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新航标职业英语综合英语预备级学生用书Unit 1.docx

1、新航标职业英语综合英语预备级学生用书Unit 1 Unit 1 People and JobsBackground 1.Preparations to apply for a job1.Get familiar with the job responsibilities you are applying for and get some basic knowledge about the company.2.Read the requirements for the candidates carefully on the want ad to see if you are qualified.

2、3. Present a good resume, writing an English version if necesary. Write an application letter if necessary. 4. Prepare in advance for some questions the interviewers probably ask.5. Pay attention to your appearance and manners and body language when having an interview.6. Be confident.2. Job titlesS

3、ales assistant 销售助理 Marketing consultant 市场顾问Sales representative 销售代表 Insurance agent 保险代理人Project manager 项目经理 Product manager 产品经理Director of operations 运营总监 Telemarketer 电话销售员Regional manager 区域经理 Customer representative 客户代表Hardware engineer 硬件工程师 Director of human resources 人力资源总监Bell boy 门童 C

4、arpenter 木匠Auditor审计员 Architect建筑师Archaeologist 考古学家 Designer 设计师Computer programmer程序员 Life guard 救生员Mechanic 机械师,机修工 Interpreter口译员Operator 接线员 Sculptor 雕刻家Porter 守门人,行李夫 Researcher 研究员Seaman 海员 Editor 编辑Suggested teaching planItemsObjectivesSuggested TimeGetting ReadyTo acquire a general knowledg

5、e of different jobs and what each job is responsible for10 min.Text ATo learn some basic information about job titles To get a general idea about some crazy job titles that are not familiar to us 80 min.Language FocusTo acquire a good command of the core vocabulary and structures in Text ATo learn t

6、o use time prepositions45 min.Text BTo acquire an overview of how to write a want ad45 min.Vocational FocusTo learn the basic steps of applying for a job successfully90 min. Skill FocusListening and SpeakingTo review the English alphabetTo practice telephone conversation and learn how to introduce a

7、 company45 min.Skill FocusPractical WritingTo learn how to take down a telephone message40 min. Practical LearningTo be able to recognize different email and Internet symbols5 min.Getting ReadyHave the students think about the questionsWhat kind of jobs do you know? What the person does for a partic

8、ular job? Give some hints if necessary. (2 min.)A (4min.)a. Have the students look at the six pictures, and let them guess what the person in each picture does. b. Have the students fill in the blanks according to the pictures and the given information.c. Have the students listen to the recording an

9、d check their answers.Key to Exercise A1. import and export company 2. flight attendant 3. German bank 4. in between jobs 6. trainee B (4 min.)a. Have the students match the job titles with the job description.b. Have the students check their answers.c. Have the students think of more job

10、 titles and their descriptions.Key to Exercise B 1.c 2.a 3.e 4.b 5.h 6.d 7.g 8.f Text A1. Have the students read the new words and expressions aloud along with the recording, and get familiar with the meaning of the words and expressions. (10 min.)2. Have the students listen to the recording of the

11、text, and read the text more carefully and do the exercise in “Understanding your reading”. (25 min.)3. Have the students check their answers with each other and then ask some students to give their final answer. (10 min.)4. Ensure the students have a deep understanding of the text by explaining the

12、 language points. If time permits, have the students practice using them by composing new sentences. (25 min.)5. After an in-depth reading of the text, have the students work in groups to choose a job title in real life and make some descriptions of their own. (5 min.)6. Students should have a basic

13、 knowledge of job titles. Write a summary of the text. (5 min.)Key to Text A Exercise1.F 2. T 3.T 4. F 5. TLanguage PointsParagraph 11. categorize vt. 分类,归类 Participants were categorized according to age. 参加者按年龄分组。Our brains can categorize information.我们的大脑能把信息进行归类。【拓展】categorization n. 2. search fo

14、r寻找,搜寻 She searched for her passport but in vain. 她翻找自己的护照,但没找到。 All the villagers are searching for the missing child. 所有的村民都在寻找那个失踪的孩子。 【拓展】search v. & n. 寻找,搜寻;搜查,搜身 Police searched the area for clues. 警察在那一带查找线索。 Visitors are regularly searched as they enter the building. 参观者进入大楼时要接受例行的搜身检查。 Pol

15、ice carried out a through search of the building. 警察对那栋大楼进行了彻底的搜查。Paragraph 21. rsum n. (=curriculum vitae, CV) 简历,履历A good rsum is essential for a job interview. 一份好的简历对求职面试是必要的。 Applications with a full rsum and two references should reach the principal by July 12th. 申请书连同完整个人简历和两封推荐信必须在7月12日之前送达校

16、长处。2. responsibility n. 责任;职责,义务 We are looking for a sales manager with responsibility for the American market.我们正在招聘负责美国市场的销售经理。 I am not ready to take new responsibilities. 我还没准备好承担新的责任。She has a strong sense of responsibility towards her employees. 她对自己的员工有很强的责任感。【拓展】responsible a. 有责任;应受责备,作为原因

