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1、新视野大学英语第二册unit1单词budget v. (为.)作出安排 has learned how to budget her time carefully. |她已学会了怎么精心安排自己的时间。 government has budgeted 10 million dollars for education spending. |政府在预算中拨款一千万美元作为教育经费。vi.制定预算 As a student, you have to learn how to budget. |作为学生,你得学会如何制定开支计划。n. |C预算 is important to balance ones

2、budget. |使收支平衡十分重要。 are preparing the companys advertising budget for 2007. |他们正在制定公司2007年的广告预算。charge v. 向.收费,要价 do not charge for delivery. |我们免费送货上门。 doctor charged us 400 dollars for a five-minute examination. 医生做一次5分钟的检查要了我们400美元。acute a. 敏感的;敏锐的 have an acute sense of smell. |狗有灵敏的嗅觉。 critical

3、 professional requires unusually acute observation. |评论家需要非常敏锐的观察力。2.严重的 president suffered acute embarrassment from this news. |这一新闻使总统十分难堪。 felt acute pain on his back. |他感到背部很疼。hourglass n. |C |(计时用的)沙漏The use of the hourglass dates back to almost two thousand years ago in China. 沙漏的使用在中国可追溯到差不多2

4、千年前。restless a. 烦躁的;不安静的 one month in the job, he felt restless and decided to leave. |这工作他干了一个月就感到厌倦,于是决定不干了。 children grew restless with the long wait. |等的时间一长,孩子们就逐渐躁动不安起来。restlessly ad. 烦躁地;不安静地 walked back and forth restlessly in her room. |她焦躁不安地在房间里走来走去。 moved about restlessly, lighting a cig

5、arette. |他焦躁不安地走来走去,点燃了一支烟。elbow vt.用肘推(或撞)人 elbowed me out of the way. |他用肘把我推开了。 elbowed her way forward. |她用胳膊肘推挤着向前走。n. 肘 sat with his elbows on the table. |他坐着,双肘架在桌上。 arm was wrapped from the elbow to the fingers. |他的胳膊从肘部一直包扎到手指。abrupt a.粗鲁的,无礼的 manager was offended by his abrupt reply. |经理被他

6、的粗鲁的回答激怒了。 head teacher is very abrupt with parents. |主任老师对家长们的态度很粗鲁。2.突然的,意外的 road is full of many abrupt turns. |这条路有许多急转弯。 abrupt departure surprised everyone. |他突然离去,使大家都很吃惊。opening a. 开始的 left after the opening speech of the debate. |辩论会的开场白之后他就走了。 queen attended the opening night of the theatr

7、e. |女王观看了这家剧院的首夜演出。n. 1. C开业典礼;落成典礼 opening of a new highway |一条新公路的通车典礼2Many attended the opening of the new sports center. |很多人参加了新体育中心的落成典礼。C 空缺职位 are few openings in publishing for new graduates. |出版行业能为新毕业的大学生提供的空缺职位极少。m trying to apply for an opening in an advertising firm. |我正在申请广告公司的一个空缺职位。r

8、itual a. 例行的;惯常的 day the work begins with the ritual greetings. |每天的工作以例行的问候开始。 made ritual apology and left. |他们做了程式化的道歉,然后就离开了。n.惯例 make a ritual of their household duties. |家庭主妇每天都是一成不变地操持家务。ve wound up the clock so many times that it has become a ritual. |我经常给钟上发条,以致这已成了我的习惯。interaction n. 交流 in

9、teraction of the two groups produced many good ideas. |两个组通过相互交流提出了许多不错的见解。 there was more interaction between the two, their problems would be solved. |如果双方有更多的沟通,他们的问题会得到解决。. C, U 相互作用;相互影响 interaction of two medicines |两种药之间的相互作用 interaction between different police forces would improve the rate

10、of solving crimes. |警方相互合作可以提高破案率。 convention n. C, U习俗;惯例 convention, the leader is always a man. 按照惯例,领导总是由男性担任。 a coat and tie is an accepted convention on such an occasion. |在那种场合,穿外套系领带是约定俗成的穿着要求。 C会议;大会 hold the annual convention in July.他们每年7月召开年度会议。 convention decided on a new rule. |大会就一项新规

