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1、主谓一致单元测试题含答案经典1主谓一致单元测试题(含答案)经典1一、主谓一致1There a basketball match between class one and class three this afternoon.Ais going to be Bwill haveCare going to be Dis going to have.【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:今天下午在一班和三班之间有一场篮球赛。此题考查there be 句型的一般将来时。表示有,客观存在,there不和have在一块使用,根据句意,应选A。考点:考查一般将来时。2Not only my classmate

2、s but also our English teacher Chinese poems, so we often share their favourite ones.Alike Bliked Clikes Dliking【答案】C【解析】句意:不仅我的同学们而且我的老师都喜欢古诗,因此我们经常分享他们最喜欢的诗。本题考查动词的时态。A. like动词原形; B. liked 过去式;C. likes 单数第三人称; D. liking现在分词形式。Not onlybut also不仅而且用于连接两个对等的成分;若连接两个成分作主语,其后谓语动词与靠近的主语保持一致。our English

3、teacher为单数第三人称,故选C3Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?No, _. But you can find one in Yang Fang Road.Athere isnt Bit isnt Cthey arent Dthere is【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:劳驾,请问附近有银行吗?没有。但你可以去阳坊路,那里有一家。根据下文的答语“But you can find one in Yang Fang Road.”知是否定回答,排除D选项。根据问句“Is there?”可知答语为there be句型否定形式,答案为A。4Eighty p

4、ercent of the students in this school _ three to five times a week.Aexercises Bexercise Cexercising【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意“在我们学校80%的学生一周锻炼三到五次”。根据three to five times a week“一周三到五次”可知,用一般现在时,排除C;“分数或者百分数+of+名词”作主语,谓语与of后的名词保持一致,即与students保持一致,students为复数,故选B。5 students in our class going to the summer camp i

5、n Beijing next week.ATwo fifths; is BSecond fifths; areCSecond fifths; is DTwo fifths; are【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:我们班五分之二的学生打算下周去北京参加夏令营。表达分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,因此五分之二的表达应该是two fifths,排除B,C;分数后面的名词为复数名词students,根据主谓一致的原则,只能用are,故答案选D。【点睛】本题考查的知识点有分数的表达和主谓一致,一般情况下,表示分数时,分子要用基数词,分母要用序数词,如果分子大于1,表示分母的序数词要用复数形式,如:t

6、wo thirds 三分之二。由“分数或百分数名词”构成的短语作主语时,其谓语动词的数要根据短语中后面名词的数而定。如:60% of the students in our class are girls.我们班60的学生是女生。Two thirds of the apple is red.这个苹果的三分之二是红色的。6Whats in the picture on the wall?There a teacher and some students playing soccer on the playground.Ahas Bare Cis Dhave【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意“-在墙上

7、的照片里有什么?-一个老师和一些学生在操场上踢足球”。本题考查there be的用法。there be不与have连用,排除A和D;there be中的be动词遵循“就近一致”原则,即与最近的a teacher保持一致,用单数is,故选C。7一There a book sale in our school.Would you like to have a look with me?一Sure.Id love to.Ais Bhave Care【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意: 我们学校有卖书的活动,你愿意和我一起去看看吗? 当然。我很乐意。本题考查there be结构,表示某地有某物;而have

8、是指某人有某物,空前面是There,因此考查的是there be结构,排除B;再由a book sale是单数名词,因此be 动词用is。故选A。8 Drive slowly, Mary. _ is something ahead on the road.AIt BThis CThat DThere【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:开慢点,玛丽。在路的前方有东西。there be句型表示某物存在某处。结合句意,故选D。【考点定位】:考查there be句型。9I cant decide which shirt to choose._ the blue one _ the white one i

9、s OK. They look nice on you.ABoth, andBEither, orCNeither, nor【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:-我还没有决定选择哪件衬衣。-这件蓝色或白色的都可以。它们穿在你身上都很好看。此题考查反连词,A两者都;B或者或者;C两者都不。根据句意,故选B。考点:考查连词。10Wechat(微信) is very popular. _ the young _ the old are getting interested in it.ANeither; nor BEither; orCNot only; but also DBetween; and【

10、答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:微信很流行,不但年轻人而且老年人都对它感兴趣。A. Neithernor:既不也不;B. Eitheror 或者或者;C. Not onlybut also 不但而且;D. Betweenand介于与之间。由“popular”(受欢迎的,流行的,大众的)可以推测出年轻人和老年人都感兴趣,故选C。考点:考查连词辨析。11-How time flies! Three years since we came to this school,-Yes,it a good memory.Ahave passed; is Bhas passed: isCpass; has b

