而引起的绳径减小;Reduction of rope diameter caused by the damage of rope

14、 coreg、 弹性减小;Reduction of elasticityh、 外部及内部磨损;External and internal wear and teari、 外部及内部腐蚀;External and internal corrosionj、 变形;Deformationk、 由于热或电弧造成的损坏。Damages caused by heat or electric arc所有的均应考虑以上各项因素并遵循各自的标准。然而,钢丝绳的损坏往往是由各个因素综合积累造成的,这就应由主管主管判别并决定钢丝绳是报废还是继续使用。All the above factors should be t

15、aken into account and follow their respective standard. However, the damage of steel rope is often caused by the accumulation of various factors, which requires the superintendent to judge and decide to discard or continue to use the rope.在所有情况下,检验人员应弄清钢丝绳的损坏是否由机构上缺陷所造成,如果是这样,应建议在换新钢丝绳之前消除这缺陷。In all cases, inspectors should ascertain whether the rope damage is caused by mechanism defects; if so, it should be recommended to eliminate the defect

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