11、定作出决议。leisure |n. 空闲,闲暇 ve been working all week without a moments leisure. |我们已整整干了一周,无一刻闲暇。 has some leisure from his studies. |他在学习之余有些空闲时间。 U悠闲,安逸 life of easy leisure makes a man less adventurous. |安逸的生活会使人变得不思进取。 she retired, she lived in leisure at home. |她退休后闲居在家。leisurelya. 从容的;不匆忙的 at a le

12、isurely pace |迈着从容的步伐行进 walked at a more leisurely pace. |他慢悠悠地走着。assess vt.评价,评估 assessed the value of the house at $600,000. |他们估算这幢房子值60万美元。 say they can assess intelligence from these tests. |他们声称通过这些测试能对智力进行评估。surroundingsn. 周围的事物;环境 surroundings |令人愉快的环境 new surroundings made the children very

13、 happy. |新的环境让孩子们很开心。probe v. 调查;探究 matter must be probed to the bottom. |这件事必须彻底调查。 tried to probe his mind to find out what he was thinking. |她试图探究他的心思,以便知道他在想些什么。n. 探针(医生检查伤口用的钝头细长工具) The doctor lost the probe during the operation. |手术过程中,医生弄丢了探针。social 社会的 Governments have made efforts to improv

14、e womens social and economic status. 政府已作出努力以提高妇女的社会地位和经济地位。Not least important, marriage is a great social stabilizer of men. |很重要的是,婚姻是促使男子稳定的一大社会因素。2.社交的She often attends social gatherings. |她常出席社交聚会。His reasons for calling were purely social. |他来访的原因纯粹是为了社交。sociallyad. 与社会 (或社交) 相关地 We have know

15、n each other socially for a long time. |我们相交已久。For socially ambitious couples this is a problem. |对社交上雄心勃勃的夫妇来说,这是一个问题。tick vi. (钟、表等)滴答响The old clock ticked noisily. 那口老钟的滴答声很响。My watch doesnt tick because its electronic. |我的表不滴嗒作响,因为它是电子表。n. (钟、表的)滴答声The continual tick of the clock got on my nerve

16、s. |钟不断地作响,令我心烦。The ticks seem to be coming from that bag over there. |滴答声似乎是从那边的袋子里发出的。consequently |ad. 因此,所以 My car broke down and consequently I was late. |我的汽车半路上出了毛病,所以来晚了。I spent most of my money in the first week and consequently had very little to spend on food during the last few days of t

17、he holidays. |我在假期第一周就用掉了大部分钱,因此最后几天几乎没什么钱买吃的了。device n. |1. C器械,装置 He made a device to make the door shut by itself. |他制作了一种能使门自动关闭的装置。A computer is a device for processing information. |计算机是一种处理信息的装置。2. C方法,手段Her illness is only a device to escape seeing him. 她所谓生病只是回避见他的一种策略。By various devices he

18、 was able to make a huge fortune. |他通过各种手段赚了一大笔钱。fax n. |C |传真;传真机Ill send you a fax with the details of the meeting. |我会把会议的细节用传真发给你。|Ill send you the agreement by fax. |我会把合同用传真发给你。email n. |C, U电子邮件 Nowadays people send far more emails than letters by post. |现今人们发送的电子邮件远多于信件。They keep in touch by

19、 email. |他们通过电子邮件保持联系。givenprep. 如果考虑到Given the uncertainty over my husbands future I was left with little other choice. |鉴于我丈夫前途的不确定性,我别无选择。Given the circumstances, youve done really well. |考虑到环境因素,你做得已经很出色了。gathering n. |C集会,聚会I met him once or twice at family gatherings. |我在家庭聚会上遇到过他一两次。Soon afte

20、rwards, the gathering broke up and the guests took their leave. |不多久,聚会结束,客人告辞。impersonality n. 不牵涉个人感情;无人情味It was a system of impersonality; it made no difference who you were, so long as you could master its rules. |这是一项不牵涉个人感情的制度,只要你掌握规则,你是谁都无关紧要。electronica. 使用电子设备的 This dictionary is available