11、een Dpassed; was【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:-时间飞逝。从我们来到这所学校,三年的时间已经过去。-是的,它是一个美好的回忆。时间做主语看做单数,故排除AC。since从(到现在),是现在完成时的标志,故排除D,故选B。考点:考查主谓一致及时态的用法。12Why are you late,Jim?Because there_a lot of traffic when I came hereAisBareCwasDwere【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意: “Jim,你为什么迟到?因为当我来这儿时,有许多车辆。”,原因发生在过去,而且traffic是不可数名词,本题应用is的

12、过去式was。故选C。考点:考查There be句型的时态用法。13- Which show do you prefer, Running Man or The Reader?- The reader, of course. _ I _ my brother likes it.ABoth; andBNeither; norCEither; orDNot only; but also【答案】D【解析】句意:跑男和朗读者,你更喜欢哪一个节目?当然是朗读者,不仅我,而且我哥哥都喜欢它。Both;and“和都”,连接并列主语,谓语用复数形式。此处谓语likes是第三人称单数,故排除A项。Neither

13、;nor“既不,也不”,根据The reader, of course可知此处表示喜欢朗读者,故排除B项。Either, or“或者,或者”,根据句意我和哥哥两个人都喜欢它,不是我们中的一个人喜欢它。故排除C项。Not only, but also“不仅,而且”连接并列主语,谓语用就近原则,离谓语最近的主语my brother是第三人称单数,故谓语likes是第三人称单数。故选D。14 Either Eve or Herb _ been invited by Lucys parents already.Ahave Bhas Cwas DWere【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:伊芙或赫伯已经被路

14、西的父母邀请了。Either . or.或者或者,连接两个主语时,用就近原则,already是现在完成时的标志词,结合句意,故选B15_ Tom_Maria loves this sport.ABoth, and BNot only, but also CBut, and DBoth, or【答案】B【解析】【详解】试题分析:句意:不仅汤姆,玛丽亚也喜欢这个运动。Bothand“两者都”,连接名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;Not onlybut also “不仅而且”,连接两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与靠近的主语保持一致。谓语动词用“loves”,所以选择B。考点: 考查连词的用法。1

15、6(用在否定句中)也,而且;根本If you dont go, I wont either. 你如不去,我也不去。 It wont do them any good, but it wont do them any harm either. 这对他们没有好处,但也没有坏处。17Everyone except Tom and Jim _ going to visit some friends in Shenzhen.Ais Bare Cam Dbe【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:除了汤姆和吉姆之外,每个人都会去拜访在深圳的一些朋友。Except意为“除了”,引起的结构跟在主语后面,不能看作是并列

16、主语,主语如是单数,其谓语动词仍然用单数形式,本句主语是everyone,不定代词,谓语动词用be动词单数is,故选A。【点睛】as well as, with, along with, like, together with, rather than, except, but, including, accompanied by, plus, besides, in addition to, no less than 等引起的结构跟在主语后面,不能看作是并列主语,该主语不受这些词组引导的插入语的影响,主语如是单数,其谓语动词仍然用单数形式。例如:1) My mother, as well a

17、s my father, has a key to the office. 2) The man together with his wife and children sits there watching TV. 3) His sister no less than you is wrong. 4) The reading course book, plus its reference books, is helpful to college students.18There a basketball game between Class 8 and Class 12 tomorrow a

18、fternoon.Ais Bhas Cwill be Dwill have【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:明天下午在8班和12班之间将有一场篮球比赛。A. is是,单数;B. has有,第三人称单数;C. will be将是;D. will have将有。这里是there be句型,不能出现have/has,排除BD;根据时间状语tomorrow afternoon.可知用一般将来时,其结构是there will be+主语+介词短语。根据题意,故选C。19Now the number of students who bedrooms of their own getting larger a

19、nd larger.Ahas;are Bhave;is Chas;is DHave;are【答案】B【解析】句意:现在拥有自己卧室的学生越来越多。have动词,有;has动词三单,有。is是,动词单三形式;are是,主语为第一、二人称,以及第三人称复数。定语从句Now the number of students who_ bedrooms of their own中,students为先行词,复数含义,所以定语从句谓语动词使用复数形式have。第二个空为be动词,其主语为the number(单数含义),所以be动词使用is。故选:B。点睛:the number of表示“的数量”,跟复数名

20、词连用作主语时,中心词是number,谓语动词要用单数; a number of表示“许多”,相当于 many,修饰可数名词复数。作主语时,谓语动词用复数。20. In the past few years there _ great changes in my hometown.Ahave been Bwere Chad been Dare【答案】A【解析】略21Li Yuchun with her fans, _ visiting the art museum at this time yesterday.Awas Bwere Chad been【答案】A【解析】句意:昨天这个时间李宇春和

21、她的粉丝正在参观艺术博物馆。根据时间状语at this time yesterday可知,句子应该用过去进行时。故选A。22 Do you know _ a wonderful match and two basketball matches on July 15 th ? Yeah . I am going to watch them on that day.Athere will be Bthere is going to have Cthere are going to be Dis there going to be【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:你知道7月15日会有一场精彩的比赛和两