17、 (常与for搭配使用)Mike is responsible for designing the entire project. 迈克负责设计全部工程。Whos responsible for this mess? 是谁弄得这么乱?Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer. 因患肺癌而死亡者,约90%是吸烟所致。3. current a. 最近的,当前的 Do you like your current boss? 你喜欢你现在的老板吗? He is interested in curr

18、ent affairs. 他对时事感兴趣。 【拓展】current n. 水流,气流;潮流 He swam to the shore against a strong current. 他逆着激流游向岸边。 Birds use warm air current to help their flight. 鸟利用暖气流助飞。 Officials are worried about this current of anti-government feeling. 官员们对这股反政府情绪感到担忧。Paragraph 41.hear of 听说,得知(某人/某事) Have you ever hear

19、d of this place? 你曾听说过这个地方吗? She disappeared and was never heard of again. 她小时了,再 页没人听到过她的消息。【拓展】hear from sb. 收到某人的信件(或电子邮件、电话等) I look forward to hearing from you. 我盼望着收到你的信。 hear sb. out 听某人把话说完 Youve never heard me out. 你从不听我把话说完。2. check out 查看,查证,核实 Well have to check him out before we allow h

20、im to join us. 我们得先调查一下他再让他加入我们。 Check out the prices at our new store. 看一看我们新商店的价格吧。【拓展】check out (of) 结账离开 (反义短语:check in 登记,报到) Guests should check out (of their rooms) by noon. 客人必须在中午以前办理退房手续。Paragraph 51. free sb./sth. of 从某人/某物上清除,解除,去除 Yoga can free the body and the mind of tension. 做瑜伽可以使身心

21、放松。 The police are determined to free the town of violent crime. 警方决心消灭该城镇的暴力犯罪。 【拓展】free v. 释放,使自由,使摆脱(常与from搭配) The hijackers agreed to free a further ten hostages. 劫持者已同意再释放十名人质。 Three people were freed from the wreckage. 有三人被救出残骸。2. skilled in在方面熟练(=skilled at) She is highly skilled in/at dealin

22、g with difficult customers. 应对难缠的顾客她很有一手。 He is skilled in/at getting help from others. 他很擅长让别人帮他。Language FocusA Focus the students attention on the three groups of words by discussing the differences among the three or four words in each group. Have some students read each group of sentences aloud

23、 and make sure they understand their meanings. (5 min.)B Have the students finish Exercise B in pairs. One students reads a word in Column A aloud while the other chooses the proper word or expression that agrees with it from Column B. (3min.)C Have the students look through the given vocabulary, an

24、d have them complete the sentences individually and check their answers in pairs. Then have some of the students read the sentence aloud one by one. (5min.)D a. Have the students look back at the structures “e.g.” and “freeof” in Text A. Elicit some ideas about the usage and meaning of the structure

25、s.b. Have the students compose sentences with the given words. Then have them take turns to read the sentences, making corrections if necessary.(7min.)E Have the students work individually or in pairs. Check their E-C translation orally. (5min.)Key to Language FocusA1. a. responsible b. responsibly

26、c. responsibilities2. a. manager b. management c. manage3. a. employees b. employment c. employed d. employersB1.b 2. c 3. e 4. d 5. A C 1. position 2. fancy 3. experience 4. check out 5. rsum 6. occupation 7. current 8. Heard of D 1. a. The workbook has a variety of exercises, e.g. the matching exe

27、rcise, crosswords and translation. b. We need many helpers, e.g. doctors and teachers.2. a. These exercises can free our body of tension. b. We should free our company website of any advertisements.E1.求职者可以用职位名称或职位名称的关键词来找工作。2. 职位名称用在简历中来列举你的工作经历。3. 不同的职位名称通过行业、工作类型、职业、职业领域以及岗位级别进行区分。4. 但你是否听说过一些根本不

28、知道是什么,让人难以置信的职位名称?5. 你会看到这个人在爆米花上喷洒奶酪或黄油。Grammar Time Prepositions1.Discuss the basic concept and functions or usage of time prepositions. (4 min.)2.Explain the differences between similar time prepositions, such as in/on, since/for.(6min.)ExerciseAfter explaining the usage of different time preposi

29、tions, have the students finish the exercise and then check their answers. And ask the students why the underlined prepositions are wrong. (10 min.)Key to Grammar Exercise1.for 2.for 3. for 4.after 5. in 6.after 7.until/till 8.before 10. on 11.atText B1.Before the students open their books, hav

30、e them think about some want ads they saw before, and have them list the necessary items in a want ad, such as job title, work experience, contact information, etc.(10 min.)2. Have the students open their books, listen to the recording and go through the words and expressions following the text. Hav

31、e them read the words and expressions aloud along with the recording. (8 min.)3.Have the students listen to the recording and read the text, and pick out the main points of writing a want ad. (10 min.)4. Have the students write a want ad in English. (17 min.)Information for ReferenceA want ad is a kind of ad used to release recruitment information. Traditional want ads generally include the following items:1. Basic information or a brief introduction of the company.2. Basic requirements for the candidates, such as experience, relevant skills, certificates.3. Benefit package offere

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