21、in electronic form. |这部词典有电子版本。Ive only now become familiar with the benefits of electronic banking. |我现在才熟悉电子银行的优点。2.电子的an electronic address book |电子地址簿 an electronic game |电子游戏 significance n.重要性;重要意义Could you explain to me the significance of this part of the agreement? |请把合同中这部分的含义给我解释一下好吗?Few

22、people realized the significance of the discovery. |几乎没人意识到这一发现的重要性。conduct |vt. |进行;实施 conduct an experiment |做实验 We have been conducting a survey of the region. |我们对该地区进行了调查。2.传导(电或热)Copper conducts electricity well. |铜具有良好的导电性能。He wasnt sure if rubber conducted electricity. |他不能肯定橡胶是否导电。n.行为,举止Th

23、e prisoner was set free early because of good conduct. |那个囚犯因表现好而被提前释放。|Nobody can stand such shameless conduct. |没有人能容忍如此不知羞耻的行为。|increasinglyad. 日益;愈加Increasingly, people are realizing that our basic problems are not economic ones. 人们逐渐认识到我们的根本问题并不是经济问题。The country became increasingly rich and suc

24、cessful. |这个国家日趋富足昌盛。conferencen. (正式)会议The Institute of Accountants is holding its conference in Edinburgh this year. |会计师协会正在爱丁堡举行今年的会议。Shes an organizer of the International Conference on AIDS that the university has every year. |她是大学每年召开的爱滋病国际会议的组织者。teleconferencen. |C远程会议Holding a teleconferenc

25、e can save time and money. |召开远程会议既省时又省钱。The technicians were busy preparing for todays teleconference. |技术人员正忙着为今天的远程会议做准备工作。obtain|vt. 获得,得到He always manages to obtain what he wants. |他想要的他总能弄到。Further information can be obtained from our head office. |可以从我们的总部获得更多的资料。|superb a. 极好的The sports cent

26、er is superb. |这个体育中心是一流的。The view from my window is superb. |从窗外看去,景色壮丽。whereas conj. 然而;但是He earns $8,000 whereas she gets at least $20,000 every year. |他一年只挣八千美元;而她却至少挣两万美元。She is hard-working, whereas he is lazy. |她很勤快,而他却懒惰。postala. 邮政的;邮寄的Domestic postal services will be reviewed this year. |今

27、年将对国内邮政系统进行评估。efficient a. 效率高的a very efficient secretary |办事效率高的秘书Lighting is now more energy efficient. |现在的照明更节能。impolitea. 无礼的,失礼的 It would be impolite to leave in the middle of the meeting. |在会议中途离开会是失礼的。She had no wish to appear impolite but there was something about the man that made her so.

28、|她并不想表现出有失礼仪,但那个男子的举止使她不得不如此。elapsevi.(时间)过去,逝去Three years have elapsed since we last met. |自我们上次见面以来,已经过去三年了。Four years had elapsed since he left college and still he hadnt found a job. |他大学毕业已四年了,却仍未找到工作。skillful a. 熟练的;有技巧的He is skillful at inventing excuses. |他善于编造借口。Soon they became very skillf

29、ul in answering such questions. |他们很快变得善于回答这类问题。skillfulnessn. 熟练;技巧He was admired by all for his skillfulness. |他技术精湛,赢得众人交口His performance tonight speaks volumes for his skillfulness. |他今晚的表现充分说明他技巧之熟练。competent a. 有能力的;能干的;胜任的Hes not competent to look after young children. |他不太会照管孩子。My secretary

30、is perfectly competent, but she doesnt have much patience.我的秘书完全能够胜任工作,只是耐心不够。fulfill vt. 履行;执行fulfill an obligation |履行义务|A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick. |护士在护理病人时要履行许多职责。实现;完成I have fulfilled many of my youthful aims. |我已实现了我年轻时的许多目标。Visiting Disneyland has fulfilled a boyhood dream. |游玩迪斯尼实现了他儿时的梦想。capital n. 资本;资金Our return on capital has more than doubled since 2000. |2000年以来, 我们的投资收益翻了一番还多。Since the stock market crash, companies have been trying to raise capital by selling new stock. |股市崩溃以来,不少公司一直在设法通过销售新股筹集资金。fall behind落在.后面She hurt her

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