22、场篮球赛吗?是的。那天我要去看它们。考查there be结构。宾语从句需用陈述句语序,D是疑问句语序,可排除。根据句意语境,本句用一般将来时。there be 结构的一般将来时用there will be 和there is going to be,表示最近要做的事,可排除B。根据就近原则,a wonderful match一场精彩的比赛,需用there is going to be,可排除C项。综合以上,可知选A。23Neither Amy nor her parents _ to Australia, but _ of them know Australian customs very w

23、ell.Ahave been, all Bhave been, both Chas been, neither Dhas been, none【答案】B【解析】句意:艾米和她的父母都没去过澳大利亚,但他们都很了解澳大利亚的风俗习惯。考查动词时态和不定代词辨析题。Neither A nor B,表示两者都没有/都不,遵循就近原则;空格前面的parents(父母)是复数形式,不可用has,可排除CD两项。all全都;both两者都,Amy和her parents是两个方面,需用both。根据句意语境,可知选B。24The population of China _over 1.5 billion

24、and China has _population in the world.Ais, the bigger Bare, the biggest Cis, the biggest Dare, the bigger【答案】C【解析】句意:中国人口超过15亿,中国是世界上人口最多的国家。考查系动词和最高级辨析题。主语The population是单数第三人称,系词需用is,可排除are。bigger更大/多的,比较级不可用定冠词the,可排除A项。根据句意语境,in the world(在世界上)表示的范围广泛,需用最高级,故选C。25What do you think of the T-shir

25、ts for your brother?Oh,_this T-shirt_that one is fit for him. They are too small.Aboth; and Beither; or Cneither; nor Dnot only; but also【答案】C【解析】句意:你觉得你哥哥的T恤衫怎么样?哦,这件T恤衫和那件T恤衫都不适合他。它们太小了。A. both; and两者都;B. either; or或者或者;C. neither; nor既不也不;D. not only; but also不但而且。“它们都太小了”说明两件T恤衫都不适合他,结合选项可知,答案为C

26、。26Mary is a kind girl. She often _ her classmates with their homework.Ahelp BhelpsCis helping Dhelped【答案】B【解析】句意:玛丽是一个善良的女孩,她经常帮助她的同学做作业。根据often判断,经常性的动作用一般现在时,主语she是第三人称单数,因此动词要用三单形式,故答案为B。27This pair of shoes _ really small for me.Why not try _ pair?Ais, another Bare, another Cis, other Dare, oth

27、er【答案】A【解析】句意:这双鞋对我来讲真的小。为什么不试另一双呢?a pair of结构在句子里作主语时,谓语的数与pair一致。前句里pair是单数,be用单数is。Another指不确定数目中的另一个,再一个;other指别的,其它的,后接可数名词复数。后句描述的是“另试一双”,指不确定数目中的另一个,再一个,用another。故选A。点睛:another指不确定数目中的另一个,再一个;other常作形容词,后可以跟名词;the other指两者中剩下的另一个;others是other的复数形式,表达复数含义,后不能跟名词。The others则指剩下的全部。28 Which kind

28、 of drink would you like, tea or coffee? Either OK, but I prefer coffee milk.Ais; with Bare; to Cis; to【答案】A【解析】句意:你想要喝哪一种饮料,茶还是咖啡?哪一种都可以,但是我更喜欢加牛奶的咖啡。either表示两者中的任何一个都可以,故谓语用第三人称单数。prefer sth to sth更喜欢而不喜欢,结合句意,任何一个都喜欢,故排除C项。此处表示加牛奶的咖啡,故用with milk作后置定语修饰coffee。故选A。29Dad, this phone is ringing, I gu

29、ess either you or Mum on the phone.Awant Bare wantedCwants Dis wanted【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:我猜电话或者是找你的或者是找妈妈的。主语you or Mum是want的承受者,故句子用被动语态;either or 连接并列主语,谓语动词根据就近原则故用is,故选D。考点:考查一般现在时的被动语态。30There_ a party next month.Would you like to go with me?Awill have Bis going to be Cis going to have【答案】B【解析】句意:

30、下个月将有一个聚会。你愿意和我一起去吗?there be表示某时或某地有某人或某物;have表示某人或某物拥有。根据next month可知此处用there be的一般将来时,故选B。31_ something wrong with my bike. Can I use yours?AIt is BIt was CThere is DThere was【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:我的自行车出毛病了。我可以用你的吗?考查there be句型的用法。句型There is something wrong with sb/sth.意思是某人或某物有问题。根据下文“Can I use yours?”一般现在时,可知此句使用一般现在时,故排除D(一般过去时),用there is(一般现在时)。选C。32There _ a ticket, a lamp and some keys on

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